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07-22-2011, 05:03 PM
Perry, I lived on 64th and Cherokee Drive, right across from Rollingwood.

My four siblings and I all went K-6 at Rollingwood and all the way through PCHS. I graduated from PC in 1978.

07-22-2011, 05:03 PM
double post!

07-22-2011, 05:05 PM
N.E. 10th and SpencerJones Rd.used to be a great neighborhood but now is in the dumps

07-22-2011, 06:08 PM
dmoor82: If you lived around NE 10th and Spencer/Jones Rd. you surely remember Greenhaw's Grocery, right?
Or was that before your time?
If it wasn't before your time, do you recall "The Legend of The Heath Brothers"? =)

Sorry. I digressed . . .

Jones (on the right side of the tracks) . . .
Crutcho (in The Famous Historical Highway 62 Flood Plain Rundown Trailer Park) . . .
Nicoma Park (not to be confused with Inacoma Park--nor Nichols Hills) . . .
MWC ("The Northwest Side")
MWC ("The South Central Historical Rental Property Side") . . .
Jones (again, on the right side of the tracks) . . .
Jones (the other side of the tracks) . . .
To [Present Location--Right next door to Paradise]

Oh. Apparently the thread title means "Where did you grow up?"
Not Applicable.

07-22-2011, 06:22 PM
^^Yeah I grew up in MWC but lived in all parts of the city,but lived in this area the longest!Is this thread where you lived LAST or where you grew up?

07-22-2011, 06:26 PM
Well . . . I'm not sure . . .

"Where did you live" could be interpreted at least a couple of different ways . . .
I'm still alive so it's hard to know for sure.

Of course, if you spun it (the thread title) a different, more literal, way then I doubt there would have been too many response posts.

07-25-2011, 12:03 PM
Perry, I lived on 64th and Cherokee Drive, right across from Rollingwood.

My four siblings and I all went K-6 at Rollingwood and all the way through PCHS. I graduated from PC in 1978.

I know the area well. I rode all around the area on my various bikes and skateboards in the late 80's.

07-25-2011, 03:57 PM
The Sky Ranch Neighborhood between Western & Penn Just south of 89th St. In south Oklahoma City.

07-25-2011, 10:17 PM
In the truck across the metro.

07-26-2011, 12:06 AM
West side of Houston
Sooner Rd in Moore
SW OKC around 134th & May
W 24th Street near the golf course in Norman
North-central Calgary
Uppsala, Sweden
Back in OKC :-)

07-26-2011, 09:14 AM
"Uppsala Sweden" . . . "Small world," as they say:

My Dad was raised on a small farm outside of Uppsala Sweden in the years following the turn of the last century . . . Then he migrated to Canada(!) at the tender age of 14 . . . and the rest is history.

I wonder if it (Uppsala) has changed as much (for the better--after a long decline) as has Oklahoma City.

07-26-2011, 10:01 AM
Well, Uppsala is one of the bigger cities in Sweden but it's nowhere the size of Stockholm or Gothenburg. It's the country's primary university town, and it is also built around an enormous old cathedral. River separates the old town and the university area, and I doubt much has changed since 1700, let alone the last decade. It's just a beautiful, beautiful place..

07-26-2011, 10:08 AM
I suppose that he probably would have stuck around there, but "family legend" has it that he had an authentic "wicked stepmother." (BTW: He made that trip across the Atlantic all by himself . . . at 14.)

Sorry, I digressed.
Back to "Where did you live?"

07-26-2011, 10:35 AM
dmoor82: If you lived around NE 10th and Spencer/Jones Rd. you surely remember Greenhaw's Grocery, right?
Or was that before your time?I grew up 1/2 mile south of here. I do remember Greenhaws. Do you remember Pletts IGA on the south side of 10th at this intersection? dmoor82 is right about the neighborhood not being what it was, but it's actually getting better than it was in the mid to late 90's. Dad lived there until he passed away a couple of years ago.

Bill Robertson
07-26-2011, 10:40 AM
Lived just east and north of NW 36th & May. Went to Sequoyah, then Taft and graduated from Northwest in '77.

07-26-2011, 12:09 PM
SoonerSoftail, I grew up in a house East and South of NW 36th and May. Went to Sequoyah (mostly walked there and back everyday), Taft and graduated from NW Classen about ten years before you. All of the neighborhoods around those schools have changed over the years. Kind of sad to see, but given enough time.....all things change!

07-26-2011, 09:55 PM
I grew up 1/2 mile south of here. I do remember Greenhaws. Do you remember Pletts IGA on the south side of 10th at this intersection? dmoor82 is right about the neighborhood not being what it was, but it's actually getting better than it was in the mid to late 90's. Dad lived there until he passed away a couple of years ago.

If "Plett's IGA" was that relatively small, blue and white(?) place (with lots of windows?)--on the southeast corner of 10th and Post--then, yes, I remember Plett's (although I was probably only in there a time or two). All of our--that is my mom's and grandparents'--grocery shopping, back then, was done at that place in the Westminster/Nicoma Park "Shopping Center" or at Greenhaws. Oh: Or at the Humpty Dumpty over toward the Capitol Building, like, around Eastern.

Speaking of old grocery stores (out in that part of town--where I spent part of my summer living/growing up time) . . .

Do you remember Carr's Grocery: a combination grocery/butcher shop/feed store, on the south side of NE 23rd, on a slight rise between Post and Douglas (and sort of across from an ancient trailer park on the north side)? My uncle's family owned and operated it for as far back in the 50's as I can remember, until at some point--maybe in the 70's?--they sold it. I remember that they had one of those old Coke/OtherSoftDrink coolers in which the bottles stood, vertically, in what seemed to be an ice water bath and (after depositing your dime or quarter) worked them thorough a little maze then pulled them up and out. I'll bet that Plett's and Carr's had that same, distinctive, old time grocery store smell . . .

And how about Dean's Drive-In? (Home of 25-Cent or 5 for $1 burgers that were actually good hamburgers and some of the best Frito Pies and Chili Dogs you ever ate. I think they also sold actual pit barbeque . . .) Trivia: Everyone who didn't actually know "Dean" assumed he was a guy, but actually she was a woman.

Larry OKC
07-26-2011, 10:20 PM
think the thread title got changed...wasn't it something along the lines of "are you a native of OK/OKC"?

07-26-2011, 10:42 PM
think the thread title got changed...wasn't it something along the lines of "are you a native of OK/OKC"?

Nope: Same thread title (as it ever was) . . .

I'm sorry, Larry . . . Honest. I'm not particulary fond of change for its own sake either. =)
I thought the title of THIS thread was "Where did you live?" and I haven't changed my mind.
(Although, of course, change is definitely one of the indicators of life . . . Meh . . ?)

Yet, in response to your query . . .
Since there was a whole 'nother thread on: "Are you a native oklahoman" (or something like that) and since this thread was being spun--in a very interesting manner, by the way, in my opinion--by mostly native OKCititans who have never really left The Old Home Turf (and since the thread title wasn't geographic specific, plus in the past tense) . . . The only data/memories I felt that I could contribute to the "conversation" (previously) were after I moved down here, full-time, at the age of 21 (or maybe 22?)

Then, the old right-brain took over and I started remembering living here--in the Metro Area--as a child. Living out on The FAR East Side. For a few weeks every summer. And loving it. For the most part. =) Which is probably why I never left once I moved here. And why they probably never should have removed "Oklahoma is OK" from the license plates. And why I still get a kick out of the "changes" even in terms of having a "Newbie" wonder about the difference between Pita and Peter bread. =)

07-26-2011, 11:50 PM
I thought it was "do" then realize its "did".. lol

I've lived in Choctaw as a baby/kid for about 5 years since birth, Cherry Hill apt in South OKC for a few years, a rental house in DC for several year before the purchase of a house exactly across the street. Then in Checotah for a short time and Okmulgee for about two years. Back to DC for a couple of years, then South OKC near Brian Bates for about two years. Last known resident in DC since last year Spring. Next to come to be determined.

Larry OKC
07-27-2011, 01:46 AM
radical: looks like you are correct, it must have been another thread I was thinking of (where I posted my rambling info), suffice it to say I was born here and live across the street from the hospital where I was born but have lived in many States from here to Iowa and way off in Florida. Traveled some in Canada and all of the lower 48 except for WA & OR.

07-27-2011, 08:47 AM
I grew up in the 90's in the NW 16th and Virginia area. Attended Hawthorne for Kindergarten. Eventually moved to SW 33rd and Western and went to Lafayette Elementary 1st - 5th grade; I was there its last year as an elementary. Moved to SW 46th and Walker when my grandfather, Everett Blanchard, bought our current house as a present to my mom. From there I went to Webster Middle and Southeast High. Graduated last year.

My mother, aunts, and uncles ALL attended Lafayette, Webster, and Southeast High Schools in the '60s and '70s. Maiden names were Blanchard. Louise, Mary, Ann, Jim, Bob, and Dan Blanchard.

Bill Robertson
07-27-2011, 08:51 AM
SoonerSoftail, I grew up in a house East and South of NW 36th and May. Went to Sequoyah (mostly walked there and back everyday), Taft and graduated from NW Classen about ten years before you. All of the neighborhoods around those schools have changed over the years. Kind of sad to see, but given enough time.....all things change!

It is sad. Parent's still live there so I've got to see the area deteriorate over the years. There were some really nice houses 30 to 40 years ago that are trashed out now.

07-27-2011, 05:59 PM
I grew up 1/2 mile south of here. I do remember Greenhaws. Do you remember Pletts IGA on the south side of 10th at this intersection? dmoor82 is right about the neighborhood not being what it was, but it's actually getting better than it was in the mid to late 90's. Dad lived there until he passed away a couple of years ago.

I remember all those places. Pletts later became Beachlers. Greenhaws, Tru Value on 23rd and Douglas. There was Fishers IGA on 36th and Spencer Rd. I grew up going to Dickson Baptist at 2000 N Spencer Rd.

07-27-2011, 07:03 PM
1128 S. W. 37th. Born in Saint Anthony's and was a South towner for a lot of years. I got tired of the driving distance to work so moved North in 1975.
C. T.

07-30-2011, 11:40 PM
I lived at Soutwest 60th and May Avenue from 3rd grade till I graduated.

09-04-2011, 01:50 AM
Hi there, I'm new here. I've been looking for sth. like this for years. I lived at 2417 N. Lee OKC. next to a fried chiken restaurant. That was from 1981-1982. Now I'm living in my country Saudi Arabia. I went to Edgemere Elementary School where I studied 3rd. & 4th. grades. Our 3rd. grade teacher was Ms Vane. I hope that she's still alive. I also wish to meet her after all these years. I had many friends back then. Unfortunately, I don't remember the names of any of them except ONE! He was my best friend. He was like a brother 2 me. He was a Vietnamese American. We were in the same class. I don't know how to spell his name, but it sounds like the word "way"!!

If anybody knows him or remembers ME or can help in any kind, please let me know. You might not believe me if I say that I've been trying to contact some of my old friends for over 15 years. Only luck brought you guys in my path.

P.S. I am willing to come to the US sometime next year if there's a chance of reuniting with any of my classmates. Because I'm so attached to The United States, I became an English language teacher. Every year I encourage a number of my high school sts. to study college in America. Now there are about 20 of them all around the US.

I think this is enough for now.
B.T.W. my name is "Muhammad Al Yousif"

10-13-2011, 06:31 AM
On Northwest 35th Street between Classen Boulevard and North Pennsylvania Avenue. Putnam Heights Elementary, Harding Junior High, Central High, graduated in 1963. Entered U.S. Army in 1966, discharged and moved to Dallas, Texas in 1968, still there.

10-31-2011, 01:25 PM
I lived in Oklahoma City the first 10 years of my life, always in the capital hill area, but at four different addresses. My grandmothers had lived there since the 1920's and 1930's, always in capital hill. We continued to visit OKC monthly after moving to Sulphur, OK.

11-19-2011, 09:34 AM
Dear mohdy,
I am not one of your classmates and am 30 years older than you, but I am touched that you have such warm feelings toward Oklahoma City. My uncle, aunt, cousin, brother-in-law and sister-in-law have all lived in Saudi Arabia, and it is a fascinating place to me.
I hope you can find your vietnamese friend. The only thing I can suggest for that is to find out what common Vietnamese name sounds like Way. Maybe "Wei"? Maybe you could google that or else check on facebook.
I had Arab friends when I was a student at University and would be glad to be your Friend on this site if you want, and we can correspond.
I don't live in Oklahoma City anymore. My husband and I live in the Southern U.S. But my mother still lives in Oklahoma City and I go there to visit.

05-12-2012, 04:37 PM
I lived on NW 58th Street, Warr Acres, from the time I was 2 to 14. Lived at 2100 N. College in Bethany until I was 20. Know Warr Acres and Bethany very well. Went all 12 years to Putnam City.
Janey Reynolds Ring

05-12-2012, 04:44 PM
Love the house, Doug.
Janey Reynolds Ring

06-03-2012, 11:17 AM
Hello Everyone,

I am Diane Reilly, from Alaska !!
Newbie here.

06-03-2012, 03:50 PM
Hi Diane.

06-03-2012, 06:10 PM
Pueblo Colorado first 5 years. Elk City Oklahoma, left as soon as I graduated. Victoria Texas for the next 15 years. Now in Norman, never moving again.

06-03-2012, 06:22 PM
Now in Norman, never moving again.
I said the same thing until the land lord wanted the rent money.

06-03-2012, 08:24 PM
Shoulda given it to him and stayed Prunepicker. It's a right nice lil' town, at least the little sliver I live in is. I hear the rest of it is as well.

We actually ventured outside our own lil' corner of the prairie this eve to visit a Chinese place. Been a while since we had done so. The onion shrimp was excellent, fortunately, as the boiled was not nearly as nice as I recall from prior days.

Lovely and I came to realize the couple at the next table were folks we used to see often through scouting when the children were still young. Had a nice conversation while we all caught up on where our now grown children were living and things they were doing. It got me to thinking ... maybe I ought to venture outside my lil' slice of heaven into other parts of town more often.

06-04-2012, 10:46 AM
I remember all those places. Pletts later became Beachlers. Greenhaws, Tru Value on 23rd and Douglas. There was Fishers IGA on 36th and Spencer Rd. I grew up going to Dickson Baptist at 2000 N Spencer Rd.Sorry for the late (a year?) reply. Hadn't noticed your post. My family went to Dickson, also, beginning in 1971. Both of my brothers married girls from there. If you're who I think you are (I'm sure you are), I see some of your Facebook stuff when you post on the wall of our mutual friend who teaches in the Dallas area. He put up some pictures from Falls Creek, that we were all in, that brought back a lot of good memories.

06-04-2012, 06:53 PM
Very close to Northwest Tenth and MacArthur; both were two-lane blacktops. Donut shop on the northwest corner, Vern's Tavern on the southwest. Barber shop and substation as you went down the hill. There was a furniture stripping place there, too. A different kind of stripping now, but still down hill.

06-04-2012, 08:53 PM
I was a south sider. SW 59th and May area in 1959.

Jim Kyle
06-04-2012, 11:26 PM
I was a south sider. SW 59th and May area in 1959.Wow! My first house purchase was one of the first built in the Ferguson Addition, at 2737 SW 60, bought and built in 1958. It's still in the family; I sold it to my parents in the early 60s, and they willed it to my two oldest sons in the early 80s. The boys still own it, as rental property (and as of today it's available; the last tenant got laid off and moved out of state)...

06-08-2012, 09:50 AM
Grade school/ jr high (Heronville/ Capitol Hill JR).......1300 block of SW 26th.

Highschool 43rd and Rancho

I lived off of SW 35th and Western and attended Heronville too for several years. This was about 1985 or so, so I was there a few years after you.

06-09-2012, 09:21 PM
Wow! My first house purchase was one of the first built in the
Ferguson Addition, at 2737 SW 60, bought and built in 1958. It's
still in the family; I sold it to my parents in the early 60s, and they
willed it to my two oldest sons in the early 80s. The boys still own
it, as rental property (and as of today it's available; the last tenant
got laid off and moved out of state)...
Ferguson Edition? I never knew that. I assumed it was Hillcrest.
We lived at 2842 S.W. 63rd. Moved there in 1959 and attended
Knob Hill Baptist Church. I was in the first first grade class at
Hillcrest Elementary.

Some cigar chomping realtor named Woody sold Dad the house.
I'm thinking the price was $10,500 and had 4 bedrooms and
a bath and a half! The payments were @ $100 per month.

Jim Kyle
06-10-2012, 09:13 AM
Ferguson developed the area south of SW 59 and east of May. It wasn't more than a half-dozen blocks or so.

As I recall the initial price for 2737 was around $12,500 but the payment was less than $100/month. It's 3 bedrooms and single bath, only a bit more than 1100 square feet. We had to wait for it to be built before getting to move in -- and they built a mouse into a kitchen wall. He gnawed his way out shortly after we moved in and we had a glorious mouse-chase all over the place one Sunday morning!

Stan Silliman
06-10-2012, 09:19 AM
First moved to city at NW 18th near Western. Next to 20th near Penn. Next to 30th & Villa while Shepherd's Mall was being built. Moved to Norman after that.

06-10-2012, 11:39 AM
From small town to NW 30th & Dewey
Near NW 37th & McKinley (Putnam Heights)
Central Edmond
Hopefully Downtown OKC within 18-24 months.

02-18-2013, 09:16 AM
Graduated HS fro Del City in 1977. Grew up in 2300 block of SW 21st (Agnew) between 1963 and 1972. Went to Columbus Elementary, started at Jackson Junior high and moved to Del City midway through the 7th grade. Just in time to avoid desegregation. Truth be known, we moved for two reasons:

1. My mother had graduated and started teaching at Del City high and
2. My grandfather, who owned the house and the machine shop next door (my father worked there) were both sold a year before. . .

02-18-2013, 11:55 AM
Born over on NW 58th terr 1962, and shortly after we moved to 47th & State in Warr Acres. Around '76, after my mom passed away, we moved to Willowcliff Apartments 50th & Ann Arbor and lived there until I got us kicked out. We then moved to Windsor Village town houses 26th & Windsor Place. When my dad remaried, we moved to just east of 32nd & Ann Arbor in Windsor Hills untill I graduated.

After I moved out, I lived in the following areas in this order...

Rolingwood Apartments, NW 63rd & Macarthur, Warr Acres.
NW 37th & Indiana, just east of Indiana, Okc.
NW 65th St between Drexel & Independence, Okc.
Candlewood Apartments, NW Highway & Candlewood Dr., west of Macarthur, Okc.
NW34th & Linn, just west of Linn, Okc.
NW 12th & Goff, which is 3500 block of 12th, Okc.
NW 12th & Drexel Court, Okc.
NW 46th & Mayfair Drive, Okc

My current address?... out away in far NE OKc , east of Arcadia... Away from all the Hubbub.

02-18-2013, 03:56 PM
Growing up, Edmond. Although, my dad did for a time being live on 43rd or so between Penn & Villa. I used to call 50 Penn Place the Piggy Bank.

02-18-2013, 07:58 PM
I lived off of SW 35th and Western and attended Heronville too for several
years. This was about 1985 or so, so I was there a few years after you.
Heronville was where I first attended grade school. Loved the milk in glass
bottles. Years later my baseball coach died after we played Heronville.

02-18-2013, 08:02 PM
Ferguson developed the area south of SW 59 and east of May. It wasn't more
than a half-dozen blocks or so.
In 1959 it went to SW 66th.

As I recall the initial price for 2737 was around $12,500 but the payment was
less than $100/month. It's 3 bedrooms and single bath, only a bit more than
1100 square feet.
You're right, the payment on our 4 bedroom, sounds huge, was under $100
but eventually increased.

We had to wait for it to be built before getting to move in -- and they built a
mouse into a kitchen wall. He gnawed his way out shortly after we moved in
and we had a glorious mouse-chase all over the place one Sunday morning!
Cool story!

02-18-2013, 08:06 PM
First moved to city at NW 18th near Western. Next to 20th near Penn. Next to
30th & Villa while Shepherd's Mall was being built. Moved to Norman after that.
I'll never forget that the Shepherd's had an absolutely gorgeous daughter. I
still think of her since I met her. A brunette who wore contact lenses. I know
because I watched Dad fit her. Okay, I watched her while Dad fit her.

03-12-2013, 10:11 AM
Lived on 45 between May and Independance and 21st off May to the east (the house that has hidden blood splatters under many coats of paint from my slinging my nearly cut off in the car door ring and middle finger as my mom carried me thru to the kitchen.
Spent lots of time walking between both grandma's on 42nd and Independance and 4805 Independance (where a "former" child molester now lives BTW).
I later live at 1945 NW 11 I think it was. Someone ran over my precious Shegoes and didn't even bother to stop.
Barely even care to claim this place where I was born nowadays but I guess lots of cities have just turned to complete **** and women sell their kid to sick ****s in a motel room for meth fairly often.

03-12-2013, 10:32 PM
Lived on 45 between May and Independance and 21st off May to the east (the house that has hidden blood splatters under many coats of paint from my slinging my nearly cut off in the car door ring and middle finger as my mom carried me thru to the kitchen.
Spent lots of time walking between both grandma's on 42nd and Independance and 4805 Independance (where a "former" child molester now lives BTW).
I later live at 1945 NW 11 I think it was. Someone ran over my precious Shegoes and didn't even bother to stop.
Barely even care to claim this place where I was born nowadays but I guess lots of cities have just turned to complete **** and women sell their kid to sick ****s in a motel room for meth fairly often.

Uh huh, bitter much?

03-13-2013, 06:50 AM
In 1967 Imoved to NW 34th & Classen, backed up to memorial Park. Grew up there. Love the area.

03-21-2013, 02:59 PM
NW 60th and Villa (64-68)

04-01-2013, 10:20 AM
When I was born in 57, we lived on 33rd between Kentucky and Indiana. My oldest sister started school at Heronville in 1961. In 62, we moved to 2609 SW 70th. I went to Hillcrest, Jefferson and one year at Grant. We moved to the suburbs in 73. Great place to grow up. I remember sneaking onto (then) Hillcrest CC golf course on Mondays until the pro there (Buster Clary??) would chase us off in a golf cart. We would ride our bikes underneath 74th street between Danner and Lynn and go to the big T G & Y. We'd sell pop bottles or golf balls found in the field east of the golf course (where Olive Garden is now) to make money. We played baseball and football at old Optimist Park (south side of 74th at Shields), and basketball at Salvation Army boy's club downtown. We got haircuts at the Barber College somewhere on Agnew I think. I remember a Jolly Rogers ice cream RV that would make the rounds at night playing music. And of course the little cars with the bell during the daytime. We practiced baseball and football and fished for craw dads in what we called "the big field". It was bounded by Miller and May and SW 66th and SW 74th. I got in trouble a few times for crossing May on my bike to get a giant sweetart at the 7-11. My brother and I threw the Oklahoman and the OKC Times in 1970 or 71 and we'd be out at 3 am by ourselves and never had to worry about anything except throwing a paper into the storm door and waking everyone in the neighborhood. Around 68 or so we discovered golf. My mother would take us to Duffy's Brookside and we could play all day for a dollar during the week and $1.50 on weekends. One day we went around that thing 7 times. 63 holes. Enough for now....

04-01-2013, 08:21 PM
... My oldest sister started school at Heronville in 1961...
I went to Heronville in 1959. To whom was Heronville named? Someone
named Heron I assume.

04-01-2013, 10:44 PM
General Info

Established in 1928, Heronville Elementary is a public, coeducational institution that serves students in kindergarten through grade five. It is named after an Oklahoma City educator who donated the land for the school in 1928. I found it through a link from yellow pages. It won't link here.

The power of the internet. We followed you to Hillcrest in 1962. I started kindergarten in the fall of 1963. Great school, great neighborhood. I can't stand to drive through there now. Sad.

04-02-2013, 11:53 AM
So, the mystery is: Why is it Heronville with one "r" when it was named after a man named Herron? Just curious. My sister went there, then she was transferred to Rancho Village when it was completed. She went there in 1949 after K through 3rd grade at McKinley.
C. T.