02-19-2005, 04:50 PM
I am 24 and single and still looking for that special someone. I am very loyal and honest but women no matter what age seem to want to play games so it is not cool
View Full Version : So where are all the singles at? Or is everyone in OKC hooked up? bballstar11 02-19-2005, 04:50 PM I am 24 and single and still looking for that special someone. I am very loyal and honest but women no matter what age seem to want to play games so it is not cool Curt 02-20-2005, 02:15 AM I am 24 and single and still looking for that special someone. I am very loyal and honest but women no matter what age seem to want to play games so it is not cool All women play games because they can. It is easy for a woman to move on, not so easy for guys. The girl I am seeing now gets mad when I ask her questions, all I want is an answer, but I think it is their way of avoiding the truth. I myself am honest and sincere. I guess it is true, nice guys do not win in todays world. Zoedith 02-20-2005, 09:35 PM All women do not play games, just like all men arent dishonest and cheaters. I don't see anything wrong with being a nice guy. However, some of the people who describe themselves as "nice" have no backbone. I tend to have a strong personality, and look for the same. Curt 02-20-2005, 09:59 PM All women do not play games, just like all men arent dishonest and cheaters. I don't see anything wrong with being a nice guy. However, some of the people who describe themselves as "nice" have no backbone. I tend to have a strong personality, and look for the same. I know all women dont play games, just the way it seems. I would say most men are liars and cheaters, I am not, but most men I would not trust around my wife or girlfreind. I am a nice guy, but I dont play games either. Jay 02-20-2005, 11:53 PM The biggest problem I see with the dating seen is the egos of both men and women. Dating is not what it use to be (searching for the right person to settle down with). Now dating is viewed as something to give you an edge over everybody else. Most women want the perfect guy with perfect life. They want a situation to where all that is missing is her. Most Men on other hand want to try every flavor in candy store. I think in general the dating scene is a joke. Curt 02-21-2005, 02:27 AM The biggest problem I see with the dating seen is the egos of both men and women. Dating is not what it use to be (searching for the right person to settle down with). Now dating is viewed as something to give you an edge over everybody else. Most women want the perfect guy with perfect life. They want a situation to where all that is missing is her. Most Men on other hand want to try every flavor in candy store. I think in general the dating scene is a joke. I agree, dating today is much too competetive, and it does not matter how secure you are, there is just alot of competition out there. The thing I have run into is, I am willing to make a commitment...but the women I have run into are not willing to commit to me. Jay 02-21-2005, 03:17 AM I haven't been in a serious relationship in 6 years. I quit playing that game of keeping someone around just because I don't want to be alone. I would rather be single and happy then be in a relationship that is going nowhere. If I don't feel a connection in the very beginning I don't pursue anything further. I think most dating couples are together these days because of the fear of being alone. Everyday I meet another person that can't stand thier significant other and how thier just waiting for the right one to come around so they can breakup. I don't see what the big deal is about being single. In many ways I like it, I can do whatever I want, when I want and I don't have to listen to someone complain about it. Zoedith 02-21-2005, 07:52 PM I guess my problem with dating is the guys I meet tend to get clingy real fast. I still want my life and be able to share part of it with someone, but I think he should have his life too. I also want to start it off slow and become friends before lovers, and the guys I meet do not seem to be like that. I'm not a prude or anything, but I think it's poor form to expect so much on the first encounter. As far as games go, thats a complete turnoff. I just want him to be hisself. Call when he wants, and not wait for me to call, but I want to do the same. I think being friends alleviates most of that. Curt 02-21-2005, 10:33 PM Either way, relationships are just hard. Spartan 10-13-2006, 12:35 AM I've been married for... carry the one... eternity. Dating sounds like fun, ya know. :sofa: Deni 10-13-2006, 11:16 AM things that make you go HMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! Single life is way awesome.. some of you sound lonely in a crowd or even within yourself.. Be happy with yourself then that right partner will come along.. Quit looking that is when you find the best true love forver... TomGirl 10-13-2006, 11:14 PM I'm still here, just reading most of them. Leon 10-14-2006, 01:56 PM I noticed this original thread was posted in 2004. I think a lot of singles do not "enjoy" being single, they just try a little less to find somebody. I think most of the singles here ar over 30 years old; and by that age folks are less willing to accomodate someone else's quirks, and they're less willing to change themselves. What that means is, at 30+, with so many acceptable mates unavailable (already married) and us all set in our ways, it can be extremely hard to find somebody. Tracy 12-13-2006, 09:58 PM Most women like the "strong" type. Many will not even think about going out with the guy who just does his job and does it honestly. Does he have a bigger wallet? Does he drive a nicer vehicle? Does he travel all over the world? Does he live in a high priced neighborhood? Usually, no. However, most women want all those things and fail to see the real guy. Wait until mister flashy goes bald and loses his "buffed" body or he loses his investments on the occasional bad investment. She burns rubber. Not many exceptions. Well, I can personally attest to the fact that I am actually turned OFF by those things to a certain extent because I want a man who is easy for me to relate to, and for the most part these men have nothing in common with me. That being said, there's a whole lot of men who are looking for a ditzy 19-year old Barbie or an Asian child bride who will worship them like a god. So it does go both ways. Women get shafted too. js2004 12-13-2006, 10:35 PM Well, I'm a new member and single and I agree the older you get the harder it is to meet single people here, I'm 27 years old now and can honestly say that most of my friends are married or have been married and are going through a divorce. I guess I'm one of the last holdouts! Tracy 12-13-2006, 10:47 PM I think most of the singles here ar over 30 years old; and by that age folks are less willing to accomodate someone else's quirks, and they're less willing to change themselves. Now, see, I think it's the exact opposite. When you're in you're 20s, you're quite idealistic in what you're looking for... you want them to be rich AND charming AND smart AND cool AND successful AND really hot. Once you reach your 30s and beyond, you realize that it ain't happenin', so you aim for something lower. In many cases, it's a LOT lower. Older people accept a LOT more crap than younger people do, IMHO. Leon 12-13-2006, 11:30 PM That being said, there's a whole lot of men who are looking for a ditzy 19-year old Barbie or an Asian child bride who will worship them like a god. So it does go both ways. Women get shafted too. Ahhh, someone finally said, "Women get shafted too." Maybe it caught my attention because it's an acknowledgement that men even ever get shafted at all. Hats off to ya. But the "looking for" the "ditzy 19-year old" and the "asian child bride"........misconceptions. The young lady subconsciously seeks a father-figure/provider. The older man, naturally enticed by smooth skin and perky breast goes for it. Older men don't "expect" a young woman and therefore don't seek one. But if she offers, they won't turn her down. StephiOKC 12-13-2006, 11:42 PM Ahhh, someone finally said, "Women get shafted too." Maybe it caught my attention because it's an acknowledgement that men even ever get shafted at all. Hats off to ya. But the "looking for" the "ditzy 19-year old" and the "asian child bride"........misconceptions. The young lady subconsciously seeks a father-figure/provider. The older man, naturally enticed by smooth skin and perky breast goes for it. Older men don't "expect" a young woman and therefore don't seek one. But if she offers, they won't turn her down. Sorry Leon, I disagree with a few things here, older men do seek younger woman. Men do seek the "ditzy 19 year old" just go to Red Rock on a Thursday night! You will have all the older men/ young woman you seek! Both looking for the same thing. And yes some women like the older man because he has money! But I am sure that some women would say they have "so much in common" with a man 20 years senior........sorry that makes me laugh.... But this is not true for all 30 something woman...we want a decent man. I do not need a "metrosexual man" to make me confident, secure. That starts with yourself, no one can give that to you. Leon 12-14-2006, 12:04 AM Sorry Leon, I disagree with a few things here, older men do seek younger woman. Men do seek the "ditzy 19 year old" just go to Red Rock on a Thursday night! You will have all the older men/ young woman you seek! Both looking for the same thing. And yes some women like the older man because he has money! But I am sure that some women would say they have "so much in common" with a man 20 years senior........sorry that makes me laugh.... But this is not true for all 30 something woman...we want a decent man. I do not need a "metrosexual man" to make me confident, secure. That starts with yourself, no one can give that to you. Stephi,...girl,....ya don't know what a man wants...needs. Absolutely, her looks "attract" him. But us guys get acclimated to your appearance and that becomes a null. We really are deeper that that....tradition keeps a man. StephiOKC 12-14-2006, 12:08 AM I guess you are right, Leon I have no idea what men want. StephiOKC 12-14-2006, 08:18 AM Hey to all the singles....I have posted an event for Dec 29 th. See you at Bakers St Pub at 6:30......Come one single come all singles...... Spookytourchick 12-14-2006, 10:38 AM Im single and in my early 30's which apparently equals out to "doom" here in Oklahoma. From what I have noticed so far... guys my age are into 20 year olds. I hate to stereotype but it's true. So, I date younger most of the time. Sorry, not meaning to start a war or anything.. .just an observation that I myself and my friends deal with all the time. Tracy 12-14-2006, 12:31 PM Ahhh, someone finally said, "Women get shafted too." Maybe it caught my attention because it's an acknowledgement that men even ever get shafted at all. Hats off to ya. But the "looking for" the "ditzy 19-year old" and the "asian child bride"........misconceptions. The young lady subconsciously seeks a father-figure/provider. The older man, naturally enticed by smooth skin and perky breast goes for it. Older men don't "expect" a young woman and therefore don't seek one. But if she offers, they won't turn her down. I have zero interest in a father figure/provider. I've never had any desire to go that route. Why would I want someone that is so completely different from me and would most likely lord his "power" over me as a bargaining tool? That's essentially what happens in these relationships, whether anyone wants to admit it or not. The man is in a superior position. What sort of compensation do I receive in exchange for being a subordinate? I don't need money. StephiOKC 12-14-2006, 12:59 PM Im single and in my early 30's which apparently equals out to "doom" here in Oklahoma. From what I have noticed so far... guys my age are into 20 year olds. I hate to stereotype but it's true. So, I date younger most of the time. Sorry, not meaning to start a war or anything.. .just an observation that I myself and my friends deal with all the time. Spooky I totally agree with the statement that being a 30 something woman means "doom" in Oklahoma my friends and I as well can attest to that statement.....BRAVO! Well said! I have not given much thought to dating younger, but why not...what else do I have to lose! Spookytourchick 12-14-2006, 01:20 PM Thanks and It stinks. younger guys are fun but most of them are looking for a "momma" so ask a lot of questions first! hahaha StephiOKC 12-14-2006, 02:00 PM Thanks for the tip Spooky....I will have to remember that! This gal is not playing "momma" to a grown man that is for sure!!! I just want a man to be a man, it seems that is hard to find too! Oh well what can we do! Press on..... Spookytourchick 12-14-2006, 02:01 PM See thats all I want too!!! is for a "man to be a man"... seems to me that it has become a thing of the past. We should go to Alaska!!! THere are wood choppin' men there!!! StephiOKC 12-14-2006, 02:07 PM How funny you speak of Alaska, I have a friend that has suggested that! Big burly men....lots of them in Alaska! Lets get our friends together and get a mail order groom service going.......hehe! Spookytourchick 12-14-2006, 02:16 PM Im game! lol StephiOKC 12-14-2006, 02:24 PM We could start saving our coins now and see if we can make it to next Christmas...what a gift to get! Real man for Christmas.... Spookytourchick 12-14-2006, 02:26 PM Stop teasing me! lol Leon 12-14-2006, 09:51 PM Hmmm,.....I sense man-bashing. Think about this before answering....Are you ladies absolutey, positively, certain, without a doubt that your age is the ONLY thing repelling quality men? Why then would big, burly, wood-chopping, Alaskan men be attracted to a 30-something woman? Ladies, using your age as a reason is a cop-out; it's the only thing you can blame that is not in your control...If there were any truth to it, there would be no 30-something women with boyfriends. Tracy 12-14-2006, 10:55 PM Hmmm,.....I sense man-bashing. Think about this before answering....Are you ladies absolutey, positively, certain, without a doubt that your age is the ONLY thing repelling quality men? Why then would big, burly, wood-chopping, Alaskan men be attracted to a 30-something woman? Ladies, using your age as a reason is a cop-out; it's the only thing you can blame that is not in your control...If there were any truth to it, there would be no 30-something women with boyfriends. Well, you know, I have no idea what I'm doing to repel men. Believe it or not, I'm not mean to men in real life. I actually LOVE men... if I didn't, I wouldn't want to date them. I'm not a beauty queen, but I'm not a hideous troll either (my pic is in the gallery), I don't have baggage or issues, I'm nice, I'm not a moron, I show interest in others because I find other people genuinely interesting. But for whatever reason, there's something that still is not "clicking". Maybe it's my fault. I don't know. That's where the frustration lies. I don't think my age is a reason for men rejecting me, but at the same time, I don't know what else it could be. I wish I DID know, so I could at least attempt to fix it. StephiOKC 12-15-2006, 02:22 AM Hmmm,.....I sense man-bashing. Think about this before answering....Are you ladies absolutey, positively, certain, without a doubt that your age is the ONLY thing repelling quality men? Why then would big, burly, wood-chopping, Alaskan men be attracted to a 30-something woman? Ladies, using your age as a reason is a cop-out; it's the only thing you can blame that is not in your control...If there were any truth to it, there would be no 30-something women with boyfriends. Sorry Leon, as you have stated, I have no idea what a man wants or needs.... I can honestly say I am with Tracy. I have dated several men and cannot tell you why I get shafted. Every time is different reasons for ending...Only that its real hard in OKC to find a SINGLE, caring, honest, emotionally healthy man in his 30's. I have searched this city and can say that its SLIM pickening here. So yes it would be nice to find a big burly man from Alaska in his 30's....what is wrong with that! A woman wants men to be men! So if you have all the knowledge about men then by all means do tell........ Spookytourchick 12-15-2006, 10:33 AM I dont "repel" men lol I attract men, but when it comes down to it, they are just looking for 2am booty calls and drunk-time it seems. I too notice the emotional health, why because it is IMPORTANT! I am rather open when it comes to mens ages and even types... but no matter what you have to say about 30 something men, it will not convince me, or a ton of other single women who are having to deal with the levels of strangness invovled. I have dated the "nerdy" and those "wood chopping" types... they are all pretty much the same. They watch entirely too much TV (or porn) and they expect that from women these days. I will say this, with the younger men I have dated (mid 20's) they are more respectful towards me as a woman. She is right... women want MEN TO BE MEN. It's not about chopping wood, it's them acting like grown ups and taking care of their lives and not wishing upon a "porn star". I have a 19 year old neice she's super cute and doesnt dress "slutty" or anything. You walk in the mall with her and men that are old enough to be her father are literally drooling over her, knocking things over and pretty much acting like a 12 year old boy. But, on the other hand there is her mother in her 30's and is beautiful...and they are NOT even looking her way... This SAD SAD SAD scenerio takes place with me and my 12 year old daughter! I am an attractive and full of life woman, i take care of myself and everything... but men my age are obviously more interested in seeking out the very young girls... A real manley man would want a real woman... who is all woman. Leon 12-15-2006, 12:01 PM Just a reminder, I'm very happy in my current relationship but I'm going to respond to this from an alone-and-looking perspective. Those "SINGLE, caring, honest, and emotional healthy men" are all over the place. I know because I was one of them and I hung out with others. Take me for example; I was SINGLE, caring, honest, and emotionally healthy, great job with great income, well known and respected around town, no criminal record, decent looking(I think). Not to argue, but that cannot be what women are looking for because so very few of you offer the 10 minutes it takes to discover that. Think about this...What does a man have to do to get you to give him some time??? What is he up against? It takes at least a little time to learn if a man is caring, honest, and emotionally healthy. And franky women today will not allow that time. So I'd say you're most likely to meet that person through a friend or relative. That way you'll have an idea whether he's all those things and single too before you lay eyes on him. Spend as much time as possible with friends and relatives...Never pass up a chance to just hang out and shoot the bull. Get less formal about the whole process. It's so easy a caveman, or woman, can do it....and they did. windowphobe 12-15-2006, 05:44 PM I assume that I draw no attention because I'm a hideous troll. :) Tracy 12-15-2006, 06:32 PM It takes at least a little time to learn if a man is caring, honest, and emotionally healthy. And franky women today will not allow that time. If a man immediately starts a relationship by lying or cheating, staying in the relationship a little longer to see if he's actually honest and decent is a waste of time, because he's proven straight outta that gate that he ISN'T. And incidentally, it sounds like we ladies aren't the only ones who are making sweeping general statements ;) dismayed 12-26-2006, 08:33 PM Lots of the chicks on this board have an attitude. If I can sense it through text, I can only imagine what it is like in person. I'm guessing that's what is really driving the guys away. And just speaking for myself, I tend to date younger women *in this state* because for some reason the women here really let themselves go (physically and mentally) as they get older. Is it really so hard to put the turkey leg down and hop on the treadmill every so often? To read a new book? Geez. :) Easy180 12-26-2006, 09:37 PM I'm already wincing at the future replies to this one dismayed :boxing2: bandnerd 12-26-2006, 10:06 PM Dismayed-- I'm sure you're the perfect picture of manly health. Care to post a real pic and prove me wrong? We don't *all* "let ourselves go." A lot of factors come into play here, and do not assume to know what they could all be. This state is not the only state with a weight problem--it's the whole damn country. And it's been said before--if you don't like it, move. There's my attitude. My husband likes my attitude. And my *real* body, and the fact that I like both turkey legs AND books, and that I work out to stay healthy (though not on a treadmill.) Tracy 12-26-2006, 10:40 PM Lots of the chicks on this board have an attitude. If I can sense it through text, I can only imagine what it is like in person. I'm guessing that's what is really driving the guys away. And just speaking for myself, I tend to date younger women *in this state* because for some reason the women here really let themselves go (physically and mentally) as they get older. Is it really so hard to put the turkey leg down and hop on the treadmill every so often? To read a new book? Geez. :) (Tracy pushes aside a roll of fat to look for that chocolate-covered Pay Day she thinks she left lying around somewhere) Why bother with turkey legs? Not enough fat in 'em. I prefer deep-fried pig, myself. Just gimme a whole damn hog and leave me alone. (Incidentally... there's a whole lot of YOUNG fat chicks too.) Leon 12-27-2006, 01:17 AM Lots of the chicks on this board have an attitude. If I can sense it through text, I can only imagine what it is like in person. I'm guessing that's what is really driving the guys away. Jeez! Ya, think?!?!? Ya think that attitude might extend beyond this board?....Other women?....other places?...Social situations? Maybe it doesn't drive the guys away....maybe it keeps them from approaching in the first place. StephiOKC 12-27-2006, 05:16 AM How can you drive men away that are hiding behind a computer, or hovering on the couch in front of the TV? Please by all means POST THAT PHOTO! Bless us with your presence!!! I have always wanted to see a BRAD PITT, or George Clooney in OKC!! WOOO HOOO! We are in the presence of a Great man! ( legend in his own mind!) :sofa: I agree with bandnerd, you dont like the women here, or people for that matter, leave. I hate to tell you about judging people but......i hope that dating younger makes you feel better, everyone is entilted to feeling better about themselves. Just remember to ask for ID! :kicking: hehehehehheee! Ladies must I say it.....another reason I am single! bandnerd 12-27-2006, 08:33 AM It's not that the women here have an attitude...they have OPINIONS. A lot of times, that scares men. They need to get over it. Whoops, there's that "attitude" again. Better reign that in. What is my husband going to do with me? Maybe it's just because I haven't had breakfast. Tracy 12-27-2006, 10:10 AM I'll share my deep-fried pig with you if you ask real nice, bandnerd. (pushes aside one of her thighs to make room for bandnerd on the couch, and knocks over a lamp and endtable in the process) Curt 12-27-2006, 10:15 AM Jeez! Ya, think?!?!? Ya think that attitude might extend beyond this board?....Other women?....other places?...Social situations? Maybe it doesn't drive the guys away....maybe it keeps them from approaching in the first place. Well put and right on the money... Tracy 12-27-2006, 10:17 AM Do you want some deep-fried pig too, Curt? I'll even save a leg for you. They're easier to eat... you can hold onto the hoof for a better grip. bandnerd 12-27-2006, 11:05 AM I'd love some deep fried pig. *waddles to the couch, knocking over a Christmas tree in her wake* Leon 12-27-2006, 12:01 PM How can you drive men away that are hiding behind a computer, or hovering on the couch in front of the TV? Please by all means POST THAT PHOTO! Bless us with your presence!!! I have always wanted to see a BRAD PITT, or George Clooney in OKC!! WOOO HOOO! We are in the presence of a Great man! ( legend in his own mind!) :sofa: I agree with bandnerd, you dont like the women here, or people for that matter, leave. I hate to tell you about judging people but......i hope that dating younger makes you feel better, everyone is entilted to feeling better about themselves. Just remember to ask for ID! :kicking: hehehehehheee! Ladies must I say it.....another reason I am single! nevermind MadMonk 12-27-2006, 12:18 PM Reading some of these posts reminded me of this from a few months back :): Brawny Academy - Trailer ( You can see the individual episodes here: Brawny Academy ( Karried 12-27-2006, 12:24 PM Leon, if I'm not mistaken, Stepanie was responding to Dismayed. Anyway, .. tis the season and all! Who knows maybe you'll all end up becoming friends! Tracy 12-27-2006, 12:28 PM I'm carrying the olive branch of peace myself. Actually, I'm just wanting to get some action. But if I can keep some of you from keying my car while we're out, so much the better. Leon 12-27-2006, 01:49 PM Oh, ...nevermind. Tracy 12-27-2006, 03:08 PM :boff: dismayed 12-27-2006, 06:21 PM Actually, the responses to my post kind of prove out my point. I was laughing as I typed it because I knew what would happen -- the cool chicks just kind of shrugged it off or gave me some grief, but not too seriously, and the ones where it hit a little too close to home went livid. It's funny that at least one person assumed that I don't like girls with opinions because of what I posted. Actually, I prefer smart girls that I can have a conversation with. But you know what, being opinionated and being a raving bitch are not the same thing. If you're reading this and can't tell the difference, then I guess we know which side of the fence you fall on. :) It's also funny that at least one person was defensive about a comment I made about looks, and responded by taunting mine and trying to get me to post a picture of myself. Somewhat hypocritical I think, and also the type of thing that guys can sense in a heartbeat and steer clear from. The funny thing was I wasn't even knocking any particular body type -- I was simply saying that it is unfortunate that so many people can improve and yet so many don't even try. Finally, I always love the "you can just leave the state if you don't like it" comments. Hey, maybe I like this state and want to stay and make it suck less. Run away and cower? Is that how you really like men to behave. Also hypocritical. I've been to almost every state, and Oklahoma has more problems than most. That's why our two major cities always rank at the top of the "fattest" and "most physically unfit" lists. Some people are large statured and that's fine, and that's not a problem and it's not their fault. Others are just slobs and they can prevent it. Those people are usually the same ones who lament not being able to find a guy/girl when they don't even bother trying to look. Trying is the key word here. Regardless of whether or not you're a guy or a girl, you have to try if you want to find a guy and maintain a relationship. I get the feeling that a lot of the chicks here have just let themselves go in the same way they let their emotions go all over me when I added my original post. That right there is the problem, and the key. Want to stop being single, address it. Have a good evening. :) StephiOKC 12-27-2006, 06:42 PM Leon, if I'm not mistaken, Stepanie was responding to Dismayed. Yes I was responding to dismayed... Anyway, .. tis the season and all! Who knows maybe you'll all end up becoming friends! the one that thinks older woman lets themselves go.....I just say post that photo.....I posted mine. Hey I am proud of myself. I am not a supermodel, never will be, not will I claim that one! I am a woman with curves, so the real woman that are out there. If younger makes someone feel better, then do it. I am not one to knock what makes someone feel better about themselves. Whatever floats your boat. Tracy 12-27-2006, 06:50 PM Trying is the key word here. Regardless of whether or not you're a guy or a girl, you have to try if you want to find a guy and maintain a relationship. I get the feeling that a lot of the chicks here have just let themselves go in the same way they let their emotions go all over me when I added my original post. That right there is the problem, and the key. Want to stop being single, address it. This makes a lot of sense. Thanks for contributing, Dismayed. jim1956 12-31-2006, 10:31 PM I'm single and new to town. So, I am looking for the single women! redredwine 01-02-2007, 08:15 AM I dont "repel" men lol I attract men, but when it comes down to it, they are just looking for 2am booty calls and drunk-time it seems. I too notice the emotional health, why because it is IMPORTANT! I am rather open when it comes to mens ages and even types... but no matter what you have to say about 30 something men, it will not convince me, or a ton of other single women who are having to deal with the levels of strangness invovled. I have dated the "nerdy" and those "wood chopping" types... they are all pretty much the same. They watch entirely too much TV (or porn) and they expect that from women these days. I will say this, with the younger men I have dated (mid 20's) they are more respectful towards me as a woman. She is right... women want MEN TO BE MEN. It's not about chopping wood, it's them acting like grown ups and taking care of their lives and not wishing upon a "porn star". I have a 19 year old neice she's super cute and doesnt dress "slutty" or anything. You walk in the mall with her and men that are old enough to be her father are literally drooling over her, knocking things over and pretty much acting like a 12 year old boy. But, on the other hand there is her mother in her 30's and is beautiful...and they are NOT even looking her way... This SAD SAD SAD scenerio takes place with me and my 12 year old daughter! I am an attractive and full of life woman, i take care of myself and everything... but men my age are obviously more interested in seeking out the very young girls... A real manley man would want a real woman... who is all woman. I have a 13 1/2 yr old daughter and she looks 15, and I to have been in your position men looking at her I just want to slap them. :fighting2 |