View Full Version : Trolleys Part II

Doug Loudenback
06-10-2010, 02:18 PM
After I promised to have it done "shortly" around 2 1/2 years ago, I've finally almost completed the 2nd part of my Trolleys articles ... the initial part was here: Doug Dawgz Blog: Okc Trolleys Part 1 ( ... but the part I've been working on for 10 days, Part II, is here: Doug Dawgz Blog: Trolleys Part II (

Yes, it is lengthy ... around 50 pages long as it stands. No, it's not quite done yet as I still have some text to add, and the last section, "Remnants Around Town," which will show streetcar track remnants that still exist today, hasn't even been started yet, but I'll attend to that this weekend. But, for those of you who want to get started reading, you should find plenty to get going right now.

A "snapshot" of what's in the the Trolleys Part II article appears below:

Within those sections, some of the images are shown below.

1) The 1911 Sreetcar Strike: Hundreds of men in suits and hats flood the streets to protest the interruption in service:

3) End of the Golden Era

5) The Last Years

There's lots more. Even though this article will probably appeal mainly to history buffs, there are more than enough trolley pics for those who just want some eye candy ... as I do myself. A few low-res examples are shown below:


06-10-2010, 02:41 PM
That is so cool. I grew up a block east of the old tracks, before Classen was extended north of NW 63rd. There are remnants of the old trolley lines all over, including all of Classen, where the track ran.

Doug Loudenback
06-10-2010, 06:32 PM
One of the last things I plan to do is take photos of remnant track, so if you can, please itemize any remnant track you know. Thanks!

06-10-2010, 06:57 PM
Doug, there were trolley tracks on Lindsay st. directly east of the old Historical Society Museum. I remember them being somewhere between 17th and 20th streets.

Doug Loudenback
06-10-2010, 07:01 PM
Thanks Rocket. I'll add it to the list.

06-12-2010, 04:25 PM
Doug, LOVED the article. I am having a blank moment. Where was the Terminal building on Main? I have thought and thought and still a blank.

Doug Loudenback
06-12-2010, 08:56 PM
Thanks, Ron. Still working on finishing it up.

The terminal building and terminal itself was on the north side of Grand/Sheridan between Hudson & Harvey, 311-317 W. Grand. An entrance existed on the north side, from Main, between the Patterson building on the west and Melons/Rothschilds on the east. If I said in the article that the Terminal and/or Terminal Building was on Main, that was a mistake.

06-13-2010, 09:38 PM
One of the last things I plan to do is take photos of remnant track, so if you can, please itemize any remnant track you know. Thanks!

Doug, I don't know if it will help your efforts or not but I grew up on 17th St. near Drexel and remember when I was a kid there were track remnants between the medians on 19th at Land and Independence. I think they are still there but covered with asphalt. I don't remember any on Drexel between the medians.

Doug Loudenback
06-14-2010, 12:31 AM
Thanks. If there is a possibility, I want to check it out.

06-14-2010, 08:03 AM
i grew up a block east of the old tracks, before classen was extended north of nw 63rd.

i always thought 63rd curved at that spot because of classen... did it run straight before classen was extended? if not, do you know why 63rd curves there?


06-14-2010, 01:19 PM
i always thought 63rd curved at that spot because of classen... did it run straight before classen was extended? if not, do you know why 63rd curves there?


Yes, it curves there to give Chesapeake a nicer appearance from a distance. LOL. Actually, no, I don't know why the curve. It was there before Classen was extended north. I went to the old University Heights Elementary School on 63rd & Western, so I'm pretty familiar with the street. In my mind, it might have been curved originally to accommodate the Interurban somehow. Remember, back then 63rd street was way out in the country, between OKC and Britton. It may have just been curved that way to circumvent an old property line. NW 64th also curves to match 63rd street. From the current Google maps, it is easy to see. There was once a horse ranch on much of the present Chesapeake campus property. Long form answer to say "I don't really know". Sorry.

06-23-2010, 03:19 PM
I am curious to know if any of the old trolley cars are still around some place?

Doug Loudenback
06-25-2010, 05:14 PM
i always thought 63rd curved at that spot because of classen... did it run straight before classen was extended? if not, do you know why 63rd curves there?

Not sure I know what you mean. But if you mean the ---^--- that nw 63rd takes at Classen, that same configuration shows up in the earliest maps I've seen of Okc which show the streets in that area. For example:

Why, I don't know. A lady in charge of Chesapeake's history department (cool that it has one) inquired about this inverted v last month but neither I nor Buddy Johnson of the MLS library could figure out why. Don't know.

Doug Loudenback
06-25-2010, 05:15 PM
I am curious to know if any of the old trolley cars are still around some place?
Not that I'm aware.

06-26-2010, 01:28 PM
There are some track remnants on Youngs Boulevard, running north from NW 16th to NW 22nd.

Doug Loudenback
06-26-2010, 02:23 PM