View Full Version : Bricktown Amphitheater?

Larry OKC
05-25-2010, 03:47 AM
ran across this old article by Steve...

BricktownOKC Press Release (

MAPS board approves $3 million canal project
Steve Lackmeyer

Work is scheduled to begin next month on three elaborate bridges, an amphitheater, lighting and landscaping along the south segment of the Bricktown Canal and surrounding Bricktown Entertainment Center.

The $3 million project was unanimously approved Thursday by the MAPS Citizens Oversight Board. It will be advertised for bids as soon as it is reviewed Tuesday by the Oklahoma City Council.

Johnson said the canal improvements will include a plaza and fountain south of where Mickey Mantle Drive comes to a dead end at Reno.

“It’s been envisioned by the developer all along that this be a focal point, that all the traffic that comes and goes from the ballpark can focus on this plaza,” Johnson said.

The fountain is designed to shoot water 12 feet into the air — an image that, when combined with plans for an all-glass front theater lobby, will surprise visitors, Johnson said.

The second span will be the canal’s first double-decker bridge, allowing pedestrians to cross at water level or at a higher elevation. It will connects the Sonic property to a parking area south of the waterway.

The project also includes an amphitheater that will be built along the south entrance to the Sonic building, facing the canal.

Questions are:

1) Where is the double decker bridge located? I can't recall ever seeing one

2) Amphitheater? Is that the SMALL stepped area in between the Canal and Sonic building? Have any events been held there? Seems way to small to serve any functional purpose...

3) The fountain mentioned in front of the theater, is that the Centennial Fountain/Plaza in front of the Harkins?

05-25-2010, 08:12 AM

Questions are:

1) Where is the double decker bridge located? I can't recall ever seeing one

2) Amphitheater? Is that the SMALL stepped area in between the Canal and Sonic building? Have any events been held there? Seems way to small to serve any functional purpose...

3) The fountain mentioned in front of the theater, is that the Centennial Fountain/Plaza in front of the Harkins?

For the bridge, no double decker unit exists anywhere along the canal, at least not that I can recall.

For the amphitheater, the S side of Sonic is not exactly small, but I've never noticed anything there except folks sitting and ether peep watching or PDA'in

For the fountain, yeah, that be it.

05-25-2010, 08:21 AM
It also stated the theatre would have an all glass lobby allowing them to look out at the fountains, which clearly Harkins does not have. I've seen a few smaller artists play at the "amphitheatre" outside of Sonic, but yes it goes largely underutilized, as do most plazas, including Kerr Park, BOK plaza, Leadership Square's plaza, and soon to be Sandridge plaza.

05-25-2010, 08:29 AM
ran across this old article by Steve...

BricktownOKC Press Release (

MAPS board approves $3 million canal project
Steve Lackmeyer

Questions are:

1) Where is the double decker bridge located? I can't recall ever seeing one

2) Amphitheater? Is that the SMALL stepped area in between the Canal and Sonic building? Have any events been held there? Seems way to small to serve any functional purpose...

3) The fountain mentioned in front of the theater, is that the Centennial Fountain/Plaza in front of the Harkins?

For years, I've taken issue with the notion that it was called an "amphitheater." It is not, and has never been. It is a large porch.

Similarly, the fountain in front of Harkins were billed to "rival the Bellagio." That was laughable, too. I think the late Evil Knievel's dead body could jump the fountain at United Way plaza...

05-25-2010, 08:29 AM
They never built the double decker bridge.. The rows of seating w/ small stage south of the Sonic building is what they're calling the Amphitheater. I've seen people performing there quite a few times actually.. I guess it could be bigger, but does it really need to be?? Plus, were getting a bigger and better amphitheater at the Gardens and Devons performance stage.

05-25-2010, 08:31 AM
Another thought, perhaps the UCO ACM students could play on the Sonic stage more often.

05-25-2010, 08:35 AM
They never built the double decker bridge.. The rows of seating w/ small stage south of the Sonic building is what they're calling the Amphitheater. I've seen people performing there quite a few times actually.. I guess it could be bigger, but does it really need to be?? Plus, were getting a bigger and better amphitheater at the Gardens and Devons performance stage.

Wait a minute... unless they're talking about the bridge from Bass Pro parking lot to Toby Keith's parking lot.. Technically you can walk over the canal or canal level.

05-25-2010, 08:46 AM
ran across this old article by Steve...

BricktownOKC Press Release (

MAPS board approves $3 million canal project
Steve Lackmeyer

Questions are:

1) Where is the double decker bridge located? I can't recall ever seeing one

2) Amphitheater? Is that the SMALL stepped area in between the Canal and Sonic building? Have any events been held there? Seems way to small to serve any functional purpose...

3) The fountain mentioned in front of the theater, is that the Centennial Fountain/Plaza in front of the Harkins?

Now, if you're going to be pulling out old articles, you need to find the follow-ups...
1 - double decker bridge was eliminated, replaced with single level due to budget constraints.
2 - Amphitheater, downsized, but still built.
3 - yes

05-25-2010, 10:42 AM
Downtown is about to become amphitheater central.

05-25-2010, 02:30 PM
It also stated the theatre would have an all glass lobby allowing them to look out at the fountains, which clearly Harkins does not have. I've seen a few smaller artists play at the "amphitheatre" outside of Sonic, but yes it goes largely underutilized, as do most plazas, including Kerr Park, BOK plaza, Leadership Square's plaza, and soon to be Sandridge plaza.

We have a winner. I guess the CEO at Sonic just doesn't like his employees spending their days outside thinking deep thoughts on the company dime. The rumor that togas were distributed has not be confirmed.

Larry OKC
05-25-2010, 05:45 PM
Now, if you're going to be pulling out old articles, you need to find the follow-ups...
1 - double decker bridge was eliminated, replaced with single level due to budget constraints.
2 - Amphitheater, downsized, but still built.
3 - yes

Steve, no slight intended...I stumbled on it looking for something else and got my curiosity raised....I tried to find followups but couldn't find anything....went thru the site where I found the linked article on but no go...I knew you would know the followup info as to what happened.

Was just curious, because from the linked article things sounded like they were well beyond the concept and design stage, funded, and ready to begin construction right away. But obviously something happened to change it

When I think amphitheater, I am thinking at least like something at Will Rogers Park, size wise, and knew I had never seen anything like that along the Canal). I went to google images for the Sonics headquarters and saw the steps in one shot. I have seen those a few times from Toby Keiths and it never occurred to me that it was supposed to be considered an amphitheater.

I was curious about the Double Decker bridge (at ground level and higher) just from a logistics point, as canal level would block the boats (they have to be raised don't they?) Unless you have some sort of draw bridge.

The fountain I couldn't place because I don't know DT streets that well but by the description of it being in front of the Theater, seemed like it had to be it. Presuming the Centennial Fountain was open about 07 and the article was written 3 or 4 years before that. Seems like a long lead time for a fountain. Was the Fountain built in Phases? Like maybe the Fountain first, then the more natural rock elements and then the Centennial markers etc at a later point?

While nothing to rival any of the fountains in Vegas, it is still very nice.

05-25-2010, 06:23 PM
No offense taken, and no offense intended!
But I've got thousands of stories in those archives... this is a dangerous precedent.:dizzy:
Obviously they full of bluster in that story.

05-26-2010, 12:15 AM
The Sonic Plaza/Amphitheater along the canal is fairly well-utilized. I see people almost all day sitting on the steps that are in the shade, or strolling around- a lot of employees on break or just people wandering Bricktown and sitting for a while. So it actually does better than some of the other corporate plazas. And it is often used for performances- I've seen live music there several times and it seems to work well as a venue.

Larry OKC
05-26-2010, 05:36 PM
No offense taken, and no offense intended!
But I've got thousands of stories in those archives... this is a dangerous precedent.:dizzy:
Obviously they full of bluster in that story.
In the Bricktown Press release archives? Am I just not looking in the right place? I expected to find more there but there was a handful or two...would LOVE to have access to all of your archived work. No, really, I would. It is always informative and you often provide thought provoking questions.

Never did find what I was originally looking for when I stumbled on your linked article...LOL Bright shiny objects and all.

The Sonic Plaza/Amphitheater along the canal is fairly well-utilized. I see people almost all day sitting on the steps that are in the shade, or strolling around- a lot of employees on break or just people wandering Bricktown and sitting for a while. So it actually does better than some of the other corporate plazas. And it is often used for performances- I've seen live music there several times and it seems to work well as a venue.

Am glad to hear that it is used.

Admittedly, I don't get down to Bricktown (usually across the Canal at Toby Keith's) for special luncheon meals (Mother's Day, birthdays etc). So my experience and that "amphitheater" is limited, but I haven't ever seen it utilized.

05-26-2010, 05:42 PM
Larry, I'm not sure what you're looking at when you refer to a Bricktown press release archive. The Oklahoman has its own archives going back to 1904 that are searchable for subscribers, library card holders and OKC school students.
There's also a new feature - a page that features just my work - NewsOK (

05-26-2010, 08:42 PM
^ My new favorite website. :)

Larry OKC
05-26-2010, 11:12 PM
Larry, I'm not sure what you're looking at when you refer to a Bricktown press release archive. The Oklahoman has its own archives going back to 1904 that are searchable for subscribers, library card holders and OKC school students.
There's also a new feature - a page that features just my work - NewsOK (

At Bricktown's homepage, scrolling down to the bottom, they have their archived press release (Bricktown OKC ( Originally stumbled on it thru Google.

Unfortunately the Oklahoma's archives are cost prohibitive for me to use ($248/year), not a student and don't have a library card (I know, my bad, just haven't taken care of that yet).

Thanks for the heads up on the archives to your work! Will be utilizing it for sure.

On edit, if you select one of your stories that they have archived, you are back to the $248 fee again. Drat and double drat.

Larry OKC
05-26-2010, 11:31 PM

Quick question...I am a 7 day/week subscriber to the Oklahoman...and am registered in the Oklahoman's system...I take it that the $248/year subscriber fee is in addition to what I am paying for the paper. Is that correct?

Whenever I go the an archived article, it brings up the "We're sorry but the article is more than 180 days old....proceed to purchase or cancel" message