View Full Version : So where are all the singles at? Or is everyone in OKC hooked up?

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08-15-2004, 04:16 AM
Im not posting this for myself Im just wondering why no one has posted to this area of the board before.Is it that mostly everyone is Married,Been cheated on and still pissed off and hating the opposite sex right now?I know there has to be some singles out here in this city some where.A good friend of mine is single and looking ,not for anything serious she has a few things she prefers in a man like 6'1" or taller not too picky on age just doesnt want an immature little boy.Oh and I m sure what this is all about but he has to have a truck?I dont know so dont ask.LOL.But anyway Im just curious has everyone given up on love or are there any singles still hoping to find the "one"?It would be nice to see some people get interested in each other or just to even make a good friend we all live in the same city so you never know till you try right?.......

08-15-2004, 08:41 PM
I know there are a lot of people on this forum that are single, however, I am not one of them. I've been married for 23 years (and I'm not that old). I know Patrick has a fiance, so he isn't interested in "single" conversation. Hopefully, we will have some more singles post on this thread.

08-19-2004, 07:40 PM
Okay, I'll bite. But not literally! Living in Logan county, working full time and working on MBA time and a half so don't have much time to chat. Still think there's "one" out there but not sure I want to find him. Gotta go hit the books. Will check in again in near future and see if anyone else has happened along to chat.

08-20-2004, 06:33 PM
OK. I will bite. I am single and unattatched. Want more about this 49 year old guy? Send a private message and I will answer most questions. :D :)

09-01-2004, 02:56 PM
Well, lil miss Darlin Diva is talking about yours truely! Yes, it's true I'm single and a must have is a guy with a truck. I'll admit I have dated guys with cars-even dated one with a pinto who I eventually ended up marrying. BIG MISTAKE!! So there you have it...the reason behind the truck. So...on with the story. There's nothing like being the only single person to actually post on this board. Does this mean I have reached an all time low?? Good Lord forbid. Is anyone really out there besides married women who post on this board?? :confused: Lemme know where you are.

09-01-2004, 03:02 PM
Relaxationstation: Never fear. You are not the only single peron on this board. I am quite single.

09-01-2004, 03:15 PM
I'm single, too, but unfortunately, there are distance issues...

09-02-2004, 03:39 AM
Hmmmm. My fellow brother floater is quite the man though, and would probably be worth traveling to Cleveland to see.....he's quite te professional and has looks that Keith and I would die for!!! If you're interested, give floater a PM!!! :)

Ha! I guess I should've majored in marketing! I could've opened my own dating firm, or worked for Christian Singles or something!

09-02-2004, 08:13 AM
You may have found your other (third? fourth?) calling, Patrick!

09-02-2004, 09:51 AM
Well, If I'm traveling to Cleveland...I want a flight like MRAnderson had....all to my self. With the exception of some hunk stewards!!! :p

10-03-2004, 07:05 PM
I am new here and single. Are you all married and the rest dead? lol
Or just all married?

10-04-2004, 12:34 AM
Seems like a lot of us are either married or close to it! But there are some people here in the single department! As this site grows, more and more people come on, so the diversity grows.

10-04-2004, 03:20 PM
I am a white 24 year old single female from OKC looking for a guy to kick back and relax with. If this sounds like you message me. Not looking for someone who wants to play games I am serious so please be.
Take care :)

10-10-2004, 05:05 PM
Oh my! The ever convoluted issue of what the hell are you doing single! OKC can be tough. I've been single here for ten years and in spite of being 6-1, damned attractive and driving an evil truck, most of my dating experiences here have left me twisting my head like that dog listening to that sound you can't hear. I'm currently making some adjustments to a (single) attorneys abode and he brought up this same topic. After a good 15 minutes of discussion, the answer remained the same for us both...... I just don't f*king know.

10-10-2004, 05:22 PM
Basically I believe the applicant pool of nice, sincere, educated, intelligent, MONOGOMOUS singles here is LIMITED. The real intelligent one's are happy they way they are and dont frequent any of the "TRAPS" where others singles go. Also age is a big factor. Women my age have a better chance of getting hit by lighting than of finding an eligible man and getting married.

While it would be nice to have dinner with another adult at the table, having adult conversation, I know I am better of alone than in bad company!

10-11-2004, 01:11 PM
text deleted

10-11-2004, 10:05 PM
Ok, my turn. I am single, but just my luck, anyone I ever meet that I like, is married already. Another thing, why do you women like the guys that treat you bad, and the nice guys finnish last :mad: just a question here. I have also learned that saying those three little words is the fastest way to scare a woman away. :confused:

10-21-2004, 07:11 AM
Hello all. I am not a doctor, or scientist, but I have discovered that there is one type of food that is the leading cause for divorce... THE WEDDING CAKE! I am single, also. I find lots of nice friendly women, and that tells me one thing... THEY ARE MARRIED! They are happy that they are not on the 'hunt' anymore. If a woman is nice and friendly to me, the first thing I look at is the ring finger. The second thing I look for is a straight jacket and men with white coats chasing her. Friendly to me? She's gotta be nuts! hehe

10-21-2004, 12:21 PM
<<<<<<Grinning and admiring chargers shade of jade.

10-21-2004, 12:56 PM
<<<<<<Grinning and admiring chargers shade of jade.

Would you explain in terms a mature adult can understand as to what this quote means? It makes NO sense at all.

10-21-2004, 01:03 PM
It means he appears to be jaded. Sheesh... Why so bitter Mr A? :D

10-21-2004, 01:26 PM
There's mature adults in here??? OMG OMG OMG

10-21-2004, 01:30 PM
Vindicated rofling.

10-22-2004, 12:44 AM
"There's mature adults in here??? OMG OMG OMG"

Our mayor, several other city leaders, and many others, to be exact. There's even a few mature singles in here! A rare find in society now-a-days. You better take advantage of your opportunity here!

10-22-2004, 05:50 AM
Ok, my turn. I am single, but just my luck, anyone I ever meet that I like, is married already. Another thing, why do you women like the guys that treat you bad, and the nice guys finnish last :mad: just a question here. I have also learned that saying those three little words is the fastest way to scare a woman away. :confused:

AMEN Brother!! :) I am like a married man magnet. I, too, meet someone and think "WOW..what a catch"...only to find out he has already been caught. Also, it's not that we like guys that treat us bad- it's just that it seems like those are the only guys left. lol (Which of course explains why no one else wants then either). Lastly, you are right those 3 words that scare me off are "No more money". :D j/k of course

10-22-2004, 09:35 AM
Trust me, there are still good guys out there!

Take me for example....


10-22-2004, 09:43 AM
Trust me, there are still good guys out there!

Take me for example....


And me. I guess that is why I usually finish last. "The good ones always finish last."

And yes. Single people DO seem to be attracted to married people. My mom told me one time it is because the "threat" level is reduced. The married people know you do not have a prayer (especially when they see you get into the 73 Mercury that polutes the air and looks like you rescued it from a junk yard). So, for that reason, they have nothing to lose by being nice.

Sounds strange, but true.

10-22-2004, 10:31 AM
I take issue with "nice guys finish last". I think the guy who doesn't put himself out there and at least TRY and meet ladies is going to finish last. The more accurate thing to say is shy guys finish last or unmotivated guys finish last. I've never really had problems with meeting people, it's mostly about getting off your butt and putting yourself out there.

Haven't had to for awhile though as I'm going on 5 years with the girlfriend now :D

10-22-2004, 10:38 AM
You're absolutely right Midtowner!

10-22-2004, 10:53 AM
Who said I was only refering to meeting women? The people who finish ahead usually push around the people who just want to do their job and get ahead by hard work and leaving other people alone.

The one's who finish ahead usually stab others in the back and will lie and do other unethical things to win. Eventually, it works against them. Maybe not on earth, but eventually.

Most women like the "strong" type. Many will not even think about going out with the guy who just does his job and does it honestly. Does he have a bigger wallet? Does he drive a nicer vehicle? Does he travel all over the world? Does he live in a high priced neighborhood? Usually, no. However, most women want all those things and fail to see the real guy. Wait until mister flashy goes bald and loses his "buffed" body or he loses his investments on the occasional bad investment. She burns rubber. Not many exceptions.

In fact, my parents have come close to divorce on more than one occasion. A friend on my mom's once asked her why she did not divorce my dad. Her answer... I am in it for the money.

Occasionally, I do meet a woman who sees past all that. She realizes I am not the wealthiest guy around and do not have a "power" job. That I am just a guy who wants to earn an honest living, then as soon as the parents are gone say "up yours" to the working community.

There have been studies that show the similarities to other animals (yes, humans are animals). These show the Lions in the jungle fighting for the Lioness, and other animals. Humans are no different.

The weakest lose. It has nothing to do with going out and meeting women. Is it fair? No. But it is a fact.

10-22-2004, 01:40 PM
Usually it not the size of the wallet he's packing, lol, but mostly the size of the brain and the heart. A buf guy will eventually suffer the loss of his bod but a smart man will still be able to stimulate me with conversation. I have never been materialistic or superficial or shallow and have always sought men of substance and integrity with an IQ and sense of humor to last me forever. However, with the amount of social commitments from my Committee he must own ONE suit. The spectrum of eligible, single, intelligent, articulate men with substance and integrity is small here.

So for those interested in must love dogs, children and be willing to stop and aid at an auto mobile accident. I am not looking to get married, just for a nice dinner and conversation once in a while.

The size of the rocket in the pocket, lol is not that relevant either. As a feminist, well, they make wonderful power tools for us girls now!

OMG, I let my hair down and said tooo much.

10-22-2004, 01:48 PM
I think you're equivocating as to the meaning of "nice".

The statement "Nice guys finish last" is supposed to lead one to believe that someone who treats others with respect, good manners, etc. will not get the girl.

What you're saying is that the strong finish ahead. Quite correct.

However, combine the two and that's where you're the most effective. It is absolutely possible to treat people like human beings, with respect, integrity, honor, etc. and also be assertive and aggressive when the time is right.

I think we more-less agree, but your definition of nice is a bit wishy-washy.

10-23-2004, 08:35 PM
I take issue with "nice guys finish last". I think the guy who doesn't put himself out there and at least TRY and meet ladies is going to finish last. The more accurate thing to say is shy guys finish last or unmotivated guys finish last. I've never really had problems with meeting people, it's mostly about getting off your butt and putting yourself out there.

Haven't had to for awhile though as I'm going on 5 years with the girlfriend now :D

Ohhhhh, trust me, I aint shy one bit. :)

11-20-2004, 11:24 PM
Well, I guess I should 'fess up. I'm a 24 year old high school teacher. I'm a progressive conservative Christian. Try to figure that one out. :)

I think all us singles should get together at Starbucks or Barnes & Noble or something. PM me.


11-21-2004, 05:43 PM
I will agree with ClippedWing on this one. I'm not so shallow as to be hung up on the looks of a man (although chemistry and some attraction is obviously important), but I want a man who can stimulate me intellectually. I guess this part could go in the foreplay section- 30 minutes of being able to hold a conversation is a big turn on.

I think meeting at Starbucks or at Barnes & Noble is a great idea. It's a great atmosphere!

11-21-2004, 06:40 PM
Self-confidence, intelligence, wit, humor and attraction are pretty much the winning combo for me. So far, I haven't won. Someday, though...

11-21-2004, 06:42 PM
Actually someone recommended Makers, a Cigar bar to me and a friend one night. We had a blast!! A very cool and GROOVY place to hang out. Very Sheek! Of course you should be into the smoke thing or sit next to the fire place where the smoke will go into the flue.

11-22-2004, 11:38 PM
Ahhhh. Maker's...excellent choice. Such a relaxing place away from the busy streets of downtown Oklahoma City.

Hey relaxationstation, what happened to 7-11? LOL!

11-23-2004, 06:06 PM
So, Makers it is. When?


11-30-2004, 11:44 PM
Well 7-11 stopped carrying those cool coffee lids that I like so I decided to go elsewhere and there was obviously nothing ( of the opposite sex) keeping me going to that

Besides, I think I have decided to give up on dating. "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." So, I am officially NOT LOOKING...but if prince charming were to fall in my lap....I might let him sit for awhile. :Smiley103

12-01-2004, 01:07 AM
Hmmm...well definitely sad to hear tht you're not looking anymore, but it's good to hear you're still open when the right man comes along. That's a great attitude to have. Now that you've stopped trying, the right man will probably come along!

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
12-01-2004, 02:14 AM
OK, my take if anyone gives a rip...Dating's overrated....way overrated...I think it's better just to have friendships that evolve into more, but that's just me talking. What would I know?

12-01-2004, 06:45 AM
I'm with you El Gato Pollo Loco. Evolving friendship is the way to go.

12-01-2004, 10:53 AM
I agree about the friendship factor. I think that's why most relationships fail is because there is not that grounded friendship. Most people jump past that and right into the romancing part of it therefore not having a grounded foundation.

12-01-2004, 11:32 AM
I have only been "friends" first one time. To this day, I treasure that relationship more than most.

When we went on our first date, she was totally honest with where the relationship would go. She was in Oklahoma City on a two year contract with the United Methodist Church, who had paid her college expenses. She was required by the contract to move back to Grand Rapids and take a position with one of their organizations or she would have to pay them back for the expenses.

We nearly got married, however, we decided that it was best to honor her contract, and I was stuck here and could not go. We stayed in touch for about five years, then lost touch. I really miss her companionship.

What really empressed me most was her honesty. I really appreciate a woman who is honest enough to tell what will happen or to tell me why she does not want to pursue a relationship.

12-01-2004, 01:18 PM
Friendship vs. standard dating.. I think each works for different types. I've done both. I can definitely say that dating can be fun -- although expensive if you do it too often. Popcorn and a rented movie can beat the heck out of dinner and dancing sometimes.

Now that I'm in a stable relationship, I get to do both any time I feel like it. That has to be the best. Being single has its perks though. You can do what you want when you want without anyone's objection or input -- in my personal situation though, I think that's overrated.

Were I single today, I'm not quite sure what I'd do. Since I'm done with undergrad college and have not yet started my post-grad work, I don't really have too many girls that are friends (besides my girlfriend's friends). I'm probably not too old to go back to hanging out with college folks though, reexploring my experiences in fraternity life... Hell, I might even gamble with online dating -- the results I had in the past were fairly mixed.

Hmmm.. too much thinking.. make head hurt... need break things now.

12-01-2004, 04:57 PM
I've talked with many elderly couples over the years...seems like those marriages that are the happiest still have the "friendship" as their cornerstone!

I've been dating the same girl now for almost 8 years. We're finally getting married this May, but I must say, it seems like our relationship is based more on an underlying "friendship". I think that's what's made it so successful. It's hard to form a relationship with someone if it isn't grounded in a friendship.

12-01-2004, 06:50 PM
Dating a girl for eight years? WOW!! I bet she was soooooooooooooooooooo ready for you to pop that magical question. Let's see, eight oughta know each other by now, huh?LOL

12-01-2004, 08:20 PM
Eight years. Too long to date without marriage... WAY to long.

The proposal should, in my opinion, come no later than a year after the first date. After eight years it should be cranking out a couple or more kids. :Smiley063 Of course, with the seven year itch, the eighth year could be spent in the attorney's office negotiating the divorce settlement. :Smiley204

12-02-2004, 09:06 AM
Nothing wrong with waiting -- especially for students and even more especially for students going to medical or law school. That's exactly my situation. Starting law school next year, I'm not really sure what toll that's going to take on our relationship. I'll be more certain after the first year is over.

12-02-2004, 05:13 PM
I knew my ex for 18 years as a friend before we got married. He was in the Navy and we wrote each other and saw each other when he was home on leave and took several trips together and I also visited him several times. During that period of time I got married and divorced and we got together again after the big D. I THOUGHT we were friends but found out in the end, all he was interested in was my property - he wanted a place to live and tried to take my property away during our divorce. It was like he was a TOTALLY different person once we got married. It was like he said all the perfect things he knew I wanted to hear before we got married, he wrote me beautiful, romantic letters, when we were together treated me like a queen. He led me to believe he was interested in all the same things I was - gardening, healthly lifestyle, supported my goals of getting a degree so I could start my own accounting business. When we got married, he wanted me to quit work and stay home and did his best to get me to quit school 8 months before I finished my bachelor's degree. My lawyer and I were digging through his letters during the divorce to get some proof on something he lied about in court and even she said it was no wonder I fell in love with him. I'm not sure what lesson I was supposed to learn from it all. Before that, I had always been a trusting person but found out that he could not be honest about anything and he had lied to me all along. Even counselling didn't help. Maybe if he had lived here I would have found these things out but I guess there are just people out there that will do and say anything to get what they want. Oh well, my philosophy is live and learn! It's been four years and I'm just now getting to the point where I feel I might want to meet someone. However, I'm afraid it will take a lot to get me to trust someone again. Maybe I should require a polygraph next time?

12-04-2004, 02:11 AM
The proposal should, in my opinion, come no later than a year after the first date

Let's see...that would've made me a Senior in high school!

With more and more people completing professional degrees in today's society, I've noticed people are waiting longer now. In our case, we were just waiting for one of us to finish school. I did finish by bachelor's degree in 2002, but I continued school as I went on to med school. She completed her entire schooling (Bachelor's Degree in Radiological Technology-Ultrasound) last that's what we were waiting for! And I was at a good stopping point in my schooling, so it all worked out best to do it now!

12-14-2004, 08:22 AM
Hi gang. Single guy here, 43 and looking. Still beleive in true love, still beleive in happy endings, still beleive I'll have another beer. Im curious how the other 40 somethings deal with dating. I suck at it.

12-22-2004, 09:28 PM
I am single but havent seen anything on here that would be a good match since all that have posted there pictures is all guys and just two women who I am not there type. So I hope more single women post some pics.

01-06-2005, 02:04 PM
Hello Everyone...I am Single and new to the Oklahoma area...Would love to chat with the Oklahoma Women...There has to be some single ones out there...Drop me a not....Until Then.......

01-06-2005, 02:47 PM
Hi gang. Single guy here, 43 and looking. Still beleive in true love, still beleive in happy endings, still beleive I'll have another beer. Im curious how the other 40 somethings deal with dating. I suck at it.

Dating is not what it use to be when we were in our teens or college. If you are not in to drinking or clubs its hard to find places to meet other "grownups".

01-06-2005, 04:03 PM
Hi gang. Single guy here, 43 and looking. Still beleive in true love, still beleive in happy endings, still beleive I'll have another beer. Im curious how the other 40 somethings deal with dating. I suck at it.


hehe.. butthead.. he said "happy endings"



01-06-2005, 08:26 PM
Yes, but after a few drinks and some dancing, these "grownups" don't act like grownups anymore :hammer:

01-08-2005, 03:20 AM
I have a positve attitude about the singles scene in OKC. I think there are plenty of eligible singles in this city its just a matter of being social wherever and whenever appropriate. I'm talking to people on the street and staying away from the clubs. People go to the clubs to drink and to lower thier inhibitions. I want my personalty, my charm and my appearance to woo a woman not three shots of tequlia, three beers and a whiskey sour.

01-28-2005, 06:42 PM
Hey ya'll. I just moved here a week ago. I'm male, 24 and single. I moved in downtown, it's been okay so far. I'm content with being single, but if I find the right one, then my perspective could change.