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02-07-2023, 08:16 AM
OU needs to retrofit McCasland to a state of the art field house for basketball. They have the room there to do so even though it would be taking away some parking. My vote would be to keep it on campus. I would've gone to every game had the arena been in the central campus when I went there, as would have a lot of my friends.

that is not feasible .. it has been looked at

02-07-2023, 08:24 AM
It won't matter if OU keeps being meh at basketball.

02-07-2023, 08:28 AM
It won't matter if OU keeps being meh at basketball.
I like the University North Park (or whatever the hell the name is) spot for a new arena as it makes access from OKC much easier. That said, this is the biggest issue. They’re horrid to watch, which just heightens the awareness of how bad the arena is imo.

02-10-2023, 07:51 AM
I like the University North Park (or whatever the hell the name is) spot for a new arena as it makes access from OKC much easier. That said, this is the biggest issue. They’re horrid to watch, which just heightens the awareness of how bad the arena is imo.

How is LNC horrid? The sight lines are good, it's a flexible space, the seats are comfortable. Gallagher Iba is one that I would say stinks. It's so small down at the bowl level, it makes it completely unusable for anything other than basketball. Not very efficient to sit empty 250 days of the year when it's not sold out the rest of the time. At least LNC hosts a bang of other events because its a true bowl and not just a basketball court. Graduations/Concerts/Dinner Events/Gymnastics/etc.

I've been in some crap arenas in my day, and LNC does not qualify for one. Is it the fanciest one out there? no. But a lot of the ones people look at today are just big metal crap buildings with bleachers in them (Kansas' Allen Fieldhouse). LNC is faaaaaar superior in terms of it being an actual arena. It doesn't need to be solely set up for basketball. We certainly don't fault the Peake for being flexible, so why should we fault LNC for the same thing.

Jersey Boss
02-10-2023, 12:38 PM
While OU is willing to do donate land that was donated to them by the federal government it is not clear who or what would be the owner. As in responsible for paying for the construction, how the construction costs are paid, road improvements, security, maintaince and all other related costs.

Sounds like a hella deal for OU if they are not liable for anything other than donating land that so far has not been developed yet for reasons unknown.

With all the facilities in the metro that are concert friendly I don't see a need or demand there for such a usage. What I do see is a reach in the rationalization. Folks coming from the North will not have time after work to go to an eatery with games starting at 6 on weekdays. Post game I see a reluctance on most to hang around town on a weeknight if they have a 25 mile drive in front of them.

Just the facts
02-10-2023, 03:40 PM
OU isn't going to put their basketball arena in an off-campus strip shopping center. They just aren't, so anyone with those dreams needs to come up with another dream.

02-10-2023, 04:22 PM
OU isn't going to put their basketball arena in an off-campus strip shopping center. They just aren't, so anyone with those dreams needs to come up with another dream.

lol this is an ongoing very much alive project that OU very much supports .. (as they did the previous try before it died) so you don't know what you are talking about

Plutonic Panda
02-10-2023, 08:19 PM
lol this is an ongoing very much alive project that OU very much supports .. (as they did the previous try before it died) so you don't know what you are talking about
It’s a stupid project and remains as such even if OU supports it.

02-10-2023, 09:59 PM
How is LNC horrid? The sight lines are good, it's a flexible space, the seats are comfortable. Gallagher Iba is one that I would say stinks. It's so small down at the bowl level, it makes it completely unusable for anything other than basketball. Not very efficient to sit empty 250 days of the year when it's not sold out the rest of the time. At least LNC hosts a bang of other events because its a true bowl and not just a basketball court. Graduations/Concerts/Dinner Events/Gymnastics/etc.

I've been in some crap arenas in my day, and LNC does not qualify for one. Is it the fanciest one out there? no. But a lot of the ones people look at today are just big metal crap buildings with bleachers in them (Kansas' Allen Fieldhouse). LNC is faaaaaar superior in terms of it being an actual arena. It doesn't need to be solely set up for basketball. We certainly don't fault the Peake for being flexible, so why should we fault LNC for the same thing.

No one cares if a college arena is multipurpose. In fact that’s the main problem with LNC and the reason why everyone wants it torn down. It has no cachet or atmosphere because it was built for concerts and not college basketball. I do hope OU does not make the same mistake twice on the next arena. However, based on the UTC proposal it looks like they are well on their way.

02-11-2023, 02:00 AM
Everyone is wanting the LNC torn down because everyone is searching for a solution to the wrong problem. The state of the LNC is not holding the men's basketball program back nearly as much as the overall lack of investment from decision-makers at OU. The fact that there's a realistic chance that the team is eventually going to be playing games in an arena 5+ miles off campus next to a MetroShoe Warehouse just speaks to the fact that OU leadership and most major OU athletics donors simply do not care what happens with the second highest revenue sport at the school. If OU cared at all about men's basketball, there would have been a funding push after the Final Four season in 2015-16 to renovate or replace the LNC, but instead nothing changed and the program predictably failed to capitalize upon any of the momentum of that season (where, I would add, they averaged nearly 11,000 fans per game during conference play).

Just the facts
02-11-2023, 06:30 AM
We'll see what OU does with the new SEC money but my guess is that any new arena is going to be adjacent to a new rail station in either downtown Norman or on the OU main campus.

02-11-2023, 02:11 PM
We'll see what OU does with the new SEC money but my guess is that any new arena is going to be adjacent to a new rail station in either downtown Norman or on the OU main campus.

YES! I would hope OU would be thinking ahead and work with Norman to integrate the rail station into the arena and surrounding development in either downtown Norman or the Duck Pond at OU (preferred site).

Jeremy Martin
02-11-2023, 09:57 PM
The Duck Pond is way past it's prime and needs to go. I would fully support a new arena there instead.

02-11-2023, 11:27 PM
The Duck Pond is way past it's prime and needs to go. I would fully support a new arena there instead.

To be clear I don’t mean the Duck Pond itself but the parking lots to the west where an arena could serve campus and also share existing athletic and parking facilities.

02-12-2023, 09:24 AM
To be clear I don’t mean the Duck Pond itself but the parking lots to the west where an arena could serve campus and also share existing athletic and parking facilities.

The parking lots to the west are going to become the new Football Operations Center, I believe.

02-12-2023, 11:37 AM
The parking lots to the west are going to become the new Football Operations Center, I believe.

Plenty of room for both the football operations center and new arena

02-12-2023, 12:38 PM

I agree. There is room on campus for a new fieldhouse/arena. I would like them to raze the McCasland and build a new arena abutting Memorial Stadium to the north. I mean OSU did this when they revamped Gallagher Iba. It can be done. So many schools work really hard bringing back college sports to campus. When I was at SMU for undergrad, our football was played at the Cotton Bowl and it was absolutely awful. First of all we stunk so that kept most people from driving down there, but the other part was the fraternities and sororities and many students wouldn't go because of the distance and driving, etc. Newsflash -- there is drinking involved pregame. A huge campaign to raise money was done to finally build a beautiful stadium on campus, and it was built with expansion in mind when the time would ever come. Now there's a huge showing weekly. Akron is another example of bringing football back to their own campus. Their football was played at the Rubber Bowl but finally built their own stadium on campus. Back to basketball, at SMU, half wasted (or baked!) students would walk over and file in and pack Moody Coliseum for basketball games. Why? It wasn't because we were ever great, but because it was right there and we didn't have anything better to do. It was always a grand ol' time, especially when TCU came to town for the late night pajama nightcap on ESPN.

Here is a list of Division I basketball arenas and there are only a handful of big league schools that play their basketball games off campus:

I dunno, I just am not a proponent at all of building an arena off campus separating it from the very school which it belongs. And that goes for any school IMO. Those stating it's easier for people to drive from Edmond -- LOL please. What a joke. Would you like to move the football stadium, too, because getting to those games are awful. Sure when we go to football games we always complain about the streets and lights and all that, but that's just part of game day. In addition to having those living on campus simply walk to games, having a basketball arena there on campus would bring good money to Campus Corner because people can drive in, park, go eat, the simply walk over to the arena. As it is now most people drive down to Lloyd Noble but don't stop at Campus Corner -- we don't. Lloyd Noble is the only destination because there's nothing else around.

Building on campus brings people to your campus, which is what you want to sell. I want the game day experiences to include campus and local flare like Campus Corner. Game day experience to me shouldn't be Cheddars, Target or Crest, or Kohl's and Home Goods. Those places can be found in Edmond.

Anyway, for better or for worse those are my thoughts on an off-campus arena.

02-12-2023, 12:44 PM
^ Very logical comments, hopefully the OU administration agrees and at least begins to put a plan in motion to bring basketball back to the campus core. Look at our soon-to-be-fellow SEC schools and the majority have either built new or extensively renovated their on campus arenas. Auburn would be a good example to follow with how they also integrated student housing around the new arena.

Anyways back to University North Park..

02-12-2023, 12:49 PM
^ Very logical comments, hopefully the OU administration agrees and at least begins to put a plan in motion to bring basketball back to the campus core. Look at our soon-to-be-fellow SEC schools and the majority have either built new or extensively renovated their on campus arenas. Auburn would be a good example to follow with how they also integrated student housing around the new arena.

Anyways back to University North Park..

Yes, Auburn is a great example! When my dad was at LSU he lived as a freshman in dorms under Tiger Stadium. Apparently back in the day they housed the freshmen there to brainwash them further into LSU football!

02-13-2023, 08:54 AM
An arena at a strip mall is stupid no matter how you look at it. And no, "everyone" is not looking to get rid of LNC. Back that statement up with some evidence and not just opinion.

And no, multipurpose arenas are NOT looked down on at the collegiate level. Again, provide the evidence for that instead of opinion.

If OU wanted to, the could build a new arena in the parking lot of LNC or on the oodles of grassland they have nearby. Although the current land makes the most sense because they could easily attach to the existing practice facilities if they want to, or just include those in a phase 2 of the project.

Let's do some SEC comparing since we're playing that game now. This is all subjective and my opinions. Go look them up yourself if you disagree. My best is that most people here haven't done any of this comparing yet.

Bama - piece of total crap Coleman Colliseum, which is basketball only
LSU - Pete Meravich ARENA, which is pretty nice
Auburn - Auburn Arena, this is like your high school gym on steriods. It's short, and old. Honestly, i think the UMAC at Union High School is nicer than this place.
Ole Miss - Pavillion, i'll give you this one. it's a nice Bball specific place. BUT, they still can remove those expanding bleachers at court level and open up the floor for different events. So unlike Galagher Iba, it still has flexibility to do "arena" events like concerts/graduations/etc.
Southern Miss - Red Green, old is old here. I would guess you would say its more like LNC than some of the others, but has not been renovated like LNC. It's still stuck in the 70's.
Mississippi State - Humphrey - It's an arena.
Arkansas - Bud Walt Arena - It's a hybrid like Ole Miss.
Florida - O'Connell, this is Ghallagher Iba, copy/paste
Kentucky - Rupp Areana, it's not even owned by the school. So i'm not going to even bother talking about it.
Georgia - Stegman, Another hybrid. It's nice, but it's pretty small feeling. Much more "closed in".
Missouri - Mizzou Arena - another hybrid, but i'd say less on the arena side and more on the court only side. To be frank, not much else happens here.
South Carolina - Gamecock Center, probably your best argument for a BBall only type arena. But hoenstly, it feels a lot like LNC to me. The difference is the concourse is in the middle instead of up top.
Teneessee - Thompson, it's the third largest collegiate arena in the country folks. This is NBA sized and in a whole different category.
Texas A&M- Reed, it's middle ground. It's not the nicest, it's not the crappies (that's Southern MIss). It is BB only.
Vanderbilt - Memorial Gymnasium, i mean what do you say about this monstrosity? I think Southern Miss is still the worst, but this is like the Alamodome with the corners blocked out

Texas - they're building a new one. 10k for BBall and expands to 15 for concerts. So they are also staying with the multipurpose approach.
OU - LNC, well we've talked enough about that.

So my point is. LNC is very much still at the front end of the arena game. Even going in to the SEC. Is it the nicest? No. But the best teams aren't just blowing us away with facilities either. Heck, Kentucky doesn't even have their own place! So let's not create a solution (a crappy one) for a problem that doesn't exist.

02-13-2023, 11:34 AM
An arena at a strip mall is stupid no matter how you look at it. And no, "everyone" is not looking to get rid of LNC. Back that statement up with some evidence and not just opinion.

And no, multipurpose arenas are NOT looked down on at the collegiate level. Again, provide the evidence for that instead of opinion.

If OU wanted to, the could build a new arena in the parking lot of LNC or on the oodles of grassland they have nearby. Although the current land makes the most sense because they could easily attach to the existing practice facilities if they want to, or just include those in a phase 2 of the project.

Let's do some SEC comparing since we're playing that game now. This is all subjective and my opinions. Go look them up yourself if you disagree. My best is that most people here haven't done any of this comparing yet.

Bama - piece of total crap Coleman Colliseum, which is basketball only Alabama administration has approved funds for a new on-campus arena to replace Coleman that will seat 10,136 and cost $183 million. This is probably most similar to what OU would want for a new arena
LSU - Pete Meravich ARENA, which is pretty nice
Auburn - Auburn Arena, this is like your high school gym on steriods. It's short, and old. Honestly, i think the UMAC at Union High School is nicer than this place. Auburn built a new 9,121 seat on-campus arena in 2010
Ole Miss - Pavillion, i'll give you this one. it's a nice Bball specific place. BUT, they still can remove those expanding bleachers at court level and open up the floor for different events. So unlike Galagher Iba, it still has flexibility to do "arena" events like concerts/graduations/etc. Ole Miss completed a new on-campus arena in 2016; it seats 9,500 and cost $97 million
Southern Miss - Red Green, old is old here. I would guess you would say its more like LNC than some of the others, but has not been renovated like LNC. It's still stuck in the 70's. Southern Miss is not in the SEC
Mississippi State - Humphrey - It's an arena.
Arkansas - Bud Walt Arena - It's a hybrid like Ole Miss.
Florida - O'Connell, this is Ghallagher Iba, copy/paste
Kentucky - Rupp Areana, it's not even owned by the school. So i'm not going to even bother talking about it.
Georgia - Stegman, Another hybrid. It's nice, but it's pretty small feeling. Much more "closed in".
Missouri - Mizzou Arena - another hybrid, but i'd say less on the arena side and more on the court only side. To be frank, not much else happens here. Mizzou Arena was built in 2004 and seats 15,061; it has recently been renovated
South Carolina - Gamecock Center, probably your best argument for a BBall only type arena. But hoenstly, it feels a lot like LNC to me. The difference is the concourse is in the middle instead of up top.
Teneessee - Thompson, it's the third largest collegiate arena in the country folks. This is NBA sized and in a whole different category.
Texas A&M- Reed, it's middle ground. It's not the nicest, it's not the crappies (that's Southern MIss). It is BB only.
Vanderbilt - Memorial Gymnasium, i mean what do you say about this monstrosity? I think Southern Miss is still the worst, but this is like the Alamodome with the corners blocked out

Texas - they're building a new one. 10k for BBall and expands to 15 for concerts. So they are also staying with the multipurpose approach. Texas finished their new arena last year. It was designed around basketball but can also hold concerts
OU - LNC, well we've talked enough about that.

So my point is. LNC is very much still at the front end of the arena game. Even going in to the SEC. Is it the nicest? No. But the best teams aren't just blowing us away with facilities either. Heck, Kentucky doesn't even have their own place! So let's not create a solution (a crappy one) for a problem that doesn't exist.

Maybe the Moderator can move these arena discussions to a new OU Basketball Arena thread in the Norman subforum?

02-14-2023, 08:25 AM
I don't think it should as it's in reference to an item being discussed in University Town Center. The debate here is if its needed. If it's decided it's not needed, then that's quite a large plot of land that needs to find a new purpose.

I always thought using the name University was stupid though too. It's nowhere near campus. Typical college town ploy to try to associate anything with the school. I mean you can't really get more distant from OU with this place since they are on the opposite North and South ends of Norman, which is no small town. But that's a tangent.....

02-14-2023, 08:35 AM
The land is owned by OU, as is the airport and all the property around it.

02-14-2023, 08:56 AM
I don't think it should as it's in reference to an item being discussed in University Town Center. The debate here is if its needed. If it's decided it's not needed, then that's quite a large plot of land that needs to find a new purpose.

I always thought using the name University was stupid though too. It's nowhere near campus. Typical college town ploy to try to associate anything with the school. I mean you can't really get more distant from OU with this place since they are on the opposite North and South ends of Norman, which is no small town. But that's a tangent.....

The land is owned by OU, as is the airport and all the property around it.

yep it is right next to what OU calls the north campus

North campus, which is two miles north of the main campus, includes the Merrick Computer Center; Max Westheimer Airport, the University-operated airport that also serves the City of Norman; and Swearingen Research Park, where government agencies and industry have established facilities.

Video Expert
02-14-2023, 10:14 AM
Building on campus brings people to your campus, which is what you want to sell. I want the game day experiences to include campus and local flare like Campus Corner. Game day experience to me shouldn't be Cheddars, Target or Crest, or Kohl's and Home Goods. Those places can be found in Edmond.

Anyway, for better or for worse those are my thoughts on an off-campus arena.

This line made me laugh!

Jersey Boss
02-14-2023, 08:20 PM
For those wanting to know the back story on why OU did not move forward in 2017 and how this idea came back to life here is a story published last year.
The arena comeback: county pushes ahead | News |

02-14-2023, 10:49 PM
So my point is. LNC is very much still at the front end of the arena game. .

lol no it is not

and it is not close

02-14-2023, 10:51 PM
Plenty of room for both the football operations center and new arena

there really is not on that spot ..

the NW corner of jenkins and Brooks would be a great spot but again there is not money for a new arena ..

the UNP plan is great because OU doesn't have to pay for it ..

02-15-2023, 09:06 AM
lol no it is not

and it is not close

We'll have to agree to disagree there.

OU may own the land and call it that, but it's not campus. Calling it the North campus because they have a couple of buildings on the airport grounds, is NOT the same thing as where 30k students are. Come on guys. You know that's a stretch. Anyone that tries to tell me there's any sort of equivalent between the actual REAL campus, and this is just dreaming. Ever see another real campus with Target, Shoe Warehouse, Chucky Cheese, etc on it? No? ok then.

02-15-2023, 09:12 AM
We'll have to agree to disagree there.

OU may own the land and call it that, but it's not campus. Calling it the North campus because they have a couple of buildings on the airport grounds, is NOT the same thing as where 30k students are. Come on guys. You know that's a stretch. Anyone that tries to tell me there's any sort of equivalent between the actual REAL campus, and this is just dreaming. Ever see another real campus with Target, Shoe Warehouse, Chucky Cheese, etc on it? No? ok then.

most students don't live on campus ..

Just the facts
02-15-2023, 09:29 AM
For those wanting to know the back story on why OU did not move forward in 2017 and how this idea came back to life here is a story published last year.
The arena comeback: county pushes ahead | News |

Thanks for providing that link. So basically there is some random developer that wants an arena, that he doesn't want to build or pay for, to anchor his development to make it profitable for him, and he is so committed to the idea that he thinks OU is going to play games in Moore of the arena is built there instead of Norman.

Wasn't there some Maxamillion guy years ago that wanted to do something similar for the football stadium?

02-15-2023, 09:40 AM
Thanks for providing that link. So basically there is some random developer that wants an arena, that he doesn't want to build or pay for, to anchor his development to make it profitable for him, and he is so committed to the idea that he thinks OU is going to play games in Moore of the arena is built there instead of Norman.

Wasn't there some Maxamillion guy years ago that wanted to do something similar for the football stadium?

good job getting none of that correct .

Just the facts
02-15-2023, 10:31 AM
good job getting none of that correct .

You're right, it was E.Z. Million, not Maxamillion. However, if you feel I got something else wrong feel free to try and refute it.

02-15-2023, 11:17 AM
You're right, it was E.Z. Million, not Maxamillion. However, if you feel I got something else wrong feel free to try and refute it.

I thought EZ Million's deal was he wanted OU/Texas to play in Oklahoma every other year. The argument was Texas got all the economic benefit.

About the arena, I have laugh at one argument. Those arguing for it saying itll benefit attendance because its just a few miles closer to center of OKC is funny to me. Almost no one who doesnt attend games at LNC now would start attending games just because its off of Robinson instead of Highway 9.

02-15-2023, 11:48 AM
I thought EZ Million's deal was he wanted OU/Texas to play in Oklahoma every other year. The argument was Texas got all the economic benefit.

About the arena, I have laugh at one argument. Those arguing for it saying itll benefit attendance because its just a few miles closer to center of OKC is funny to me. Almost no one who doesnt attend games at LNC now would start attending games just because its off of Robinson instead of Highway 9.

i mean you say that. but in just my neighborhood here in norman, that is why they were excited about it being built there... they literally said they tried to avoid going anywhere near campus except for football games, and that they would most likey get season tickets since it would be so much closer.

Jersey Boss
02-15-2023, 11:54 AM
We'll have to agree to disagree there.

OU may own the land and call it that, but it's not campus. Calling it the North campus because they have a couple of buildings on the airport grounds, is NOT the same thing as where 30k students are. Come on guys. You know that's a stretch. Anyone that tries to tell me there's any sort of equivalent between the actual REAL campus, and this is just dreaming. Ever see another real campus with Target, Shoe Warehouse, Chucky Cheese, etc on it? No? ok then.

Especially when in the same breath saying the LNC is too far away from the main campus.

Jersey Boss
02-15-2023, 11:55 AM
most students don't live on campus ..

MOST students don't go to any games, including football.

02-15-2023, 12:04 PM
MOST students don't go to any games, including football.

8,000 students go to football games there are 21k undergrad students ... that is where most of that 8k comes from ...

so i would not say most students don't go to football games ..

Jersey Boss
02-15-2023, 12:06 PM
i mean you say that. but in just my neighborhood here in norman, that is why they were excited about it being built there... they literally said they tried to avoid going anywhere near campus except for football games, and that they would most likey get season tickets since it would be so much closer.

While that may apply to your neighborhood in Norman, I do not think that point translates to north of 240. I'm guessing that there would be fans on the east side and Noble that would not be as thrilled about it.

02-15-2023, 01:32 PM
8,000 students go to football games there are 21k undergrad students ... that is where most of that 8k comes from ...

so i would not say most students don't go to football games ..

8k students attending football games is not even 40% of the 21k undergrad population, how could that possibly not qualify as most students not going to football games?

Just the facts
02-15-2023, 01:41 PM
Is it the same 8,000 students every Saturday? 8,000 different students going could cover the entire student population in just 3 games.

02-15-2023, 01:46 PM
Oh it's certainly not the same 8000 every time, but I have a strong feeling that it is far closer to that than the entire student population cycling through.

02-15-2023, 01:50 PM
Is it the same 8,000 students every Saturday? 8,000 different students going could cover the entire student population in just 3 games.

and i will say there are more then 8k students at every game every week ... lots gets tickets in other ways ..

02-15-2023, 01:55 PM
The 8k number appears to come from here?

There are 8,000 student football season tickets available in the OU student section. Of these 8,000 tickets, 6,800 will be allocated for sale to returning students in the spring and summer on-sale periods. There are 1,200 season tickets allocated for new students. If demand exceeds supply during this on-sale, a lottery will be held to determine which students will receive tickets. Click here for additional information regarding student football tickets.

So at least that grouping of students are explicitly season ticket holders, but it does make sense that the total student attendance could be more than that.

Jersey Boss
02-15-2023, 02:12 PM
and i will say there are more then 8k students at every game every week ... lots gets tickets in other ways ..

That is a bold statement with no supporting authority. Just because you see a person at the game wbo is 18-22, does not mean they are an OU student.

Jersey Boss
02-15-2023, 02:23 PM
The 8k number appears to come from here?

So at least that grouping of students are explicitly season ticket holders, but it does make sense that the total student attendance could be more than that.

That 8k number out of 21k is fuzzy. Add in another 7k grad students to the student population eligible to buy tickets.
I stand by the point most students do not go to fb games.

02-15-2023, 02:39 PM
When I attended OU in late 70's and early 80's, there were 18,000 students with season tickets with a smaller enrollment and smaller stadium.

02-15-2023, 03:09 PM
I'm pretty sure all OU students (including OUHSC and OU-Tulsa) are eligible to purchase tickets, or at least there were years ago.

02-16-2023, 07:58 AM
Especially when in the same breath saying the LNC is too far away from the main campus.

When did i say LNC is too far from campus? I've been saying the whole time that it should STAY on campus like LNC is now. Yes it's used for parking beacuse parking near the student bulidings sucks for commuters. But what does that have to do with being near the student population centers? The new softball stadium is on campus. The new track facilities will be on campus when they build the new indoor practice monster for football (which is on campus). Soccer and even the space hungry golf is still on campus in that area. Not in a strip mall. Campus is big, but what i'm saying is calling this area "campus" is a stretch of the accepted definition.

Jersey Boss
02-16-2023, 09:41 AM
^ I was not refrencing you with that post. I would be in favor of anywhere on the main campus. I was more in agreement with you than moving the games to a strip center.

02-16-2023, 11:52 AM
I thought EZ Million's deal was he wanted OU/Texas to play in Oklahoma every other year. The argument was Texas got all the economic benefit.

About the arena, I have laugh at one argument. Those arguing for it saying itll benefit attendance because its just a few miles closer to center of OKC is funny to me. Almost no one who doesnt attend games at LNC now would start attending games just because its off of Robinson instead of Highway 9.

It's a silly argument. All of the arguments for the new arena at UTC are silly. If people are really trying to legitimize this proposal with these types of reasons, OU should just skip the UTC idea and play at the Paycom Center. it is more centrally located providing easier access to more people wanting to attend games, OU doesn't have to pay to build it, and it is near OUHS so it is "close to a campus."

02-17-2023, 08:33 AM
Well that's sort of what Kentucky did, but it's not really apples to apples. Rupp Arena is like 1 mile away since UK is in downtown Louisville.

02-17-2023, 09:00 AM
Well that's sort of what Kentucky did, but it's not really apples to apples. Rupp Arena is like 1 mile away since UK is in downtown Louisville.

I think you meant downtown Lexington.

02-17-2023, 07:31 PM
There's also the possibility that an arena in this development might hurt the non-entertainment retail businesses surrounding it (Crest, Target, Michaels, HomeGoods, Office Depot, etc.). I do my grocery shopping at the Crest here, and I would be pretty annoyed if I had to fight basketball traffic while I was doing it. I'd probably just go to one of the east-side Walmarts instead. And I don't think enough basketball fans are going to stop by these stores on their way out to make up the difference in revenue. (Like Office Depot—what, is someone going to suddenly remember they need a four-pack of dry erase markers on the way home from the game?)

02-17-2023, 09:09 PM
Well that's sort of what Kentucky did, but it's not really apples to apples. Rupp Arena is like 1 mile away since UK is in downtown Louisville.
Lol. That would be about 75 miles away from campus.

02-21-2023, 07:43 AM
I don’t care where they put a new arena, just make it more basketball friendly

02-21-2023, 08:10 AM
I think you meant downtown Lexington.

Yup, sorry. Lexington.

03-14-2023, 01:45 PM
A couple of updates. One is the freshly poured entrance to the new construction area south of the hotels. Lifestyle Center perhaps? Looks to be a rather grand entrance, divided with median. The other pic is of the ongoing development of medical offices on the east side of 24th just south of Tecumseh.


Plutonic Panda
03-14-2023, 02:28 PM
Thank you for all of these Norman updates looking good

03-14-2023, 09:35 PM
Have there been no hints on what’s going in that area in UNP? Been moving dirt for awhile now!