View Full Version : OKC speed traps
NikonNurse 05-28-2010, 03:43 PM The only thing close to a quota is their activity card they have at the end of the shift to measure productiviity...They dont look at one area more than the other...They account for every mile driven, every ticket, every arrest, every motorist assist, every call assist (helping another officer), everything. There are several that tend not to do their share each shift (known in every work place as a slug). Officers aren't going to write 10-20 tickets a shift to boost their productivity because they higher ups dont look at it like that...If they are writing tons of tickets...something else is not being done because they aren't assigned to do that their entire 10 hour shift........
NikonNurse 05-28-2010, 03:54 PM If you say you are pulled over for no reason, you are mistaken.
Oh, there is always a reason. Whether one considers it a proper reason is another matter.
There's the pretty girl stopped by the bored person of authority who wants a dose of eye candy. (Overgeneralization)
There's the sharp ride stopped by the bored person of authority who happens to appreciate nice rides. (Look at statistics, usually biggest speeders)
There's the 'why's he here?' state university vehicle driver stopped by the bored person of authority in adjoining state who just can't stand not knowing why that vehicle is where it is and after following it 10 miles stops it despite no moving violation being observed. (Vehicles that dont a Ryder truck outside a federal building? nah.....they dont put explosives or anything in those, they dont snatch people in those...nah..move along, nothing to see here)
There's the old beater POS driver stopped by the bored person of authority because s/he seems out of place in the nice neighborhood. (Criminals tend to case nicer neighborhoods)
There's the nice car with out of state plates stopped by the person of authority because he observed it driving slowly through a small town neighborhood, notwithstanding the driver was just trying to find his date's house for a first date. (see casing a neighborhood..someone slowing down and intently looking at houses....could be casing, could be lost....wont know until you stop car or something happens)
There's the slightly off officer who stops multiple carloads of kids on a particular stretch of road because "we had a report of trouble and the car description was similar to this vehicle, that's why we have stopped you." Seems in order unless you happen to know the stopped vehicles include a Gran Prix, a Ford short bed, a Plymouth Duster, and 7 or 8 other various vehicles stopped over a 4 hour period. (Kids drag racing in the area, underage drinking or drug use)...I was one of those kids in the non souped up vehicle...again, dont know which unless you stop..
Don't get me wrong. Lots of people are stopped every shift in every jurisdiction for doing something they really ought not be doing. At times that has included lil' ol' moi as well. No biggie. Its no biggie if you stop it and find out its no biggie, its no biggie if something doesnt happen...Its a biggie when something does happen and the police had opportunity to do something and didnt because Kevin would be upset if they did.
But, the above scenarios also regularly happen. Generally harmless contacts, and sometimes quite funny when the light comes on and the bored person of authority realizes he or she has been busted. Busted, or doing their job?
It seems that Kevin Pate has a built-in disgust for policeman for an obvious reason
MGE1977 05-28-2010, 04:05 PM To begin, forgive me for sending a second of the first message.
Secondly, don't gloss over the tone with which you posted. You're a pot stirrer, and a person who feels entitled.
You are right, there are loons in any profession, but how many times can you as an individual encounter a loon on the streets of OKC? Its not likely to happen.
Most of these posts have been painted on, as if every encounter with police is something that was undeserved. There is no focus. I don't know that we would want the alternative to an "authoritarian" cop. I don't think that the job they do is thankless because people in public service don't get involved for the thanks. I think that it is misunderstood.
I think that a healthy suspicion is requisite for the job. I feel that every person, including me should be regarded as a criminal until the encounter is over, because truth be told we all hold the potential. If that means that I get pulled over for leaning over on my console while listening to a particular brand of music, so be it. It is pretty incredible just how many of these "unsolicited" encounters bare fruit. Lots of crime is prevented by the common traffic stop.
Again, it doesn't affect me because I am unaffected by it. If I am told to pull over, I do. If I am told to sit down, I do. If I am told forcefully to "shut the F-up!" I will and I will not question, nor get my feelings hurt because somebody said a bad thing to me. I am entitled to my rights, of course, and nobody should trample on those, regardless. I think that too often people are concerned with the manner with which they were treated, not the end result, which is upholding the law. Far, far too often somebody has got to get a word in edgewise, has got to "but, but, but...." their way out of something. The cop is like a referee, arguing isn't going to change the call so stop arguing.
The argument on this thread seems to be that "I'm a good law abiding person, therefore I deserve to be left to my own...." and I agree with this notion. Where I draw the line is when the argument speaks to the notion that a cop should regard us all as upstanding pillars of the community. If this were the case, there would be a lot of dead cops, and a lot more crimes committed.
Why it is that somebody feels they deserve better treatment because they should be above suspicion I don't know.
soonerfan_in_okc 05-28-2010, 05:24 PM All officers have performance objectives in their performance of duties. Goals and objectives. Doesn't everyone have those? Typically the traffic enforcement officers will do the speed limit to keep traffic at the posted speed. It is disretionary of officers as how fast to drive to any number of different calls. If I need a cop I want him to haul A** to get there. I would doubt a young lady with a boyfriend problem wants a cop taking his time.
I completely agree. But there is a big difference between cruising 5 over, and then speeding to get to a place where they are needed. Police are extremely hypocritical in certain situations, especially when it involves traffic violations, from speeding to use of traffic signals.
I understand not to generalize police as a bunch of guys who are on powert rips, but it is also wrong for someone to generalize them all as a bunch of guys who are angels and do nothing wrong.
soonerfan_in_okc 05-28-2010, 05:28 PM And police who follow cars around waiting for a traffic violation need to do something better. For instance, I was traveling on the turnpike by quail springs mall at night and saw a car on the side of the road. I slowed down to see if there was something wrong, but when i realized it was a police officer I went ahead and went on my way. Then for some odd reason, he followed me for the next five miles onto the city streets, and i assume he was waiting for me to do something wrong. I didn't, and he ended up wasting his time. I just do not understand what his reasoning was behind following me when he was there obviously to stop speeders.
MGE1977 05-28-2010, 05:43 PM Police cannot pull over every wrongdoer everytime they are in the vicinity because there aren't enough hours in the day, nor cops on the street to effectively make every one of those stops. It is understandable, therefore, that a certain amount of discretion is warranted throughout the officer's day. That is also why sometimes I get passed by a numbskull in the fast lane pulling wheelies or some such nonsense and the cop to my left never bats an eye.
I don't fault the police, I just consider the numbskull lucky.
Are we all such a bunch of T-totallers that we honestly feel wronged because some police somewhere chose not to pull over the person we are sure that he/she should have.
I personally find it very reasonable that a cop maybe not pull somebody over simply because he/she doesn't feel like it. They are people too, right?
Cops are trained to spot abberrent behavior. Slowing down on the side of the highway would alert any cop, how do they know what intentions were?
Perhaps they felt as though you might have been a bad guy looking for a quick score of a purse or billfold or work tools on the side of the road and felt like following you in the off chance that you would screw up (being nervous and having something to hide as those involved in criminal behavior would) and then they would have due cause to make contact with you face to face.
This sounds to me like good police work.
kevinpate 05-28-2010, 05:43 PM LMAO. No, it seems you wear a tin foil hat, but hey, thanks for playing.
Next time the urge strikes, you might, just maybe, try looking at a specific example offered in a post for what it is, a specific example.
Anyone can take a specific example and rewrite it to something that it is not in order to bolster a rant against a never offered point, and you did it well, but criminies, at that moment you're simply arguing counter to a point you made, not anything I wrote. Ergo, truly tin foil hatter stuff on your part.
Unless you're actually suggesting that it is unheard of and impossible for any officer to have ever done any of the six examples I listed, then I can't fathom why you are even arguing. And if that is your argument, kindly go stand next to MGE while he is wearing the shirt with the arrow. Each is an actual example. I find each amusing for those I was personally present, and for the pretty girl one, I have upmost confidence in my source of information. FWIW, the source is not the stoppee in that example.
Do try reading the words on your screen for what they actually note. Strive to resist the so obvious temptation you showed to all to make words say something else which was never present. To your tin foil credit, you did write your imaginary hey, I'll argue these points instead out for everyone to see. While that was oh so enjoyable, again it left you arguing with yourself rather than actually addressing my examples.
For the record, since some appear to be reading challenged, -
I don't dislike LEO's.
I never wrote that at all.
Suggesting I do is pure fiction added by those arguing I must if only because I disagree with them.
Sheesh, I spelled it out that I don't have an issue with LEO's doing their job.
I even spelled out that I acknowledge lots of folks everyday do things they ought not do and should be stopped.
I even spelled out that at times less than stellar behavior has included moi.
But for a responded to get all bat turd crazy in response to arguments I did not even make, yes, that is odd, bizarre even.
Apparently you found some level of offense in my finding humor in knowing, not generalizing, but knowing, that yes, officers are at times bored on their job, and yes, some officers do at times do silly things, and even at times some officers will admit it when asked point blank if the stop isn't really because of X instead of the stated reason.
I'm not certain I've seen stranger arguments made than those trying to suggest officers are only 100% professional.
Nah, they're human, well except for ROBOCOP, and thankfully, he's just a movie part ... for now anyway.
But again, thanks for playing. it was entertaining.
windowphobe 05-28-2010, 05:47 PM I have received exactly one speeding ticket in three and a half decades on the road.
You may be absolutely certain that it was deserved.
MGE1977 05-28-2010, 06:59 PM Kevinpate:
In typical fashion you have resorted to snark, rather than argue legitimately the tone of your post. Easy, cowardly route.
The first of your posts was entirely hypothetical, yet you deride someone for challenging intent as it was clearly spelled out in the words which we were all to read but not to interpret as stated in your second post. Are you affirming that those hypotheticals as listed in your first post have definitively occurred or were they written with the intent of being inflamatory? I think that anybody who has read a fair sampling of your previous posts would agree to the latter.
What good would your words be if not for the intent behind them? And when posted for all the world to read, why should we not take them for their obvious denotations. You can claim to not dislike LEO's all the while mocking the very profession. This is called peeing down somebody's leg and its pretty weak.
kevinpate 05-28-2010, 08:35 PM MGE, whatever your boggle is, it's yours and not mine.
Do I find humor in anyone suggesting LEO's aren't human and aren't subject to doing silly stunts? Yeah. That's downright comical.
Do I know such suggestions are dead bang wrong? Yeah. It's that knowledge that prompted the post in the first instance when someone said there is always a reason for a stop. Of course there is, but as I noted, it's open to interpretation whether there is always a valid reason for a stop.
Have I ever shared a laugh with a LEO after he admitted the real reason for a stop? Yeah, more than once.
Do I for a moment think my experiences are one of a kind or in any manner unique? Not for a nano second. Indeed, I know I am not unique in that regard.
Do I dislike LEO's as a profession. No, already covered that.
Are there some who disgrace their profession? Sure, that will happen in any profession, including with LEO's. Doesn't make them all jerks.
Can I respect a profession but recognize some in it are less professional than others? Yeah, whether we are talking LEO's, as here, or plumbers, or lawyers, or clergy, or military or etc., etc., etc.
Should this come as a surprise to anyone? No, but apparently it does boggle some folk.
As for coward or snarky, I presume you're simply engaged in some mirror time, given your own tenor and the odd conclusions you jumped right out there with in your first post.
Beyond that, believe as you choose.
easternobserver 05-28-2010, 11:50 PM Speaking of speed traps, when you are on NW Expressway (SH 3) coming north into Okarche, be very aware of the changing speed limits. The bottom of the hill is 40, and there is always an officer in the gas station lot.
The reason to beware is not getting a ticket, but running someone over. Totally blind coming down from that hill at 65 or 70 and being plunked into the middle of a "main street", especially with all the confused tourists looking for a certain chicken restaurant.
Example of a good speed trap. Even though we now have to share a portion of next paycheck with the town of Okarche.
Larry OKC 05-29-2010, 01:45 AM ...It is pretty incredible just how many of these "unsolicited" encounters bare fruit. Lots of crime is prevented by the common traffic stop. ...
How true! Look at all the drug busts, illegal immigration busts etc that are a direct result of common traffic stops. Why? Because it is likely that someone who breaks the law in one area, is probably breaking the laws in other areas too. Don't forget the OKC bomber was caught on a traffic violation...
Larry OKC 05-29-2010, 01:51 AM To lighten the mood a bit...
Was behind a cop on the Crosstown one day and his left blinker was doing the constant "on/off" thing. Passed him and indicated his "problem" and he waved in thanks, but the blinker stayed on. Guess he knew and was having a technical issue. Was funny though.
Redskin 70 05-29-2010, 08:31 AM Do OKC police have to meet a quota?
Nope, its my understanding they can write as many as they want
NikonNurse 05-29-2010, 10:59 AM And police who follow cars around waiting for a traffic violation need to do something better. For instance, I was traveling on the turnpike by quail springs mall at night and saw a car on the side of the road. I slowed down to see if there was something wrong, but when i realized it was a police officer I went ahead and went on my way. Then for some odd reason, he followed me for the next five miles onto the city streets, and i assume he was waiting for me to do something wrong. I didn't, and he ended up wasting his time. I just do not understand what his reasoning was behind following me when he was there obviously to stop speeders.
For the person who messaged me, NO , I am not a cop.
Here's a thought...2 officers killed in seattle last year who were sitting on the side of the road.(look it up) slow rolled past them and shot them....dead. If an officer gets slow rolled, knowing about this incident because these things are discussed in line-up, they are going to follow the car and see if they guy takes off in an effort not to get caught....or drives around for a few minutes behaving themselves....Good takes at least 20 minutes for a crystal ball to warm is a cop going to know what your intent is until then or if they follow you/stop you? If you didnt do anything in those 5 miles....then great he moved on...what is the freakin' problem?
circled9 05-29-2010, 11:18 AM Miller District especially one 11th and 12th on Miller Or Linn. They are also watching rolling stops at the stop signs. By the way, what is so wrong with law enforcement officers enforcing the law?
Spartan 05-29-2010, 11:56 AM Let me answer that question with another question: What is devastatingly wrong about not rocking your car and staying at a complete stop for 2-3 seconds at a stop sign?
soonerfan_in_okc 05-29-2010, 10:04 PM For the person who messaged me, NO , I am not a cop.
Here's a thought...2 officers killed in seattle last year who were sitting on the side of the road.(look it up) slow rolled past them and shot them....dead. If an officer gets slow rolled, knowing about this incident because these things are discussed in line-up, they are going to follow the car and see if they guy takes off in an effort not to get caught....or drives around for a few minutes behaving themselves....Good takes at least 20 minutes for a crystal ball to warm is a cop going to know what your intent is until then or if they follow you/stop you? If you didnt do anything in those 5 miles....then great he moved on...what is the freakin' problem?
Don't go around telling people to look things up. I am not saying you are wrong, but if you are gonna bring something up, it is best that you have it on record.
And you see it as him being worried I will blast him, I see it as him following me and waiting on me to do something wrong so he can write me a ticket. I assume the latter, because he was already out there trying to write tickets. We will never know for sure what his intentions were, but if he is parked on the side of the road he should expect to be "slow-rolled" every once and a while.
soonerfan_in_okc 05-29-2010, 10:06 PM Let me answer that question with another question: What is devastatingly wrong about not rocking your car and staying at a complete stop for 2-3 seconds at a stop sign?
especially when there are no cars around. It is one thing to not even stop, but when you do and only stay there for a second or so, cops need to cut some slack. We seem to cut them plenty when it comes to them doing things wrong like mis-identification of suspects and what not. Man do i have a story to tell about that :numchucks
SkyWestOKC 05-30-2010, 12:54 PM The cops in my district seem pretty lax as of late about stop signs and minor stuff like that. As long as you are driving like they would, they don't care. They are human most of the time and understand the stop sign is more of a yield sign now. I think they are more interested in speeding tickets, they provide more revenue.
NikonNurse 05-30-2010, 09:11 PM Don't go around telling people to look things up. I am not saying you are wrong, but if you are gonna bring something up, it is best that you have it on record.
And you see it as him being worried I will blast him, I see it as him following me and waiting on me to do something wrong so he can write me a ticket. I assume the latter, because he was already out there trying to write tickets. We will never know for sure what his intentions were, but if he is parked on the side of the road he should expect to be "slow-rolled" every once and a while.
Need to enter correction, one killed, the other wounded. Good enough? And actually there was a few officer shootings...
Police: Seattle police officer killed in 'assassination' | | Seattle Area Local News (
2 Wash. state police shot, suspect killed - Crime & courts- (
2 police officers, 2 suspects killed in Ark. - Crime & courts- (
And if you want more reasons as to why you are followed or whatever...
Officers Feloniously Killed - Law Enforcement Officers Killed and Assaulted, 2008 (
NikonNurse 05-30-2010, 09:20 PM I also spoke to an officer today and directed him here...He states he "hates writing tickets and isn't out to try and write tickets despite popular belief" and only does so if someone is a complete jerk.....(not that others do or don't do that). I also asked him if he's sitting at the side of the road, and someone slowly pulls past him, what does he do?
"Well, if I'm not shot and its obviously someone who usually drives slow(like a little old lady), I won't mess with it...but I've had a few incidents where a car did that to me and it was a witness described car (the vague description of red sedan). If it matches that vague description..yes, I'm going to follow it until they do something dumb....most of the suspects I've seen, will do something that allows me to pull them over or I end up in a pursuit." "I had another case where we were looking for a missing female after a domestic and this car with a certain vague description rolled past, they drove okay for awhile and then rolled a stop sign. I stopped it and woman was in trunk."
BOBTHEBUILDER 05-30-2010, 09:30 PM Say it isnt so. Dont tell the truth, nobody wants to hear about the bad things that happen every day and night in our "big league city".
soonerfan_in_okc 05-30-2010, 11:39 PM "hates writing tickets and isn't out to try and write tickets despite popular belief"
I understand, this is how most police are. But there are a good number there that are just the opposite and ticket people for small things, and then expect us to cut them some slack. It is police like this that make me glad there are groups out there making sure they do not abuse their power.
"Well, if I'm not shot and its obviously someone who usually drives slow(like a little old lady), I won't mess with it...but I've had a few incidents where a car did that to me and it was a witness described car (the vague description of red sedan). If it matches that vague description..yes, I'm going to follow it until they do something dumb....most of the suspects I've seen, will do something that allows me to pull them over or I end up in a pursuit." "I had another case where we were looking for a missing female after a domestic and this car with a certain vague description rolled past, they drove okay for awhile and then rolled a stop sign. I stopped it and woman was in trunk."
And this is all fine and dandy. However let me again say that if he is pulled over of the side of the road, he should expect someone everyone and a while to slow down. It isn't like i came to a complete stop, i simply slowed down enough to see what was going on. He obviously was there right tickets however, and the fact that he followed me looking for a reason to write me a ticket is what bothers me. Also, If my vehicle somehow met a description of a car they were searching for, then I would expect him to follow me until I did something wrong and pull me over. But he gave up, so obviously I didn't. And if it were the case that i met a description and he gave up, then there is a big problem with some of our police officers.
You seem to misunderstand me. I am all for supporting police and giving them the tools they need to succeed, but at the same time they need to show a restraint in certain instances. Civilians are not perfect, and neither are they. Just tonight on my way back home from lake overholser, I saw one cop run a red light, and another weave in and out of traffic without using his signal, and neither had any lights/sirens on. I know most officers aren't like this, but there are those out there that feel that the badge gives them a sense of entitlement. And i suppose the officer who followed me for 5 miles from the highway to the city streets was the same.
decepticobra 05-30-2010, 11:44 PM in mwc, cops like to loiter in close vicinity of bars thoroughout the city, namely 15th street. one time, me and my nephew were heading over to the new henry hudsons off of douglas about a year ago and they had the whole street blocked to where cops where conducting on the spot sobriety checks. you couldnt turn around, there were patrol cars signaling you to advance forward down on douglas. traffic was backed up for blocks because of it.
decepticobra 05-31-2010, 12:10 AM Say it isnt so. Dont tell the truth, nobody wants to hear about the bad things that happen every day and night in our "big league city".
"say it aint soooo... whoa whoa...."