View Full Version : America's Fattest City of 2010 is.............

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05-24-2010, 04:08 PM

Congrats to all of US that made this possible!:yourock:

America's Fittest Cities - (

First of all I would like to thank God, for blessing me with the gift of all you can eat buffets and discount cigarette outlets. Next I would like to thank my parents for teaching me that vegetables are bad and also allowing me to sit in front of my computer or tv countless hours a day. There are many more I would like to thank but you know who you are. I accept this award as I do believe that it wasn't easy but I did earn this.

Thank you and I do vow another repeat as the competitor that I am. I will see you at the top in 2011!

Now let's hear from all that believe I don't deserve this award.

05-24-2010, 04:12 PM
:: The sound of crickets coming from the mayor's office ::

05-24-2010, 04:12 PM
We're number 1!
We're number 1!
We're number 1!

05-24-2010, 04:19 PM
The mayor was just a small bump in the drive thru for me winning this award.

For next year I will be starting my own website.

05-24-2010, 04:22 PM
We are a 'big league' city now, remember?

05-24-2010, 04:36 PM
More of us to love.

05-24-2010, 04:51 PM
MMMM I'm Hungry!

05-24-2010, 05:01 PM
I'm really, really trying to get the sarcasm in the first post of the thread. Please tell me that you are not proud of our city's title.

05-24-2010, 05:43 PM
I wanna thank Crest Foods for allowing us to buy family sized boxes of corndogs, frozen pizzas, and frozen burritos at dirt cheap prices. It is such an honor to buy 2 liter bottles of sugary greatness of all Fanta flavors for less than $.79 a piece at Buy For Less. I wanna thank Walmart for the great deals they have on family sized bags of Cheetos and Doritos. And who can forget McDonalds, Sonic, and Taco Bell for allowing me the opportunity to travel less than 1 mile in any direction to get my fast food fix!!!

05-24-2010, 05:45 PM
Don't buy it then. Show them who's boss. It's not the restaurants fault. It is the lack of personal responsibility of people.

I eat fast food about 3 times a week, at most. Otherwise, I eat at home. It's a personal decision, I am not overweight, but I do enjoy the convenience of not having to drive very far when I do eat my fast food.

Personal responsibility.

05-24-2010, 05:49 PM
Not that I am disputing Oklahoma City's lack of ability to stay fit, but wasn't there JUST another study released placing us at no. 17? So what is it? Number 1 or 17? I know we are up there, but two of the same type of studies yielding two completely different results makes me question what type of criteria is more accurate.

05-24-2010, 05:49 PM
I think we were Number 17 for 2009.

05-24-2010, 05:53 PM
Thank God we have no sidewalks, or else we wouldn't have this honor!

05-24-2010, 05:54 PM
Don't buy it then. Show them who's boss. It's not the restaurants fault. It is the lack of personal responsibility of people.
I eat fast food about 3 times a week, at most. Otherwise, I eat at home. It's a personal decision, I am not overweight, but I do enjoy the convenience of not having to drive very far when I do eat my fast food.

Personal responsibility.

But that's the American way, do harm and pass the blame. Wake up Oklahomans and be responsible, stop waiting for the government to tell you something is bad or to bail you out.

05-24-2010, 05:54 PM
Not that I am disputing Oklahoma City's lack of ability to stay fit, but wasn't there JUST another study released placing us at no. 17? So what is it? Number 1 or 17? I know we are up there, but two of the same type of studies yielding two completely different results makes me question what type of criteria is more accurate.

Trust's #1.

05-24-2010, 05:55 PM
Actually it was this year from Men's Fitness magazine. According to their studies okc ranked no. 9 in 2009.

05-24-2010, 06:19 PM
So #1,17,9!let's just average them out and thats how FAT OKC is!This is not a good headline for OKC,but I guess if your gonna do it,do it BIG!

05-24-2010, 06:25 PM

Congrats to all of US that made this possible!:yourock:

America's Fittest Cities - (

First of all I would like to thank God, for blessing me with the gift of all you can eat buffets and discount cigarette outlets. Next I would like to thank my parents for teaching me that vegetables are bad and also allowing me to sit in front of my computer or tv countless hours a day. There are many more I would like to thank but you know who you are. I accept this award as I do believe that it wasn't easy but I did earn this.

Thank you and I do vow another repeat as the competitor that I am. I will see you at the top in 2011!

Now let's hear from all that believe I don't deserve this award.

On hell! I thought that DALLAS had more FAT FOLKS than Oklahoma City! You know the saying, "Everything is BIG in TEXAS"

Come on DALLAS, I know you have more fat folks feasting at the buffets than Oklahoma City!


05-24-2010, 07:12 PM
So #1,17,9!let's just average them out and thats how FAT OKC is!This is not a good headline for OKC,but I guess if your gonna do it,do it BIG!

There was no #17 ranking...last time OKC was that "fit" I was probably a fetus in the late 80s.

05-24-2010, 07:13 PM
Personal responsibility applies to every U.S. city... So you have to ask yourself, what is unique about OKC that causes people to eat too much and exercise too little?

All you have to do is drive around town a bit and the answer is obvious: tons and tons of fast food and huge-serving restaurants, and very little in the way of sidewalks, bike paths and even enough density to warrant walking or riding a bike anywhere in the first place.

We can argue all day long about the accuracy of these types of rankings but the bottom line is that you notice the rampant obesity as soon as you arrive in town.

Unbridled sprawl and the resulting sea of fast food and Wal-Marts take a big toll apart from just making most areas look ugly.

05-24-2010, 07:17 PM
This is what the OKC Planning Dept needs to think about, and especially the OKC City Council who actually can effect change:

"When I approve that lifestyle center way the hell out on Memorial Road and County Line Rd (a factual example), I am going to be adding an hour of drive time to the average lives of anyone who visits this thing, basically. Is my being unbiased as a civic counsel on city planning WORTH the risk of what this will do to my city?"

That's an ethical question.

05-24-2010, 07:25 PM
So I'm off work and just sat down to my computer with 5 Sonic Jr. Deluxes and a Route 44 Diet Coke with diet cherry flavor (yes, they have diet cherry flavor... it's one of the best things that's ever happened to me) and I'd planned on eatting them all.

Then I open this thread. I'm so ashamed.:doh:

05-24-2010, 07:46 PM
Is there a "like" button function for the OP?

05-24-2010, 08:44 PM
There was no #17 ranking...last time OKC was that "fit" I was probably a fetus in the late 80s.

05-24-2010, 08:47 PM
Not Found

The requested URL /Fattestcities2010/ was not found on this server.

05-24-2010, 08:48 PM
Don't buy it then. Show them who's boss. It's not the restaurants fault. It is the lack of personal responsibility of people.

I eat fast food about 3 times a week, at most. Otherwise, I eat at home. It's a personal decision, I am not overweight, but I do enjoy the convenience of not having to drive very far when I do eat my fast food.

Personal responsibility.

Wow. You don't have to be such a sanctimonious scold. Just an FYI, but stuff bought at grocery stores can be just as bad -- if not worse -- than a lot of the fast food people in this state shovel into their mouths.

Let's be honest. A lot of this is related to a lack of education about what to eat. And to be real, our industrial food system is set up to make the worst possible, least nutritious foods the cheapest. And our government has helped make this happen. Therefore, people of lower socioeconomic means tend to eat the cheap processed junk that makes them really, really fat.

05-24-2010, 08:52 PM
We are a 'big league' city now, remember?

More like "big (and tall) league" city, am I right?

05-24-2010, 08:55 PM
Personal responsibility applies to every U.S. city... So you have to ask yourself, what is unique about OKC that causes people to eat too much and exercise too little?

All you have to do is drive around town a bit and the answer is obvious: tons and tons of fast food and huge-serving restaurants, and very little in the way of sidewalks, bike paths and even enough density to warrant walking or riding a bike anywhere in the first place.

We can argue all day long about the accuracy of these types of rankings but the bottom line is that you notice the rampant obesity as soon as you arrive in town.

Unbridled sprawl and the resulting sea of fast food and Wal-Marts take a big toll apart from just making most areas look ugly.

I agree. In fact on our visit last week, we did grocery shopping at crest instead of hitting all the fast food joints out of convenience. I insist on not feeding my twins crap.

We then spent a lot of time at lake hefner, and I did my morning walks downtown.

If my more people in okc took advantage of what is already available and demanded more, then we can really turn things around. It needs to be encouraged. The sarcasm on this thread does zero to benefit okc.

05-24-2010, 08:56 PM
Wow. You don't have to be such a sanctimonious scold. Just an FYI, but stuff bought at grocery stores can be just as bad -- if not worse -- than a lot of the fast food people in this state shovel into their mouths.

Believe me, I know all about nutrition. I watch every carbohydrate, calorie, and fat gram that enters my body. I am a Type 1 Diabetic, and I tend to keep track of what I eat. I eat a pretty damn healthy diet 24/7, lifelong, and I know what enters my body. Thanks for the "FYI". Would it surprise you if I told you I take a handful of vitamins every day, too? Not all of us need to be educated by you and your FYI's.

05-24-2010, 08:59 PM
Not Found

The requested URL /Fattestcities2010/ was not found on this server.

Try again. I edited my last post. I did not paste correctly. I am on an iPad and pasting sucks.

05-24-2010, 09:01 PM
Believe me, I know all about nutrition. I watch every carbohydrate, calorie, and fat gram that enters my body. I am a Type 1 Diabetic, and I tend to keep track of what I eat. I eat a pretty damn healthy diet 24/7, lifelong, and I know what enters my body. Thanks for the "FYI". Would it surprise you if I told you I take a handful of vitamins every day, too? Not all of us need to be educated by you and your FYI's.

I realize you don't need to be educated. What you fail to acknowledge is that a lot of people in this town don't know how to eat right, and the cost of foods at the grocery store and at restaurants favors foods that are not good for them. Capiche? I'll note that you only pulled half of my post for commentary.

05-24-2010, 09:09 PM
I only quote the relevant parts, it is habit with other forums I use. I agreed with the second half of your post, therefore did not want to cite it with my post against yours.

I do agree that most of the people, not only in this town, but all over the world have no clue what enters their bodies. It is sad, but there's really not much we can do about it. When you try and tell them they think you are just a health nut and disregard it while they continue to shove in the junk food while driving in the slow lane.

05-24-2010, 09:15 PM
I only quote the relevant parts, it is habit with other forums I use. I agreed with the second half of your post, therefore did not want to cite it with my post against yours.

I do agree that most of the people, not only in this town, but all over the world have no clue what enters their bodies. It is sad, but there's really not much we can do about it. When you try and tell them they think you are just a health nut and disregard it while they continue to shove in the junk food while driving in the slow lane.

I agree with you to a point. But I think we can analyze what our government is doing to make this worse, and suggest better policy. Also, we can educate people as to what they should eat. If they know what's good for them and fail to act, then it's on them. But I don't think that people should be punished for ignorance.

Not all good food is too expensive to buy. People just need to understand the urgency of changing their habits -- not just at fast food joints, but with what they're buying at the supermarket (Wal-Mart in this town).

05-24-2010, 09:17 PM
I am the worst eater in the world, but I still know what I eat..which pretty much includes virtually anything and you can not separate me from my high fructose corn is so good.

And I run a few miles a day. A small price to pay for the goodness of high fructose corn syrup. People on here who have met me know I aint no fatty, though one person once told me they expected me to look something like George Costanza.

05-24-2010, 09:18 PM
The #17 ranking was for most "unfit" cities.

05-24-2010, 09:37 PM
I am the worst eater in the world, but I still know what I eat..which pretty much includes virtually anything and you can not separate me from my high fructose corn is so good.

And I run a few miles a day. A small price to pay for the goodness of high fructose corn syrup. People on here who have met me know I aint no fatty, though one person once told me they expected me to look something like George Costanza.

Who are you trying to kid? Me? You? These other people? You must weigh in somewhere around 320, maybe a biscuit from 325.:fighting4

Peach fuzz
05-24-2010, 09:51 PM
Its called get off your asses and workout... I eat the gnarliest crap ever and im fit, reason being? I WORK OUT

05-24-2010, 10:26 PM
Its called get off your asses and workout... I eat the gnarliest crap ever and im fit, reason being? I WORK OUT

hahah, i couldn't help but think of the gym scene in this infamous youtube vid
YouTube - My New Haircut (

05-24-2010, 10:49 PM
Yay! o____o

05-24-2010, 10:52 PM
To quote the article....

No. 1: Oklahoma City, Okla.

Score: 24.3

Obesity Rate: 30.2%

Exercise Rate: 71.0%

The most sluggish city in the U.S. has many dubious distinctions: one-third as much park land as most cities; an obesity rate four points above the average; half as many baseball diamonds, rec centers and dog parks as a typical city.

The article also says we have an astounding 10% diabetes rate and a practically non-existent farmer's market scene compared to other cities our size.

I think it's bizarre that we live in a state full of agricultural wealth and vast stretches of land and two of our major failings are too few parks and farmer's markets. I don't think it was mentioned in the article but a lack of sidewalks and pedestrian-friendly shopping is also a problem.

Peach fuzz
05-24-2010, 10:58 PM
What do you expect when we have a low population density....

question: 1$ McChicken or 6$ Subway footlong?

it's really expensive to eat healthy... but the exercise point gets no excuses.

05-24-2010, 11:22 PM
To quote the article....

No. 1: Oklahoma City, Okla.

Score: 24.3

Obesity Rate: 30.2%

Exercise Rate: 71.0%

The most sluggish city in the U.S. has many dubious distinctions: one-third as much park land as most cities; an obesity rate four points above the average; half as many baseball diamonds, rec centers and dog parks as a typical city.

The article also says we have an astounding 10% diabetes rate and a practically non-existent farmer's market scene compared to other cities our size.

I think it's bizarre that we live in a state full of agricultural wealth and vast stretches of land and two of our major failings are too few parks and farmer's markets. I don't think it was mentioned in the article but a lack of sidewalks and pedestrian-friendly shopping is also a problem.

I love how this article consistently props up Oklahoma City against this notion of a "real city." Anyone else pick up on this?

Larry OKC
05-25-2010, 12:09 AM
Who are you trying to kid? Me? You? These other people? You must weigh in somewhere around 320, maybe a biscuit from 325.:fighting4

On edit, guess you were being sarcastic or something since you went on the Photo Meetup

05-25-2010, 12:21 AM
What do you expect when we have a low population density....

question: 1$ McChicken or 6$ Subway footlong?

it's really expensive to eat healthy... but the exercise point gets no excuses. Well consider this Peach fuzz... It also is very expensive to develop health problems associated with obesity such as diabetes, heart disease, hypertension etc...the cost of health insurance coverage will continue to soar if OKC does not get a hold on their obese ways. If your comparing costs of food and stating people cannot afford to eat healthy then perhaps they can get a second job or they can go to college and get a degree so they can afford to eat healthy. To me it sounds like your justifying and making excuses for OKC huge obesity problem.

05-25-2010, 12:28 AM
Who are you trying to kid? Me? You? These other people? You must weigh in somewhere around 320, maybe a biscuit from 325.:fighting4

A little more than a biscuit from 325..more like a ribeye steak from Cattlemen's..

05-25-2010, 12:58 AM
I love how this article consistently props up Oklahoma City against this notion of a "real city." Anyone else pick up on this?

I'm not excusing our shortcomings in many areas but I fail to see how our lack of "dog parks" figures into this discussion. Are we talking about obese people or obese dogs?

05-25-2010, 01:07 AM
On edit, guess you were being sarcastic or something since you went on the Photo Meetup

Yup :) All in good fun Nick!

05-25-2010, 01:20 AM
I think this really sad. I have lived in the metro my entire life and have always make a point to work out! I used to be into lifting weights, I swam for a while, and I still run everyday with my dog. I have worked at a nutrition store for 3 years and it has always been a personal passion.

Learning about nutrition and its benefits is a life long journey, but one that can greatly improve one's quality of life & longevity. The best thing about eating healthy is the way it makes you feel - and the associated lowered risk in LIFE THREATENING conditions helps one rest easy at night.

I work 2 jobs and spend a ton of time in my car (14,000 miles on a new car since august). I eat healthy, which is hard while on the run, but can still (somewhat) be accomplished.

Some quick tips

Just because you only have time for fast food doesn't mean it is a nutritional disaster!!

For example, next time you find yourself at Mcondalds, muster up the confidence to say something besides, "ill have a #8whatever, with a COKE".

Try this:
A somewhat healthy Mcdonalds meal: 2 grilled chicken snack wraps (with salsa or honey mustard only), side salad (vinegarette dressing - very low fat, eating a salad does no good if you put 30 fat grams on it) and a WATER. If you need caffeine get unsweetened tea. It has antioxidants and natural caffeine, no laboratory created caffeine you find in soft drinks.

When eating fast food avoid the following crap:

Mayonaise - replace with bbq sauce or mustard. Save fat & saturated fat.

Salad dressing - ranch dressing is like shooting fat directly into your heart valves. Simply replace with low or 0 fat option - Italian, balsamic vinagarette, etc. Ranch is for kids, if you are over 12, please stop eating it. It is making you fat and it is killing you.

French fries - carbs, fat & salt... bad for your heart, your butt, and your hopes of walking the stairs without having a heart attack. This is not food - this is a joke.

ALWAYS get grilled chicken instead of beef. Lower fat, lower saturated fat. Less sodium. more protein per oz. For example Braums grilled chicken sandwich, now thats $3.69 well spent. Or Even Mcdonalds chicken sandwich is great.

Don't get soft drinks - think of your digestive system. Now think of a movie theater floor. Its get sticky because its full of sugar from soft drinks being spilled on it - now pour that acidic, sugary, bubbly crap in your digestive system - think it gets sticky too? I have had upper GI issues and have to watch what I eat, soft drinks for me really interfere with proper digestion, and I would think the same would apply to a normal person.

I could go on for hours, but you get the point.

If you can find of Men's Health Eat THIS not THAT annual issue - its a simply guide that gives you an example of dishes than are far more healthy than something that may not seem that bad for you.

Eat healthy! Take your vitamins! Being fat hurts the economy!

05-25-2010, 07:18 AM
I fail to make a connection between food an emotions. It disgusts me when people say they eat to make themselves feel better. REALLY??? Travel back to the 19th Century and tell a crowd at a saloon that you need to eat stew to make you emotionally happy. That person would be an instant laughing stock, if not shot. If a man in those days had emotional issues, he talked to Jack Daniels. May have tore up his liver, but he didn't die a lard ass.

Fast forward to the 21st Century, and suddenly food is a person's best friend. What a joke. "Peanut butter makes me so happy!!!"

Food is a survival tool and nothing more.

05-25-2010, 07:25 AM
I am not a big fan of taxes or government intervention, but this is not much different than smoking. Look at the smoking situation in the state.

Oklahoma State Department of Health - State Smoking Rate Reaches Historic Low, More Action Needed (,_More_Acti on_Needed.html)

The adult smoking rate in Oklahoma dropped from 28.7 percent in 2001 to 24.7 percent in 2008. During the same time period, the proportion of former smokers in Oklahoma increased from 22.1 percent to 24.7 percent. 2008 was the first year Oklahoma had an equal proportion of former and current smokers.

“These historic milestones should be celebrated by all Oklahomans,” said State Board of Health President Barry Smith. “Although we still have long way to go, Oklahoma is making real progress in reducing tobacco’s deadly toll on our state.”

The successes are attributed to several major actions including the following:

1998: Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) signed with tobacco companies
2000: Voter-approved constitutional amendment creates the Oklahoma Tobacco Settlement Endowment Trust (TSET) for investment and protection of most MSA dollars
2003: Smoking banned in most Oklahoma workplaces; TSET launches Oklahoma Tobacco Helpline
2004: TSET launches Communities of Excellence program
2005: Voter-approved state tobacco tax increase takes effect
2008: TSET launches Tobacco Stops With Me campaign

05-25-2010, 08:04 AM
Personal responsibility applies to every U.S. city... So you have to ask yourself, what is unique about OKC that causes people to eat too much and exercise too little?

All you have to do is drive around town a bit and the answer is obvious: tons and tons of fast food and huge-serving restaurants, and very little in the way of sidewalks, bike paths and even enough density to warrant walking or riding a bike anywhere in the first place.

We can argue all day long about the accuracy of these types of rankings but the bottom line is that you notice the rampant obesity as soon as you arrive in town.

Unbridled sprawl and the resulting sea of fast food and Wal-Marts take a big toll apart from just making most areas look ugly.

News Flash:

This isn't an OKC problem. It's an American problem.

05-25-2010, 08:12 AM
What do you expect when we have a low population density....

question: 1$ McChicken or 6$ Subway footlong?

it's really expensive to eat healthy... but the exercise point gets no excuses.

You really think Subway is healthy?

05-25-2010, 08:14 AM
Its called get off your asses and workout... I eat the gnarliest crap ever and im fit, reason being? I WORK OUT

"Fit" and healthy are not the same. If you eat crap, you are not healthy.

05-25-2010, 08:16 AM
Boy, this thread certainly turned ugly in a hurry!

05-25-2010, 08:24 AM
I think this really sad. I have lived in the metro my entire life and have always make a point to work out! I used to be into lifting weights, I swam for a while, and I still run everyday with my dog. I have worked at a nutrition store for 3 years and it has always been a personal passion.

Learning about nutrition and its benefits is a life long journey, but one that can greatly improve one's quality of life & longevity. The best thing about eating healthy is the way it makes you feel - and the associated lowered risk in LIFE THREATENING conditions helps one rest easy at night.

I work 2 jobs and spend a ton of time in my car (14,000 miles on a new car since august). I eat healthy, which is hard while on the run, but can still (somewhat) be accomplished.

Some quick tips

Just because you only have time for fast food doesn't mean it is a nutritional disaster!!

For example, next time you find yourself at Mcondalds, muster up the confidence to say something besides, "ill have a #8whatever, with a COKE".

Try this:
A somewhat healthy Mcdonalds meal: 2 grilled chicken snack wraps (with salsa or honey mustard only), side salad (vinegarette dressing - very low fat, eating a salad does no good if you put 30 fat grams on it) and a WATER. If you need caffeine get unsweetened tea. It has antioxidants and natural caffeine, no laboratory created caffeine you find in soft drinks.

When eating fast food avoid the following crap:

Mayonaise - replace with bbq sauce or mustard. Save fat & saturated fat.

Salad dressing - ranch dressing is like shooting fat directly into your heart valves. Simply replace with low or 0 fat option - Italian, balsamic vinagarette, etc. Ranch is for kids, if you are over 12, please stop eating it. It is making you fat and it is killing you.

French fries - carbs, fat & salt... bad for your heart, your butt, and your hopes of walking the stairs without having a heart attack. This is not food - this is a joke.

ALWAYS get grilled chicken instead of beef. Lower fat, lower saturated fat. Less sodium. more protein per oz. For example Braums grilled chicken sandwich, now thats $3.69 well spent. Or Even Mcdonalds chicken sandwich is great.

Don't get soft drinks - think of your digestive system. Now think of a movie theater floor. Its get sticky because its full of sugar from soft drinks being spilled on it - now pour that acidic, sugary, bubbly crap in your digestive system - think it gets sticky too? I have had upper GI issues and have to watch what I eat, soft drinks for me really interfere with proper digestion, and I would think the same would apply to a normal person.

I could go on for hours, but you get the point.

If you can find of Men's Health Eat THIS not THAT annual issue - its a simply guide that gives you an example of dishes than are far more healthy than something that may not seem that bad for you.

Eat healthy! Take your vitamins! Being fat hurts the economy!

Snack wrap=processed crap
BBQ sauce=pure sugar
You NEED fat in your diet, EVEN SATURATED. Ranch is not killing you, BBQ sauce is.

Beef is good for you.
Braums and McDonalds chicken sandwhiches are NEVER money well spent. Their buns are pure processed poison.

05-25-2010, 08:39 AM
You really think Subway is healthy?

Subway can be as healthy or fat as you make it. There is certainly opportunity to eat healthy there. For breakfast this morning I went to subway and had a 6 inch wheat with egg white and onion and green peppers ... no cheese and no meat. You can do the same thing for lunch or dinner with healthy options, but people love their cheese and mayo, etc. It is pretty sad that we are considered the fattest city, yet not surprising at all. Go to any public place and it is almost strange to see a group of people that are fit because the majority of people are overweight.

05-25-2010, 10:14 AM
News Flash:

This isn't an OKC problem. It's an American problem.

It's way worse in OKC than most other cities.

Many studies have shown that the area has an incredibly high number of fast food places per capita.

05-25-2010, 10:21 AM
For breakfast this morning I went to subway and had a 6 inch wheat with egg white and onion and green peppers ... no cheese and no meat. You can do the same thing for lunch or dinner with healthy options

I'm sure you could live like that... but who would want to?

"There are lies, damned lies, and then there are statistics." -Mark Twain

The problem with studies like this is that they aren't scientific in the slightest. "America's fattest city". Hah. Take a look at those numbers again. Pay particular attention to the percentage of overweight citizens and the percentage of active citizens that they list next to each city. You'll notice that OKC has both a lower percentage of overweight citizens and a higher percentage of active citizens than the city right below us (presumably "thinner" than us).

The problem is, they are calculating in the number of gyms, percentage of park land, number of fast food restaurants, and other factors that have nothing to do with actual obesity. Oklahoma City has a relatively low population density. There is a lot of green space, but few actual parks in the city, especially as a percentage of land area. Contrast this with Washington DC, which has a very dense population (heh heh). DC is filled to the brim with national parks. This doesn't mean people exercise, it just means there are a lot of parks. When it comes to fast food restaurants, DC eats just as unhealthily as OKC does. The difference is, everyone there is close together, so you don't need as many physical locations. The ones in DC are just more crowded. A McDonalds that has 1000 customers a day is just as unhealthy as two McDonalds that each have 500 customers a day.

Thing is, basing your calculations off those numbers, without analyzing the differences between cities, will give you false results. I'm not saying OKC is the thinnest place in the world, but I've been to other cities, and we don't particularly stand out as being any fatter.

05-25-2010, 10:35 AM
Yup :) All in good fun Nick!

Grrr, I'm sensitive about my weight problems..

05-25-2010, 10:49 AM
I'm sure you could live like that... but who would want to?

haha who would want to live like what? Healthy? I for one enjoy eating right for the most part and working out regularly. Not because of weight concerns (because I can eat what I want and never gain a pound) but because I feel so much better and fresher when I am eating right and being active.

Eating like that sounds plain and gross maybe to some, but I promise you if you tried it for like a week or two or maybe a month, you would not know the difference. It is amazing how the human body can change and adapt. A few weeks of eating right and then cheating and having a fat meal will instantly show you just how draining on your body nasty fatty food is. I am not saying I eat healthy all the time, because I definitely do not but for the most part I at least try to. When people get into the habit of eating crap, your body starts to crave it and that is what leads to problems.