02-26-2005, 01:13 PM
The OKC Police are finally cracking down on the speeders on the Broadway Extension. Thursday, alone, they wrote over 200 tickets for speeding. They said the motorist going the fastest was clocked at 94 mph. That is way too fast for anybody to go. The funny thing, though, is that many of the motorists that were ticketed, knew that the police were going to be out there writing tickets. As a matter of fact, the police had two signs set up on the Broadway Extension, warning motorists of unmarked police cars, and warning them that they were being watched.
Some people just don't ever learn. All I know, is that this has not only caused some people to slow down, but it has also made some needed money for the City. I hope they keep this up, and maybe motorists will get the message to slow down, before somebody gets killed.
Some people just don't ever learn. All I know, is that this has not only caused some people to slow down, but it has also made some needed money for the City. I hope they keep this up, and maybe motorists will get the message to slow down, before somebody gets killed.