05-04-2010, 06:47 PM
There's a house on the corner of Garth Brooks (Cemetery) and 10th. Its an old ranch with the initials GB on the brick gate post. Anyone know anything about this house? The property is for sale.
View Full Version : House/ranch on Garth Brooks?? jeffkchuckk 05-04-2010, 06:47 PM There's a house on the corner of Garth Brooks (Cemetery) and 10th. Its an old ranch with the initials GB on the brick gate post. Anyone know anything about this house? The property is for sale. decepticobra 05-04-2010, 06:55 PM its belongs to Geraldine Belmont, a nice lady that attends my church. You want to buy it? she will make you a great offer. jeffkchuckk 05-04-2010, 09:17 PM I drive past it every day and there's just something about it. It could be a great place. I was just wondering what happened to it, why is it empty now? The other thing that sparked my interest was a napkin with GB ranch and arena in the Joe Cooper lot. Just curious about the history of the place. yukong 05-05-2010, 04:13 PM If your speaking of the house on the SW corner, gray rock...that was the home of Garland Bloodworth. Garland was a former District Judge, and longtime area attorney. He officed in OKC, but did a lot of work in Canadian County and all over the state. Really was one of the top criminal defense attorneys around. He was very low key and low profile. He was 100X better than Gassaway, Mack Martin and their sort. He made millions. He also had a huge ranch down around Altus where he was from. The house was very nice inside. Garland died a few years ago from complications of a stoke. His wife was out of town with their daughter and he was there alone and had a stoke. He layed in the floor of his house over a weekend unable to move or call for help. He was found on a Monday when he didn't show up at his office. I was practicing in Yukon at the time, and Garland would use our office when he was in Canadian county needing to see clients. After he died, his secretary came to work for us. His wife lived in the house for a few years after his passing, but my understanding is that she now lives on the ranch in SW Oklahoma. She has had the house on the market or several years, and has turned down several pretty large offers for the property. I heard she is holding out for the right offer. She doesn't need the money because Garland left her set for life. So she can hold out as long as she wants. sgt. pepper 05-06-2010, 06:31 AM I figured Home Depot or some big chain would buy it, maybe a 7-11? oneforone 05-06-2010, 07:04 AM Or some wise guy who gripes on discussion boards..... jeffkchuckk 05-06-2010, 07:50 AM I love the house. I would love to see someone purchase it and update it to live in. I hope thats what his wife is holding out for and not some big box store or strip mall. yukong 05-06-2010, 08:07 AM I love the house. I would love to see someone purchase it and update it to live in. I hope thats what his wife is holding out for and not some big box store or strip mall. The problem with that is the property is more valuable as a commercial parcel than residential. The house has been vacant for many years. It would need a lot of money to fix up. And who would want that much money tied up in a home place right in the middle of all that commercial/retail zone? It will one day be some big box retail deal. jeffkchuckk 05-07-2010, 08:08 PM I looked in the windows today and was shocked that the house still has stuff in it. How long has it sat empty? Has anyone been inside and remember what it looked like?? yukong 05-08-2010, 06:07 PM Mrs. Bloodworth has not regularly resided there for several years that I know of. I believe their daughter may have lived there for a bit, but I'm not sure on that. I was in it one time sometime after Garland had his stroke. I helped move some furniture in or out, I don't remember which. What I saw was nice. Very open floor plan. Very expansive. Rustic as I recall. Would be a great house. Just a not so great location now. Probably needs a lot of updating now. |