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08-22-2016, 03:13 PM
ALL the other boathouses -- BOATHOUSES, not kayak storage -- have flags.

This is what was just installed and the only visible signage from a major thoroughfare:

08-22-2016, 03:18 PM
How about putting something up there that promotes the various attractions and/or says "Home to U.S. Olympic Teams"?

This is not at all acceptable and needs to come down.

08-22-2016, 03:32 PM
Lots of salt in this thread.

How about nothing, like it was? Or, like Pete even suggested, a sign like the UCO Boathouse, with even something about OSU Fire Training Swift Water Rescue Faciltity

08-22-2016, 03:33 PM
How about putting something up there that promotes the various attractions and/or says "Home to U.S. Olympic Teams"?

This is not at all acceptable and needs to come down.

Honestly, you are overreacting quite a bit.

08-22-2016, 03:33 PM
Did OSU even contribute any money to this? I don't think so... The kayak storage was always apart of MAPS 3.

08-22-2016, 03:35 PM
Oh okay, so this is on the actual facility at the top of the hill where the rafts/kayaks start off. So the structure closest to I-235.

08-22-2016, 03:46 PM
Rand is so stupidly protective of his architecture here that there is not one tree to shelter the thousands of spectators and athletes that use these facilities.

But a 10-foot high bright orange and black college logo for a school that has almost nothing to do with anything here...

Well, let's put that right up nice and high in by far the most visible part of the whole complex.

08-22-2016, 04:15 PM
Rand is so stupidly protective of his architecture here that there is not one tree to shelter the thousands of spectators and athletes that use these facilities.

But a 10-foot high bright orange and black college logo for a school that has almost nothing to do with anything here...

Well, let's put that right up nice and high in by far the most visible part of the whole complex.

I'm with you on this. If OSU is going to have sponsorship signage on this somewhere, it shouldn't be a massive logo in the most prominent part of the facility.

The OSU logo is larger and more prominent than anything describing what the facility actually is.

08-22-2016, 04:36 PM
OSU fan and it just doesn't fit. at first reading this it seemed everyone was going bonkers because OU/OSU bs as usual in this state. but I'd rather it fit with the other signage in the district. I think Flags are much better suited for the Logos and such.

08-22-2016, 05:09 PM
I'm with you on this. If OSU is going to have sponsorship signage on this somewhere, it shouldn't be a massive logo in the most prominent part of the facility.

The OSU logo is larger and more prominent than anything describing what the facility actually is.

I'm no fan on the sign at all, but the fact that there are no trees is the bigger travesty here. The OSU sign should be reduced and made to fit with the others in the area. And they need to plant some damn trees!

Also Rand really needs to be knocked off his high horse.

08-22-2016, 05:26 PM
Rand is so stupidly protective of his architecture here that there is not one tree to shelter the thousands of spectators and athletes that use these facilities.

But a 10-foot high bright orange and black college logo for a school that has almost nothing to do with anything here...

Well, let's put that right up nice and high in by far the most visible part of the whole complex.

I know for a fact that the size and placement of the sign was not Rand's decision. I really believe that research should be done before making assumptions or statements of this nature.

In regard to the issue of shade, the raft storage building was made specifically for shade because this is where orientation is done. The pavilion across the pedestrian bridge is also for shade and check-in at the raft building is done inside the structure. Elsewhere on the site there are many trees that will provide additional shade once they are mature. There is also a large outdoor dining area at the main building that is in the shade.

08-22-2016, 05:30 PM
I've spent quite a bit of time out at this facility and there are many trees, just not all are mature yet. Around the kayak building there is a drive that must be kept clear for maintenance vehicles that have to maneuver to reach the pumps. On the edge of the drive is a steep slope that I would imagine would be difficult to locate trees in. The water side of the building is right up against the channel.

An image search for a site plan shows the landscape plan pretty well, although some of the trees shown did get value-engineered out.

08-22-2016, 05:47 PM
Here are all the uniform, monochrome, super low-key monument signs on the north side of boathouse row:

08-22-2016, 06:18 PM
Can anyone get a pic from the interstate? Please as a passenger...

08-22-2016, 06:41 PM
View from interstate:

08-22-2016, 07:00 PM
The more i look look at this the more peeved i am getting. This OSU logo is completely inappropriate and this is a misuse of public funds. We agreed to subsidize this world class facility to be used and enjoyed by everyone..not to be a de facto multi-million dollar advertisement for OSU. This is so very aggie to pull something like this.

08-22-2016, 07:07 PM
Let's not make this an OU/OSU fight. It's just inappropriate and doesn't fit with anything else in the district. If there were to be some symbol there it would make way more sense for it to be the Olympic rings, but I don't think that would really fit either.

08-22-2016, 07:10 PM
Thanks for the photo. I agree it is not appropriate.

08-22-2016, 11:45 PM
No dog in this fight either, but it is confusing to passersby. If I was just driving through I would think that is was an OSU facility and likely not open to the public. It might actually prevent people from looking it up to find out more information about it, assuming it is a school facility. Hope to see it changed as well.

TU 'cane
08-22-2016, 11:56 PM
No dog in this fight either, but it is confusing to passersby. If I was just driving through I would think that is was an OSU facility and likely not open to the public. It might actually prevent people from looking it up to find out more information about it, assuming it is a school facility. Hope to see it changed as well.

People can argue until they turn blue, but this is exactly what I was thinking. I can tell you that if I hadn't come across this thread, the next time I'd see this, it would first cross my mind as a private facility for OSU.
Plus, it just looks cheap to slap a big logo like that on there.

08-23-2016, 07:29 AM
It doesn't matter if it was OU, OSU or Timbucktoo, it's an overbearing obnoxious looking sign. They need to tone it down.

08-23-2016, 08:14 AM
The more i look look at this the more peeved i am getting. This OSU logo is completely inappropriate and this is a misuse of public funds. We agreed to subsidize this world class facility to be used and enjoyed by everyone..not to be a de facto multi-million dollar advertisement for OSU. This is so very aggie to pull something like this.

This is honestly the biggest thing I can't stand about this board. And it comes from the top. Constant OSU hate.

08-23-2016, 08:19 AM
No one would have cared if this was OU, in fact, the boathouse that was proposed for OU had two OU logos right on the front. Never ever once heard a complaint about it here.

08-23-2016, 08:21 AM
That's bull. OU or OSU, such a sign would have been completely inappropriate either way.

And again, I say that as an OSU grad.

08-23-2016, 08:24 AM
Where is the failure coming from then? Who allowed this atrocious sign? Just slipped through the cracks? Is the conspiracy with Rand true?

Thomas Vu
08-23-2016, 08:28 AM
Let's not make this an OU/OSU fight. It's just inappropriate and doesn't fit with anything else in the district. If there were to be some symbol there it would make way more sense for it to be the Olympic rings, but I don't think that would really fit either.

I don't think it's an OU/OSU thing. It's more like design consistency.

08-23-2016, 08:31 AM
From what I understand, signage and advertising go through the boathouse foundation with some sort of oversight by MAPS when it comes to the rafting facility since it's city-owned. I'd be willing to bet that the conspiracy is just message board conjecture. This is something that OSU wanted and they were able to find a way to push it through without regard to the precedent that has been set out there largely thanks to Rand and others that helped create the boathouse district.

08-23-2016, 08:31 AM
Let's not make this an OU/OSU fight. It's just inappropriate and doesn't fit with anything else in the district. If there were to be some symbol there it would make way more sense for it to be the Olympic rings, but I don't think that would really fit either.


OSU took full throttle advantage of their spot to advertise. Believe me, there are advantages to sitting in the back of the bus--all the accidents happen in the front.

08-23-2016, 08:45 AM
If they want to honor OSU put orange neon lights around the border. I'd be fine with that and it would fit in with the district. This is just garish & doesn't fit in at all. Its an obvious attempt at Rand honoring his alma mater. These buildings are a work of art, and all other signage is very discreet. Its front & center from the most visible vantage point of the entire district. I have a hard time believing this will stay up for long.

TU 'cane
08-23-2016, 08:47 AM
This is honestly the biggest thing I can't stand about this board. And it comes from the top. Constant OSU hate.

Considering Norman is a suburb of OKC and all, and this is a forum firstly dedicated to OKC, it shouldn't be a surprise that it would seem most people are either OU alumni or fans.

Put the shoe on the other foot, a big OU sign would still make me think it was a private facility for them only.

08-23-2016, 08:58 AM
This is honestly the biggest thing I can't stand about this board. And it comes from the top. Constant OSU hate.

Don't hate OSU at all.

08-23-2016, 09:02 AM
Okay, so instead of the continued complaining and bickering and arguing, what can we do to actually get this to change, if anything at all?

08-23-2016, 09:04 AM
No one would have cared if this was OU, in fact, the boathouse that was proposed for OU had two OU logos right on the front. Never ever once heard a complaint about it here.

Not once did anyone on here see a OU emblem on the rapids facility. Its not about OSU, its about the inappropriate logo.

08-23-2016, 09:14 AM
Sensitivity issues with what OSU did by advertising their logo; lets get over this.

They made the best appropriate use for their space. Do we have a design review committee for this area; what's the point?

08-23-2016, 09:14 AM
Not once did anyone on here see a OU emblem on the rapids facility. Its not about OSU, its about the inappropriate logo.

He's not talking about the rapids facility. He specifically said the "boathouse proposed for OU."

08-23-2016, 09:19 AM
OU, UCO, OCU and all involved on the boathouse row can still add an emblem to their buildings or include one once they are constructed.

08-23-2016, 09:24 AM
OU, UCO, OCU and all involved on the boathouse row can still add an emblem to their buildings or include one once they are constructed.

Well, the thing is it would be on their building. Is this an OSU building? I thought this was publicly financed.
And to be clear, I wouldn't support any huge logos going up like this on any of the buildings. It doesn't fit the look of the district.

08-23-2016, 09:31 AM
Laramie, do you understand that this OSU sign is posted on the actual MAPS funded Riversport Facility?

Basically OSU is getting "naming rights" to the "kayak boathouse/storage" building on the far east end.

08-23-2016, 09:32 AM
Laramie, do you understand that this OSU sign is posted on the actual MAPS funded Riversport Facility?

Basically OSU is "getting naming rights" to the "kayak storage" building on the far east end.

Does OSU have anything to do with the river? I am not aware that they have any type of program there but I don't follow the river that closely

08-23-2016, 09:37 AM
The only association I can find that OSU has to the Riversport Facility is the fact that they are taking initiative in starting the "swift-water-rescue training program" - and they will host? or conduct? training events at the facility... I am confused on this.

“Swiftwater rescue has always been at the center of our plans for RIVERSPORT Rapids, and we couldn’t have a better partner than OSU. Their leadership and innovation in training first responders makes them the natural choice to lead the way in swiftwater rescue,” said Mike Knopp, OKC Boathouse District Executive Director. “We’re excited to be able to offer a safe, manageable whitewater venue for them to work in, and to ensure training is accessible to a much wider range of first responders than ever before.” “Offering swiftwater rescue training is just one more way that this MAPS project is serving the community.”

08-23-2016, 09:42 AM
He's not talking about the rapids facility. He specifically said the "boathouse proposed for OU."

Yeah and thats the problem. He is trying to conflate what (didnt) happen with the OU boathouse to what DID happen with the OSU logo on the rapids facility.

If there had been a huge obnoxious OU emblem on the rapids facility that made it look like it was owned by OU and NO ONE HERE had a problem with it, then he would have a point. But that has never happened, so he has no point.

08-23-2016, 09:44 AM
Yeah and thats the problem. He is trying to conflate what (didnt) happen with the OU boathouse to what DID happen with the OSU logo on the rapids facility.

If there had been a huge obnoxious OU emblem on the rapids facility that made it look like it was owned by OU and NO ONE HERE had a problem with it, then he would have a point. But that has never happened, so he has no point.

Correct, but the statement you made was incorrect. I agree with the rest of your premise though, any logo here is garish unless it's the Olympic rings, IMO

08-23-2016, 09:44 AM
Oklahoma State University, the OKC Fire Department and RIVERSPORT Rapids in the Oklahoma City Boathouse District are partnering to bring the nation’s premier swiftwater rescue training program to firefighters and first responders. Fire departments from around the U.S. and the globe will be invited to train in this state-of-the-art facility under the supervision and instruction of top swiftwater professional trainers.

So I guess we will be expecting this logo to be hoisted up next to the OSU one soon:

08-23-2016, 09:52 AM
Laramie, do you understand that this OSU sign is posted on the actual MAPS funded Riversport Facility?

Basically OSU is getting "naming rights" to the "kayak boathouse/storage" building on the far east end.

No I didn't; now I understand the concern.

Who approved the OSU sign? If it wasn't approved by someone/group (like a design review committee) and the others don't have their logos, then I agree, it needs to come down--it will detract from the whole decor of the area.

If OSU is the only entity with a sign/logo; this does need to be addressed.

08-23-2016, 09:58 AM
The Boathouse District does indeed fall under the [DTD-2] - Transition Design Zone which is overseen by the Riverfront Design Committee and the Downtown Design Committee.

Removed misinformation

08-23-2016, 10:07 AM
DTD-2 is specifically the Scenic River Overlay, which is overseen by the Riverfront Design Committee. Rand is not a member of this committee.

08-23-2016, 10:13 AM
Yes, edited to clarify which committee I was referring to.

08-23-2016, 10:15 AM
Correct, but the statement you made was incorrect. I agree with the rest of your premise though, any logo here is garish unless it's the Olympic rings, IMO

point out my incorrect statement.

08-23-2016, 10:23 AM
Yes, edited to clarify which committee I was referring to.

He's not a member of DDRC either. In fact if he is currently a member of any City commissions or committees I'm unaware of it.

08-23-2016, 10:26 AM
What? I thought he was on the committee? My apologies, I was ill-informed on that, then.

08-23-2016, 10:46 AM
With very little research we find some information here:

08-23-2016, 11:17 AM
Good find, AP:

Great job that OKC can use this facility for safety & rescue training as well as recreational usage. Just think of the fire & rescue departments that will be able to make use of this venue in a more controlled training environment for first responder & rescue training.

The training for most in & out-of-staters will require the use of area hotels & restaurants--an added boost to our economic impact.

08-23-2016, 11:51 AM
I certainly understand that there's a small connection between the (again, anti-MAPS 3) firefighters, the venue and the university through this particular element of first responder training. Does that warrant a huge, incongruous OSU logo that faces the interstate and gives the impression that the facility, if not the entire boathouse district, is a university concern?

The two facilities that actually house varsity rowing programs for student-athletes in this area possess nothing like this in the way of signage, just a university flag next to their boathouse.

08-23-2016, 11:54 AM
OU has been operating out of a smaller facility by Exchange and like having that area to themselves.

You know what's missing from the Exchange boathouse? An OU logo.

08-23-2016, 12:34 PM
I certainly understand that there's a small connection between the (again, anti-MAPS 3) firefighters, the venue and the university through this particular element of first responder training. Does that warrant a huge, incongruous OSU logo that faces the interstate and gives the impression that the facility, if not the entire boathouse district, is a university concern?

The two facilities that actually house varsity rowing programs for student-athletes in this area possess nothing like this in the way of signage, just a university flag next to their boathouse.

Yes the OSU sign makes it look like the entire riverfront is part of OSU. Not exaggerating.

08-23-2016, 02:21 PM
I've heard that this has come to the attention of the City and some there are not happy with the signage. Hopefully this will get straightened out.

08-23-2016, 02:24 PM
maybe that guy that "backed into" the monument at the capital can go for a drive down there.

This area is due to the city and downtown areas success I wouldn't want to see a giant OU advertisement there either

08-23-2016, 02:51 PM
Some questions need to be answered on this topic. What if anything did OSU pay for the naming rights? Who approved the naming rights? Did they go through the same process as the arena and the ballpark? And why is the OSU signage so incongruous with the rest of the signage in the district?

The connection to OSU is tenuous at best, yet they have the biggest sign in the most visible spot. It would be very easy for the uninformed to assume the whole facility belongs to OSU.

Plutonic Panda
08-23-2016, 02:56 PM
No one would have cared if this was OU, in fact, the boathouse that was proposed for OU had two OU logos right on the front. Never ever once heard a complaint about it here.

I do believe you are probably right, but this sign looks bad. They could have at least made it better looking.

08-23-2016, 03:32 PM
From what I've heard they did not have a permit for the sign. They were told they could put up a temporary sign, but they put up a permanent sign that they will have to take down then go through the permitting process.