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Larry OKC
05-29-2010, 10:59 PM
Gravy is a beverage

All you can eat places are a challenge that has to be put to the test

05-30-2010, 12:03 AM
Sorry, but this is total bull****. Not over simplifying things at all. Just go out one night. It is amazing to sit and watch as overweight people feed their faces like they haven't eaten in weeks. Just to go home and take a nap in front of the tv.
I guess they all need surgery huh?

Sorry, but it's not BS. I have had some relatives who almost eat nothing and yet were very overweight. You have obviously decided that everyone you see who is overweight gets that way from overeating and that just isn't true. Of course, there are many who get that way from their diets. I'm not disputing that. I'm just saying you can't make such broad generalizations. Genetics and metabolism play a big part in weight issues as do dietary problems. In case you're wondering, I'm not talking about myself. I'm average to a little under average in weight.

Peach fuzz
05-30-2010, 12:23 AM
No it is bs... you guys are making excuses... 60 Years ago the obesity level was very low. People ate prepared, home cooked meals. Fast food chains were very small and people worked hard. I don't get the genetics game. Sure some people such as Polynesians(sp?) have a hard time with weight because they are evolved to eat a diet primarily of seafood and got caught up in the American food style. Okc however, is not used to that diet and are just lazy people... If people actually cared and it was a genetic problem, they would be mildly overweight... Instead they are downright gross. Be reasonable

05-30-2010, 12:40 AM
No it is bs... you guys are making excuses... 60 Years ago the obesity level was very low. People ate prepared, home cooked meals. Fast food chains were very small and people worked hard. I don't get the genetics game. Sure some people such as Polynesians(sp?) have a hard time with weight because they are evolved to eat a diet primarily of seafood and got caught up in the American food style. Okc however, is not used to that diet and are just lazy people... If people actually cared and it was a genetic problem, they would be mildly overweight... Instead they are downright gross. Be reasonable

Peach fuzz, I'm not making excuses for anyone. I totally agree about diet issues being major cause for overweight people but you're generalizing also. You're the one who isn't being reasonable and making unwarranted judgements about people you don't know or what their problems might be.

Peach fuzz
05-30-2010, 12:56 AM
Yeah I'm generalizing, people are fat because they don't do anything about it... don't eat me jp jp

05-30-2010, 01:19 AM
Yeah I'm generalizing, people are fat because they don't do anything about it... don't eat me jp jp

You are now sounding like a total bigot who has no compassion for anyone who has physical problems that they can't control. Again I'm not apologizing for any of the overweight people who are just out of control with eating habits but I know people who don't fit that category who are overweight. Making the kind of comments that you make only contributes to mental issues that can come up for those who in reality can't control weight issues by just a change in diet. If we see people who are seriously thin but can't gain weight no matter what they eat do we blame them for the problem? I'm sure you know that happens.

05-30-2010, 07:23 AM
You talk a lot of trash my friend. I am just wondering if you would say half the things you post on here to a person's face. Chances are more than likely you that you would not say anything harsh out fear of getting your teeth knocked down to your large intestine.

Most of the fat people your bashing would probably chase you down, sit on you and cut nice ripe fart in your face just for good humor.

For the record... I am not fat I am fit.

I think people need to be left alone. If you want to be fit...fine. If you want to be fat that is fine too. Just understand the health risks you face and don't whine about the cost of medical care later on down the road.

Whoa nelly!!!!!!! We have ourselves an internet tough guy. Wrong, I'll tell whoever I want, whether they like it or not. For example, my aunt is flat out LAZY. She's so damn lazy she has her husband pick her up at the door everywhere they go. She's too damn lazy to even walk to a parking lot. Anyway, she kept getting fatter and fatter. I told her the same thing I've said here. But instead of doing what needed to be done, she opts for surgery. It's total BS, excuse after excuse. Like Peach said, 60 years ago people actually worked it off, today they surgery. TOTAL BS.

05-30-2010, 07:29 AM
You are now sounding like a total bigot who has no compassion for anyone who has physical problems that they can't control. Again I'm not apologizing for any of the overweight people who are just out of control with eating habits but I know people who don't fit that category who are overweight. Making the kind of comments that you make only contributes to mental issues that can come up for those who in reality can't control weight issues by just a change in diet. If we see people who are seriously thin but can't gain weight no matter what they eat do we blame them for the problem? I'm sure you know that happens.

I have compassion for anyone with major health problems and who are unable to do what it takes to lose the weight and stay healthy. For all those millions of people who are too damn lazy but are more than able to do it, I have very little compassion.

05-30-2010, 11:00 AM
People who say they are fit and look it have surely put forth a lot of time, heavy sweat, and undying dedication toward that goal and have earned the right to be concerned and critical of overweight people as far as I'm concerned. Since strength and programs are so easy to walk away from, I admire people a lot who stick to them.

05-30-2010, 05:12 PM
You are now sounding like a total bigot who has no compassion for anyone who has physical problems that they can't control. Again I'm not apologizing for any of the overweight people who are just out of control with eating habits but I know people who don't fit that category who are overweight. Making the kind of comments that you make only contributes to mental issues that can come up for those who in reality can't control weight issues by just a change in diet. If we see people who are seriously thin but can't gain weight no matter what they eat do we blame them for the problem? I'm sure you know that happens.

Actually no. I agree with peach fuzz.

Of the people who are currently overweight/obese, I'd say less than 1% of them are obese due to a valid medical reason.

Stan Silliman
05-30-2010, 07:26 PM
Actually no. I agree with peach fuzz.

Of the people who are currently overweight/obese, I'd say less than 1% of them are obese due to a valid medical reason.

Instead of just making a ridiculous comment, why don't you cite medical research backing up this 1% claim.

Peach fuzz
05-30-2010, 08:28 PM
Or maybe you could cite some medical research proving the theory wrong... Isn't that how things work in the science realm? If a person has a medical condition which leaves them unable to obtain a healthy weight, then I'm sorry. I just feel like they're a lot of excuses being thrown into the mix.

05-30-2010, 09:32 PM
I don't have any medical studies, but I was just trying to illustrate that overweight people due to a valid health reason is a teeny percentage of the overweight population.

And like peach fuzz stated, the people with valid medical conditions would just be somewhat overweight, not morbidly obese.

05-30-2010, 11:39 PM
Actually no. I agree with peach fuzz.

Of the people who are currently overweight/obese, I'd say less than 1% of them are obese due to a valid medical reason.

Casey, you missed my point. I said that I agree with him about overweight people who willingly overeat and don't really do anything to try to lose weight. He was lumping everyone into one pot and you just can't do that. Making a statement like hoping someone doesn't eat me is totally insensitive and uncaring towards anyone who isn't in that category. Unless you personally know a person that you see who is obese or observe them overeating, don't make assumptions about what issues they may have.

05-30-2010, 11:44 PM
I don't have any medical studies, but I was just trying to illustrate that overweight people due to a valid health reason is a teeny percentage of the overweight population.

And like peach fuzz stated, the people with valid medical conditions would just be somewhat overweight, not morbidly obese.

I don't know what people you observe. I see a lot of overweight people but only a very small percentage that I would consider to be morbidly obese. I'm not a doctor and don't have any expertise in this area but I think it would be interesting to get comments from someone who might be involved in that personally.

05-31-2010, 06:21 AM
I don't know what people you observe. I see a lot of overweight people but only a very small percentage that I would consider to be morbidly obese. I'm not a doctor and don't have any expertise in this area but I think it would be interesting to get comments from someone who might be involved in that personally.

You would be surprised, based on Medical standards, there are thousands of obese people.

A person that's 5"11, weighs between 210--250 and has a BMI of 30.1 or higher is classified as obese

Larry OKC
05-31-2010, 06:41 AM
does "morbidly" obese make a difference to the above or just "obese"?

Peach fuzz
05-31-2010, 06:16 PM
Casey, you missed my point. I said that I agree with him about overweight people who willingly overeat and don't really do anything to try to lose weight. He was lumping everyone into one pot and you just can't do that. Making a statement like hoping someone doesn't eat me is totally insensitive and uncaring towards anyone who isn't in that category. Unless you personally know a person that you see who is obese or observe them overeating, don't make assumptions about what issues they may have.

How am I lumping everyone into one pot? My statement is, has been, and will be to get off your rumps and try to change. Once again, if they are unable to do so, then they DO have my sympathy. It's like you're generalizing every "obese" person into a 'Can't do it on their own' catergory.

I mean no harm but I have 0 sympathy for lazy people. My dad is one of them and I rode his butt enough to where he finally started the HCG diet and can only eat 500 Cals a day. He's down 16 lbs in 9 days now and I'm not letting up

05-31-2010, 07:09 PM
Don't be lazy because it leads to flab. Bottom line.

My friend who lost 100 pounds has recently gained it all back. He's constantly telling me how much he hates being overweight, then he proceeds to order a Big Mac. Because I'm so incredibly fit, he wants me to help him. Looking for a magic bullet.

There seems to be a disconnect about McDonalds + sitting around = flab

It's really no more difficult then that.

Peach fuzz
05-31-2010, 07:35 PM
Oh btw try to stay away from white water bay... it was gnarly today... I just don't get why people feel they need to share their abundant "goodies"

05-31-2010, 11:55 PM
Yeah I'm generalizing, people are fat because they don't do anything about it... don't eat me jp jp

This statement certainly didn't sound like you were being compassionate to anyone no matter what the reason for being overweight. If you do have such compassion, I apologize. It just doesn't sound too much like it. Even if people are overweight and are capable of changing, making statements like this are detrimental. You just sound like the kids in grade school who made fun of anyone who was different.

06-01-2010, 09:05 AM
I do feel sorry for those that have some sort of medical condition that makes them big, but for those that are fat because they eat like crap and dont work out ... I feel no sympathy for them and quite frankly they bother me. When I see fat people out in public eating like crap it really bothers me. The other day I stopped off in the Sonic in Bricktown to get a drink and there was a family in there with 3 kids and the entire family was fat. So what do they order?? Well they all got large ice cream things with cookies or some sort of candy blended in and an order of cheddar bites. It really made me angry because they are not even giving their kids a choice in the matter. The kids are fat and their parents are shoving ice cream and fried food down their mouths as an afternoon snack. I just really do not understand people. Maybe some of them live in a house with not mirrors

Peach fuzz
06-01-2010, 12:27 PM
Maybe I do seem harsh and rather childish to some on this topic. I'm not going to change my stance though. I'm not cutting lazy people who make everyday choices to be fat slack. And that would include my father. This is different than grade schoolers making fun of billy, the kid with moles everywhere or whatever. Those kids grow up and feel remorse for that later on usually. This is about people who have no respect for themselves, their city, state, or nations image, and I ends up costing us with anything from tourism to medical bills in the end.

06-01-2010, 12:47 PM
To sum it up, SHAPE UP OR SHIP OUT!

Peach fuzz
06-01-2010, 01:14 PM
Maybe I do seem harsh and rather childish to some on this topic. I'm not going to change my stance though. I'm not cutting lazy people who make everyday choices to be fat slack. And that would include my father. This is different than grade schoolers making fun of billy, the kid with moles everywhere or whatever. Those kids grow up and feel remorse for that later on usually. This is about people who have no respect for themselves, their city, state, or nations image, and I ends up costing us with anything from tourism to medical bills in the end.

06-01-2010, 01:21 PM
Don't buy it then. Show them who's boss. It's not the restaurants fault. It is the lack of personal responsibility of people.

I eat fast food about 3 times a week, at most. Otherwise, I eat at home. It's a personal decision, I am not overweight, but I do enjoy the convenience of not having to drive very far when I do eat my fast food.

Personal responsibility.


Anyone see the irony in the fact that, while we might be one of the states strongest in the "personal responsibility" argument, we apparently have the least amount of personal integrity and responsibility when it comes to consumption? Keep preachin' it if you think it sounds good, SkyWest.

06-01-2010, 02:50 PM
I am personally responsible, I don't eat it very often. But when I do, I don't want to drive all the way across town. Maybe I don't feel good, maybe the **** hit the fan today and I really don't feel like making a long venture to get food, a quick mile to McD's sounds perfectly acceptable to me in some situations. Maybe I am starving and need a quick bite to eat on the way to school/work? It's a convenience. Sometimes time versus quality is more important.

Anyone who has seen me in person knows I am the furthest from overweight, unhealthy, or fat. 5'9" 135lbs. Guess what? My heart is also in good condition, so is my blood sugar (A1C is at 5.4%).

I am personally responsible, don't punish me by taking away the choices of food I like to eat on occasion, because some people don't know how to exercise, or even understand what they are shoveling in.

Meanwhile, I haven't had fast food in a few days, I think I'm going to go get some right now.

06-01-2010, 04:08 PM
No one wants to take your personal food choices away. But why not tax junk food to punish you? It worked for me. As I already mentioned, Wal-mart once had a soft drink machine that only charged .25 and I frequently couldn't resist buying from it on the way out of the store. Now that's gone. Drinks cost at least .75. So I no longer buy.

06-01-2010, 04:22 PM
The problem is defining "junk food".

06-01-2010, 04:29 PM
I don't want to be punished. I am healthy. I exercise, and I don't eat fast food that often anyway. I am overall healthy, none of my Dr.'s have any complaints. Why should you punish this?

Peach fuzz
06-01-2010, 04:59 PM
I agree. I don't want to be punished for eating junk. I don't have problems with people eating junk either, as long as they do an extra set of pushups and jog one more lap and so forth... works for me :)

06-01-2010, 06:34 PM
lol, Doing pushups or jogging is punishment to many people. It's a struggle for me to do 15 or 20 non cheating pushups..

06-01-2010, 06:36 PM
Get in shape then, go the gym. At my peak I could do 120 non cheating pushups and no breaks in between. I have since not had time, but I try to do about the same amount a day, just spread over when I have a few minutes between sometimes.

06-01-2010, 10:59 PM
I"ll try to. At least one doesn't require going to a gym to get up over 100 push ups, which is one of the best exercises for upper body strength and calorie burning.

06-02-2010, 12:51 AM
I do feel sorry for those that have some sort of medical condition that makes them big, but for those that are fat because they eat like crap and dont work out ... I feel no sympathy for them and quite frankly they bother me. When I see fat people out in public eating like crap it really bothers me. The other day I stopped off in the Sonic in Bricktown to get a drink and there was a family in there with 3 kids and the entire family was fat. So what do they order?? Well they all got large ice cream things with cookies or some sort of candy blended in and an order of cheddar bites. It really made me angry because they are not even giving their kids a choice in the matter. The kids are fat and their parents are shoving ice cream and fried food down their mouths as an afternoon snack. I just really do not understand people. Maybe some of them live in a house with not mirrors

This is one area I totally agree on. When adults push their poor diet, fast food living off on the children who don't know any better that is a tragedy. As for the adults, they know what they're doing or should and as long as they aren't causing my health insurance rates to go up they can eat and live however they want as far as I'm concerned.

06-02-2010, 12:57 AM
Maybe I do seem harsh and rather childish to some on this topic. I'm not going to change my stance though. I'm not cutting lazy people who make everyday choices to be fat slack. And that would include my father. This is different than grade schoolers making fun of billy, the kid with moles everywhere or whatever. Those kids grow up and feel remorse for that later on usually. This is about people who have no respect for themselves, their city, state, or nations image, and I ends up costing us with anything from tourism to medical bills in the end.

No one is asking you to cut any slack to people who are overweight because of choices they make. Obviously this is very personal to you because of your father and that's OK. Just don't make cute remarks about any overweight person you see because of it. Keep in mind that there may be factors involved that you don't know about.

Larry OKC
06-02-2010, 01:41 AM
Actually, no. There is no recommended daily instake of saturated fat.

You need monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats (think nuts, omega-3s, avocado, etc) but there is no need for saturated fat of any kind.

Not according to the Nutrition Facts label. The one I am looking at right now shows

Saturated Fat = 0.5g (3% of the RDA)

OU Adonis
06-02-2010, 08:53 AM
I have very little compassion for people that are fat. While I don't disagree some people have better genetics than others when it comes to maintaining weight that doesn't give you a pass on being fat.

If you suck at math, do you just give up and take an F? Do you cry about all the people who can get A's with little effort?

No... You work your butt off to get that C so you can go to college and get a degree.

Larry OKC
06-02-2010, 09:01 AM
Don't confuse being "fat" with being unhealthy. There are many people that go to the other extreme and are skinny but unhealthy in there own way. If you are morbidly obese, probably little chance that you are healthy and at the other end of the spectrum if you are anorexic, the same applies. You can be under weight, normal or over weight and still be healthy.

OU Adonis
06-02-2010, 09:14 AM
I think its a culture thing too. (I mentioned this in another thread) I lost a bit of weight and got down to 177 and my friends thought I was too skinny. My current weight is back up to around 183.

I am a little over 6'1. I am considered overweight at 190 and obese at 230.

06-02-2010, 09:21 AM
I think its a culture thing too. (I mentioned this in another thread) I lost a bit of weight and got down to 177 and my friends thought I was too skinny. My current weight is back up to around 183.

I am a little over 6'1. I am considered overweight at 190 and obese at 230.

Yea, that is the truth. Our culture's perception of what is healthy has become skewed. Healthy and average now are considered "skinny" where a few extra pounds is now considered normal. Just walk around the mall or any other public place and it is almost strange to see someone that looks fit.

06-02-2010, 09:22 AM
OU Adonis... I thought you were delusional for a second when you said 190 for 6'1" was overweight so I Googled 'ideal weight.' YIKES!!! I'm apparently a lardass. I'm 6'3" and 200-205 lbs. I thought I was at the right weight but according to just about every site I found I'm pushing the limit... how depressing!

OU Adonis
06-02-2010, 10:06 AM
I have struggled a bit with weight in the past. I have weighed as much as 220 when I was younger and it was because of the 2 liter of pop and fast food I ate every day.

Something I have found is that culturally we accept guys that carry more weight, but women should carry more weight than we think is acceptable.

And I am the first one to admit that I find attractive women who would probably be considered unhealthy on the weight range (being under weight).

I have made small changes in my life and they made a big difference.

No or small calorie drinks. (I occasionally have a gatoraide)
Small snacks throughout the day and less "Big meals".
Fun activities - I picked up volleyball
Parking farther back when I go shopping.

Oh and that last thing really bugs me about some people. I will see a car drive around the wal-mart parking lot for 5 minutes trying to get 20 feet closer instead of just getting out and walking that short extra distance.

OU Adonis
06-02-2010, 10:09 AM
OU Adonis... I thought you were delusional for a second when you said 190 for 6'1" was overweight so I Googled 'ideal weight.' YIKES!!! I'm apparently a lardass. I'm 6'3" and 200-205 lbs. I thought I was at the right weight but according to just about every site I found I'm pushing the limit... how depressing!

Well those are just guides, because they are based on body fat. You may have a lot more muscle than the common guy so your body fat is still low compared to your weight.

Me, I am a fairly typical guy, I can only wish I was buff. Hah

Peach fuzz
06-02-2010, 11:29 AM
No one is asking you to cut any slack to people who are overweight because of choices they make. Obviously this is very personal to you because of your father and that's OK. Just don't make cute remarks about any overweight person you see because of it. Keep in mind that there may be factors involved that you don't know about.

Ok you're starting to put me to sleep with this victim crap. You act like I go around all day making rude remarks to people if they're overweight. I feel like I walked into a peta conference with a polar bear coat on... Blah blah blah lose some wight people, but don't get your feelings hurt while doing so or I'll never hear the end of it

06-02-2010, 03:33 PM
Not according to the Nutrition Facts label. The one I am looking at right now shows

Saturated Fat = 0.5g (3% of the RDA)

RDA is the maximum limit of something you should consume. There is no REQUIREMENT for saturated fat in our diets, but the American Health Organization puts an upper limit on consumption, which translates to a % of RDA.

The American Heart Association recommends that no more than 1% of a person's fat intake come from trans/saturated fat.

Whereas the AHA recommends that a young woman eat approx 50 - 70g unsaturated fat/day.

So the RDA value for saturated fat you're seeing is the TOP limit [i.e. you shouldn't eat any, but don't eat more than this!], not the desirable limit like it is with protein/healthy fats/carbs/vitamins, etc.

06-02-2010, 03:59 PM
Great point, Casey.

Larry OKC
06-02-2010, 06:43 PM
RDA is the maximum limit of something you should consume. There is no REQUIREMENT for saturated fat in our diets, but the American Health Organization puts an upper limit on consumption, which translates to a % of RDA.

The American Heart Association recommends that no more than 1% of a person's fat intake come from trans/saturated fat.

Whereas the AHA recommends that a young woman eat approx 50 - 70g unsaturated fat/day.

So the RDA value for saturated fat you're seeing is the TOP limit [i.e. you shouldn't eat any, but don't eat more than this!], not the desirable limit like it is with protein/healthy fats/carbs/vitamins, etc.

I see what you are saying but RDA = Recommended Daily Allowance (think it is based on a 2,000 calorie diet, based on other factors an individual may need more or less. Didn't mean to imply that fat is a REQUIREMENT any more than sugars, calories etc). Just responding to his point that there is "no need for saturated fat of any kind". Now if he had said there is no need for trans fats, he would have been correct according to what I have been reading lately. When trans fats are listed I don't think you will ever see a RDA amount next to it, because there is no such thing. There is no "safe" amount, they are all bad. But obviously less of them is better than more, but if possible should be avoided completely.

Point to remember with any Nutritional Facts info, it is Per Serving (so have to multiply things out by amount consumed. Manufacturers are allowed to round items down, so a "0" (zero) doesn't necessarily mean there isn't any of that particular item in it. Here the multiplier doesn't work because 100 times Zero is still zero. But if the actual amount is .49 times 100, then you may have a problem

06-02-2010, 11:49 PM
Ok you're starting to put me to sleep with this victim crap. You act like I go around all day making rude remarks to people if they're overweight. I feel like I walked into a peta conference with a polar bear coat on... Blah blah blah lose some wight people, but don't get your feelings hurt while doing so or I'll never hear the end of it

If you want to go to sleep, be my guest. It's just that your harsh comments here make it sound like you do exactly what you say you don't do.

06-02-2010, 11:57 PM
Oh and that last thing really bugs me about some people. I will see a car drive around the wal-mart parking lot for 5 minutes trying to get 20 feet closer instead of just getting out and walking that short extra distance.

I won't argue that many people do exactly that and it is ridiculous but don't assume that everyone doing that is the same. Most of the time when I go to Walmart I'm taking my 86 year old mother who has problems walking long distances and I'm looking for a close handicap space. Just try finding one of those empty at Walmart. Many times I have to just drop her off in front and go find a parking space anywhere I can.

06-03-2010, 07:32 AM
Sorry, but this is total bull****. Not over simplifying things at all. Just go out one night. It is amazing to sit and watch as overweight people feed their faces like they haven't eaten in weeks. Just to go home and take a nap in front of the tv.
I guess they all need surgery huh? Strongly agree Bostonfan! People continue to "justify" and make excuses on being overweight. It shows that they have developed a "mindset". Granted, their are some cases where overweight people may have issues with thyroid problems, metabolism issues, etc.......however there are medications for these afflictions.

06-03-2010, 09:04 PM
Me, I am a fairly typical guy, I can only wish I was buff. Hah
Then why don't you bring it with P90X?

06-04-2010, 12:18 AM
Strongly agree Bostonfan! People continue to "justify" and make excuses on being overweight. It shows that they have developed a "mindset". Granted, their are some cases where overweight people may have issues with thyroid problems, metabolism issues, etc.......however there are medications for these afflictions.

Pills may help with some issues but are certainly not a cure-all. The company I work for has assisted many people around the country in making travel arrangements to go to Brazil for weight-loss surgery. Brazil is known world-wide as a leader for this and is much less expensive than the US. However, none of these people would have gone to any such expense or hastle if they could have taken a pill for it.

06-04-2010, 01:42 PM
Pills may help with some issues but are certainly not a cure-all. The company I work for has assisted many people around the country in making travel arrangements to go to Brazil for weight-loss surgery. Brazil is known world-wide as a leader for this and is much less expensive than the US. However, none of these people would have gone to any such expense or hastle if they could have taken a pill for it.

Surgery is to remove the fat, not to fix an underlying problem. I believe progressiveboy was talking about pills to help these medical issues.

06-04-2010, 03:15 PM
Not being fat is not the same as being fit.

Some people -- especially when they are younger -- can eat all kinds of junk and not be overweight. But that almost always catches up with you as you approach 40, if not before. And many studies have shown that bad eating habits as a young person are very hard to break as you age.

And, eating salty, fatty foods does damage to your cardiovascular system even if you aren't overweight.

People that say "I eat all kinds of crap and am still slim" are like smokers that claim they've been smoking 2 packs a day for years without any health concerns. But of course, those things eventually come home to roost.

The abundance of fast food and huge portion family restaurants are the biggest change on the American landscape since obesity rates started to climb steadily.

And when you consider that OKC has way more than it's share of fast food places AND happens to have a high obesity rate, there is obviously a correlation.

Another analogy is the tax on beer and alcohol. I drink very little but have to pay taxes on those items anyway. Of course, since I don't drink much the cost to me isn't that great.

If you aren't eating much junk food then you would pay little tax; if you are, then perhaps you should be.

06-04-2010, 06:32 PM
One of the biggest problems with our current obesity problem is that as a lot of these obese children and adults age, it is going to send medical costs sky high for these groups. This will happen at the same time as our population as a whole is aging and I'm worried that the fact that we're going to have significant morbidity in our younger generations is going to put a huge burden on our health care system. We're going to have diabetes and its complications at a far younger age, hypertension, heart disease and all the health problems associated with obesity in a young population, at a time when they should be working and productive. That may also increase the stress on our social security program, as some of these people will actually end up being classified as disabled as a result of their obesity. This is a problem that absolutely needs to be addressed emergently, but I don't really see much will to do so in those affected or their families.

06-05-2010, 12:16 AM
Surgery is to remove the fat, not to fix an underlying problem. I believe progressiveboy was talking about pills to help these medical issues.

The surgery is not about removing fat. It's about reducing stomach size to make the person feel full without eating so much as well as other issues. I'm certainly no expert on this but I know a little based on what our customers tell us. Our customers do, however, often go back to Brazil, after losing a significant amount of weight, for plastic surgery to have excess skin removed.

06-05-2010, 12:30 AM
Not being fat is not the same as being fit.

Some people -- especially when they are younger -- can eat all kinds of junk and not be overweight. But that almost always catches up with you as you approach 40, if not before. And many studies have shown that bad eating habits as a young person are very hard to break as you age.

And, eating salty, fatty foods does damage to your cardiovascular system even if you aren't overweight.

People that say "I eat all kinds of crap and am still slim" are like smokers that claim they've been smoking 2 packs a day for years without any health concerns. But of course, those things eventually come home to roost.

The abundance of fast food and huge portion family restaurants are the biggest change on the American landscape since obesity rates started to climb steadily.

And when you consider that OKC has way more than it's share of fast food places AND happens to have a high obesity rate, there is obviously a correlation.

Another analogy is the tax on beer and alcohol. I drink very little but have to pay taxes on those items anyway. Of course, since I don't drink much the cost to me isn't that great.

If you aren't eating much junk food then you would pay little tax; if you are, then perhaps you should be.

Pete, putting a tax on beer and alcohol is easy because it's easy to define. How do you put a tax on junk food when junk food isn't so easy to define? You can go to the the grocery store and take many very healthy individual items and put them together into something that is totally unhealthy. The government can regulate what is made available to the public but it will never be able to control what individuals do to themselves.

Larry OKC
06-05-2010, 01:18 AM
Pete, putting a tax on beer and alcohol is easy because it's easy to define. How do you put a tax on junk food when junk food isn't so easy to define? You can go to the the grocery store and take many very healthy individual items and put them together into something that is totally unhealthy. The government can regulate what is made available to the public but it will never be able to control what individuals do to themselves.

Good point. Recently on Channel 9 (didn't catch the city the report was on), they are instituting/considering a tax on candy. BUT if the candy has flour as an ingredient, no tax. No bearing of sugar or fat quantities, or if things were within RDA guidelines etc. it all came down to flour! They had some samples of ones that would be taxed and wouldn't. it was laughable.

06-05-2010, 01:25 AM
Good point. Recently on Channel 9 (didn't catch the city the report was on), they are instituting/considering a tax on candy. BUT if the candy has flour as an ingredient, no tax. No bearing of sugar or fat quantities, or if things were within RDA guidelines etc. it all came down to flour! They had some samples of ones that would be taxed and wouldn't. it was laughable.

Exactly. And, as I said, the people can easily go to the grocery store and buy all of the makings for the most sinful unhealthy fudge imaginable. Please save us from the food police and just help us educate the public better.