View Full Version : Construction on corner of Jenkins and Lindsay?

04-26-2010, 06:32 PM
What is going on the corner of Jenkins and Lindsay, south of the stadium, I heard that was a site for some condos, but not sure?

04-26-2010, 07:32 PM
Haven't been over in a spell. have they started taking down the old Subway and Campus market and places in between? OU bought up that whole corner a while back, including the O'Connell's building, but I dinna know anything was underway over there except some roadwork I noticed a few weeks back when I went past campus to see somebody.

04-26-2010, 09:03 PM
On the southwest corner? New utility plant to provide chilled water, steam, and electricity.

04-27-2010, 04:27 PM
the subway and everything is still standing. But construction on lindsey that narrows it down to 1 lane is for the indoor practice facility. Not sure what exactly it is though

04-27-2010, 07:01 PM
the subway and everything is still standing. But construction on Lindsey that narrows it down to 1 lane is for the indoor practice facility. Not sure what exactly it is though

The construction "ON" Lindsey is for a street widening project, Lindsey is going to be 4 lanes from Jenkins to Classen. The construction at the SW corner of Jenkins and Lindsey is for the construction of a new central power/utility center for the campus (steam heat, air, electricity).

The strip center at the SE corner of Lindesy and Jenkins is still standing and there are no immediate plans to tear down the convenience store, subway, etc;, OU did purchase this property several months back, but there are no immediate plans for this property.

04-30-2010, 04:36 PM
The construction "ON" Lindsey is for a street widening project, Lindsey is going to be 4 lanes from Jenkins to Classen. The construction at the SW corner of Jenkins and Lindsey is for the construction of a new central power/utility center for the campus (steam heat, air, electricity).

The strip center at the SE corner of Lindesy and Jenkins is still standing and there are no immediate plans to tear down the convenience store, subway, etc;, OU did purchase this property several months back, but there are no immediate plans for this property.

I was told by a developer that OU planned to build a new mid-rise tower of housing for students on that corner. Don't know how credible that is.

05-02-2010, 09:37 PM
I was told by a developer that OU planned to build a new mid-rise tower of housing for students on that corner. Don't know how credible that is.

I'm thinking that economic realities have changed that set of plans.

05-03-2010, 01:11 PM
I was told by a developer that OU planned to build a new mid-rise tower of housing for students on that corner. Don't know how credible that is.

I also heard that to, supposed to a 18 story condo (Game Day Condominiums)