05-23-2010, 12:52 AM
im around the hefner-rockwell intersection and nobody around here has water pressure. How far out is this thing? Anyone else on here have the same issue?
View Full Version : No water pressure in NW OKC soonerfan_in_okc 05-23-2010, 12:52 AM im around the hefner-rockwell intersection and nobody around here has water pressure. How far out is this thing? Anyone else on here have the same issue? SoonerQueen 05-23-2010, 02:20 AM There is a water main break west of the Lake Hefner water plant. They are working on it and will have it fixed as soon as they can. soonerfan_in_okc 05-23-2010, 02:52 AM i see. Well that explains it. Thanks! bandnerd 05-23-2010, 09:44 AM Any word on the progress? I would really like to take a shower. And do laundry. And a myriad of other things that require water pressure! fromdust 05-23-2010, 10:10 AM ahh...that does explain things. im at council and 113 and noticed this last night and thought it was just another thing to add to the list of stuff that needs to be given to the landlord. Jethrol 05-23-2010, 10:43 AM im around the hefner-rockwell intersection and nobody around here has water pressure. How far out is this thing? Anyone else on here have the same issue? I'm at 122nd and MacArthur and while I have pressure, it's quite low. However, it's been low for quite awhile now. adaniel 05-23-2010, 11:39 AM I have no water at all at NW Expressway and Council. It probably has to do with the fact I live on the 2nd story of a large apartment complex. I hope they fix it soon. Really need to use the bathroom and take a shower. kevinpate 05-23-2010, 11:46 AM I have no water at all at NW Expressway and Council. It probably has to do with the fact I live on the 2nd story of a large apartment complex. I hope they fix it soon. Really need to use the bathroom and take a shower. Might be time to snag a couple of gallon jugs, pre-filled or fill your own at a tap, and just take care of the basics until the main line is fixed. Having raised kiddos, we learned electric snafus, even long ones, were more annoying than a real issue. No gas was a bigger pain, though that was fortunately rare over the years. But no water? Nah, we tended to not wait beyond an hour or so. Then we'd go fetch and bring it home. Dinna hurt to be well stocked with coolers and jugs and such from our being active with Cubs and GS and RR. adaniel 05-23-2010, 12:25 PM Might be time to snag a couple of gallon jugs, pre-filled or fill your own at a tap, and just take care of the basics until the main line is fixed. Having raised kiddos, we learned electric snafus, even long ones, were more annoying than a real issue. No gas was a bigger pain, though that was fortunately rare over the years. But no water? Nah, we tended to not wait beyond an hour or so. Then we'd go fetch and bring it home. Dinna hurt to be well stocked with coolers and jugs and such from our being active with Cubs and GS and RR. Good news! Water just came back on, although water pressure is practically nonexistent. Its enough to take care of business. But I will say I was taking your suggestion and scrambling to look for a big jug or something similar and maybe convince the good folks at a nearby 7-11 to let me borrow some badly needed water. I doubt I would be the only one. Stuff like this makes you appreciate modern conveniences and how you feel like your life stops working the minute they go away. kevinpate 05-23-2010, 06:36 PM Stuff like this makes you appreciate modern conveniences and how you feel like your life stops working the minute they go away. Glad to hear it is flowing again, even if slowly. Yeah, we're a tad overkill at times, but I do love having a couple of 2.5 gallon jugs, a couple of 5 gallons jugs, a collapsable 5 gal. bag, and enough coolers to get a fair sized crew through a long weekend all nicely tucked away awaiting the next adventure ... be it away or be it at home by candlelight. bandnerd 05-23-2010, 08:27 PM If it's yellow, let it mellow... I think the toilet, which had been flushed at around 2:30am, that started spewing and spurting and making crazy sounds shortly thereafter as it tried to refill the tank would have made me pee my pants, if I hadn't already just used the restroom. I took the wimpiest shower late this morning. It seemed to take them awhile to get everything squared away, but all seems fine now. We normally have crazy high water pressure here. It was such a shock! Jethrol 05-23-2010, 10:45 PM If it's yellow, let it mellow... I think the toilet, which had been flushed at around 2:30am, that started spewing and spurting and making crazy sounds shortly thereafter as it tried to refill the tank would have made me pee my pants, if I hadn't already just used the restroom. I took the wimpiest shower late this morning. It seemed to take them awhile to get everything squared away, but all seems fine now. We normally have crazy high water pressure here. It was such a shock! I just had my water heater replaced and they had to come into the bath and "clear the air" . He said don't be surprised if a lot of really ugly looking things come out. There's often a lot of buildup in the pipes and when you send air then water down them, it knocks a lot of that stuff loose. |