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06-29-2016, 04:47 AM
Not familiar with Buena Vista; my rafting experience have been here in Oklahoma at the Illinois River floats in Tahlequah. The float resorts here like Eagle Bluffs, War Eagle & Peyton's Place are among my favorites.

Glad to hear about Buena Vista, it sounds like a place that provides more of a challenge than the Illinois River.

HA! The Illinois River is in a complete separate league of river trips than the whitewater facility.

If you're gonna compare a river to the facility then you need to focus on mountainous rivers & streams...i.e. Colorado, Arkansas, Yellowstone, etc.

06-29-2016, 10:09 AM
HA! The Illinois River is in a complete separate league of river trips than the whitewater facility.

If you're gonna compare a river to the facility then you need to focus on mountainous rivers & streams...i.e. Colorado, Arkansas, Yellowstone, etc.

Wasn't making a comparison; just mentioned my limited experience.

Have had friends tell me about the great floats in Colorado, Arkansas, Yellowstone and Georgia.

06-29-2016, 11:54 AM
I floated the Poudre up in Northern Colorado in August a few years back. It was the coldest water my body has ever been in. Sucked !

I can just imagine how much more comfortable the Whitewater facility water temp is.

06-29-2016, 06:13 PM
Wasn't making a comparison; just mentioned my limited experience.

Have had friends tell me about the great floats in Colorado, Arkansas, Yellowstone and Georgia.

Oh, no worries, Laramie. It's just when it comes to this facility, it's world class compared to a lil ol lazy float on the Illinois. I know, this weekend will mark the third year in a row for me and a couple of buddies. I'm stoked right now.

As for whitewater rafting, I did the Rio Grande in 2004 north of Santa Fe. Definitely a good time too!

Richard at Remax
06-30-2016, 11:58 AM
I did the Illinois last weekend. Be prepared to push your boat a lot. It took us almost 6 hours to do the 3+ mile trek through War Eagle

06-30-2016, 12:23 PM
I participated in the first "guinea pig" corporate whitewater league (the finals were this past weekend). I'd encourage everyone to give it a try. If you're not super-confident in your abilities or a newbie (like me), it seems like they have been doing "quiet hours" from 6-8 pm where they turn things down a bit and they let you go down the rec channel in a single-person tube all you want for $20. It's a good way to get a sense of things and find out if you want to go all-in and do a boat trip.

I will say that the first week of practice, more than one of us got pitched out of the boat and let me tell you, when they have things cranked up, the rapids are legit! After involuntarily going for a swim, getting tossed around/down and going over a few rapids on my bum, my first impression was essentially "mortal terror." It seems like they made some tweaks and dialed things back a bit as the season went on to make it a little more enjoyable and less of a harrowing experience. In the end, I had a lot of fun, but the first couple practices were a little rough. (Obviously, you also get better with experience.)

The whole thing (rapids, skytrail, zipline, trails, flatwater stuff, etc) is really awesome and totally unique to OKC. It's just so freakin' cool! It's definitely something to be proud of.

06-30-2016, 04:40 PM
I did the Illinois last weekend. Be prepared to push your boat a lot. It took us almost 6 hours to do the 3+ mile trek through War Eagle

That's where we are staying! We'll be doing the 6 mile float so that sounds gravy. One of us will man a canoe (not me), the other two of us will be in kayaks so I'm cool with that!

07-01-2016, 10:54 AM
I participated in the first "guinea pig" corporate whitewater league (the finals were this past weekend).

Ahhh, had no idea they were doing that. Poke me if you remember next time they announce corporate leagues!

07-02-2016, 09:24 AM
No way Jose! the trick is to get a raft for six with no more than 4, a bunch of adult beverage, a cheap boom box in case it gets, wet and just float. 6 miles in a kayak will last you about 90 minutes.

07-02-2016, 03:41 PM
No way Jose! the trick is to get a raft for six with no more than 4, a bunch of adult beverage, a cheap boom box in case it gets, wet and just float. 6 miles in a kayak will last you about 90 minutes.

They have a 6 mile and 12 mile option... How long do those take if you don't plan on paddling?

07-05-2016, 11:48 AM
We accidentally completed the 6 mile last summer in about 3 hours with mild paddling. A lot of it depends on the water level. 6+ feet will carry you effortlessly 12 miles in a day with pleanty of gravel bar swim-breaks. 4 or less feet and you can expect to paddle for 6 hours and drag your raft through the low spots. I suggest canoeing in low levels. You'll still have to "get out and push"

Pro tip "lash your belongings into the bracing of the canoe. It will prevent you from being wet, hungry, and beer-less." Plan on packing very light if you canoe.

07-05-2016, 12:36 PM
It's a few hours further away but the Buffalo River in Arkansas IMO is better than the Illinois. More scenic with more Rapids in spots as well as easy-going Class I stretches. I've heard good things about the Mountain Fork and Glover in SE Okla

07-07-2016, 12:15 AM
The kind of extensive video interview and update that is only done by the Oklahoman. Kudos to them.

07-16-2016, 10:40 AM
Heading out there today and wondering about what to wear.

I know they recommend a change of clothes, but what is everybody wearing while in the water? Just dry regular clothes or swimsuit shorts?

07-16-2016, 11:15 AM
Heading out there today and wondering about what to wear.

I know they recommend a change of clothes, but what is everybody wearing while in the water? Just dry regular clothes or swimsuit shorts?
I would wear swim wear , and water socks

07-16-2016, 03:48 PM
Thanks. ended up picking up a $5 pair of water shoes before heading out there. Had a blast.

07-18-2016, 09:11 AM
Threw together a little footage of our trip for my coworkers (we went together as a group) and figured I would share just to give people a small look at what to expect:

07-18-2016, 02:46 PM
Awesome video d-usa!

07-18-2016, 05:05 PM
Very cool d-usa, makes me want to go.

07-26-2016, 06:26 PM
Great video! My son and I went there today and had a blast. We were able to go four trips around the competition course and it was awesome. On the last trip, the other members of our boat wanted out so we dropped them off and was just my son an I and two guides. It was a whole different experience with only four in the boat - much more bouncy and intense - and it was the best ride of the day. But I know I'm going to be sore tomorrow. :D

After that came some of the slides, a round-trip on the sky zip across the river and finished up on the sky trail. Didn't get to the Rumble Drop because we were hot, tired, and ready to leave, but I'll hit that up next time.

07-26-2016, 09:09 PM
My only complaint about this AMAZING facility, is when you are walking along the route, there is no way to cut over to the other side at the end of it, you have to walk all the way back down to go up the other side. Anybody else feel the same way? Could they build a bridge up and over the middle part and have the two trails connect??

07-26-2016, 10:21 PM
My only complaint about this AMAZING facility, is when you are walking along the route, there is no way to cut over to the other side at the end of it, you have to walk all the way back down to go up the other side. Anybody else feel the same way? Could they build a bridge up and over the middle part and have the two trails connect??

The east bridges that connect both islands together with the kayak boathouse are in the plans but could not get done in time for the opening. They will likely get completed this winter during the off season.

07-27-2016, 04:43 AM
I had that same issue the first time I went. Good to hear that is in the works still.

07-27-2016, 08:55 AM
Yes, that's great to hear!

07-27-2016, 09:17 AM
I just got back from a family vacation in Colorado where we spent one of our days on a whitewater rafting trip. Our guide asked us where we were from and was excited when we said "Oklahoma City". He said, "Do you realize what a gem you guys have in OKC with that whitewater rafting facility? It's much more intense than anything this river will show you today." He went on to say he and some friends made the trip a few weeks ago and said it was far superior than the one in Charlotte. They are glad they are just a day's drive away and plan on making it to OKC again in September to do it again.

07-27-2016, 11:04 AM
Love the facility. Had a blast there. I'm hoping to be gifted a RIVERSPORTS membership for my upcoming b-day.

For those of you who have rafted or kayaked more than a few times this summer; have you noticed a visible change in water clarity?

Also, if anyone has a RIVERSPORTS all access pass and actively kayaks, how easy is it to get on the water for workouts? Do you have to make reservations? Are there times where the rafting is so busy that you are not allowed on? Did you go through classes before being able to "free-ride" with your kayak? What do you estimate costs are for buying basics (kayak, helmet, life jacket, etc.)??


07-27-2016, 11:07 AM
the water looks MUCH better these days, i drive by daily and it's looking good

07-27-2016, 12:34 PM
I just got back from a family vacation in Colorado where we spent one of our days on a whitewater rafting trip. Our guide asked us where we were from and was excited when we said "Oklahoma City". He said, "Do you realize what a gem you guys have in OKC with that whitewater rafting facility? It's much more intense than anything this river will show you today." He went on to say he and some friends made the trip a few weeks ago and said it was far superior than the one in Charlotte. They are glad they are just a day's drive away and plan on making it to OKC again in September to do it again.
That's good to know that it's bringing people in from out of state too.

07-27-2016, 03:33 PM
They are marketing heavily in Texas, or at least intended to last I heard.

07-27-2016, 03:58 PM
They are marketing heavily in Texas, or at least intended to last I heard.

But I didn't see a single bill board in Dallas or along I-35 on the way home about it.

07-27-2016, 04:05 PM
Relatives & friends from Dallas & Tyler have asked me about the white water rafting facility (Riversport Rapids). They are hearing it from some marketing source.

07-27-2016, 05:58 PM
For those of you who have rafted or kayaked more than a few times this summer; have you noticed a visible change in water clarity?

I don't have any prior experience to compare against, but I can report that the water is brown in color and not very clear. You could see maybe 8-10 inches down, but not more than that. I could not see any of the underwater obstacle blocks, except right at the very beginning before dropping into the channel.

07-27-2016, 06:32 PM
That doesn't jive with what can be seen from the road, you can see the blue blocks easily but when it first opened you could not.

07-28-2016, 08:28 AM
I went probably a month ago and could see the blue blocks while rafting.

07-28-2016, 10:23 AM
Also, if anyone has a RIVERSPORTS all access pass and actively kayaks, how easy is it to get on the water for workouts? Do you have to make reservations? Are there times where the rafting is so busy that you are not allowed on? Did you go through classes before being able to "free-ride" with your kayak? What do you estimate costs are for buying basics (kayak, helmet, life jacket, etc.)??

I don't believe rental of whitewater kayaks is included in the cost of the Annual pass. I believe you can rent by the hour. As for hopping on, definitely take classes. They have them at the Rapids, and OKC Kayak also offers intro classes. The course is definitely not one to just hop on as a beginner. I know a couple of the instructors and they are top notch, but don't expect to be running the course right off the bat.

As for cost to get into whitewater paddling, it varies. There are lots of used boats if you keep an eye out (OKC Kayak carries them from time to time, Arkansas Canoe Club's website has a gear swap section). You'll also need a skirt, helmet, paddle, pfd and airbags at the minimum to get started. I've seen used packages (older designs of boats, but good for learning) around $700. Might be able to piece it together for $500 on the low side. New packages are probably $1300 and up.

Your first boat is never "the perfect boat" so I wouldn't drop retail on a new boat to begin with. If you think it is something you want to do get a cheaper used boat and invest in a good paddle, great helmet and great pfd. Those will last years if you buy quality, and will transition with you from boat to boat.

08-20-2016, 12:47 PM
I must say I am hugely not a fan of the new OSU sign they just put up on the kayak house at Riversport Rapids. It faces the interstate and now it looks like OSU owns the whole facility and that it's for OSU. Perhaps I'm partial because I go to OU, but it seems a little obscene.

08-20-2016, 01:12 PM
Well, if OU built the boathouse they supposedly finished raising the money for years ago then it wouldn't look like an OSU complex. ;)

The OU boathouse spot is right next to the whitewater center.

08-20-2016, 03:03 PM
I must say I am hugely not a fan of the new OSU sign they just put up on the kayak house at Riversport Rapids. It faces the interstate and now it looks like OSU owns the whole facility and that it's for OSU. Perhaps I'm partial because I go to OU, but it seems a little obscene.

I agree.

08-20-2016, 03:58 PM
I got an email that rafting is only $29 (+ $5 for reservation) next week Tues-Fri after 4 pm.

08-21-2016, 07:51 PM
Well, if OU built the boathouse they supposedly finished raising the money for years ago then it wouldn't look like an OSU complex. ;)

The OU boathouse spot is right next to the whitewater center.

Got a picture?

08-22-2016, 01:06 AM
Got a picture?

Of what?

08-22-2016, 10:29 AM

OU Boathouse

Plans for the University of Oklahoma Boathouse, home to the OU Women’s NCAA Division I program, are underway. The facility, which will join the Chesapeake Boathouse, Devon Boathouse, Chesapeake Finish Line Tower and CHK|Central Boathouse in the Boathouse District at the Oklahoma River, has received $2 million in funding as part of a $12.5 million donation to support OU academics and athletics from Aubrey and Kathleen McClendon.

Does anyone know of any updates on this project?

08-22-2016, 12:01 PM

Does anyone know of any updates on this project?

When was this written? I can't find a date.

TU 'cane
08-22-2016, 12:51 PM
As far as I recall, that was one of the first projects announced after the Chesapeake boathouse. OU has supposedly had that planned for years and years and I thought I remember reading a year or two ago somewhere that there aren't any active plans anymore for that. Of course, things change and I'm only going off of memory from years ago.

08-22-2016, 01:09 PM
Just drove by it. I don't have a dog in that OU/OSU fight but that's a pretty big sign I'm sure they paid pretty penny for, so big it makes you think the facility is an OSU facility. Honestly, a little disappointed they sold that out.

08-22-2016, 01:37 PM
Yup, looks super corny with the OSU sign. I'm obviously biased towards OU but I think it would look bad even with the OU logo. Especially since this was financed through taxes from supporters of both schools I think its completely ridiculous.

08-22-2016, 01:43 PM
I'll reserve some judgment until I see it in person, but from the pictures posted by Riversport's Twitter account, it looks garish at best.

I think it's pretty inappropriate to give the impression that the whitewater facility (or even the entire district itself) is owned by any particular college (and hence introduce the accompanying needless "sectarianism") rather than use the space/ interstate frontage to promote a unique taxpayer-funded municipal public facility we can all be proud of.

The origin of this seems to be some sort of connection between the OKCBF, Oklahoma State's firefighter training program, and the OKC Fire Department. Apparently they will be using the course for some "swiftwater rescue" training activities. Why that necessitates putting a big logo on the kayak boathouse, I don't know.

(I'll leave the irony that the firefighters tried to kill this project along with the rest of MAPS 3 for someone else for now.)

08-22-2016, 01:46 PM
This is a pretty stupid thing to complain about. The Chesapeake Energy Arena was funded with public money. Why did they get naming rights???????? Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Wth. They are conducting Swiftwater Rescue training classes with OKCFD on the course, so I think it's pretty reasonable that they were able to have the boathouse named after them.... Heaven forbid Oklahoma's second largest university get any recognition in this city.

08-22-2016, 01:49 PM
BTW, I am very sure the OU Boathouse is dead.

Something else will be taking that spot and it's not going to be another boathouse.

OU has been operating out of a smaller facility by Exchange and like having that area to themselves.

08-22-2016, 01:50 PM

08-22-2016, 02:05 PM
This is a pretty stupid thing to complain about. The Chesapeake Energy Arena was funded with public money. Why did they get naming rights???????? Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Wth. They are conducting Swiftwater Rescue training classes with OKCFD on the course, so I think it's pretty reasonable that they were able to have the boathouse named after them.... Heaven forbid Oklahoma's second largest university get any recognition in this city.

Whoa easy there with the salt. Now that I know it's tied to the fire training center, it makes perfect sense.

08-22-2016, 02:07 PM
This is a pretty stupid thing to complain about. The Chesapeake Energy Arena was funded with public money. Why did they get naming rights???????? Sounds like a conspiracy to me. Wth. They are conducting Swiftwater Rescue training classes with OKCFD on the course, so I think it's pretty reasonable that they were able to have the boathouse named after them.... Heaven forbid Oklahoma's second largest university get any recognition in this city.

OU grad here, I agree with this. Who really cares how big that logo is? And if a passerby were to say, "wow, OSU owns that entire facility," what does that matter?

08-22-2016, 02:15 PM
OU grad here, I agree with this. Who really cares how big that logo is? And if a passerby were to say, "wow, OSU owns that entire facility," what does that matter?

A passerby right now looks at that and thinks "That looks cool. I guess its for OSU students or whatever, not me." and keeps on driving.

08-22-2016, 02:18 PM
A passerby right now looks at that and thinks "That looks cool. I guess its for OSU students or whatever, not me." and keeps on driving.

Let's be real here. How many passerbys would just pull off on a whim to go whitewater rafting if there were no logo in place? Being a destination/attraction, I think most people would be doing research into it first.

08-22-2016, 02:19 PM
The signage throughout this area is very understated.

UCO has a massive boathouse -- not a smallish storage shed for kayaks -- and this is what they have (the OCU / Devon structure is the same):

It has to be said that Rand Elliott -- who rules design in this area with an iron fist and designed this structure -- is an OSU grad.

08-22-2016, 02:21 PM
Let's be real here. How many passerbys would just pull off on a whim to go whitewater rafting if there were no logo in place? Being a destination/attraction, I think most people would be doing research into it first.

That spot could be used for a sign that indicates this facility is open to the public and everyone is welcome.
Sorry, it just makes it look like an exclusive OSU owned/ran facility and that is NOT welcoming.
It is just like driving by OSU/OKC on I-44, as someone who has no affiliation with OSU that facility just says "There is nothing for you here"

I would say the same thing if it were a big obnoxious OU logo, and I am an OU fan.

I'm not opposed to OSU signage somewhere on it, if they are affiliated... but not THERE in the one prime spot for interstate traffic to see.

08-22-2016, 02:50 PM
As an OSU grad, I am not particularly impressed with this new signage. It's just the wrong place for it.

08-22-2016, 03:01 PM
Every other structure has understated, uniform and colorless signage -- no logos at all, let alone mounted high on the building, large in size and in color.

This is the only signage that can be seen from any major thoroughfare and I'm quite sure whatever OSU's contribution is to this is a fraction of a percent in terms of total investment.

Interesting coincidence that Rand makes everyone else adhere to these strict standards except for his own alma mater of which is he is a stanch supporter. OSU has hired him to do a bunch of campus projects as well.

This should absolutely be changed to match the signage on the other buildings on boathouse row: low on the building, no logo, no color.

08-22-2016, 03:05 PM
Can someone get a photo from I-40's vantage point? I am genuinely curious, as the photo above makes it look pretty bad.

08-22-2016, 03:11 PM
An OSU flag would be much more appropriate than this logo because it would fit the very strict style of the area. This is certainly a strange aberation.