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05-26-2010, 10:30 AM
Retail interest in Oklahoma City is growing, Oklahoma City officials say

Read more: NewsOK (

So far we potentially have:
"ladies fashion and home decor store, a gourmet sandwich and bakery chain, a national discount department store, fast casual dining operators, several mall and shopping center developers and a specialty grocery store.

The meetings were confidential, so Reid declined to name the retailers. But, she added, the chance of securing at least one new lease deal is high."

Can anyone knock any thing off the list, as far as guesses are concerned?
I'm really interested in the department store....

05-26-2010, 10:52 AM
ladies fashion and home decor store

That's got to be Anthropology.

05-26-2010, 11:00 AM
Anthropologie is already interested and the team has visited and looked at space. So, if it's an Anthropolgie lease they're talking about ("ladies fashion and home decor store"), it wasn't this convention that secured it. Anthro simply wants suitable space in a center that stays open until 9 and on Sundays, and the last I'd heard they hadn't found it. I am wondering (and will find out as soon as I can) if there's any possibility that Aubrey might offer to build them a freestanding building in the Classen Curve area to meet their specifications, especially if, like Tuck said, stores in Classen Curve will be staying open later and on Sunday. They'll already have the drive-up business from Whole Foods, shoppers at which are precisely their demographic, and Classen Curve demographics should be virtually identical. It's a very logical location for them if they can get the store shape and size they want.

05-26-2010, 12:32 PM
Anthropologie is already interested and the team has visited and looked at space. So, if it's an Anthropolgie lease they're talking about ("ladies fashion and home decor store"), it wasn't this convention that secured it. Anthro simply wants suitable space in a center that stays open until 9 and on Sundays, and the last I'd heard they hadn't found it.

Are you sure? They might want to check on Utica Square's hours then. Almost all the stores close at 6.

05-26-2010, 12:45 PM
I'm just repeating what I was told. Maybe they think they'll get enough daytime traffic in Tulsa to keep sales up. I don't know of any Anthro stores that are only open until 6, personally.

Oil Capital
05-26-2010, 02:40 PM
That's got to be Anthropology.

My thought exactly.

05-26-2010, 03:10 PM
Is anyone concerned that presently the best retail recruiter for Okc seems to be Chesapeake?

Don't get me wrong, Chesapeake is doing great. Just bringing WF to Okc puts them at the top.

05-26-2010, 03:11 PM
Is anyone concerned that presently the best retail recruiter for Okc seems to be Chesapeake?

Don't get me wrong, Chesapeake is doing great. Just bringing WF to Okc puts them at the top.

Yes, that's what I've been trying to say for awhile now. The OKC Chamber needs to beef up their efforts, even if it means hiring from outside OKC.

05-26-2010, 04:49 PM
I'd ask this is OKC Chamber doing the bulk of the recruiting or have the towns around here formed a Metro group much like other cities have to bring the BIG names to the area.

05-26-2010, 04:54 PM
Is anyone concerned that presently the best retail recruiter for Okc seems to be Chesapeake?

Don't get me wrong, Chesapeake is doing great. Just bringing WF to Okc puts them at the top.

No, its just that right now they are the only ones developing a desirable area for these retailers. And why would you be concerned? Who cares who develops and attracts certain retailers, just as long as it gets done.

On a side note, Id really like to get my hand on some of the Classen Curve leases and the Whole Foods lease. No telling how much money Aubrey is giving them to come to that area.

05-26-2010, 05:27 PM
Retail interest in Oklahoma City is growing, Oklahoma City officials say

Read more: NewsOK (

So far we potentially have:
"ladies fashion and home decor store, a gourmet sandwich and bakery chain, a national discount department store, fast casual dining operators, several mall and shopping center developers and a specialty grocery store.

The meetings were confidential, so Reid declined to name the retailers. But, she added, the chance of securing at least one new lease deal is high."

Can anyone knock any thing off the list, as far as guesses are concerned?
I'm really interested in the department store....

The bolded part above is what jumped out at me. Let's hope that's Costco.

05-26-2010, 05:29 PM
No, its just that right now they are the only ones developing a desirable area for these retailers. And why would you be concerned? Who cares who develops and attracts certain retailers, just as long as it gets done.

On a side note, Id really like to get my hand on some of the Classen Curve leases and the Whole Foods lease. No telling how much money Aubrey is giving them to come to that area.

Helmerich & Payne has the same hand in drawing and retaining high end retailers at Utica Square in Tulsa. Their HQ used to be right next to it until they moved downtown a few years ago. It has long been rumored they will build a highrise hotel on their land as that area doesn't have one and it's next to 2 hospitals. Speaking of hotel, I could see the Classen Curve area supporting a new hotel. Wish the Westin brand would return to Oklahoma.

05-26-2010, 05:51 PM
The bolded part above is what jumped out at me. Let's hope that's Costco.

let's hope so

05-26-2010, 06:08 PM
The bolded part above is what jumped out at me. Let's hope that's Costco.

This one jumped out at me: specialty grocery store

Could that mean Trader Joe's?

Oil Capital
05-26-2010, 08:32 PM
The bolded part above is what jumped out at me. Let's hope that's Costco.

I doubt it. That would be a very strange way to categorize Costco

05-26-2010, 09:22 PM
I doubt it. That would be a very strange way to categorize Costco

What would you call Costco? - National discount department store chain (

05-26-2010, 09:26 PM
Retail interest in Oklahoma City is growing, Oklahoma City officials say

Read more: NewsOK (

So far we potentially have:
"ladies fashion and home decor store, a gourmet sandwich and bakery chain, a national discount department store, fast casual dining operators, several mall and shopping center developers and a specialty grocery store.

The meetings were confidential, so Reid declined to name the retailers. But, she added, the chance of securing at least one new lease deal is high."

Can anyone knock any thing off the list, as far as guesses are concerned?
I'm really interested in the department store....


This convention is held every single year in Vegas and OKC attends every single year and comes away with "retail development leads."

05-26-2010, 10:26 PM
I have been to ICSC several times. Almost every retailer there is some kind of fast food place or pharmacy.

Oil Capital
05-26-2010, 10:36 PM
What would you call Costco? - National discount department store chain (

A warehouse store. (And, in case you didn't notice, your link was NOT to Costco's website. Offering thousands of items you won?t find in your local Costco. ( their website.)

Oil Capital
05-26-2010, 10:37 PM

This convention is held every single year in Vegas and OKC attends every single year and comes away with "retail development leads."

Yeah, so what? What about that makes this a bogus article?

05-26-2010, 10:48 PM
A warehouse store. (And, in case you didn't notice, your link was NOT to Costco's website. Offering thousands of items you won?t find in your local Costco. ( their website.)

All I did was put in "national discount department store chain" in Google and that was the first thing that came up. prevent another OKCTalk pissing contest, let me make this clear (and make Oil Capital happy):

Costco should not be called a national discount department store chain. It should be classified as a "warehouse store." Of course, if someone didn't already know about Sam's, Costco, BJ's, etc. "warehouse store" would mean absolutely nothing. Maybe they sell warehouses at the warehouse store? However, in order not to further agitate Oil Capital, call it whatever the hell he wants to. This board gets prickly and technical over the most stupid of things. My point was it sure would be nice if Costco came to Oklahoma City.


05-26-2010, 11:00 PM
Yeah, so what? What about that makes this a bogus article?

"Retail interest in Oklahoma City is growing, Oklahoma City officials say" -- article goes on to vaguely categorize any stores that have talked to OKC officials because the negotiations are "top secret" and they can't name names. Uh huh...

The "Oklahoma City officials say," line should generally be the tip-off that we're about to read through a load of bull****. Anyone who knows what the behind the scenes of economic development is like knows that attending the ICSC does not validate "growing interest" in the city you're hawking. I'm surprised they're not claiming that OKC is in the center of the convention, based on the pictures they could technically get away with that since it appears the booth is up against no physical walls. They'll brag about any claim they can get away with..they should save their PR gimmicks for the retailers instead of us.

05-27-2010, 12:13 AM
Why always so negative Spartan?

05-27-2010, 12:15 AM
I'm actually mostly positive about the direction our community is heading in..but I have buttons. Retail in OKC is one of them that agitate me.

05-27-2010, 01:00 AM
Yes, that's what I've been trying to say for awhile now. The OKC Chamber needs to beef up their efforts, even if it means hiring from outside OKC.

Metro, so are you saying the Chamber had no part in this? How do you know what their efforts were? The chamber can't build or promote developments like Chesapeake can.

05-27-2010, 01:03 AM
The chamber leads the OKC group that goes to the ICSC in Vegas every year.

05-27-2010, 09:24 AM
A lot of the promotional work is done by commercial realtors representing particular clients. They obviously are more interested in getting a project or a location filled and aren't so coordinated with each other. It is like my project to re-locate a company here. When I am out looking at building spaces the realtors are interested only in me signing a lease at one of their properties. They rarely take a look and help me find the best "fit". I have only had one actually offer to help me with state and local contacts and assistance getting information I need for my business. I am sure the same is going on with retail leasing. So, if there isn't an available site or project, there isn't the initiative. The reason for WF and other prospects at and around the curve is that Aubrey wants to fill his area and is willing to promote and educate to get it done. We just don't have a bunch of other visionary or risk taking developers here committed to long term wealth development. They want a sure bet and quick profit. Build a cheap center and fill it with safe chains. That is why every new center has the same old middle of the road retailers. Thankfully Aubrey has a longer term vision.

Oil Capital
05-27-2010, 10:47 AM
All I did was put in "national discount department store chain" in Google and that was the first thing that came up. prevent another OKCTalk pissing contest, let me make this clear (and make Oil Capital happy):

Costco should not be called a national discount department store chain. It should be classified as a "warehouse store." Of course, if someone didn't already know about Sam's, Costco, BJ's, etc. "warehouse store" would mean absolutely nothing. Maybe they sell warehouses at the warehouse store? However, in order not to further agitate Oil Capital, call it whatever the hell he wants to. This board gets prickly and technical over the most stupid of things. My point was it sure would be nice if Costco came to Oklahoma City.


LOL. I am clearly not the one getting agitated here. Cool your jets,
big fella.

I too think it would be great to get Costco in OKC. You were speculating that the referenced dept store considering coming to OKC might be Costco. I merely pointed out the reality that the industry does not refer to Costco as a dept store, so it is unlikely they were referring to Costco. I did not mean to offend you.

05-27-2010, 12:33 PM
I have been to ICSC several times. Almost every retailer there is some kind of fast food place or pharmacy.

True, and the way it is set up you have access and talk to reps from all of these companies. The chamber telling the paper that they had talks with several retailers means nothing really. Hopefully though, they made a good impression with some.

05-27-2010, 01:03 PM
Would people rather not hear or read about anything they are doing? Sheesh.

All I got from reading the article was that OKC is more visible and desirable now. Probably from the great national pub we have been getting the last few years. Instead of celebrating or appreciating that fact, everyone gets all cranky.

I think it must be time for a long weekend so people can chill out.

05-27-2010, 01:08 PM
I agree that it must be time for a long weekend. :)

Would people rather not hear or read about anything they are doing? Sheesh.

We've been hearing about what they're doing for the last 10 years and for the last 5 years we've been told "any minute now" basically..we're just ready for some results, I think. Does that sound like too much to ask for, or is OKC really that bad?

05-27-2010, 01:12 PM
I do think that they could drop a name or two in the press. No need for the top secret retailers showing interest.

05-27-2010, 02:02 PM
yeah, or at least drop the names of ones they aren't in "private negotiations" with.

05-27-2010, 02:47 PM
......or just get them here. lol

05-27-2010, 09:59 PM
You all are pretty naive if you think they will divulge names without the consent of those they would be talking to or negotiating with. Our curiosity is trumped by good ethical business practices.

05-27-2010, 11:29 PM
I agree that it must be time for a long weekend.

I think you're right. I have noticed I have really been grumpy the last couple of days. I suppose a lot of it is dealing with all the storm damage and miscellaneous curve balls that life throws our way. Good riddance to May of 2010.

As for the stores, just bring 'em on. Somebody in another thread mentioned Omaha and Des Moines and how their downtown areas are vibrant. Their retail selection is better than ours as well. Really, they're both great little cities.

05-28-2010, 09:10 AM
I think you're right. I have noticed I have really been grumpy the last couple of days. I suppose a lot of it is dealing with all the storm damage and miscellaneous curve balls that life throws our way. Good riddance to May of 2010.

As for the stores, just bring 'em on. Somebody in another thread mentioned Omaha and Des Moines and how their downtown areas are vibrant. Their retail selection is better than ours as well. Really, they're both great little cities.

Both Omaha and Des Moines are not that far a drive from OKC, 8 hours and 9 hours, respectively. If you haven't been you should check them out. Both are Great Plains cities that are smaller than OKC yet more urban and vibrant in their downtowns. Hit Kansas City on your way back and check out their Power and Light District downtown to see how Bricktown could look if done right. All three cities are similar to OKC with similar geography, people, and industries so it's interesting to look at what they're doing different and why. I think this would be an interesting piece for the Oklahoman or Gazette...

05-28-2010, 10:13 AM
Both Omaha and Des Moines.... I think this would be an interesting piece for the Oklahoman or Gazette...

I too would like to see a story done comparing these two cities with Okc.

I have been to all 3 (Omaha, Des Moines & KC), seeing the downtowns definitely make you wonder, how are they doing it?

05-28-2010, 11:41 AM
I too would like to see a story done comparing these two cities with Okc.

I have been to all 3 (Omaha, Des Moines & KC), seeing the downtowns definitely make you wonder, how are they doing it?

Probably have more clever business people who can see big and bigger and take on more wisely calculated risks.

05-28-2010, 01:20 PM
I'm with Mike - would love to see a Costco here in OKC -regardless of how its classified.!!!!!

05-28-2010, 01:21 PM
I too would like to see a story done comparing these two cities with Okc.

I have been to all 3 (Omaha, Des Moines & KC), seeing the downtowns definitely make you wonder, how are they doing it?

That is what I want to know.

05-28-2010, 02:04 PM
Both Omaha and Des Moines are not that far a drive from OKC, 8 hours and 9 hours, respectively. If you haven't been you should check them out. Both are Great Plains cities that are smaller than OKC yet more urban and vibrant in their downtowns. Hit Kansas City on your way back and check out their Power and Light District downtown to see how Bricktown could look if done right. All three cities are similar to OKC with similar geography, people, and industries so it's interesting to look at what they're doing different and why. I think this would be an interesting piece for the Oklahoman or Gazette...

I used to live in Kansas City for roughly a third of the year, now it's OKC/Plano/St. Louis. My work takes me throughout the region and I have watched Omaha and Des Moines with amazement. The Principal Financial Tower in Des Moines is one of my favorite buildings. Here's a few downtown Des Moines pictures. I just love how the Principal Tower dominates the skyline with authority.

Another thing I like about Des Moines is the East Village ( area that takes you straight to the steps of the state capitol. The riverside development is to die for. To have it all downtown is priceless.

05-28-2010, 02:05 PM
I too would like to see a story done comparing these two cities with Okc.

I have been to all 3 (Omaha, Des Moines & KC), seeing the downtowns definitely make you wonder, how are they doing it?

Omaha and Des Moines in particular just have a different culture and people up there truly do care more about their community. It doesn't just show in their downtown. It shows in their lawns. Their street medians. Their schools. And so on.

Kansas City has a lot more problems if you ask me, but their downtown is so much more sophisticated than ours as well for the simple fact that they are an older, more established urban city that didn't demo every old building they ever had like we did and continue to do so. KC has a sheer volume of cool old buildings and neighborhoods..River Market, Crossroads, Garment District, 18th and Vine, Power & Light District, Crown Plaza, Country Club Plaza, and on and on and on....

I know that "people in this city just care more" isn't a particularly decisive answer, but it's the truth. If you're looking for something you can quantify, then perhaps the answer is the corporate base. Omaha and Des Moines have incredible corporate bases downtown, and that comes from their educational attainment levels that make them attractive for HQs.

05-28-2010, 02:07 PM
Mike, are you in OKC this month?

05-28-2010, 02:18 PM
Mike, are you in OKC this month?

I am here, dealing with storm damage.

05-28-2010, 02:35 PM
Omaha and Des Moines in particular just have a different culture and people up there truly do care more about their community. It doesn't just show in their downtown. It shows in their lawns. Their street medians. Their schools. And so on.

Kansas City has a lot more problems if you ask me, but their downtown is so much more sophisticated than ours as well for the simple fact that they are an older, more established urban city that didn't demo every old building they ever had like we did and continue to do so. KC has a sheer volume of cool old buildings and neighborhoods..River Market, Crossroads, Garment District, 18th and Vine, Power & Light District, Crown Plaza, Country Club Plaza, and on and on and on....

I know that "people in this city just care more" isn't a particularly decisive answer, but it's the truth. If you're looking for something you can quantify, then perhaps the answer is the corporate base. Omaha and Des Moines have incredible corporate bases downtown, and that comes from their educational attainment levels that make them attractive for HQs.

I think I know what you area getting at, but you can't deny what the people of Okc have done in such a short amount of time. The 3 seperate Maps votes are the envy of many cities across the nation big and small.

It is almost like with Okc it stops there (MAPS) for the most part. Kind of like we did our part now lets see someone else step up and finish the job.

As a city we just keep offering up pitches right down the middle begging for someone to knock it out of the park, but only few have.

To me that is the "How are they doing it?" question.

We know how we are doing it, mostly with fully funded public projects. But where is the private developer with the vision to hit the homerun.( Devon is truly a big hitter know doubt.)

Am I wrong to say that in Okc the city officials and those in office seem to be steering the ship and hoping the private investors follow along?

Would it be better if Okc had private investors leading the way and then letting the city follow along with the public investment?

Larry OKC
05-29-2010, 07:11 AM
We know how we are doing it, mostly with fully funded public projects. But where is the private developer with the vision to hit the homerun.( Devon is truly a big hitter know doubt.)

Am I wrong to say that in Okc the city officials and those in office seem to be steering the ship and hoping the private investors follow along?

Would it be better if Okc had private investors leading the way and then letting the city follow along with the public investment?

Even with the 47.75% it came in over budget, the final $351.7 Million it cost looks impressive IF you believe the Chamber's numbers (I don't) we have had $5 BILLION in private investment due to MAPS 1.