View Full Version : So where are all the singles at? Or is everyone in OKC hooked up?

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01-02-2007, 08:22 AM
Lots of the chicks on this board have an attitude. If I can sense it through text, I can only imagine what it is like in person. I'm guessing that's what is really driving the guys away.

And just speaking for myself, I tend to date younger women *in this state* because for some reason the women here really let themselves go (physically and mentally) as they get older. Is it really so hard to put the turkey leg down and hop on the treadmill every so often? To read a new book? Geez. :)

Wow are you all wrong. I know more women older than 30 who look great!!!!!!I am 39 and in great shape and love turkey.............I want to see your pic Dismayed. Women of all ages let themselves go. It does not matter what age you are, it is a mind set, wether you want to feel good about yourself. I have let myself go before and picked right back up after having 4 kids and work at it (not as hard as I could). I have some friends that do not care, and yes, did let themselves go, but are still equally as beautiful and probably nicer than me. Point is, you said you date younger women because the women here REALLY let themselves go, that is a lie, period, either that or you need to get glasses, I know plenty who look damn good!

01-02-2007, 08:42 AM
AHHH, good point Dismayed, another man who tries to do the word trap...Let's say something to piss some off, and see which ones bite......very mature I might say. Sadly the girls who posted back to see your pic really just might want to see if you are as GODLY as you sound, making fun of others being fat, not trying, HOW do you know. I have a sister in law who has a thyroid problem and is really overweight, unless she had surgery their is NO way she could ever be thin, she has tried everything.
I have no idea why you thought posting that to get a rise was funny, but I think those younger game playing girls are rubbing off on you.......and you are wrong just because Steph and I wanted to see your pic, does not mean we are not COOL or LIVID about anything, we just want you to prove you are such that you can post that about overweight people...............some cannot help that........and so what if they can and do not want to, is beauty only surface? Again, that is those young girls rubbing off on you........Oh, my husband used to weigh 145 lbs, and now is 190 I do not see me running away because he COULD work out and COULD lose it, but the point is I love him for what he is inside not outside, and I prefer the burly guy so I am actually glad he put some weight on! Just watch what you say about overweight people, that might have hurt someones feelings. If you want to date someone 20 go ahead, but even they might as you call it LET THEMSELVES GO is what is inside that matters the most.

01-02-2007, 12:00 PM have excellent points. I can only say this can prove one point....some men are so shallow their stupidity reaks.....I am so happy a older man only wants to date younger woman since most play ALOT of games. Have his fun, he will be the only one to suffer, and continually be made a fool of! Noticed he will not post a pic or even reply now! hehe. Talk about a coward.
We set up a night out for singles...noticed no one showed up. I was counting on that one! People love to sit and gripe, yet do nothing about it. AMAZING.
I had a great new year and will continue having fun, just as I have always done!

01-02-2007, 12:20 PM
Thanks Steph! ;)

01-02-2007, 12:46 PM have excellent points. I can only say this can prove one point....some men are so shallow their stupidity reaks.....I am so happy a older man only wants to date younger woman since most play ALOT of games. Have his fun, he will be the only one to suffer, and continually be made a fool of! Noticed he will not post a pic or even reply now! hehe. Talk about a coward.
We set up a night out for singles...noticed no one showed up. I was counting on that one! People love to sit and gripe, yet do nothing about it. AMAZING.
I had a great new year and will continue having fun, just as I have always done!

As far as the singles' night out goes, if any ONE showed up call it a success and do it again.

But I have a thought about your "shallow" comment:....Let's say an asian man isn't attracted to caucasion women; does that make him "shallow"?...It does if you are a caucasion woman and ARE attracted to him. What if an educated woman ignores the attention of an uneducated man. Would you call HER shallow?

If a person isn't attracted to out-of-shape people, that doesn't make him/her pretend that they are attracted to them would be shallow.

More importantly though, you said, "some men are so shallow their stupidity reaks". It's interesting that you'd single out men. So I have a question or two: When you wrote that were there any thoughts at all in your mind that "some women" could be shallow too? Why did you not say "some people"?

01-02-2007, 02:27 PM
Ok Leon, yes "some people" are shallow. But women do tend to overlook mens' physical flaws. How many women do you hear dump their husbands or boyfriends when he starts going bald, gets a beer gut (oh I am sorry he is then called " a big boy") ... If looks matter so much to men then why is plastic surgery for women (which we need to ask ourselves why are we doing this to ourselves) the billion dollar industry it is....women should start asking all the men to go to a surgeon and fix him....lipo and implants, face lifts! We are becoming a nation fixed on fantasy....
Not many women run out and seek someone younger, or better looking, better performing man when he hits 4o.... hence "middle aged crisis" as that is called for men ....women that do , those are not the reasons. Infedility starts with your psyche. There were issues before.....besides ethic views are not related to someone being shallow.

01-02-2007, 03:24 PM
Ok Leon, yes "some people" are shallow. But women do tend to overlook mens' physical flaws. How many women do you hear dump their husbands or boyfriends when he starts going bald, gets a beer gut (oh I am sorry he is then called " a big boy") ... If looks matter so much to men then why is plastic surgery for women (which we need to ask ourselves why are we doing this to ourselves) the billion dollar industry it is....women should start asking all the men to go to a surgeon and fix him....lipo and implants, face lifts! We are becoming a nation fixed on fantasy....
Not many women run out and seek someone younger, or better looking, better performing man when he hits 4o.... hence "middle aged crisis" as that is called for men ....women that do , those are not the reasons. Infedility starts with your psyche. There were issues before.....besides ethic views are not related to someone being shallow.


01-02-2007, 06:06 PM
I'm intrigued by the number of articles and references in men's magazines like "FHM" that convince their readers that there's absolutely nothing about them that is unappealing to women. Page after page of supermodels giving "candid interviews", confessing that they're secretly attracted to guys that are pudgy and lumpy ("love handles are sooooooo sexy!!"), articles written by behavioral psychologists saying that women are attracted to funny men, etc.

Now take a look at your average magazine aimed towards women... at least 70% of it insinuates that you need to lose another 10 lbs., buy a $25 tube of lipstick, a $400 pair of Manolo Blahniks and get your hair done by Eduardo at Bumble and Bumble before you strut into that upscale office party, walk (confidently!) over to Brad in Accounting, tell him you wanna check out his "asset management" and then pull him into the closet for a quick BJ and a smile. Then, and ONLY then, will you have fulfilled your mission to "get a man".

01-02-2007, 06:19 PM
I'm impressed with anyone who can score a pair of Manolos for a mere $400.

01-02-2007, 06:25 PM
Take the shoe clerk in the closet along with Brad, and you'll score one hell of a deal.

01-02-2007, 09:24 PM
AMEN Tracy! Well said!

01-03-2007, 08:02 AM
Take the shoe clerk in the closet along with Brad, and you'll score one hell of a deal.


01-03-2007, 06:24 PM
I stand, or actually sort of slouch, corrected.

01-03-2007, 07:38 PM
I'm impressed with anyone who can score a pair of Manolos for a mere $400.

LOL... I'm equally impressed that you know what 'Manolos' actually are ...

01-04-2007, 06:22 PM
I follow fashion a lot more closely than any fiftysomething straight guy has any business doing. :)