06-29-2010, 07:20 AM
How are your tomato plants coming along? We have one green tomato and some blossums but my father-in-law has been harvesting for three weeks. He put in his plants several weeks before us so maybe that is what is going on but it sure seems to be taking ours a long time. They are Better Boy.
06-29-2010, 09:34 AM
How are your tomato plants coming along? We have one green tomato and some blossums but my father-in-law has been harvesting for three weeks. He put in his plants several weeks before us so maybe that is what is going on but it sure seems to be taking ours a long time. They are Better Boy.
My Roma and Cherry tomatoes are doing great--have more than I can use, but my Big Boy and Heirloom Tomatoes have done nothing so far, very few blooms.
06-30-2010, 12:50 PM
After the hail storms, it's nice that some people can talk about having tomatoes. I didn't plant any.
06-30-2010, 01:34 PM
The wife brings in an arm load of them every evening. I think she plant 5 varieties and all are doing well. The Roma's this year are my favorite.
Last year we tried one of those higher end upside down tomato planters from Sam's Club. The one with the base and four legs with space on top to plant things like herbs. They did terrible.
This year we bought the raised bed kit from Sam's for $39 and its doing great. We bought two kits and have tomatoes, jalapenos, chocolate peppers, strawberries and lots of herbs. All doing great.
We also bought a compost bin last year and had plenty of good compost to mix in the gardens.
Here's a pick from the garden (
06-30-2010, 02:25 PM
As much as I want to add a tomato joke to this thread...I won't.
06-30-2010, 02:40 PM
Brian, that is gorgeous.
Well, not only are we only getting a lackluster showing on the tomato plant, the pepper plant looks like it is failing to thrive. If there was a plant protective services, I think they would come get mine. They aren't sick or anything and are getting plenty of water. Maybe they just need more time.