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05-26-2010, 08:44 AM
I've noticed several speed traps in the metro popping up as of late. I wonder if they are doing this to boost the tax coffers.

One popped up this week on N. Western between Wilshire and Britton during weekdays, cops like to hang out in the school zone close to Britton, even though I think that "Praxis College" already went out of business.

The other major one I've noticed is I-44/Hefner Parkway on Sundays.

Anyone else know of any?

05-26-2010, 08:59 AM
Haven't been up to OKC enough to notice. In Norman, lately we've had them set up, sometimes three NPD vehicles deep, on Robinson just west of the HWY 77/Flood Robinson intersection, and occasionally a bit south of the intersection as well.

I have traveled that specific area regularly for 20+ years and have never seen the enforcement levels that exist today.

While I canna say it is specifically to boost revenues, I can say I've never seen a small stretch in Norman worked by three vehicles. I can also say it was rare to see all three sitting in wait, given the amount of opportunities being offered up by the passing motorists.

05-26-2010, 09:04 AM
Between Penn and Classen on NW 23rd there seems to always be a cop with somebody pulled over or waiting... Sometimes they park at the Smith & Kernke funeral home, or sometimes the apartments and duplexes across from OCU.

05-26-2010, 09:07 AM
yeah, I've seen those on NW 23rd, but they've been doing that for years, the other ones I mentioned, seemed to have popped up within the last two weeks and are usually several patrol cars/motorcycles.

05-26-2010, 09:12 AM
They're pretty regularly on Broadway between 23rd and 13th.

05-26-2010, 09:19 AM
I've never seen a more reliable speed trap than Britton and Broadway. It's always there..

Thank goodness we made drastic cuts to everything except public safety. Where would we be without OKC's finest to protect us from crimes like going 5 over?

05-26-2010, 09:34 AM
Seems like there is always one north of Quail Springs mall between Penn and May on 164th Ave.

And on Sundays just after church lets out up and down May Ave.

05-26-2010, 10:07 AM
Yes, Broadway between 23rd and 13th, 30mph zone surprises many and seems to catch quite a few.

05-26-2010, 10:25 AM
... Where would we be without OKC's finest to protect us from crimes like going 5 over?

Is that actually an issue in OKC? I can't recall ever seeing, or hearing, about a 3 to 5 mph over limit ticket in the metro area.

I don't think even the fairly notorious 'We Love Okies and Texans for Your Generous Donations' crew in Cimarron, NM' writes at 5 or less over limit?

05-26-2010, 10:33 AM
"Beginning May 1, 2010, the Oklahoma City Police Department will begin a Traffic Safety program designed to increase safety awareness on high speed roadways and crack down on those drivers who commit violations that endanger themselves or others."

City of Oklahoma City - Notification Information - Traffic Safety Emphasis ( 5ada4c6a-82d8-4974-aa88-f2bb5c4f66b1)

05-26-2010, 10:44 AM
They're pretty regularly on Broadway between 23rd and 13th.

That's a fact! And the speed limit is way too low, IMHO, so it can catch you off-guard.

Edited to add: Oops...OKCLee already said this. It seems like we all feel the same way about it.

05-26-2010, 10:47 AM
Thank goodness we made drastic cuts to everything except public safety. Where would we be without OKC's finest to protect us from crimes like going 5 over?

I've never been pulled over for going 5 over... I should be ashamed of yourself for speeding!

05-26-2010, 10:59 AM
Oh and by the way, the stretch of NE 10th St. between I-35 and Sooner Rd. leading into Midwest City frequently has unmarked Fords cruising up and down or posted up in hiding, specifically during rush hour. I have lived in Midwest City for many years (20+) and there has NEVER been any significant development of any kind along this stretch. Speed Limit has been 40-45MPH for as long as I can remember and the pavement is in great condition with very few incidents ever along this stretch. The speed limit could easily be 55MPH here but it doesn't help that law enforcement along this stretch consistently preys upon speeding motorists. If you ever drive down this roadway of "nothingness" you will find it very difficult not to speed as it is a straightaway on good pavement across the basin of the North Canadian River.

05-26-2010, 11:07 AM
They're pretty regularly on Broadway between 23rd and 13th.

They do a pretty good job of hiding behind the trucks at the bread plant on this stretch. Can't say how many times I've seen people being pulled over in this ten-block area.

05-26-2010, 11:10 AM
Yes, Broadway between 23rd and 13th, 30mph zone surprises many and seems to catch quite a few.

And that hill if you're going northbound, your car will naturally speed.

05-26-2010, 11:20 AM
I know a policeman who participates in some of the speed traps and he told me that it's a real cash cow for the city. I've noticed more too recently and figured the economy was why. My husband has gotten stopped for speeding in the Broadway speed trap and we avoid it as much as possible. Because there's such a long stoplight-free stretch and it's got more than one lane, one's brain forgets it has a residential speed limit.

05-26-2010, 11:24 AM
i've noticed during the day north bound on I-44 there is a motorcycle cop that sits in an opening just lying in wait. it is right about the NW 36th exit before you get to the I-44 to Tulsa exit. he will have people pulled over on the side at the 50th street exit.

05-26-2010, 11:28 AM
It's not a speed trap, but basically functions like one: there is a very small "no right turn on red" sign on the 63rd and May intersection. There is frequently a policeman lying in wait for the unsuspecting who don't notice the sign.

05-26-2010, 11:42 AM
It's not a speed trap, but basically functions like one: there is a very small "no right turn on red" sign on the 63rd and May intersection. There is frequently a policeman lying in wait for the unsuspecting who don't notice the sign.

I dont believe this crap. I got pulled over on I-235 from Wilshire to NW 122nd area. I was going 90 in a 65 and those damn cops pulled me over. You have got to be kiddin me, dont they have anything better to do than to pull me over. I told them there was nobody else on the road, it was all clear, and it is an excellent road. I told them that the speed limit should be 90, not 65. I also told them I was an active member of I was doing well, til I mentioned and thats when he started writing the ticket. Some nerve, I told him that he should be honored to have met me, I am solving all of the cities problems one at a time.

05-26-2010, 12:12 PM
I'm probably going to jinx myself...but I have driven 25 over on the highway with a cop on my bumper and didn't realize it. Definitely an "Oh ****" moment when I looked in my rear-view. I pulled over into the right lane and he zoomed on past.

I also floated through a stop sign with a cop in the other lane.

Maybe I'm just lucky?

A good speed trap during the school year is Penn between SW 104 and SW119, in the Red Oak school zone. A cop will sit in the entrance to the walled in neighborhood next to Red Oak, can't see him at all. Saw him get a couple of people throughout the school year.

SW 104th between May and I-44 is also a good speed trap, they hide behind the neighborhood wall in the church parking lot, and also in the driveway to the oil facility. I imagine they might start parking in the alley of the new Crest.

05-26-2010, 12:19 PM
Lol @ bobthebuilder

Yes we need okctalk ID cards to carry, or badges to wear.

Also like the part about solving all of the city's problems.

05-26-2010, 12:39 PM
They're pretty regularly on Broadway between 23rd and 13th.

i think they have been out almost everyday on Broadway in the last month or so

05-26-2010, 01:38 PM
Do OKC police have to meet a quota?

05-26-2010, 02:04 PM
Do OKC police have to meet a quota?

"NO, OCPD do not work under a quota system." Translation: There's always a quota..goes something like "the more the merrier."

05-26-2010, 02:14 PM
If we could just got God to move the planet out on a larger elliptical path then the years would be longer meaning everyone would have more time to do their thing. But then again, we wouldn't be in the habitable zone and we probably wouldn't exist. Hey! Here's an idea: leave where ever you are earlier so you can make time to get to your destination and not speed. Then this topic would be non existent!


05-26-2010, 02:28 PM
Seeing that many of you are not OCPD or Law Enforcement.....its funny hearing the words, "quota" and "revenue". And griping about "speed traps" in areas that are notorious for speeders, accidents and near accidents (pointed out by complaints from the general public). Where would you expect the cops to sit? And cops wont pull you over for 5 mph...they will pull you over if you do something that arouses their suspicion. (Speeding >10mph, following too close, passing illegally, not maintaining car, weaving in out out of traffic, littering, expired tags, driving left of center.....)which one of these do you fit into? They pull you over, ticket you and hope that you, like people used to do in the old days of non-entitlement, would learn your lesson and abide by the traffic laws put forth to make drivers safe.

And if you do any of the above and dont get caught the first time...who is to say that doing one of these things the next time doesnt get you or someone else hurt....

If you say you are pulled over for no reason, you are mistaken.

05-26-2010, 02:34 PM
Seeing that many of you are not OCPD or Law Enforcement.....its funny hearing the words, "quota" and "revenue". And griping about "speed traps" in areas that are notorious for speeders, accidents and near accidents (pointed out by complaints from the general public). Where would you expect the cops to sit? And cops wont pull you over for 5 mph...they will pull you over if you do something that arouses their suspicion. (Speeding >10mph, following too close, passing illegally, not maintaining car, weaving in out out of traffic, littering, expired tags, driving left of center.....)which one of these do you fit into? They pull you over, ticket you and hope that you, like people used to do in the old days of non-entitlement, would learn your lesson and abide by the traffic laws put forth to make drivers safe.

And if you do any of the above and dont get caught the first time...who is to say that doing one of these things the next time doesnt get you or someone else hurt....

If you say you are pulled over for no reason, you are mistaken.

"The old days of non-entitlement" LOL

Translation: Someone thinks their opinion is entitled.

And in case you didn't realize, if a police officer decides that he's going to pull you over, he will. If someone followed you for 10 minutes there is a 100% chance that they will find something, anything, that they can pull you over for, and again, in case you didn't realize, the traffic laws are written just for that specific reason. So don't get holier than thou about abiding by the traffic laws. The reality is that everyone breaks the traffic laws, which are written to be broken so that a police officer can have the authority to pull over whoever he needs, so obviously breaking a traffic law doesn't mean you are a bad person or that you are a bad driver. It means that you either A, got caught in a speed trap at a time the city needed revenue; B, drive a car that gathers suspicion perhaps for good reason (a pimped out Monte Carlo, for example); or C, did something flagrantly wrong and actually deserve the ticket you're going to get (the least likely of possible scenarios).

And before you, nobody ever said that it wasn't avoidable. You can always be aware of when there is a speed trap and be certain that you fly under the radar not speeding. You can always not do anything flagrantly wrong, which I would always encourage. You can also always change the color of your skin, not express yourself with your car, not come across "ghetto", not be driving through a bad neighborhood, or avoid any other situation that may be the actual reason you get pulled over.

Before I am accused of being a civil rights bleeding heart liberal, I believe racial profile is a good thing and that it prevents a lot of crime. It's really the only smart way to target crime before it happens. BUT let's all be real, it sounds like such an awful thing when you call it for what it is. That's my point, not that we should get rid of profiling. Oh, and also that some cops profile based on personal preference..i.e., a Bush bumper sticker that may upset a cop who hates Bush, whatever...we all know it happens. Anyone who's driven an automobile with an Oklahoma license plate past the Texas line knows what I'm talking about.

C. B.
05-26-2010, 03:16 PM
It's not a speed trap, but basically functions like one: there is a very small "no right turn on red" sign on the 63rd and May intersection. There is frequently a policeman lying in wait for the unsuspecting who don't notice the sign.

I think they have taken this sign down. I looked for it the other day and didn't see it posted. Both east and west bound on 63rd.

Now at lunch time, everyone turns right onto northbound May during the red light. Then the fun begins...

05-26-2010, 05:57 PM
Speeding tickets are like a special membership fee. I pay my speeding tickets, I get to drive as fast as I want. You guys can go ahead and drive what it says on the sign. I'm gonna pay my $150 every six months or so and I can drive 100 on the freeway.

05-26-2010, 06:49 PM
Haven't been up to OKC enough to notice. In Norman, lately we've had them set up, sometimes three NPD vehicles deep, on Robinson just west of the HWY 77/Flood Robinson intersection, and occasionally a bit south of the intersection as well.

I have traveled that specific area regularly for 20+ years and have never seen the enforcement levels that exist today.

While I canna say it is specifically to boost revenues, I can say I've never seen a small stretch in Norman worked by three vehicles. I can also say it was rare to see all three sitting in wait, given the amount of opportunities being offered up by the passing motorists.

The City of Norman refueling station is on Flood, south of rock creek, north of robinson. There are always police there. The other issue is that Flood goes from 55>45>35> then 30, so its a haven for writing speeding tickets.

05-26-2010, 07:05 PM
Is that actually an issue in OKC? I can't recall ever seeing, or hearing, about a 3 to 5 mph over limit ticket in the metro area.

I don't think even the fairly notorious 'We Love Okies and Texans for Your Generous Donations' crew in Cimarron, NM' writes at 5 or less over limit?

YES - My dad is 50 something with a perfectly clean driving record and he got a ticket by an OKC cop for going 55 in a 50, on Sooner Road. This is a NOTORIOUS speed trap!

Others I have noticed:

Sooner Road between Indian Hills & SE 89th - do NOT speed here!!

I-35 between I-240 and the OK River is a HUGE speed trap - multiple people pulled over almost every day by bike cops, I like to screw with people so they fly past me really fast and get pulled over. Its like a road rage by proxy.

SE 59th Between Eastern & I-35 - technically this is Valley Brook, but they will pull you over at the drop of a hat!!

Ya ya - speeding is dangerous and kills people, etc, but the most important reason to NOT speed is fuel economy.

I drive a turbocharged 2.0 Genesis - If I drive from Norman to OKC at 80 - I get about 23 MPG, if I drive 65 the entire time, I get 31MPG - well worth the extra 3-4 minutes I could save by driving 80.

It kills me to see people driving huge trucks & SUV's going 80+on the highway - they are burning gas like its goin out of style!

05-26-2010, 07:07 PM
The City of Norman refueling station is on Flood, south of rock creek, north of robinson. There are always police there. The other issue is that Flood goes from 55>45>35> then 30, so its a haven for writing speeding tickets.

Yeppers, but that's not where they have been hanging of late. Too far north.
When they gather on Flood, it's down a lil' ways south of Robinson, just to the north of Acres, where Cape and others have some small car lots. Some right decent camo for them actually.

When they gather on Robinson near Flood, I'm seeing them line up on Newton, at times 3 deep, or fill the circle turnabout right behind the Max Westheimer stone pillar. Occasionally, I'll also see 2 deep at Westwood Apts., just to the west of Robinson/Berry intersection.

05-26-2010, 07:22 PM
If you say you are pulled over for no reason, you are mistaken.

My 23 year-old female friend who has long, flowing blonde hair and is the epitome of drop-dead gorgeous is pulled over all the time. So you're right, she is pulled over for a reason all right, she is pulled over so some of the cops can get a closer look and maybe a phone number. Oh, they always have an excuse, but she's not a "dumb blonde," she knows exactly what they're doing.

05-26-2010, 07:24 PM
My 23 year-old female friend who has long, flowing blonde hair and is the epitome of drop-dead gorgeous is pulled over all the time. So you're right, she is pulled over for a reason all right, she is pulled over so some of the cops can get a closer look and maybe a phone number. Oh, they always have an excuse, but she's not a "dumb blonde," she knows exactly what they're doing.

Or an, "Officer, is there *anything* I can do to get out of this ticket?"

Just playing devil's advocate here.

05-26-2010, 07:34 PM
How about getting these semis that go 45 in the left lane on the interstate?

05-26-2010, 07:43 PM
Or an, "Officer, is there *anything* I can do to get out of this ticket?"

Just playing devil's advocate here.

Or, maybe the officer is hoping for an offer to "just forget the whole thing if..."

(Again, just playing devil's advocate.)

05-26-2010, 11:58 PM
Oh and by the way, the stretch of NE 10th St. between I-35 and Sooner Rd. leading into Midwest City frequently has unmarked Fords cruising up and down or posted up in hiding, specifically during rush hour. I have lived in Midwest City for many years (20+) and there has NEVER been any significant development of any kind along this stretch. Speed Limit has been 40-45MPH for as long as I can remember and the pavement is in great condition with very few incidents ever along this stretch. The speed limit could easily be 55MPH here but it doesn't help that law enforcement along this stretch consistently preys upon speeding motorists. If you ever drive down this roadway of "nothingness" you will find it very difficult not to speed as it is a straightaway on good pavement across the basin of the North Canadian River.

I have little sympathy for those who get speeding tickets. It's never difficult to not speed if you're paying any attention at all to what you're doing when you're driving. If you're on a roadway of "nothingness" set your speed control at the speed limit for a little while and you won't have to worry.

05-27-2010, 12:02 AM
A good speed trap during the school year is Penn between SW 104 and SW119, in the Red Oak school zone. A cop will sit in the entrance to the walled in neighborhood next to Red Oak, can't see him at all. Saw him get a couple of people throughout the school year.

I'm totally for speed traps in school zones. Nothing upsets me more than seeing people speeding in school zones. I have even had people behind me in a school zone honk at me because I was driving the posted limit and they wanted to go faster.

05-27-2010, 12:05 AM
Speeding tickets are like a special membership fee. I pay my speeding tickets, I get to drive as fast as I want. You guys can go ahead and drive what it says on the sign. I'm gonna pay my $150 every six months or so and I can drive 100 on the freeway.

Ok, hoya. I'll visit you or your victims in the funeral home.

05-27-2010, 12:29 AM
I'm totally for speed traps in school zones. Nothing upsets me more than seeing people speeding in school zones. I have even had people behind me in a school zone honk at me because I was driving the posted limit and they wanted to go faster.

Yes, yes, yes. I totally agree with this.

Larry OKC
05-27-2010, 02:58 AM
I think they have taken this sign down. I looked for it the other day and didn't see it posted. Both east and west bound on 63rd.

Now at lunch time, everyone turns right onto northbound May during the red light. Then the fun begins...

That is interesting...a while back I got pulled over for doing the right turn on red thing. After the ticket went back and checked (westbound) and there were 3 "no turn on red signs posted: 1 next to the signal box itself, 1 on the utility pole and 1 approaching the intersection. Now WHY that intersection was designated that way, I dont know...

Larry OKC
05-27-2010, 03:04 AM
I'm totally for speed traps in school zones. Nothing upsets me more than seeing people speeding in school zones. I have even had people behind me in a school zone honk at me because I was driving the posted limit and they wanted to go faster.

Agree but I always laughed when I was over on grand boulevard on southside where it narrows down from a divided to a single 2-lane going westbound approaching Shields. You actually got to SPEED UP thru the school zone (there is a bridge and a curve leading up to it and the posted speed was 5 to 10 mph lower than the school zone speed).

05-27-2010, 09:32 AM
That is interesting...a while back I got pulled over for doing the right turn on red thing. After the ticket went back and checked (westbound) and there were 3 "no turn on red signs posted: 1 next to the signal box itself, 1 on the utility pole and 1 approaching the intersection. Now WHY that intersection was designated that way, I dont know...

This is true. I lived at 69th and May for 4 years.

05-27-2010, 01:10 PM
When I was active in Scouting, I often had to pass through 63rd and May.
As crowded as I normally found that intersection, I can understand the no turn on red signs w/o any problem.

05-27-2010, 11:07 PM
One of the motor Jocks comes by my station occasionally to write out his paperwork. In case your not aware OKC has approximately 14 Motorcycle Officers. There are 2 sets and they work the regular work days. They normally work from 7-5. In the summer they are on duty from 6-4. They will do the speed limit and expect you to do the same. If you pass one you can expect to be stopped. They are traffic enforcement. They are expected to write about 10 tickets a day at about $164 each.

Now for the "speed trap" part of this. I don't believe there is such a thing. If you speed, then expect to be stopped. I tell my wife this all the time. Much the same as banks count on check overdraft income, the city expects moving violation income. That is just the fact. There is no law against texting, there is a law about "failure to devote full attention to driving". That one goes for Ladies putting on make up while driving.

When you get caught, remember, they are just doing the job we pay them to do. Would you be happy with an employee that did not do their job the way they are supposed to? I'm not saying some of them don't enjoy it. But yelling at a motor jock that you hope he crashes is not cool.

05-27-2010, 11:11 PM
They are expected to write about 10 tickets a day at about $164 each.

That sounds like a quota system to me. I thought they deny having any such ticket benchmarks at all.

05-28-2010, 12:29 AM
That sounds like a quota system to me. I thought they deny having any such ticket benchmarks at all.

When he said expected I don't think he meant that their superiors were wanting them to have a particular number of tickets. I think he meant that based on normal occurrences that was what was they were expecting to happen. Budgets have to be based on something such as using past experiences.

05-28-2010, 12:42 AM
When he said expected I don't think he meant that their superiors were wanting them to have a particular number of tickets.

No, of course not..

"Officer Johnson, we need to talk about your ticket volume. You have only been generating 8 tickets a day during the last month, on average. Now we need those extra two tickets per day, the city treasury is counting on you to pay the bills. Now do you think you can do that for us, and go out there and find some more people that do anything illegal?"

05-28-2010, 12:51 AM
No, of course not..

"Officer Johnson, we need to talk about your ticket volume. You have only been generating 8 tickets a day during the last month, on average. Now we need those extra two tickets per day, the city treasury is counting on you to pay the bills. Now do you think you can do that for us, and go out there and find some more people that do anything illegal?"

Spartan, I could make up quotes too. What would that prove?

Larry OKC
05-28-2010, 01:06 AM
This is true. I lived at 69th and May for 4 years.

It WAS true and Betts is correct, the signs have been taken down.

I want my money back...LOL

05-28-2010, 01:42 AM
One of the motor Jocks comes by my station occasionally to write out his paperwork. In case your not aware OKC has approximately 14 Motorcycle Officers. There are 2 sets and they work the regular work days. They normally work from 7-5. In the summer they are on duty from 6-4. They will do the speed limit and expect you to do the same. If you pass one you can expect to be stopped. They are traffic enforcement. They are expected to write about 10 tickets a day at about $164 each. .

LMFAO. Yea, ok. There have been plenty of times I have seen OKC police crusing 5-10 over, and this includes bicycle cops (most by baptist hospital).

05-28-2010, 01:52 AM
It's really simple, if you don't want to get a ticket in a so called "speed trap", abide by all traffic signs and signals.

05-28-2010, 07:37 AM
It WAS true and Betts is correct, the signs have been taken down.

I want my money back...LOL

I moved last September, so I guess I'm out of the loop! The signs are down, classen curve, whole foods coming. LOL.

05-28-2010, 08:11 AM
All officers have performance objectives in their performance of duties. Goals and objectives. Doesn't everyone have those? Typically the traffic enforcement officers will do the speed limit to keep traffic at the posted speed. It is disretionary of officers as how fast to drive to any number of different calls. If I need a cop I want him to haul A** to get there. I would doubt a young lady with a boyfriend problem wants a cop taking his time.

05-28-2010, 08:12 AM
> If you say you are pulled over for no reason, you are mistaken.

Oh, there is always a reason. Whether one considers it a proper reason is another matter.

There's the pretty girl stopped by the bored person of authority who wants a dose of eye candy.

There's the sharp ride stopped by the bored person of authority who happens to appreciate nice rides.

There's the 'why's he here?' state university vehicle driver stopped by the bored person of authority in adjoining state who just can't stand not knowing why that vehicle is where it is and after following it 10 miles stops it despite no moving violation being observed.

There's the old beater POS driver stopped by the bored person of authority because s/he seems out of place in the nice neighborhood.

There's the nice car with out of state plates stopped by the person of authority because he observed it driving slowly through a small town neighborhood, notwithstanding the driver was just trying to find his date's house for a first date.

There's the slightly off officer who stops multiple carloads of kids on a particular stretch of road because "we had a report of trouble and the car description was similar to this vehicle, that's why we have stopped you." Seems in order unless you happen to know the stopped vehicles include a Gran Prix, a Ford short bed, a Plymouth Duster, and 7 or 8 other various vehicles stopped over a 4 hour period.

Don't get me wrong. Lots of people are stopped every shift in every jurisdiction for doing something they really ought not be doing. At times that has included lil' ol' moi as well. No biggie.

But, the above scenarios also regularly happen. Generally harmless contacts, and sometimes quite funny when the light comes on and the bored person of authority realizes he or she has been busted.

05-28-2010, 02:54 PM
> If you say you are pulled over for no reason, you are mistaken.

Oh, there is always a reason. Whether one considers it a proper reason is another matter.

There's the pretty girl stopped by the bored person of authority who wants a dose of eye candy.

There's the sharp ride stopped by the bored person of authority who happens to appreciate nice rides.

There's the 'why's he here?' state university vehicle driver stopped by the bored person of authority in adjoining state who just can't stand not knowing why that vehicle is where it is and after following it 10 miles stops it despite no moving violation being observed.

There's the old beater POS driver stopped by the bored person of authority because s/he seems out of place in the nice neighborhood.

There's the nice car with out of state plates stopped by the person of authority because he observed it driving slowly through a small town neighborhood, notwithstanding the driver was just trying to find his date's house for a first date.

There's the slightly off officer who stops multiple carloads of kids on a particular stretch of road because "we had a report of trouble and the car description was similar to this vehicle, that's why we have stopped you." Seems in order unless you happen to know the stopped vehicles include a Gran Prix, a Ford short bed, a Plymouth Duster, and 7 or 8 other various vehicles stopped over a 4 hour period.

Don't get me wrong. Lots of people are stopped every shift in every jurisdiction for doing something they really ought not be doing. At times that has included lil' ol' moi as well. No biggie.

But, the above scenarios also regularly happen. Generally harmless contacts, and sometimes quite funny when the light comes on and the bored person of authority realizes he or she has been busted.

With almost every post, I like this guy less.

Listen, quota or no, police are not out "looking" for anything to do. This magical number is only a reccommendation and truth be told, they could fill it at the first of every shift. We live in a metropolitan area if you weren't aware, there are lots of people doing lots of wrong on the roadways. Somedays its you, somedays its me. The fact that you still subscribe to these cliche' notions is cute, and if I were wearing an "I'm with stupid" t-shirt, the arrow would be pointing at you.

Look, like to look at pretty girls, who doesn't? But it doesn't interfere with my job. Likewise with fast cars. Young cops knock plenty of it down on their off days and older ones are usually married/divorced and could really give a rats how pretty somebody is, they're getting the ticket anyway.

My guess is that the young blondes that everybody claims to know are either ficticious, or proud of themselves thereby creating their own fictional lore; "Oh, I'm soo pretty, I never get tickets, blah, bettyblah, bettyblah."

Why would you complain about something that should not affect you if you are obeying the law? I'm good for a ticket like every 5 years, when I get one, I deserved it. I'd say if you get more than that, you'd probably have to ask why, and then, if you answered: "Its those blankety, blank cops trying to keep me down..." then you'd have answered wrongly.

05-28-2010, 03:12 PM
Odd reply MGE1977. Almost as though you dinna actually read the post.

To each their own. Of the six examples I noted, none resulted in a ticket.
The basis for the stop was fairly self evident in each, a bored/curious officer.

I don't have any issue with proper stops, even those that may make my wallet a tad thinner. Well, I do hate getting a warning for X and a ticket for no seat belt. That's just petty, but hey, can't gripe on it much as the bottom line is 20 beats 200+ any day.

Can't really tell from your post whether you're an officer or simply in support of officers. Most are danged fine, irrespective of location. And every dept. has a borderline loon or two, again irrespective of location. No different than any profession really.

Thanks for playing.

05-28-2010, 03:13 PM
> If you say you are pulled over for no reason, you are mistaken.

Oh, there is always a reason. Whether one considers it a proper reason is another matter.

There's the pretty girl stopped by the bored person of authority who wants a dose of eye candy.

There's the sharp ride stopped by the bored person of authority who happens to appreciate nice rides.

There's the 'why's he here?' state university vehicle driver stopped by the bored person of authority in adjoining state who just can't stand not knowing why that vehicle is where it is and after following it 10 miles stops it despite no moving violation being observed.

There's the old beater POS driver stopped by the bored person of authority because s/he seems out of place in the nice neighborhood.

There's the nice car with out of state plates stopped by the person of authority because he observed it driving slowly through a small town neighborhood, notwithstanding the driver was just trying to find his date's house for a first date.

There's the slightly off officer who stops multiple carloads of kids on a particular stretch of road because "we had a report of trouble and the car description was similar to this vehicle, that's why we have stopped you." Seems in order unless you happen to know the stopped vehicles include a Gran Prix, a Ford short bed, a Plymouth Duster, and 7 or 8 other various vehicles stopped over a 4 hour period.

Don't get me wrong. Lots of people are stopped every shift in every jurisdiction for doing something they really ought not be doing. At times that has included lil' ol' moi as well. No biggie.

But, the above scenarios also regularly happen. Generally harmless contacts, and sometimes quite funny when the light comes on and the bored person of authority realizes he or she has been busted.

With almost every post, I like this guy less.

Listen, quota or no, police are not out "looking" for anything to do. This magical number is only a reccommendation and truth be told, they could fill it at the first of every shift. We live in a metropolitan area if you weren't aware, there are lots of people doing lots of wrong on the roadways. Somedays its you, somedays its me. The fact that you still subscribe to these cliche' notions is cute, and if I were wearing an "I'm with stupid" t-shirt, the arrow would be pointing at you.

Look, like to look at pretty girls, who doesn't? But it doesn't interfere with my job. Likewise with fast cars. Young cops knock plenty of it down on their off days and older ones are usually married/divorced and could really give a rats how pretty somebody is, they're getting the ticket anyway.

My guess is that the young blondes that everybody claims to know are either ficticious, or proud of themselves thereby creating their own fictional lore; "Oh, I'm soo pretty, I never get tickets, blah, bettyblah, bettyblah."

Why would you complain about something that should not affect you if you are obeying the law? I'm good for a ticket like every 5 years, when I get one, I deserved it. I'd say if you get more than that, you'd probably have to ask why, and then, if you answered: "Its those blankety, blank cops trying to keep me down..." then you'd have answered wrongly.

05-28-2010, 03:13 PM
With almost every post, I like this guy less.

Listen, quota or no, police are not out "looking" for anything to do. This magical number is only a reccommendation and truth be told, they could fill it at the first of every shift. We live in a metropolitan area if you weren't aware, there are lots of people doing lots of wrong on the roadways. Somedays its you, somedays its me. The fact that you still subscribe to these cliche' notions is cute, and if I were wearing an "I'm with stupid" t-shirt, the arrow would be pointing at you.

Look, like to look at pretty girls, who doesn't? But it doesn't interfere with my job. Likewise with fast cars. Young cops knock plenty of it down on their off days and older ones are usually married/divorced and could really give a rats how pretty somebody is, they're getting the ticket anyway.

My guess is that the young blondes that everybody claims to know are either ficticious, or proud of themselves thereby creating their own fictional lore; "Oh, I'm soo pretty, I never get tickets, blah, bettyblah, bettyblah."

Why would you complain about something that should not affect you if you are obeying the law? I'm good for a ticket like every 5 years, when I get one, I deserved it. I'd say if you get more than that, you'd probably have to ask why, and then, if you answered: "Its those blankety, blank cops trying to keep me down..." then you'd have answered wrongly.

I understand it's a thankless job at times. However, you can't come here and act like the police are angels. I read Serpico, and saw the movie too :smile:. I know the problem with the Blue Code of Silence and I know it's a problem right here in OKC. With so many new recruits coming from the military, that means recruits who are sometimes very authoritarian and have to get the "I'm a cop and I can do no wrong," out of their system. To pretend that some of what's in this thread doesn't happen is an insult to our intelligence. Just being honest.

05-28-2010, 03:15 PM
I've seen a sign recently on NW Expressway westbound at County Line Rd indicating some type of safety zone or something...I assume it means police watching your speed.