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Jersey Boss
09-20-2017, 10:08 AM
Even at 12K it would still be in the lower 33% of the league. 15k should be the bare minimum for the flag ship state university.

09-20-2017, 10:15 AM
Even at 12K it would still be in the lower 33% of the league. 15k should be the bare minimum for the flag ship state university.

You need to realistically look at actual attendance for OU basketball events. The capacity you’re wanting would be way too much.

09-20-2017, 10:34 AM
Not a fan of having this so far-removed from campus. Leave UNP for apartments and strip malls.

09-20-2017, 10:35 AM
You need to realistically look at actual attendance for OU basketball events. The capacity you’re wanting would be way too much.


Look at OSU's problems since the Thunder came to Oklahoma. Their arena is full maybe once a season. Maybe. At OU, we did okay in attendance the Final Four year but outside that, the athletic department has basically been begging students to attend games. (Those free pizza promotions were a pretty good deal as a struggling grad student, though.)

This development is cool but I'd rather see an intimate on-campus basketball arena.

09-20-2017, 10:40 AM
If OU is building a new arena that will primarily be used for OU basketball games then it should be at about 8,000 seats... maybe even 7,000 or 7,500. The Lloyd Noble Center has had a depressing number of vacant seats for the last 10 years. For the overall experience, it's always better to build a slighly too small rather than too big. If OU wants to compete with the Thunder and better experiences watching games at home then they need to create an intimate environment with some energy. Honestly, if I was choosing, I'd go with a 7,000 seat arena.

On the whole, I really dislike the entire University Town Center area. It's just a poorly designed sprawled out shopping center. If this area had been built as promised then I could see this being attractive, but what's there now is disappointing and may not age well. I'd far rather OU work with private developers to find land near campus (e.g., research campus area, parking lot east of the football stadium, Lloyd Noble site) for such a development.

09-20-2017, 10:43 AM
You need to realistically look at actual attendance for OU basketball events. The capacity you’re wanting would be way too much.


A 12,000 seat venue for OU basketball games would be really terrible. OU regularly draws 5,000 fans for nonconference games. It would feel completely empty in a 12,000 seat arena.

09-20-2017, 10:52 AM
On the whole, I really dislike the entire University Town Center area. It's just a poorly designed sprawled out shopping center. If this area had been built as promised then I could see this being attractive, but what's there now is disappointing and may not age well. I'd far rather OU work with private developers to find land near campus (e.g., research campus area, parking lot east of the football stadium, Lloyd Noble site) for such a development.

Exactly this. Even if the northern half is built *exactly as promised*, it won't age well, because it will always be next to a bunch of suburban garbage. Plus, this fake urban center nonsense will never be able to achieve critical mass on its own because development in one direction will be restricted by the airport and in the other direction by I-35, which means that this will always be a car centric development. It doesn't fully appeal to the urbanism/walkability diehards and it doesn't appeal to the exurban 1.5 acre types either.

09-20-2017, 10:55 AM
Agree with the seating capacity, college basketball isnt much of a draw. 10,000 is probably the right number. Plus, taking this even further off campus will draw even less students to games than now at Lloyd Noble.

Its interesting that OU and Norman is looking at this as a catalyst for development rather than from a basketball program standpoint. Just like the pros, money rules in college sports so who cares if this helps the program or more students attend more games as long as you can make more money off amateur athletes.

09-20-2017, 11:28 AM
I don't really see OU wanting to have basketball this far away from campus. Its the opposite of what colleges have been trying to accomplish. Its not really an intimate atmosphere or student friendly. Students who don't have a vehicle have to be provided transportation to the games.

And larger NCAA events would have a more greater chance of being hosted hosted in OKC. I don't see University Town Center ever being that great of an atmosphere even with a larger arena.

Richard at Remax
09-20-2017, 11:52 AM
College basketball landscape has been changing for a while. Esp here with the Thunder. I personally think 10,000 is too much. I would really like something like the Reynolds Center at Tulsa which is around 8,300. That was a great place to watch basketball when I went there my freshman year.

Jersey Boss
09-20-2017, 11:57 AM
I see a real disconnect here. Many embraced the building of the Ford Center with the logic of "build it and they will come". Well we have a D1 program already in place and some are arguing for a venue that rivals TCU? I went to the Reynolds Center when OU played there a couple of years ago. I have been to better high school gyms.

Average attendance for men's BB games in 2016 was 10K. This is from 2016, a crappy season performance wise.

09-20-2017, 01:26 PM
Jersey Boss, first, that analogy doesn't work. OKC built an arena where a pro team could play when there was not one before. Also, there was no precedent for expectations since OKC had never had a pro team. On the other hand, OU has a ton of data on fan experience and it dramatically points to 12,000 seats being far, far too large. OSU built a huge arena that they can't even come close to filling up for 95% of their games. Remember when GIA was 6,000 seats and considered one of the best environments in college basketball. Well, OSU destroyed that by overexpanding their capacity. Also, I completely disagree with your assessment of TU's Reynold's Center, which is a fantastic arena that is far superior to Lloyd Noble. OU would be lucky to have something similar with some suites added in. Finally, if you think there were anywhere near 10,000 fans at any OU game all last season then I'll just tell you that there were not. OU inflates their numbers dramatically. Even when OU has been a top 5 team with the most exciting player in the nation with Blake Griffin and then Buddy Hield (pretty much best case scenarios), most games had empty seats.

09-20-2017, 01:27 PM
College basketball landscape has been changing for a while. Esp here with the Thunder. I personally think 10,000 is too much. I would really like something like the Reynolds Center at Tulsa which is around 8,300. That was a great place to watch basketball when I went there my freshman year.

Something like the Reynolds Center would be perfect, maybe slightly larger with some suites. But not at UNP. Stick with LNC or move on-campus, those should be the only options.

09-20-2017, 01:31 PM
I am sure if they play at UNP there will be plenty of busses, trams, etc free to the students to go to games. Plus, there will be restaurants, bars, and lots of life at the arena where now is just dark parking lots. Kids will want to hang out before and after games. Do you think kids want to walk to the LNC now? After dark?

Don't forget that there will be more attendees from OKC if located at UNP too...especially if it's in a lively entertainment district.

09-20-2017, 01:31 PM
Something like the Reynolds Center would be perfect, maybe slightly larger with some suites. But not at UNP. Stick with LNC or move on-campus, those should be the only options.

Absolutely. I'd love to see a new arena on the east side of the football stadium, but none of this makes much sense with how much money they've poured into the practice facilities attached to Lloyd Noble. Honestly, I'd rather see OU add mixed use student housing and restaurants, bars (could a private developer do this?), and offices around Lloyd Noble and then just reclad the arena, which would be in the middle of it all. Parking garages could replace the parking and then just add bike paths to the area.

09-20-2017, 01:35 PM
Could not in 20 years create the energy that can immediately exist at UNP.

09-20-2017, 01:41 PM
Well, OU has officially announced that their interested. So I take back my earlier comment.

09-20-2017, 02:00 PM
Even if OU does this, it could be like a 10-year lease which would allow them all types of options down the line.

09-20-2017, 02:35 PM
If this area had been built as promised then I could see this being attractive, but what's there now is disappointing and may not age well.
Yes to this. I feel like the public was sold a false bill of goods on UNP. I remember when discussion on this place began and the pictures showed a cool, walkable, unique place with new to market businesses. What we got was more strip malls with nail salons and tire centers that you can find pretty much anywhere in the OKC greater metro.

I do agree with Pete, though, that the LNC is so disconnected from campus and people have to drive there anyway that this concept, if built to be like what we're shown in the proposal, could be really cool. You'll almost assuredly get more attendance from people in OKC as it would be easier to get to. Hwy 9 is such a mess getting in and out of on game days and you're almost in Noble by the time you get there. This would be an easier in and out for people in OKC, Moore, Del City, Midwest City et al.

09-20-2017, 02:48 PM
One of the reasons it's so hard to get in and out of OU basketball games is that everyone comes in at exactly the same time and leaves at exactly the same time.

If there was something to do before and after, that would be greatly staggered.

09-20-2017, 02:51 PM
One of the reasons it's so hard to get in and out of OU basketball games is that everyone comes in at exactly the same time and leaves at exactly the same time.

If there was something to do before and after, that would be greatly staggered.

Agreed. Football games really disperse people well and you end with with OK traffic even though 90,000 people just left an area.

Plutonic Panda
09-20-2017, 04:36 PM
It appears they will help fund the planned interchange improvements at Tecumseh Rd.

A bit early but I'm guessing it will be built in multiple phases?

Jersey Boss
09-20-2017, 04:40 PM
Jersey Boss, first, that analogy doesn't work. OKC built an arena where a pro team could play when there was not one before. Also, there was no precedent for expectations since OKC had never had a pro team. On the other hand, OU has a ton of data on fan experience and it dramatically points to 12,000 seats being far, far too large. OSU built a huge arena that they can't even come close to filling up for 95% of their games. Remember when GIA was 6,000 seats and considered one of the best environments in college basketball. Well, OSU destroyed that by overexpanding their capacity. Also, I completely disagree with your assessment of TU's Reynold's Center, which is a fantastic arena that is far superior to Lloyd Noble. OU would be lucky to have something similar with some suites added in. Finally, if you think there were anywhere near 10,000 fans at any OU game all last season then I'll just tell you that there were not. OU inflates their numbers dramatically. Even when OU has been a top 5 team with the most exciting player in the nation with Blake Griffin and then Buddy Hield (pretty much best case scenarios), most games had empty seats.
I agree, poor analogy. While there were not anywhere near 10k fans at any game last year, it was not due to OU padding the numbers. There is no doubt in my mind that the average game last year had 10k paid tickets. I go to 70-80% of the home BB games so I will agree with you on those in attendance. I do know several years ago that when buying football season tickets you could get better seats if you bought season BB tickets. Many bought BB tickets with no intention of going to the games or only going to a couple choice match ups. I have had friends go with me to games and the only tickets available were in upper South or North. I myself sit in the lower bowl and I know where the seats are where no one comes to. So the problem is in getting those who own the tickets to sell or give them away or lose the rights to them if they don't show for a certain % of games. I also agree that if the games are moved to UNP there will be an uptick of azzes in the seats. That uptick should be taken into consideration when and if this arena is being planned and built.

Jersey Boss
09-20-2017, 04:43 PM
Agreed. Football games really disperse people well and you end with with OK traffic even though 90,000 people just left an area.
Also helps when OU is administering a beat down and the fans disperse throughout the second half.

09-20-2017, 10:28 PM
OU needs a new arena with a capacity of 12,500 - 15,000 seats.

If you're going to build an arena build something capable of hosting some regional & national events. Design it where 8,000 seats are readily available where 4,000 to 7,000 upper seats can be curtained or draped off when full capacity isn't needed.

We can put these campus arenas to use for other sports like Volleyball, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Women's Basketball.

McCasland Field House

Lloyd Noble Center

If all you are going to build is a smaller arena, you may as well keep Lloyd Noble Center and retrofit it to seat less than its current capacity.

09-21-2017, 12:07 AM
Where else in the country is a university actively interested in moving their sports teams OFF campus? The trend for many years has been to either enhance stadiums or arenas already on-campus or build new on-campus facilities. Or like in Lincoln, NE partner with the city as part of a downtown arena project. This is none of that. College basketball is first and foremost for the STUDENTS and this location creates a major inconvenience for getting to/from games.

09-21-2017, 07:55 AM
OU needs a new arena with a capacity of 12,500 - 15,000 seats.

If you're going to build an arena build something capable of hosting some regional & national events. Design it where 8,000 seats are readily available where 4,000 to 7,000 upper seats can be curtained or draped off when full capacity isn't needed.

We can put these campus arenas to use for other sports like Volleyball, Wrestling, Gymnastics and Women's Basketball.

McCasland Field House

Lloyd Noble Center

If all you are going to build is a smaller arena, you may as well keep Lloyd Noble Center and retrofit it to seat less than its current capacity.

OU would be footing cost to retrofit Lloyd Nobel Center, that's the thing. Here, OU is just paying rent with the ability to leave in the future if it doesn't work out.

A bigger arena would make sense depending on the other variables that the NCAA looks at when determining where to host events. Hotel capacity in Norman isn't all that great and if people have to stay in OKC, why not just host the event at the Chesapeake.

An arena that approaches the same size of the Chesapeake puts it in direct competition with it and OKC has been "building it so that they come" for almost two decades now. That's a lot for UNP to compete with. There's a special niche size they have to find to make this work.

09-21-2017, 07:59 AM
Where else in the country is a university actively interested in moving their sports teams OFF campus? The trend for many years has been to either enhance stadiums or arenas already on-campus or build new on-campus facilities. Or like in Lincoln, NE partner with the city as part of a downtown arena project. This is none of that. College basketball is first and foremost for the STUDENTS and this location creates a major inconvenience for getting to/from games.

Actually, there are several colleges with arenas off-campus, including two big programs: Louisville and Kentucky.

This new arena seems like an interesting idea. I'd like to see a 10-year lease while OU evaluates renovating and expanding McCasland similar to what OSU did.

09-21-2017, 08:12 AM
I like that idea. Of course, what to do with the new arena if OU abandons it 10 years down the road..?

09-21-2017, 09:49 AM
Actually, there are several colleges with arenas off-campus, including two big programs: Louisville and Kentucky.

This new arena seems like an interesting idea. I'd like to see a 10-year lease while OU evaluates renovating and expanding McCasland similar to what OSU did.

As good of an idea as that is. It would never ever happen. There is no parking and no options to add such. As for a person that works for one of the OU teams that would use this arena I am very excited to see something actually in the works here. Students don't come to the game anyways so what does it matter moving off campus? I would argue that it might increase students coming to games because of the bar/restaurant options so close before and after games. I believe it will increase attendance a little as well since it will be much easier to access with other things to experience before and after.

09-21-2017, 10:17 AM
As good of an idea as that is. It would never ever happen. There is no parking and no options to add such. As for a person that works for one of the OU teams that would use this arena I am very excited to see something actually in the works here. Students don't come to the game anyways so what does it matter moving off campus? I would argue that it might increase students coming to games because of the bar/restaurant options so close before and after games. I believe it will increase attendance a little as well since it will be much easier to access with other things to experience before and after.

That's the biggest problem with this proposal. It's basically saying a big F U to the students, we don't care about you all we want is families who will drive to the games from Moore, OKC and Edmond. That's probably the core demographic and yes that would make it easier for those people. Which is fine if this is a professional team but these are college sports played by student-athletes.

And comparing this to Louisville and Kentucky is apples and oranges. First of all those are blue blood basketball programs and their arenas are in their respective downtown cores and shared by the city because they consistently attract 15-20K. What other program in the past 10 years has purposely built a new athletics facility off-campus??

If "on-campus" arena isn't an option then a move to near downtown Norman that would still be within walking distance of campus and Campus Corner would be preferable. Redevelop the municipal complex and library into an arena/conference center, add a hotel and spur new restaurant/entertainment development on the west side of downtown Norman which hasn't seen the same renewal as the east side. You would then have direct access to the future commuter rail line and it's all on land the city already owns.

09-21-2017, 10:23 AM
I somewhat agree about the students but they all pretty much have to drive anyway.

I went to every single home game as a student and always drove or rode with someone who did.

Roger S
09-21-2017, 10:48 AM
Unfortunately OU has one of the worst student sections for basketball in the country. So the "All Students Matter" argument doesn't really carry much weight here in my opinion.

They already don't come to the games so moving the stadium further away isn't going to exacerbate that issue..... On the other hand. Any time I've been to Torchy's there are plenty of students there.... Maybe more than I've ever seen at a ball game (Yes, that is sarcasm)..... So if they will drive to Torchy's. Maybe they'll show up for a game and go to Torchy's before or after the game.

09-21-2017, 11:09 AM
Actually, there are several colleges with arenas off-campus, including two big programs: Louisville and Kentucky.

This new arena seems like an interesting idea. I'd like to see a 10-year lease while OU evaluates renovating and expanding McCasland similar to what OSU did.

09-21-2017, 11:12 AM
A recommendation for the MAPS model for large municipal capital projects.

09-21-2017, 11:13 AM
I work across from LNC (including many evenings). Basketball traffic is slightly (and I mean slightly) worse than standard southbound Jenkins Ave. traffic during an average weekday rush hour. Traffic for basketball games is just not close to that experienced after football games.

09-21-2017, 11:16 AM
A recommendation for the MAPS model for large municipal capital projects.

I agree that it's better than having the arena authority (or whomever) come back after the fact and ask for money. But under either financing model I'd still want the arena proposal to make sense for the community...

09-21-2017, 11:25 AM
Pete, I love the idea of expanding McCasland (if possible). But I don't understand why OU would still want to move to this new arena for ten years and then move back to campus. Why not just stay at LNC while the planning/design/fundraising on a potential McCasland project went forward?

09-21-2017, 11:48 AM
Pete, I love the idea of expanding McCasland (if possible). But I don't understand why OU would still want to move to this new arena for ten years and then move back to campus. Why not just stay at LNC while the planning/design/fundraising on a potential McCasland project went forward?

To get a brand new facility, a better basketball environment, probably more revenue through suites and to see how attendance responds.

I really don't think there is any hope for an on-campus facility and although I've probably been to more hoops games at LNC than anyone on this site (including BoulderSooner!) it is a soulless place that might as well be on Mars as it is set in a sea of parking with no connection to the campus.

Why not have someone else pay for a shiny new home rather than pay for it yourself at LNC and still be in the middle of nowhere?

09-21-2017, 12:13 PM
To get a brand new facility, a better basketball environment, probably more revenue through suites and to see how attendance responds.

I really don't think there is any hope for an on-campus facility and although I've probably been to more hoops games at LNC than anyone on this site (including BoulderSooner!) it is a soulless place that might as well be on Mars as it is set in a sea of parking with no connection to the campus.

Why not have someone else pay for a shiny new home rather than pay for it yourself at LNC and still be in the middle of nowhere?

The problem with that would be what does Norman do with the arena when the lease with OU runs out? OU still has LNC that it plans to keep using for gymnastics (maybe a couple thousand people per meet) and other events. And there are relatively new basketball practice facilities there that I imagine won't be duplicated somewhere else. Plus you have McCasland for wrestling and volleyball. It just seems like a big waste to have everything so scattered. OU doesn't need THREE arenas for its sports programs.

09-21-2017, 12:46 PM
Those are good points, Pete. I now better understand what you meant.

BG - that's also a good question. SpiritBank Arena in Bixby may be a cautionary tale here:

(Article is from 2014, not sure if things have improved since then. Also, SpiritBank Arena is much smaller than this proposed UNP facility would be.)

09-21-2017, 12:49 PM
To get a brand new facility, a better basketball environment, probably more revenue through suites and to see how attendance responds.

I really don't think there is any hope for an on-campus facility and although I've probably been to more hoops games at LNC than anyone on this site (including BoulderSooner!) it is a soulless place that might as well be on Mars as it is set in a sea of parking with no connection to the campus.

Why not have someone else pay for a shiny new home rather than pay for it yourself at LNC and still be in the middle of nowhere?

More students park at LNC to free shuttle to class than they do during basketball games. That says something.

09-21-2017, 01:16 PM
Those are good points, Pete. I now better understand what you meant.

BG - that's also a good question. SpiritBank Arena in Bixby may be a cautionary tale here:

(Article is from 2014, not sure if things have improved since then. Also, SpiritBank Arena is much smaller than this proposed UNP facility would be.)

SpiritBank is still closed. The shopping center surrounding it is fine, but the arena is not used. I think it seats 5-6,000.

It was built too cheaply. The backing is just metal cladding and the sound went right through the wall to the expensive houses behind who were suing about the noise. I'm not sure that building is usable without millions in changes and Tulsa already has so many arenas that size and larger.

09-21-2017, 05:38 PM
Case Study: Auburn University used to have an arena similar to LNC...ugly concrete bunker surrounded by parking:

They built a new 9600 seat on-campus in 2010 that integrates into a new student housing neighborhood:

The result was a basketball-only arena that fit in with the architectural vernacular of the AU campus and is easily accessible by students. Parking is shared with the other athletic facilities including the football stadium.

09-21-2017, 06:00 PM
So true, Tulsa & Oklahoma City areas are saturated with a number of facilities:

Tulsa indoor arenas & centers:

BOK Center - 17,839 seats
Mabee Center - 11,300-seats
Reynolds Center - 8,355-seats
Cox Convention Center formerly Tulsa Assembly Center - 7,200 seats
SpiritBank Event Center - 4,500 seats
Union High School Arena - 2,934 seats
Jenks High School Field House - 2,400 seats

Oklahoma City indoor arenas & centers:

Chesapeake Energy Arena - 18,203 seats
Cox Convention Center Arena - 13,846 seats
Lloyd Noble Center - 11,562 seats
Jim Norick Arena - 8,500 seats
McCasland Field House - 5,000 seats
Abe Lemons Arena (OCU) - 3,500. seats
Hamilton Field House (UCO) - 3,000 seats
Yukon, Moore, Del City, Midwest City all have indoor facilities with seating capacities in the 3,000 - 3,750 seat range.

Basketball seating capacities.

Jersey Boss
09-21-2017, 08:57 PM
OU would be footing cost to retrofit Lloyd Nobel Center, that's the thing. Here, OU is just paying rent with the ability to leave in the future if it doesn't work out.

A bigger arena would make sense depending on the other variables that the NCAA looks at when determining where to host events. Hotel capacity in Norman isn't all that great and if people have to stay in OKC, why not just host the event at the Chesapeake.

An arena that approaches the same size of the Chesapeake puts it in direct competition with it and OKC has been "building it so that they come" for almost two decades now. That's a lot for UNP to compete with. There's a special niche size they have to find to make this work.

I am now thinking this might be a better idea than rebuilding the LNC. I also agree with Laramie that it needs to be between 12.5-15k. Norman has more hotel space than you realize. Keep in mind that Norman easily accomadates home football crowds that go to the largest stadium in the state. The Postal Training Center facility(open to the general public) that is operated by Marriott has over 900 rooms alone. If Norman can accommodate the crowds for home football, it can easily accommodate 15k basketball fans without even going to Moore, let alone OKC.

09-22-2017, 03:02 PM
I'm under the impression that OU Ice Hockey doesn't have their own facility and uses the Blazers rink by crossroads? Seems like this would be a good opportunity to bring the hockey back to Norman at least.

Roger S
09-22-2017, 03:16 PM
I'm under the impression that OU Ice Hockey doesn't have their own facility and uses the Blazers rink by crossroads? Seems like this would be a good opportunity to bring the hockey back to Norman at least.

That is true. First home game of the season is tonight at 9 PM at the Blazers Center..... Being a club team I'm not sure they could afford to move to this new arena.... that and they only regularly draw about 100 people to their games.

09-22-2017, 03:17 PM
That is true. First home game of the season is tonight at 9 PM at the Blazers Center..... Being a club team I'm not sure they could afford to move to this new arena.... that and they only regularly draw about 100 people to their games.

Correct. It isn't an "official" OU sport so I am guessing their funding is very low and getting 10k people to come to see them would be a feat.

Roger S
09-22-2017, 03:20 PM
Correct. It isn't an "official" OU sport so I am guessing their funding is very low and getting 10k people to come to see them would be a feat.

Pretty sure all funding is done by fundraising. I don't think the school offers any financial help for the team.

09-22-2017, 04:17 PM
You might see an impressive team if they were to use a campus facility with its own ice plant. Ice hockey's future at OU could change with an official move to D-I ice hockey which would attract more recruits.

What would be the cost to totally retrofit Lloyd Noble Center with a rink and add an upper deck & a new roof


OU could co-develop the University Town Center Arena project; it would probably be a lot less expensive to build a new arena from the ground up?
Something similar to Magness Arena (University of Denver) with twice the current seating: Magness Arena is used for basketball & ice hockey--Home of the DU men and women's basketball and hockey teams:

Features 6,026 theater-style seats for hockey, 7,200 for basketball and 8,000 for concerts
Three-time site of the NCAA North Central Region Gymnastics Championships and first round site of the 2007 Sun Belt Conference Women's Basketball Championship.

A 12,500 - 15,000 seat arena would attract some NCAA regional & national events; Norman would be an ideal location to accommodate crowds much like the WCWS in OKC.

Roger S
09-22-2017, 04:35 PM
You might see an impressive team if they were to use a campus facility with its own ice plant. Ice hockey's future at OU could change with an official move to D-I ice hockey which would attract more recruits.

As much as I would love for it to happen... I just don't see it happening.

Team is usually pretty good regardless.... Lots of new faces on the team this year and they are off to a slow start, tonight doesn't get any easier, but they have consistently been a Top 10 team in the division they play in..... And amazingly they get a lot of kids to come down from Canada to play for them.

09-28-2017, 08:00 PM
I really don't think there is any hope for an on-campus facility and although I've probably been to more hoops games at LNC than anyone on this site (including BoulderSooner!) it is a soulless place that might as well be on Mars as it is set in a sea of parking with no connection to the campus.

Yeah, same opinion of LNC... it's just sort of on its own, surrounded by a giant parking lot... you get inside and the place feels very dated, you get out to the seats and it just feels dark and dingy... and then for almost all the events they have there the number of people vs. the size of the place makes it feel depressingly desolate....

It'll be really interesting to see how the UNP arena is developed. If it ends up being a nice bright, modern, open place that is correctly right-sized I think it could be a really nice addition to the city of Norman. I am also very excited about the idea of having massive amounts of walkable restaurant and other entertainment space surrounding it, rather than parking.

09-28-2017, 11:14 PM
What about surrounding the edges of that parking lot with mixed use student housing and putting up garages to replace lost parking? Maybe that's a pipe dream, but then it could bring life to the area and the arena facade would become far less important.

09-29-2017, 11:06 AM
There are several issues with the arena itself. 1st it is a multi use building in every sense of the word which leads to terrible seating for basketball. 2. there is no suites and the concourse is terrible. 3. The facade is a major detractor which could be updated and corrected. Overall the minimum investment by the university is 60 million to overhaul the arena and that is a starting number. What you are speaking of (mixed use buildings developed around the arena) would require additional outside investment similar to the development the University is already pairing with up the road. The only way the UNP arena does not get built is if the TIF is not approved but I don't see that happening.

10-04-2017, 12:01 AM
There are several issues with the arena itself. 1st it is a multi use building in every sense of the word which leads to terrible seating for basketball. 2. there is no suites and the concourse is terrible. 3. The facade is a major detractor which could be updated and corrected. Overall the minimum investment by the university is 60 million to overhaul the arena and that is a starting number. What you are speaking of (mixed use buildings developed around the arena) would require additional outside investment similar to the development the University is already pairing with up the road. The only way the UNP arena does not get built is if the TIF is not approved but I don't see that happening.

Yeah while the lack of entertainment options (or anything) near LNC is annoying and the building itself is ugly, my biggest complaint is the basketball game experience. It's just completely lackluster and as you mention, it has a lot to do with the arena design.

10-04-2017, 08:50 AM
Something not related to the Event Center.

La Madeleine's sign is now up next to McAllisters.

10-04-2017, 09:32 PM
Something not related to the Event Center.

La Madeleine's sign is now up next to McAllisters.

I swear I had seen it up several weeks back. But then drove back by and it was gone. Am I crazy?

10-05-2017, 08:25 AM
I swear I had seen it up several weeks back. But then drove back by and it was gone. Am I crazy?

I was there on Sunday and it was up?

10-05-2017, 09:44 AM
I was there on Sunday and it was up?

I believe you that it is currently up. I was just wondering if anyone else had seen it up several weeks back, then removed shortly after. Maybe I just saw a banner or something.