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warreng88 03-22-2016, 03:15 PM Does anyone know if the adjacent building is close to or completed? I would think anyone using the rafting course during the Olympic trials could use one of the other boathouses for now, but that is a pretty important building that I don't know much about.
Plutonic Panda 03-22-2016, 04:37 PM I love it but the one I don't like or at least from the looks of it is they planted grass. It would have nice to see it xeriscaped.
_Cramer_ 03-22-2016, 04:53 PM They really need some kind of parking structure. If you notice the new off ramp from the Downtown Boulevard, there will be so many people coming into this place. We'll probably host the NCAA National rowing comp in just a few short years. Needs parking, badly. At the last regatta people were parked everywhere. A garage could be owned and operated by the city..$$!
HOT ROD 03-22-2016, 04:57 PM good point, hopefully not a sea of garages or some garage skyscraper; though.
kevin lee 03-22-2016, 06:41 PM One of the renderings had a large hotel on the backside of the property. Maybe a hotel and parking structure are in the long-term plans.
Zorba 03-22-2016, 07:37 PM I am really looking forward to this opening.
I agree parking out there can get pretty rough. A structure could be nice, but it'll also be great if they were able to connect it to Bricktown better. It always seems isolated to me. They could also use shuttles/trolleys from the Cox area to get people over there during events.
An iconic Cable Stay or Suspension bridge across the river for pedestrians/bikes would be a really nice addition too.
dankrutka 03-22-2016, 10:24 PM Or people can park at the Toby Keith's/Bass Pro lot and walk the canal... Then there'd actually be foot traffic on that part of the canal.
Laramie 03-22-2016, 10:39 PM Once I get a chance to stitch the video, I'll throw it up here. But here's an overview picture in the meantime.
Thanks for this great pic!
bradh 03-23-2016, 09:13 PM Or people can park at the Toby Keith's/Bass Pro lot and walk the canal... Then there'd actually be foot traffic on that part of the canal.��
That's a great idea, but for the Night Sprints and some of the other special events, especially the ones that have fireworks, it's an absolute disaster getting out of there. Parked there once for a regatta, never again.
Rivalyn 03-26-2016, 12:10 PM Thanks for this great pic!
You bet. Finally had time to mess with the video.
Dustin 03-26-2016, 12:16 PM You bet. Finally had time to mess with the video.
Great video! Thanks for posting it!
Snowman 03-27-2016, 04:33 AM They announced they will be training new local raft guides ( starting next week
TU 'cane 03-27-2016, 12:30 PM You bet. Finally had time to mess with the video.
Thanks for posting this, this is exactly what I've been lookin forward to seeing.
There were a couple parts in the video where you could see the river and other parts of town. But, maybe it was the music or something at those couple points, that made OKC look and feel like a city from the future.
OKC, give yourself a hand :cheersmf:
shawnw 03-27-2016, 10:31 PM Should be full now, was told it takes a week to fill. Also think I saw a post about test runs happening...
As far as the incomplete building I _think_ that's just the kayak boathouse, so not critical for the beginning...
Landscaping should match the landscaping of the district....
joseph 03-27-2016, 11:14 PM This was just in the Chicago Tribune: 5 new attractions promise to deliver big thrills, great views - Chicago Tribune (
RIVERSPORT Rapids is listed as among 5 new attractions to visit (with others being in LA, Chicago, Vegas, and England).
Rivalyn 03-28-2016, 08:25 AM I messed up the quality on that last one mixing pictures/video. So here's an updated version that is a lot sharper. I'm going to try to get over there and update once it's full if it isn't already.
Jeepnokc 03-28-2016, 09:00 AM Are there any other white water facilities in the US like this? The draw this is going to have is going to be unreal.
Are there any other white water facilities in the US like this? The draw this is going to have is going to be unreal.
This is what I found:
Bellaboo 03-28-2016, 12:10 PM Are there any other white water facilities in the US like this? The draw this is going to have is going to be unreal.
One in Charlotte and one in Maryland. Neither are this advanced.
Zorba 03-28-2016, 10:17 PM Any one have any idea on the cost yet? I wonder if it'll be included in the boathouse membership, or if it'll be extra.
Rivalyn 03-28-2016, 11:05 PM Any one have any idea on the cost yet? I wonder if it'll be included in the boathouse membership, or if it'll be extra.
Cost pulled from their FAQ
How much will it cost? All Access Annual Passes are $179 per person, All Access Day Passes are $49 per person. Both include whitewater, flatwater, and land adventures!
mattjank 03-29-2016, 10:22 AM Cost pulled from their FAQ
How much will it cost? All Access Annual Passes are $179 per person, All Access Day Passes are $49 per person. Both include whitewater, flatwater, and land adventures!
There will also be day passes if you have your own boat and gear in the $20 range.
Can't wait.
Dustin 03-29-2016, 05:57 PM 179 bucks every year for all access... That's a steal.
Zorba 03-29-2016, 08:05 PM 179 bucks every year for all access... That's a steal.
Yeah that is a pretty good deal. Looks like the only thing it doesn't include are the gym facilities.
dankrutka 03-30-2016, 11:07 AM Starting training employees:
HangryHippo 03-30-2016, 11:57 AM I didn't realize the blue boxes that "make" the rapids would remain so visible. Looks fun though!
PhiAlpha 03-30-2016, 12:05 PM Starting training employees:
Hey! It works!
I wonder how often the will change the course or if it can be changed? I think I remember that the blocks can be moved?
OKCisOK4me 03-30-2016, 01:39 PM Yep, not a fan of the blue boxes...
Bullbear 03-30-2016, 01:40 PM it can be changed, who knows how often they will do so but love seeing it with water flowing and employees being trained!.. exciting!
Anonymous. 03-30-2016, 02:01 PM Where is this water from used to fill the course?
TU 'cane 03-30-2016, 02:12 PM Where is this water from used to fill the course?
I believe previous posters confirmed it was pumped from Overholser. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
About the blue boxes, I would imagine there's an element of safety with those (for visibility). I doubt we'll see those change in any significant way.
jccouger 03-30-2016, 02:31 PM Water seems dirty already. Was hoping it had more of a white water look, but I guess that is Oklahoma dirt for ya.
gopokes88 03-30-2016, 03:04 PM We have a new shiny toy and half of you are complaining. This board is the ultimate stick in the mud.
Architect2010 03-30-2016, 05:35 PM Water seems dirty already. Was hoping it had more of a white water look, but I guess that is Oklahoma dirt for ya.
Considering that the area surrounding the whitewater center and rapids is still under construction... Especially the roads and parking areas they are constructing, there is a lot of red dirt flying around. There isn't a way to avoid that really until everything wraps up.
Richard at Remax 03-30-2016, 05:36 PM Probably has to do more with color of concrete than being dirty
Dustin 03-30-2016, 05:50 PM Yep, not a fan of the blue boxes...
What color would you prefer them to be?
OKCisOK4me 03-30-2016, 06:07 PM What color would you prefer them to be?
The color of natural boulders found along a real mountain river like the Animas, which runs through Durango or the Arkansas which runs through Salida, CO. Both those towns have river courses.
Lol, you asked.
joseph 03-30-2016, 06:40 PM The course was turned on with just 3 of the 6 pumps running. When it is fully operational with all pumps, the rapid blocks will be more submerged. They are similar to the Olympic course in London and there are several reasons (functional and aesthetic) for the blue color - this is an artificial course with many components that complement the design aesthetic of the Boathouse District. As for the water clarity - the pumps were just turned on after very windy days with dust & dirt settled on the bottom of the channels. The channels are actually quite clear and very sophisticated filtration and treatment system. The filtration is now on and it is very clear - much more so than most other artificial courses in the world.
Snowman 03-30-2016, 06:51 PM I believe previous posters confirmed it was pumped from Overholser. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. ...
No, at least one of the news station in the week had people who had no idea where it was coming from saying they were concerned it would come from there. Per statements from the city it is coming from the water plant at Draper, granted since it is city water they may have the option of doing it from Overholser or Hefner so it is is probably just which pumps do they run at higher capacity but unless Overholser and Hefner are over capacity there is not a reason to not do it out of those, since Draper is a much more reliably filled source. (side note they do not even run the Overholser plant most of the year, it is in reserve for peak days in the summer or when one of the others is undergoing maintenance, so the likely alternate is actually the Hefner plant)
If Draper was already running at 100%, then there could be an argument made that Hefner is being taped more for areas in the Northeast than the rest of the time (though I have no idea what % of capacity it is actually running at). However it is still a a pretty small percent of the water the city has produced in the week it took to fill.
Snowman 03-30-2016, 07:16 PM Yep, not a fan of the blue boxes...
I do not think those come in many colors as they are almost the definition of a niche market, I am fairly sure that is the same color as the last two courses used for the Olympics, though it is at least close to one of the two blues they use on all their branding/signage.
Some places have done it with real or faux stone, though those are not easy to reconfigure the course. Since our course is almost going for an anti-natural look it makes as much sense to go with something that looks artificial.
TU 'cane 03-30-2016, 07:33 PM Yep, you're right Snow, I mixed the two up. Thanks for clarifying.
sooner88 03-30-2016, 07:37 PM Did anyone ever figure out what those poles are sticking out at an angle on either side of the course?
Snowman 03-30-2016, 07:53 PM Did anyone ever figure out what those poles are sticking out at an angle on either side of the course?
It was confirmed that those are what will suspend the wires which the course gates will hang off of, which in competitions the canoes or kayaks go through either going downstream or upstream depending on the color.
Here is an image of what they look like, green means you go through with the current, red means you have to go through against the current. If memory serves me well it is a 40 second penalty for missing one entirely and 2 seconds for hitting the pole while going through.
Plutonic Panda 03-30-2016, 10:18 PM The color of natural boulders found along a real mountain river like the Animas, which runs through Durango or the Arkansas which runs through Salida, CO. Both those towns have river courses.
Lol, you asked.+1
sooner88 03-30-2016, 10:26 PM It was confirmed that those are what will suspend the wires which the course gates will hang off of, which in competitions the canoes or kayaks go through either going downstream or upstream depending on the color.
Here is an image of what they look like, green means you go through with the current, red means you have to go through against the current. If memory serves me well it is a 40 second penalty for missing one entirely and 2 seconds for hitting the pole while going through.
Perfect, thanks.
jccouger 03-31-2016, 07:41 AM The course was turned on with just 3 of the 6 pumps running. When it is fully operational with all pumps, the rapid blocks will be more submerged. They are similar to the Olympic course in London and there are several reasons (functional and aesthetic) for the blue color - this is an artificial course with many components that complement the design aesthetic of the Boathouse District. As for the water clarity - the pumps were just turned on after very windy days with dust & dirt settled on the bottom of the channels. The channels are actually quite clear and very sophisticated filtration and treatment system. The filtration is now on and it is very clear - much more so than most other artificial courses in the world.
Thank you Joseph!
HangryHippo 03-31-2016, 09:20 AM SIAA - how does our new facility compare with the one in Charlotte?
PhiAlpha 03-31-2016, 10:09 AM SIAA - how does our new facility compare with the one in Charlotte?
Lengthwise they are pretty close to the same. One major benefit to ours is its proximity to Bricktown/downtown. Charlotte's is 25 minutes from downtown.
HangryHippo 03-31-2016, 10:31 AM Lengthwise they are pretty close to the same. One major benefit to ours is its proximity to Bricktown/downtown. Charlotte's is 25 minutes from downtown.
That is a major benefit. I was looking at pictures and their course appears to be a lot wider than ours, but I have no clue if that's an advantage or just a difference in design.
LocoAko 03-31-2016, 11:06 AM
dankrutka 03-31-2016, 11:33 AM This is going to be so awesome. I've wondered for a while what it would take to see the Boathouse District gain more regular activity, and I think this will really do it.
Bigger picture, at one point I think I remember reading that the Boathouse District wanted to have a variety of attractions (I think they mentioned 10 different draws), are there any other planned or conceptual developments to draw people to the district? I've always thought creating several high quality volleyball courts would be an easy way to bring more activity to the area for a reasonable price... But I'd also just love to see housing along the river too. Thoughts?
Bellaboo 03-31-2016, 11:40 AM SIAA - how does our new facility compare with the one in Charlotte?
Ours is also paid for. No DEBT ! Charlotte's has financial problems and a couple years back started charging an outrageous fee for parking. Don't remember what it was but it wasn't free.
PhiAlpha 03-31-2016, 02:13 PM This is going to be so awesome. I've wondered for a while what it would take to see the Boathouse District gain more regular activity, and I think this will really do it.
Bigger picture, at one point I think I remember reading that the Boathouse District wanted to have a variety of attractions (I think they mentioned 10 different draws), are there any other planned or conceptual developments to draw people to the district? I've always thought creating several high quality volleyball courts would be an easy way to bring more activity to the area for a reasonable price... But I'd also just love to see housing along the river too. Thoughts?
Absolutely to both. I don't know of anywhere that has a bunch of volleyball courts in the city and the river is by far the most water oriented environment in the core. I think courts would be a hit. Volleyball courts would also go well with the surfing facility if we ever get it built.
Snowman 03-31-2016, 06:09 PM Apparently today they had a media day, looks like this is the first article to come out of it. Whitewater rapids course attracts future Olympians, families | Red Dirt Report (
OKCisOK4me 03-31-2016, 06:54 PM I do not think those come in many colors as they are almost the definition of a niche market, I am fairly sure that is the same color as the last two courses used for the Olympics, though it is at least close to one of the two blues they use on all their branding/signage.
Some places have done it with real or faux stone, though those are not easy to reconfigure the course. Since our course is almost going for an anti-natural look it makes as much sense to go with something that looks artificial.
Thanks for letting us know what's up with the blocks. I can stand the blue if it's the norm. I just figured they'd have natural looking rocks.
OKCisOK4me 03-31-2016, 07:06 PM ...But I'd also just love to see housing along the river too. Thoughts?
I can't remember if I started a thread on it or I posted it in another thread but I always thought that it'd be cool if the freighter companies in that triangular piece of land between SE 15th, the Oklahoma River and Lincoln Avenue/Central Avenue, could be turned into condominiums/apts, something ala Steelyard. I remember now that I called my idea 'Central Avenue Villas'. It'd be a hot spot...just south and west of boathouse row...
Obviously, C.A.V. already exists so the developer would have to call them something else but those properties are prime for development. It's a shame...
Dustin 03-31-2016, 10:30 PM Did anyone take video of them training today?
Laramie 04-01-2016, 03:48 PM This is going to be so awesome. I've wondered for a while what it would take to see the Boathouse District gain more regular activity, and I think this will really do it.
Bigger picture, at one point I think I remember reading that the Boathouse District wanted to have a variety of attractions (I think they mentioned 10 different draws), are there any other planned or conceptual developments to draw people to the district? I've always thought creating several high quality volleyball courts would be an easy way to bring more activity to the area for a reasonable price... But I'd also just love to see housing along the river too. Thoughts?
You're probably see some housing take off before 2020. The whole Boathouse District; especially if they develop more on the south banks of the Oklahoma River to tie in with the AICCM & whatever the Chickasaws have planned (this will be key) should invite more housing.
OKCisOK4me 04-02-2016, 10:35 PM You're probably see some housing take off before 2020. The whole Boathouse District; especially if they develop more on the south banks of the Oklahoma River to tie in with the AICCM & whatever the Chickasaws have planned (this will be key) should invite more housing.
That railyard on the south side of the river is going nowhere fast so chances are the only place to see housing near Boathouse Row are east of I-35 or west of Lincoln where I was talking about in my above post.