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08-30-2016, 08:32 AM
Yes, should have been identified as the Exchange Boathouse which is used by OU.

Also, not sure what the signage is on that structure, unless something new was recently installed.

The OU Boathouse that was planned for near the Whitewater Facility is now definitely not going to happen. Something else will be built at that location.

I'm sure OU will continue to use the Exchange Boathouse as well as the new multi-million dollar training facility they recently opened near Loyd Noble in Norman.

08-30-2016, 08:36 AM
Pete - can you share what will be built on the site that OU was going to use?

08-30-2016, 08:39 AM
Pete - can you share what will be built on the site that OU was going to use?

Not at this time and nothing is completely firm yet.

08-30-2016, 10:49 AM
Sounds to me like there will be an OSU sign put back up, eventually. But this sign will fall in line with the others on the boathouses. Am I right?

08-30-2016, 11:19 AM
Those photos in the story were the first I have seen of the sign close-up. Call me naive, but I believe the explanation that it was temporary. It is just a flat thin-gauge metal sign. It is described as "engraved," but honestly looks to me like it is probably vinyl graphics on die-cut aluminum. I can't imagine something so insubstantial could have been intended to be the long-term solution there, especially if Rand was involved.

I think it is also notable that a scissor lift has remained parked there continuously since the dedication, as if they expected to need to go back up at some point soon.

08-30-2016, 11:21 AM
Those photos in the story were the first I have seen of the sign close-up. Call me naive, but I believe the explanation that it was temporary. It is just a flat thin-gauge metal sign. It is described as "engraved," but honestly looks to me like it is probably vinyl graphics on die-cut aluminum. I can't imagine something so insubstantial could have been intended to be the long-term solution there, especially if Rand was involved.
I agree and would also think it would have been properly wired and lit if it was going to be permanent. with the other lighting elements of the district It would be odd to be a flat metal sign in such a noticeable location.

08-31-2016, 07:24 AM
The sign has been removed.

Lafferty Daniel
08-31-2016, 12:59 PM
The sign has been removed.

Well now what are we going to over react to?

11-25-2016, 08:07 AM
FYI - The Penn Sq. Mall kiosk has 50% off Riversport Season Passes (up to 4 per person). That's only $90 for all the rafting you want! A day pass is usually $50 by itself. They also have those but one get one. Black Friday special - limited quantities. Picked up a few.

11-28-2016, 03:24 PM
Do you know if this promotion was limited to black friday?

11-28-2016, 05:24 PM
Do you know if this promotion was limited to black friday?

Yes, it was. I only learned about it by following their Twitter feed. There was a line of people buying them at 8am when they opened their Penn Sq. Kiosk.

Today they are offering - buy a season pass (full price) and get two day passes for guests free ($100 value if read their prices right) - making the season pass only $79.

02-24-2017, 12:19 PM
Whitewater facility to be renamed for McClendon (

Through the Oklahoma City Riverfront Redevelopment Authority, Mike Knopp, the Executive Director of the OKC Boathouse Foundation, has proposed renaming the $45 million MAPS3 whitewater facility to Aubrey K. McClendon Whitewater Center at Riversport Rapids.

At the same time, the foundation has launched a $6 million fund raising campaign to sustain its operational efforts, continue and expand youth programs, and to add further honorariums to McClendon, including a proposed tree grove and an interactive tribute exhibit.

From a memo recommending approval of a resolution authored by the redevelopment authority's General Manager, Jim Couch:

Resolution recommending that the Oklahoma City Council approve a request from the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation to name the Riversport Rapids Whitewater Building the “Aubrey K. McClendon Whitewater Center at Riversport Rapids,” in honor of the late Aubrey McClendon for his leadership and generosity in the creation and development of the Boathouse District.

On January 20, 2017, staff received a request from Mike Knopp, Executive Director of the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation, to name the Whitewater Building at Riversport Rapids in honor of the late Aubrey McClendon. Mr. McClendon, an Oklahoma City native and noted business leader and philanthropist, died on March 2, 2016. He was an early champion of rowing on the Oklahoma River and founding chairman of the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation, which he led for more than a decade.

As chairman of Chesapeake Energy Corporation, Mr. McClendon led private efforts to develop the Boathouse District. These included securing resources to construct the Chesapeake Community Boathouse and the Chesapeake Finish Line Tower. According to the request, Mr. McClendon’s work on behalf of the Oklahoma River and the Boathouse District enhanced thousands of lives and reframed how people view Oklahoma City.

Mr. Knopp stated that the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation will also honor Mr. McClendon with a privately funded, interactive exhibit at the Whitewater Building that will inspire imagination and bold vision in future generations.

From a presentation for the fund raising campaign:

The $6.0 million of funds raised through the “Onward & Upward” Aubrey McClendon Tribute Campaign will support powerful initiatives categorized as follows:
• Sustain the financial operations of the OKC Boathouse Foundation (a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization) to ensure existing Boathouse District facilities and grounds representing $140 million of public/private investment maintain a world class standard that is representative of Aubrey’s pride in Oklahoma City
• Allow the Oklahoma City Boathouse Foundation to meet financial obligations, fund operating reserves, and maintain facilities
• Guarantee the continuance of youth outreach and Olympic hopeful programming that have helped define the success of the Oklahoma River (funds raised will support the programming for four years)
• Create an inspiring interactive tribute exhibit and destination attraction within the “Aubrey K. McClendon Whitewater Center” with a special christening celebration
• Support the development of a STEM program using the Boathouse District’s moving water, mechanical pumps, and human energy to inspire a new generation of engineers, geologists and scientists
• Leverage the world class facilities of the Boathouse District to create truly unique opportunities for all Oklahoma City Public School middle school students through an innovative new rowing, kayaking, and adventure-based curriculum
• Advance the annual OKC National Whitewater Festival to serve as a recurring celebration for the world class facilities and attractions that Aubrey helped inspire
• Plant a memorial grove of trees along RIVERSPORT Drive in the Boathouse District

02-24-2017, 01:25 PM
Personally, I believe it is a wonderful honor for Aubrey and his family.

02-24-2017, 02:27 PM
Personally, I believe it is a wonderful honor for Aubrey and his family.

Agreed. I hope the STEM program and the partnership with the OCPS middle schools are successful and will at least partially offset the lack of funding for OK public schools.

02-24-2017, 03:03 PM

They can name just about anything else down there he worked on whatever they want but the Whitewater Facility was a MAPS project paid for by the people and it does not need his name on it IMO.

02-24-2017, 03:05 PM
Well deserved!

02-24-2017, 03:07 PM
It should be the MAPS Whitewater Center, to go with the MAPS Convention Center, the MAPS Ballpark, the MAPS Stadium, and the MAPS Library.

02-24-2017, 05:29 PM

They can name just about anything else down there he worked on whatever they want but the Whitewater Facility was a MAPS project paid for by the people and it does not need his name on it IMO.

Without he and Mike Knopp's vision for the river, it wouldn't have been proposed as a MAPS project and wouldn't exist. Seeing as how only one of them is dead, I think it's a solid name.

02-24-2017, 05:36 PM
If it's going to be named after one person, I'd prefer Ray Ackerman

02-24-2017, 11:14 PM

They can name just about anything else down there he worked on whatever they want but the Whitewater Facility was a MAPS project paid for by the people and it does not need his name on it IMO.

I suppose you were also opposed to naming the new events center at the fairgrounds after Clay Bennett. I have no problem with the name.

04-28-2017, 12:53 PM
Mike Knopp & company had received administrative approval to put up a non-lit OSU sign very similar to what had recently been removed (the xed-out image show below)...

Now, they have applied to put in a lit UCO monument sign.

04-28-2017, 02:07 PM
Better I suppose.

I saw on the riversport instagram that a new bridge over the whitewater course was going up... how was that funded, do we know? Wasn't sure if it would still be MAPS3 if it was an after the fact thing...

04-28-2017, 02:09 PM
Better I suppose.

I saw on the riversport instagram that a new bridge over the whitewater course was going up... how was that funded, do we know? Wasn't sure if it would still be MAPS3 if it was an after the fact thing...

They've been working on it all winter. IIRC it was funded by some of the excess MAPS funds.

04-28-2017, 02:09 PM
I don't understand why the UCO sign is being placed there.

And I really don't like the idea of branding the whitewater facility as anything commercial since it was paid for with tax dollars.

04-28-2017, 02:21 PM
I generally agree, but there's already UCO signage on their boathouse _kind of_ in that it says "CHK | Central Boathouse". Once that naming shark was jumped it's probably a slippery slope from there... I get that the boathouse and the whitewater course had different funding sources. Maybe the whitewater course should not have had a kayak boathouse included and then OSU could have paid for that part and it would all have been better?

04-30-2017, 12:43 PM
Quick point of clarification - the digital monument sign is a Boathouse District sign; not a UCO-specific sign. The UCO logo was on there as an example. Here’s another version showing the RIVERSPORT Rapids logo. The sign will be used to promote all the activities in the Boathouse District as well as the boathouses and the fact it’s a MAPS 3 development.

Also, re: the new bridges, Bellaboo is correct – the bridges are being built with MAPS additional funding.

05-01-2017, 07:57 AM
Quick point of clarification - the digital monument sign is a Boathouse District sign; not a UCO-specific sign. The UCO logo was on there as an example. Here’s another version showing the RIVERSPORT Rapids logo. The sign will be used to promote all the activities in the Boathouse District as well as the boathouses and the fact it’s a MAPS 3 development.

Also, re: the new bridges, Bellaboo is correct – the bridges are being built with MAPS additional funding.

Thanks for the info.

05-02-2017, 11:00 AM
Is the intent for it to be seen from the highway? So passers by see announcements for upcoming events?

05-02-2017, 11:21 AM
Quick point of clarification - the digital monument sign is a Boathouse District sign; not a UCO-specific sign. The UCO logo was on there as an example. Here’s another version showing the RIVERSPORT Rapids logo. The sign will be used to promote all the activities in the Boathouse District as well as the boathouses and the fact it’s a MAPS 3 development.

Also, re: the new bridges, Bellaboo is correct – the bridges are being built with MAPS additional funding.

So, is the OSU sign going up as shown in your link?

05-02-2017, 12:02 PM
Looks like it in that doc

05-03-2017, 09:04 AM
This photo isn't showing up on my timeline.

05-03-2017, 10:11 AM
It's not a photo, it's a PDF, you need to copy the link and open it

05-03-2017, 10:41 AM
It's not a photo, it's a PDF, you need to copy the link and open it

I don't see a link. It's a little folded corner piece of paper. Must be broken...

05-03-2017, 10:44 AM

05-03-2017, 11:38 AM
What Pete said, but all you had to do otherwise was right click on that folded piece of paper and select copy image link (since the poster selected image when uploading a PDF which is why it looked like a broken image). For future reference if that happens again.

05-04-2017, 10:49 AM
Thank you!

05-04-2017, 11:14 AM
What Pete said, but all you had to do otherwise was right click on that folded piece of paper and select copy image link (since the poster selected image when uploading a PDF which is why it looked like a broken image). For future reference if that happens again.

Also, thanks for this too.

05-20-2017, 03:42 AM
The OSU logo looks very out of place on the whitewater facility. Really detracts from the architecture.

06-16-2017, 06:08 PM
Wife and I went today and did the white water rafting at 2pm.

We had a really great time. They launched 4 rafts at 2pm with up to 6 people per raft (plus the guide). We had just another couple in ours. They were from out of state and they really enjoyed it - the male half of the couple fell out of the raft twice, but he was a good spirit about it. The first time was intentional by the guide, who played a prank on the rafter, causing him to fall overboard. The second time was a huge wave knocking him off the raft.

The guides were all great and all the ones we talked to were from other countries. Our's was from Africa - a bit hard to understand, but a really friendly guy. He said he was just here for this summer job and would be going back to Africa in the fall.

I love the layout of the 'river.' It allows spectators to literally sit at the bank just feet away as the rafts and kayaks pass by - so feel free to bring family members who don't plan on actually rafting.

The process was pretty simple. We reserved our time online. There is a $5 charge per rafter to reserve online. As a season pass holder we get that money refunded. Personally, I think it should be refunded to each rafter who shows up and only kept when you're a no-show, but that's just my opinion.

They do about a 10-minute safety orientation. Then you break up into groups of up to 6. You climb in the raft you've been assigned to and you're off.

You're on the water about an hour, which is awesome and plenty of time to do 4 times around. We did 2x each route. To say you'll get wet is an understatement - you will get soaked!

Some people wore just a bathing suit. Some wore clothes they didn't mind getting wet. The wife and I went with bathing suit plus a long sleeve rash guard shirt (UV protecting shirt that doesn't retain water). Definitely need sun screen because you are exposed for an hour or so. We both wore water shoes too (no flip flops allowed, but open toed shoes are okay as long as they have a heel strap).

There are lockers available. You can either do the $2 locker ($2 each time you open it after initially filling it up) or $10 per day. There are free lockers near the zip line, but we were told they are really small. We did the $2 locker and put our valuables, a towel and change of clothes in the locker (cashier gave us a free token for our locker, so it didn't end up costing us anything). Being able to change clothes was very nice.

The rafting itself was very realistic and the course changes from time-to-time. Try and sit up front as it is definitely more challenging than the middle or rear seats.

Being season pass holders, we will definitely go several more times this summer.

Cost wise this is not a cheap outing - especially for a family.

Day pass: $49 per person.
Online reservation: $5 per rafter.
Parking: $5 per car.

So, one person is gonna cost $59 (This doesn't include a locker or food/drinks. But this does let you do the other amenities/adventures on the property, except for zip lining - that would be $10 more).

A family of four would be $221 (not including a locker, zip lining or any food/drinks).

If you go 4x, then the season pass is the way to go at $179. Better yet, do what we did and buy the pass on Black Friday and it's BOGO.

If you wanna save some cash and don't have a season pass, park just outside the paid parking and bring a cooler and a backpack or some sort of bag for a change of clothes, etc. We saw a few people with coolers and they have plenty of shaded areas with chairs to 'camp out.' Or, pay to park close and keep some drinks, snacks and a change of clothes in the car.

Our next adventure is to sign up and take their white water kayaking class so we can kayak on the simulated river too.

06-16-2017, 07:45 PM
There's not free parking in the Boathouse District anymore?

06-17-2017, 07:40 AM
There's not free parking in the Boathouse District anymore?

There is free parking (at least when there are not special events). But, it's furthest from the rafting. If you don't want to walk a block or two+, then you're gonna pay. $5 most days and $10 during special events.

Also forgot to mention, though I didn't see it on their website, they do have water booties for your feet if you don't bring appropriate shoes or don't want to get you tennis shoes wet (free of charge - but you're sharing foot fungus with everyone who wore them before you!)

06-18-2017, 03:57 PM
I am a tad disappointed that it cost that much to do the Boathouse District especially since it was a maps project. I really wish they would separate the white water so it can be a stand alone price. I take my grandsons from Dallas when they come for Grandmother camp during the summer. They really enjoy going. The first year they could only do the zip line once because it broke. So it cost $10 to go once which is what it cost if you only pay to do it once but we did the all day pass with it included.

06-18-2017, 05:32 PM
$179 for a season pass seems like a pretty good deal to me for what they're offering. Especially when you consider the next best option involves airfare, hotels, and fees for natural whitewater rafting.

Also the point of the MAPS funding is to simply build it, they still have to create funds somewhere to maintain and operate this facility, and something like this isn't cheap, especially since they're looking to operate with a profit.

06-18-2017, 06:00 PM
$179 for a season pass seems like a pretty good deal to me for what they're offering. ...

I'd agree - for a single individual (especially if you do the BOGO). However, I wish they offered better deals for family passes. I didn't see anything like that when I looked. A family of 4-5 would spend a small fortune getting everyone a pass.

06-19-2017, 12:57 AM
I understand they have tons of expenses for the place. My problem is that I am not going to pay for a season pass for my two grandsons who will only go once a year. I think they ought to have a stand alone price for the rapids. If you don't have the time or want to do all the other things then you pay $49 each to do just the rapids.

06-19-2017, 07:26 AM
I understand they have tons of expenses for the place. My problem is that I am not going to pay for a season pass for my two grandsons who will only go once a year. I think they ought to have a stand alone price for the rapids. If you don't have the time or want to do all the other things then you pay $49 each to do just the rapids.

They do. It's $19 for a single experience.

06-19-2017, 10:13 AM
They do. It's $19 for a single experience.

That doesn't include the rapids. It's $49 for the rapids (which includes the other adventures).

06-19-2017, 11:35 AM
Also the point of the MAPS funding is to simply build it, they still have to create funds somewhere to maintain and operate this facility, and something like this isn't cheap, especially since they're looking to operate with a profit.
They are a non-profit, so not looking to make a profit, just pay their operating expenses. I agree it is pricey, but their costs are high. Those pumps are expensive to operate, not to mention the price of equipment, guides, hospitality staff, insurance, etc. They do rely on corporate sponsors as well. When you are out there, notice the branding on the various outbuildings and bridges.

07-16-2017, 11:53 AM
There is free parking (at least when there are not special events). But, it's furthest from the rafting. If you don't want to walk a block or two+, then you're gonna pay. $5 most days and $10 during special events.

Also forgot to mention, though I didn't see it on their website, they do have water booties for your feet if you don't bring appropriate shoes or don't want to get you tennis shoes wet (free of charge - but you're sharing foot fungus with everyone who wore them before you!)

When did they start charging for parking? I've parked there a lot for riding my bike on the river and have never seen them charge until today. Seems really cheap, IMHO.

07-16-2017, 01:06 PM
^The parking you have to pay for is the lot directly next to the rapids. The Devon and Chesapeake lot are still free.

07-24-2017, 01:01 PM

01-30-2018, 07:29 AM

05-11-2018, 02:02 PM
Saw this on my feed whilst scrolling through Facebook the other day.


Pretty cool, except when they mention the course goes through the skyscrapers... Which must be some confusion with the canal, which also doesn't go through skyscrapers.

Also do not read the comments on facebook, per usual they are pure garbage.

05-11-2018, 03:37 PM
Saw this on my feed whilst scrolling through Facebook the other day.


Pretty cool, except when they mention the course goes through the skyscrapers... Which must be some confusion with the canal, which also doesn't go through skyscrapers.

Also do not read the comments on facebook, per usual they are pure garbage.

Obviously I went straight to FB comments. Man, that escalated quickly into an argument on waste gas emissions from flares.

06-29-2018, 02:38 PM
The Boathouse Foundation -- which operates this facility on behalf of the City -- is asking for $2 million as 'reimbursement of start-up costs'.

This is all very strange.

Yesterday, in the MAPS 3 Board meeting, Cathy O'Connor of the Alliance presented a proposal that $759K of MAPS 3 money be paid to the Boathouse Foundation. After some discussion about withholding approval until all the MAPS subcommittees can submit their claims for any excess funds (which is now estimated at $32MM), the item was approved. This is part of the $2 million that Council is voting on this Tuesday, the remainder (about $1.25MM) would come out of the City's general fund.

Why is Cathy O'Connor involved in this? She said in yesterday's meeting (which I watched on-line and took dutiful notes) that a few months ago Jim Couch asked her and the Alliance to do an operational review of the Boathouse Foundation. Since the Alliance's perview is economic development, O'Connor's explaination was that this facility is a vital economic development tool and thus, their involvement (a dubious justification IMO).

O'Connor said part of providing this $2MM to the foundation was the requirement -- formed after the Alliance review -- that the foundation board be limited to only 11 members, that 1 member be a city coucil person, that a new controller and COO would need to be hired and some other things.

When the MAPS Board discussed the idea of tabling the approval of the $759K, it was made known that the foundation needed the money straight away.

So, it seems logical to assume the following:

1. The City Manager became aware of severe financial issues at the Boathouse Foundation several months ago, if not before
2. He used the Alliance to look into it, starting a few months ago
3. The Alliance determined the foundation needed $2 million ASAP
4. The Alliance also determined the foundation needed significant changes in their oversight, operations and financial controls

Reminder that both the Alliance and the Boathouse Foundation operate on behalf of the City of OKC yet are not subject to open records or meeting laws. This is similar to the state fairgrounds in that the public has no way of knowing or gaining access to finances or other major decisions and issues.

Also remember the whitewater faciliy opened in May of 2016 which begs the question as to why this money is just now being requested.

It seems obvious the Boathouse Foundation got themselves into a big financial bind and now the City is bailing them out and until yesterday, there was no public knowledge of any of this.

06-29-2018, 04:20 PM
Meh. Worth it.

06-29-2018, 06:56 PM
Maybe could have been more upfront, but the Boathouse District is absolutely something the city should make sure is funded.

06-29-2018, 07:04 PM
I agree that the Boathouse District is worth the funding, but it's extremely troubling that this is all being handled behind the scenes and secret until the last possible moment. I'm with Pete, I don't understand how or why organizations like the Alliance, that are essentially operating on behalf of the City, are allowed to operate in the dark, away from open records and open meeting laws - and I don't know why it's not discussed more (outside of OKCTalk, of course). Quite frankly, it stinks of corruption to me.

06-30-2018, 08:19 AM
I suppose what I don't understand, and perhaps nobody does, is what happens if the Boathouse Foundation doesn't get the money? Do the facilities close? Do they default on payments... to whom?

06-30-2018, 08:25 AM
I suppose what I don't understand, and perhaps nobody does, is what happens if the Boathouse Foundation doesn't get the money? Do the facilities close? Do they default on payments... to whom?

The city would have to start managing the whitewater facility and other river attractions or find another operator.

The bottom line is the City is always going to be on the hook for what these 3rd parties do (like the fairgrounds, Myriad Gardens Foundation, etc.) and there is zero transparency on any of this and the only reason this is coming out now is because there is a big problem. And even then it's all last minute and the full story is not shared.

You don't suddenly need $2 million in a week and have all types of organizational and control changes forced upon you unless there was a big problem, not just needing to be 'reimbursed' when this money was also spent without approval by the city.

And then you have The Alliance -- which also operates in secrecy -- as the intermediary the city can use to keep things under wraps until they have to go to a public meeting and ask for more money. Why on earth is The Alliance being used in this way which is very far from their original purported mission of consilidating and expediting economic development? Answer: Because the City Manager commissioned them and that was never approved by council or another public body.

Cathy O'Connor also met with members of the MAPS Board and City Council in advance of any of this becoming public, always in 'small groups' to circumvent open meeting laws. And even they were not aware of any of this until very recently.

This becomes less of a big deal only because we were lucky to have excess sales tax that helped create a MAPS surplus and also have saved the city's budget. It wasn't that long ago sales tax was trending the other direction and cuts were being forced.

History has taught us over and over again that covering for mistakes only works when you luck out and have extra money. When things trend the other way, that's when disaster hits because you don't have extra money to cover things up.