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Plutonic Panda
07-08-2014, 12:59 AM
I am sooooo happy we are getting a Chuck E Cheese in Norman. Sometimes, you just want to get out, put your feet down and let other people's loud kiddos and crazy relatives hoop and hollar all around and slosh their soda on your shoes while you eat kiddie playground quality chow that is called pizza just because it's fun to pretend it is I suppose ;)

08-20-2014, 10:11 AM
As the new renderings are better than the last, wished we had a little more height here, but I guess its good for what it is, a suburban office park.

08-20-2014, 10:12 AM
Updated renderings for the University North Park Corporate Center:

Plutonic Panda
08-20-2014, 11:24 AM
That is extremely nice! This is what a good suburban office development should look like. I'm jealous of Norman lately!

08-23-2014, 10:49 PM
Those renderings don't look that bad considering how University Park has gone so far.

08-24-2014, 10:08 AM
Has construction started on this yet?

08-24-2014, 11:46 AM
That is extremely nice! This is what a good suburban office development should look like. I'm jealous of Norman lately!

The people who use the offices get great views of the little pond, walking trail, and other buildings. And the public (who put forth the majority of the money for UNP) get to look at their cars and huge surface lots.

08-24-2014, 12:21 PM
The people who use the offices get great views of the little pond, walking trail, and other buildings. And the public (who put forth the majority of the money for UNP) get to look at their cars and huge surface lots.

That's pretty typical for these type of developments though, unfortunately. Won't really see any investment to put in parking garages for something like this. It is nice to see they are still including the hangar and ramp access on the east side of it.

08-24-2014, 12:38 PM
That's pretty typical for these type of developments though, unfortunately. Won't really see any investment to put in parking garages for something like this. It is nice to see they are still including the hangar and ramp access on the east side of it.

That's true. I just wish more developers would throw the public a bone; since they finance a lot of the cost. Find some way to incorporate some pleasantries for the general public and not just those using the facility.

Plutonic Panda
08-24-2014, 12:42 PM
The people who use the offices get great views of the little pond, walking trail, and other buildings. And the public (who put forth the majority of the money for UNP) get to look at their cars and huge surface lots.
Go tell that crap to someone else man . This is a good development. Glad to see it be built and I'd love for something like that to be built in Edmond

This is the typical if it's not built up to the street with parking in the back it's bad garage

08-24-2014, 12:57 PM
Go tell that crap to someone else man . This is a good development. Glad to see it be built and I'd love for something like that to be built in Edmond

This is the typical if it's not built up to the street with parking in the back it's bad garage

Where did I say anything about being built up to the street or putting all of the parking in the back? All I said was there is nothing here that benefits the public, visual or recreational. And since the public is backing UNP, the developer should have the presence of mind to include the public in their plans.

You are making assumptions. Stop that.

Plutonic Panda
08-24-2014, 01:01 PM

08-24-2014, 01:22 PM
Go tell that crap to someone else man . This is a good development. Glad to see it be built and I'd love for something like that to be built in Edmond

This is the typical if it's not built up to the street with parking in the back it's bad garage

Dude really? Stop being such a total tool to everyone. Your comment contributes absolutely nothing to the thread. You also totally disregard and immediately attack Catch's comments...then not even an apology when you were shown to be wrong?

The development is solid and will be good for Norman and to help solidify UNP. Hopefully in 5 years when this development is done, the lifestyle center is done, and the rest of the development really starts to'll make up for the very lack luster start Norman's residents have been subsidizing.

Plutonic Panda
08-24-2014, 02:12 PM
Dude really? Stop being such a total tool to everyone. Your comment contributes absolutely nothing to the thread. You also totally disregard and immediately attack Catch's comments...then not even an apology when you were shown to be wrong?

The development is solid and will be good for Norman and to help solidify UNP. Hopefully in 5 years when this development is done, the lifestyle center is done, and the rest of the development really starts to'll make up for the very lack luster start Norman's residents have been subsidizing.I have no apology to give and I'm not sorry for that either. I'm not an idiot and wasn't born yesterday
People can lie to me, lie to themselves, but let's get back to reality.

This office Park is getting built the way it is and that's a good thing. This is not an urban area and it doesn't need to be.

BTW, how exactly was I shown to be wrong? Catch22 specifically said people would have views of parking. THIS IS SUBURBIA!!!!!!!!!!!! Where else is there parking going to go? The only logical solution would be moving the buildings closer to the street and putting the parking behind. Am I wrong on that thinking? People don't give a crap about these things people always point out with these developments. You live in a fantasy world shooting down any development that isn't up to urban standards and don't even say you aren't because you know it's bull.

If you want to prove me wrong on that, tell me exactly what you'd do to make this development better because I honestly want to know. I already have an idea. I am making assumptions, but they are based on past history that I've personally witnessed since I've been a remember of this board. So please, enlighten me as to how you'd build this.

08-24-2014, 02:55 PM
I was confused to see Legacy Park going in near I-35, over by Ashley Furniture and all that stuff. I could have sworn the original plans had the park being installed more towards the center of this development?

08-24-2014, 02:59 PM

08-24-2014, 06:25 PM
The people who use the offices get great views of the little pond, walking trail, and other buildings. And the public (who put forth the majority of the money for UNP) get to look at their cars and huge surface lots.

You honestly think the public has put up most of the money to develop UNP? Seriously?

08-24-2014, 06:38 PM
You honestly think the public has put up most of the money to develop UNP? Seriously?

Correct me if I am wrong but Norman basically gave them the land.

08-24-2014, 06:48 PM
I had the finance Director for the City of Norman tell me that seeing the park from the interstate will make people get off and go shop there. LOL.

Zooming by at 70 MPH...

08-24-2014, 07:45 PM
I had the finance Director for the City of Norman tell me that seeing the park from the interstate will make people get off and go shop there. LOL.

Zooming by at 70 MPH...

Frankly, I think some people just like to complain about this development no matter how it eventually ends up. And it makes sense to me that people might see it and stop--if not on that trip, on a future one. I have done this when visiting places in the past (i.e., make note that they look like a good place to stop on a future trip). I am not certain, but I believe there also may eventually be restaurants surrounding the fountain area. It would be nice to have a place where you can eat and then walk around a bit. Driving past, it appears to be coming along nicely.

08-24-2014, 07:45 PM
You honestly think the public has put up most of the money to develop UNP? Seriously?

So are you saying the TIF funding style doesn't pull money from the public?

08-26-2014, 06:52 PM
Yeah, you can't argue against the fact that this project is a corporate welfare recipient. In addition to the TIF for the hotel on an island, the land used to be public. The city is also contractually building a public park in front of a highway onramp in this development.

The developers built that arrangement by promising the public that it would be a lifestyle center. They said world class "like Utica Square." There is good justification here for public scrutiny. This is one of the most vicious bait-and-switches I've ever seen, and Norman's pro-sprawl council just rolled over and played dead.

Next time Oklahoma-based developers promise world class, run away as fast as you can!

08-26-2014, 07:22 PM
To be fair Spartan, most of the city council that approved that has been voted out of office and it is relatively new people.

At least the lifestyle center is still going to be built, unfortunately they used the justification of needed to bring traffic there first to build the strip mall developments we see now.

Mr T
08-27-2014, 07:48 AM
So there must be two posters named Spartan?

08-27-2014, 08:15 AM
So there must be two posters named Spartan?

Posted September 22, 2005 17:32

Are you really implying people cannot change their opinions over the course of an entire decade? Or is there a point to your post that I am missing?

Mr T
08-27-2014, 09:49 AM
Of course a mind can be changed. I think a person of powerful persuasive abilities should be careful. It is too late for UNP.

08-27-2014, 11:43 AM
Correct me if I am wrong but Norman basically gave them the land.

Pretty sure it is land owned by OU and leased to the developers.

08-27-2014, 11:47 AM
Yeah, you can't argue against the fact that this project is a corporate welfare recipient. In addition to the TIF for the hotel on an island, the land used to be public. The city is also contractually building a public park in front of a highway onramp in this development.

The developers built that arrangement by promising the public that it would be a lifestyle center. They said world class "like Utica Square." There is good justification here for public scrutiny. This is one of the most vicious bait-and-switches I've ever seen, and Norman's pro-sprawl council just rolled over and played dead.

Next time Oklahoma-based developers promise world class, run away as fast as you can!

Agree. The project initially promised much more than the common strip mall it has become with it's vast array of fast food and "world class" retailers such as Dollar Tree, Dress Barn and National Tire.

I'm pleased that the overall development has maintained a consistent look and quality. When compared to the gypsy development 3 miles north off 19th street it looks far superior. Not sure if the plans would have been different if not for the recession which hit during the initial stages of development.

08-27-2014, 03:46 PM
Dirt work next to IBC Bank in front of Crest.. Any ideas?

08-27-2014, 03:46 PM
Agree. The project initially promised much more than the common strip mall it has become with it's vast array of fast food and "world class" retailers such as Dollar Tree, Dress Barn and National Tire.

I'm pleased that the overall development has maintained a consistent look and quality. When compared to the gypsy development 3 miles north off 19th street it looks far superior. Not sure if the plans would have been different if not for the recession which hit during the initial stages of development.

Construction hasn't begun on the part of the project to which you refer. The lifestyle center, which was supposed to be the upscale of part of the development (and the part that everyone seems to focus on), was always supposed to be across the street. As I have said before, it is still too early to pass final judgment on this project and whether or not it comes close to living up to expectations. And, yes, the economic situation has certainly made the situation more difficult.

09-03-2014, 10:39 PM
Dirt work next to IBC Bank in front of Crest.. Any ideas?

My understanding is it will be Verizon wireless. On the sad side, oh joy, another cell box. On the bright side, at least it isn't another mattress box.

09-04-2014, 07:11 AM
That is weird that Verizon would build another location when they are already in UNP, unless they have outgrown the current location?

09-04-2014, 01:43 PM
Just what I have heard. Might be in error. Myself, I was hoping for the Jack in the Box that was mentioned as a possible for the general area some time back. I mean seriously, doesn't everyone at least secretly hanker for another not too far away place to get a sorta-ok burger or a desperation taco?

09-06-2014, 02:23 AM
So there must be two posters named Spartan?

Wow thanks for finding that.

I've already disavowed my past though, young Republican and all. Kinda scary.

09-06-2014, 10:39 PM
Now you are hardcore hipster.

Plutonic Panda
09-23-2014, 03:54 PM
Legacy Park construction continues in Norman | News OK (

07-12-2015, 07:04 AM
Hey wanted to find out some information regarding some of the properties in University Town Center. How would I go about finding out who the owner is of a certain retail center? Specifically, the one with Five Guys and the one with Gigi's Cupcakes. Thanks in advance!

07-12-2015, 07:36 AM
You can go to the Cleveland County Assessor site and plug in address or the intersection and pull up info.

07-12-2015, 08:25 AM
You can go to the Cleveland County Assessor site and plug in address or the intersection and pull up info.

Thanks but I tried that. If I type in the address to those businesses, the Cleveland County Assessor only brings up the information for those specific businesses. I'm trying to find out who owns the strip that those businesses are located in. Unless there is something I'm not doing right when using the website.

07-12-2015, 09:46 AM
Cleveland County Assessor - Cookies (

not sure which parcel is the one you are interested in but this would be the owner. Based out of NC. You can search that name to see the ones it owns.

07-12-2015, 12:31 PM
The bldg where 5 guys leases is KRG Norman University II, LLC
c/o Kite Realty Group 30 S Meridian, Ste. 1100, Indianapolis, IN 46204

Cleveland County Assessor - Cookies (
[if link doesn't work, the account number for the property is R0162389]

Sorry, but I do not know where the cupcake place is to look up that bldg. My lovely teaches cake and cupcake decorating via Joann's in our local mall. Pretty sure we haven't had a store bought cupcake or cake in the house since she started.

07-12-2015, 12:50 PM
I almost forgot google was my friend. Found gigis.

Owned by KRG Norman University, LLC. Also Kite Ralty, same mailing address as other post
Cleveland County Assessor - Cookies (
[if link doesn't work, account number for property is R0151824]

And, because google is indeed a friend, here's a phone number 317-577-5600

And, two leasing contacts

Karly Kilroy 214-497-7914 [ kkilroy AT kiterealty DOT com ]
Jeff Wright 317-713-5698 [ jwright AT same ]

Now, want me to order ya anything off amazon while the browser is up? :)

07-12-2015, 03:28 PM
Thanks a lot guys!

Kevin, how did you find out the account number for the property, to input into the county assessor site?

07-13-2015, 08:14 AM
since this thread has been brought back from the dead, anyone know what is going in front of Academy?

07-13-2015, 10:31 AM
There was an article in the Norman Transcript that stated there is a new 303 unit apartment complex that has been approved for this development. There were designs or renderings in the article, but it did say more information would be forthcoming.

07-13-2015, 11:46 PM
Thanks a lot guys!

Kevin, how did you find out the account number for the property, to input into the county assessor site?

That's the sort of knowledge I in part make my living on. :)

Edit - kidding, sort of.

You locate one record. Its image in a project like this will show others. Both buildings you were interested in were part of large parcels. Made it fairly simple, though at one point i mistyped and found myself on a record for 119sw and bfe. Took me a minute to untwilight zone myself

07-14-2015, 09:28 AM
since this thread has been brought back from the dead, anyone know what is going in front of Academy?

There are quite a few restaurants going in.

07-14-2015, 11:33 PM
Thanks a lot guys!

Kevin, how did you find out the account number for the property, to input into the county assessor site?

in case you hadn't already found this:

Kite Realty | University Town Center (

07-28-2015, 09:12 AM
since this thread has been brought back from the dead, anyone know what is going in front of Academy?

A building permit for World of Beer Restaurant was issued for this location.

08-02-2015, 04:30 PM
There are quite a few restaurants going in. Red Rock Canyon Grill will be one of those restaurants.

Norman restaurant planned | News OK (

08-02-2015, 09:28 PM
Cougartown South

10-19-2015, 07:35 PM
Terra: In the Works (


01-13-2016, 11:15 AM
According to this ( Tuckers Onion Burger and Corner Bakery are going in front of Kohl's.12082

02-27-2016, 04:01 PM
Any updates on this area? Curious as to what is going in on the SE side of Tecumseh and 24th. I see Immy has started construction but any updates to the Class A office space that is supposed to be going in or if other businesses are moving to the area?

03-07-2016, 04:49 PM
I noticed a sign for a new location for Metro Shoe Warehouse in front of Kohl's/Rue 21/that shoe store. I wonder why they're moving a couple blocks down.

03-08-2016, 03:12 PM
I noticed a sign for a new location for Metro Shoe Warehouse in front of Kohl's/Rue 21/that shoe store. I wonder why they're moving a couple blocks down.

The current store next to Qdoba is tiny. My wife wanted some shoes and I went with her and it was so hard to move around in there. They could also stand to get some more selection too so I welcome a new bigger building.

03-08-2016, 03:25 PM
How is construction coming along on the office park portion of this development? I know IMMY was pretty close to breaking ground so I'm curious if they've identified any other tenants or started work.

03-09-2016, 03:08 PM
It looks like Torchy's Tacos and World of Beer have the exterior done and their signs are on the back doors. Doesn't look like much going on inside of them though.

03-09-2016, 05:30 PM
Also, construction has started on a building on the east side of 24th by Rock Creek. Looks like they've put up some steel and had a crane out there today.

Ground work has also been done on the east side of 24th, south of Tecumseh on what looks like around 4 or 5 office buildings. They have a large sign up with drawings of the buildings.

03-09-2016, 06:45 PM
It looks like Torchy's Tacos and World of Beer have the exterior done and their signs are on the back doors. Doesn't look like much going on inside of them though.

Is Torchys and World of Beer going to be in the same building? I ask because I only see one building erected.