View Full Version : New Conference Name
Kerry 06-17-2010, 12:29 PM If the Big XII, PAC 10, and Big 10 have proven anything it is not to include the number of schools in the name of the conference. It is clear that the Big XII is not going to get 2 new teams which means a new name is necessary. Any suggestions?
American West Conference
Heartland Conference
silvergrove 06-17-2010, 12:41 PM Texas and the 9 little sisters.
sgt. pepper 06-17-2010, 01:10 PM Bible Belt Conference (BBC)
gen70 06-17-2010, 01:21 PM The Big 8II
kevinpate 06-17-2010, 01:29 PM Nah, Big XII is fine. Texas has enough ego to fill a blank spot, as does OU
Camaro Z28 06-17-2010, 02:28 PM Attention to the media will show that currently there is NO plan to change the name of the Big XII Conference.
semisimple 06-17-2010, 04:29 PM Texas and the nine dwarfs
dismayed 06-17-2010, 09:41 PM How about the Big Disappointment. I think we've made a horrible mistake by not joining the "PAC 16." I think from a money standpoint mega-conferences are where the game is heading. I think everyone else is eventually going to realize this and move to them, and in the end we'll be stuck out in the cold.
skyrick 06-17-2010, 09:51 PM How about the Big Disappointment. I think we've made a horrible mistake by not joining the "PAC 16." I think from a money standpoint mega-conferences are where the game is heading. I think everyone else is eventually going to realize this and move to them, and in the end we'll be stuck out in the cold.
And still kicking their butts in the fall.
Roadhawg 06-18-2010, 07:46 AM The Pac10 wouldn't let Texas have their own TV Network and did equal revenue sharing so that's part of the reason TX stayed in the Big XII
Kerry 06-22-2010, 11:57 AM The Pac10 wouldn't let Texas have their own TV Network and did equal revenue sharing so that's part of the reason TX stayed in the Big XII
The Big XII should have counter-offered. We should have invited Arizona, Arizona St, USC, and UCLA to join the Big XII and offered them their own networks. Then we could sit back and watch the PAC-6 implode.
mkrace 06-23-2010, 05:12 PM Longhorn Invitational Conference
gen70 06-23-2010, 05:38 PM The New Riders Of The Purple Sage
dmoor82 06-23-2010, 06:44 PM Funny how OU has more National Titles,Conference Titles,Heisman winners etc..... in football Than Texas but OU still gets called a stepchild? or little sister? I guess it just comes down to The allmighty dollar$$$$$$$$! ooooh here is my new conference name: The Depleted Ten!
Laramie 08-21-2010, 11:08 AM Keep the name Big XII and look at adding Brigham Young/Colorado State and Texas Christian:
Texas A & M
Texas Tech
Texas Christian
Oklahoma State
Iowa State
Kansas State
Brigham Young or Colordo State
jmarkross 08-21-2010, 11:20 AM Funny how OU has more National Titles,Conference Titles,Heisman winners etc..... in football Than Texas but OU still gets called a stepchild? or little sister? I guess it just comes down to The allmighty dollar$$$$$$$$! ooooh here is my new conference name: The Depleted Ten!
It is important to remember...the Texas Longhorns play in a stadium NAMED after an OU football player...and their current coach learned his trade at OU...their most famous coach of all time--was an OU football player. They have seven times our population--and have no where near the records of OU in football...and more money than God to buy a program and still most sports people agree OU has the most impressive records in college football history...not really disputed by anyone who knows college football.
jmarkross 08-21-2010, 11:21 AM I miss the old days of the 1950's...Oklahoma and the Seven Dwarfs...
jmarkross 08-21-2010, 11:23 AM I rest my case...
semisimple 08-21-2010, 12:52 PM It is important to remember...the Texas Longhorns play in a stadium NAMED after an OU football player...and their current coach learned his trade at OU...their most famous coach of all time--was an OU football player. They have seven times our population--and have no where near the records of OU in football...and more money than God to buy a program and still most sports people agree OU has the most impressive records in college football history...not really disputed by anyone who knows college football.
Remembering that this is college football--outside of the sports realm, OU unquestionably plays second fiddle to Texas. Academically, UT sits firmly atop the Big 12 while OU is near the bottom. UT has one of the largest endowments in the country, public or private. It is also just "bigger" in a literal sense--student population, alumni base, (likely) fanbase, etc. Not to mention that including all sports, UT has far more NCAA and Big 12 titles than OU.
To put it more bluntly and crudely, UT is good at pretty much everything (athletically and otherwise) while OU is pretty much just good at football.
dmoor82 08-21-2010, 04:55 PM ^^Yeah GOLF,Wrestling,Baseball,Softball,Basketball,Womens basketball!These are all sports OU is usually good in!and BTW OSU has more overall titles than OU,so whats your point!OU has more National merit Scholars per capita than any college in America!Tuck Fexus!
semisimple 08-30-2010, 01:28 PM ^^Yeah GOLF,Wrestling,Baseball,Softball,Basketball,Womens basketball!These are all sports OU is usually good in!and BTW OSU has more overall titles than OU,so whats your point!OU has more National merit Scholars per capita than any college in America!Tuck Fexus!
OU has more National merit Scholars per capita than any college in America!
LOL, I guess OU's ad campaign is working. Too bad that statistic means almost nothing except that OU offers a great financial package to National Merit Scholars, whereas many universities (including UT) have discontinued their NMS aid programs. When it comes to anything relevant--test scores/GPAs, graduation/retention rates, peer assessments, selectivity, research expenditures, faculty awards, etc., etc.--there's no comparison between the two.
On that note, I thought it might be interesting to compare the Big 12 schools in the latest US News national rankings for undergraduate study. They are as follows:
Texas 45, Texas A&M 63, Baylor 79, Colorado 86, Iowa State 94, Missouri 94, Kansas 104, Nebraska 104, Oklahoma 111, Kansas State 132, OSU 132, Texas Tech 159
And worldwide rankings by US News (top 400 schools):
Texas 76, Texas A&M 179, Colorado 186, none others ranked
dmoor82 08-30-2010, 02:02 PM ^^I agree with that! Texas is a fine university and UT also dominates everything Sports in Austin and thats why Austin will never have a pro sports franchise,ok well not ever but not any time soon!
nik4411 09-01-2010, 10:28 AM haha. austin would never have a pro franchise if the university wasn't there