View Full Version : crotch rocket highway lane weavers
decepticobra 04-21-2010, 08:13 AM you already knew what im talking about as soon as you read the thread title, those annoying motorists on foriegn motorcycles.. "rice burners", "crotch rockets", or whatever you want to call them.
They weave recklessly in and out of traffic in speeds usually in excess of 80mph, sometimes easily over 100mph.
Funny...I never see Harleys, Indians, or other types of classic motorcycles ever doing this behavior, only crotch rockets.
You could easily argue and say that Harleys, Indians, and other similiar bikes cant get up to those types of speeds, which is true, but they can still weave in and out of traffic lanes..but somehow the owners of such bikes choose to be responsible and follow traffic rules like everyone else.
Its rather sadistic, and disturbing to some perhaps, but Ive gotten to the frustrated point that anytime I hear about someone on a crotch rocket doing excessively high speeds and ending up fatally injured or killed, I tend to either smirk or laugh.
Midtowner 04-21-2010, 08:16 AM As long as they have their organ donor box checked, I'm fine with this behavior.
decepticobra 04-21-2010, 08:20 AM As long as they have their organ donor box checked, I'm fine with this behavior.
what if their behavior causes both of you to wreck being fatally injured? he dies and youre confined to a wheelchair, or paralyzed. you got his organ you needed, but are forever scarred with the memory of someone who could have easily killed you on the open road as well.
sam greenroyd 04-21-2010, 08:43 AM I would hate to bear the thought of killing anyone unless it was to save a loved ones life or mine. It seems like it's a fad to drive a rice burner that way, i ride a harley but i ride real cautious i'm old enough I know i won't heal as easy and i think most touring bike riders don't ride for the speed.
kevinpate 04-21-2010, 08:56 AM Can't join in the smirk, if only cause they got momma's who will miss them.
But yeah, I can understand how ya get to that point.
bluedogok 04-21-2010, 09:24 PM you already knew what im talking about as soon as you read the thread title, those annoying motorists on foriegn motorcycles.. "rice burners", "crotch rockets", or whatever you want to call them.
They weave recklessly in and out of traffic in speeds usually in excess of 80mph, sometimes easily over 100mph.
Funny...I never see Harleys, Indians, or other types of classic motorcycles ever doing this behavior, only crotch rockets.
You could easily argue and say that Harleys, Indians, and other similiar bikes cant get up to those types of speeds, which is true, but they can still weave in and out of traffic lanes..but somehow the owners of such bikes choose to be responsible and follow traffic rules like everyone else.
Its rather sadistic, and disturbing to some perhaps, but Ive gotten to the frustrated point that anytime I hear about someone on a crotch rocket doing excessively high speeds and ending up fatally injured or killed, I tend to either smirk or laugh.
If you don't see Harley's doing it then you just aren't looking hard enough, I have had plenty pass me and cut in way too close when I am on my "foreign motorcycle" (Triumph, it's British). A Harley can still get over 100 mph much easier than a car can, even a cheap econobox can break a 100 mph in most cases. For every "idiot crotch rocket rider" that gets killed of their own doing many more regular riders die do to idiot car/truck drivers. Down here the cruiser riders tend to outnumber the sportbike riders, they definitely do on the death charts. A friend is a commander with Austin-Travis County EMS, he has owned everything, literally, in 7 years of knowing him he has had about 35 motorcycles, pretty much every style, brand and type that is represented and he had been at the scene of far more cruiser deaths than sportbike deaths. Many of those were single vehicle accidents just like many of the sportbike deaths, a greater number of them have been at the hands of others.
What about the idiot drivers who run over motorcycles? Should anything be done about them? I know of a rider down here who rode cruisers (there are foreign cruisers as well but I think he was on a Victory) who hit a car pulling a u-turn in the middle of a 5 lane FM road in a very hilly area north of Lake Travis just this past Sunday. He is the third person that I have known (he used to work at the show where I bought my motorcycle) who has been killed by an idiot driver doing a u-turn in the middle of an undivided highway and most of them were doing under the speed limit minding their own business.
I ride way slower now than I did 20 years ago and I cringe when I see the behavior of some riders whether they are young or old, on sportbikes or cruisers. But the death of any of them is nothing to be celebrated whether you approve of their riding/driving style or not.
oneforone 04-21-2010, 09:33 PM No matter what you do there is always going to be something that irriates you or makes you white knuckle the stearing wheel or door handle.
My suggestion is drive defensively and allow yourself plenty of time to get places. In the end the idiot drivers will get nailed by police or do something stupid that eliminates their kind from the gene pool.
If you see something that is flat out unsafe call 911 or *55. You never know when one of the boys in grey or brown might be just up the road.
mugofbeer 04-21-2010, 11:05 PM At least they haven't taken up driving on the lane markers like they have in California.
bluedogok 04-21-2010, 11:09 PM The first person I saw lane splitting in California was a CHP officer on I-5 in Sacramento as it is legal there, it helps reduce congestion in traffic. Like anything else, there is nothing wrong with it if done safely and they can write you a ticket for doing it in an unsafe manner. There are all sorts of rules about how to do it safely.
mugofbeer 04-21-2010, 11:43 PM The first person I saw lane splitting in California was a CHP officer on I-5 in Sacramento as it is legal there, it helps reduce congestion in traffic. Like anything else, there is nothing wrong with it if done safely and they can write you a ticket for doing it in an unsafe manner. There are all sorts of rules about how to do it safely.
Thanks! I wasn't aware of that.
PennyQuilts 04-22-2010, 07:53 AM I see a lot of older, wiser guys on Harleys. The kids drive like maniacs.
decepticobra 04-22-2010, 08:07 AM I see a lot of older, wiser guys on Harleys. The kids drive like maniacs.
you hit the nail on the hammer with that. it may be a stereotype, but seems to be a proven one everywhere ive been.
Ezrablum 04-22-2010, 08:19 AM This happened to me just yesterday going north on I-44, coming from I-240. Just tell me these people are sometimes getting pulled over. Otherwise it feels like they're getting away with driving so recklessly. Am I alone?
sam greenroyd 04-22-2010, 09:22 AM If you don't see Harley's doing it then you just aren't looking hard enough, I have had plenty pass me and cut in way too close when I am on my "foreign motorcycle" (Triumph, it's British). A Harley can still get over 100 mph much easier than a car can, even a cheap econobox can break a 100 mph in most cases. For every "idiot crotch rocket rider" that gets killed of their own doing many more regular riders die do to idiot car/truck drivers. Down here the cruiser riders tend to outnumber the sportbike riders, they definitely do on the death charts. A friend is a commander with Austin-Travis County EMS, he has owned everything, literally, in 7 years of knowing him he has had about 35 motorcycles, pretty much every style, brand and type that is represented and he had been at the scene of far more cruiser deaths than sportbike deaths. Many of those were single vehicle accidents just like many of the sportbike deaths, a greater number of them have been at the hands of others.
What about the idiot drivers who run over motorcycles? Should anything be done about them? I know of a rider down here who rode cruisers (there are foreign cruisers as well but I think he was on a Victory) who hit a car pulling a u-turn in the middle of a 5 lane FM road in a very hilly area north of Lake Travis just this past Sunday. He is the third person that I have known (he used to work at the show where I bought my motorcycle) who has been killed by an idiot driver doing a u-turn in the middle of an undivided highway and most of them were doing under the speed limit minding their own business.
I ride way slower now than I did 20 years ago and I cringe when I see the behavior of some riders whether they are young or old, on sportbikes or cruisers. But the death of any of them is nothing to be celebrated whether you approve of their riding/driving style or not.
I agree with you bluedog there's idiots on all brands of bikes but it seems like you buy a crotch rocket to go fast its sure not comfort,the first thing they will tell you is it's the fastest production bike built, i don't think i could ride one 5 miles but even the safest riders run into idiots in cages (cars). seen on the news this morning that death rates are down on motorcycles this year for the first time in 10 years.
RealJimbo 04-22-2010, 04:24 PM Traveling in Mississippi last summer, two guys on sport bikes approached so fast from behind that I was startled when they blew by me. I was driving at 70 mph and they literally blew by so fast that it was like we were standing still. They were completely out of sight within 20 seconds, on a long stretch of flat highway. I love speed, but there is no way on earth I could make myself drive that fast. Imagine what a good sized bug would do to your face! What if you had a blowout? Not a fun thought.
mugofbeer 04-22-2010, 04:37 PM The 6 months I spent in Greenwich, CT and traveling I-95 between NYC and Bridgeport on weekends were also eye-opening. Groups of them with girls on the back heading for the recreation areas and beaches going 100+ weaving in and out of traffic and between cars.
Midtowner 04-22-2010, 08:29 PM I see a lot of older, wiser guys on Harleys. The kids drive like maniacs.
If they're wise, why are they on a motorcycle?
PennyQuilts 04-22-2010, 08:32 PM If they're wise, why are they on a motorcycle?
Well, that is a fine point I can't dispute.
My husband is so strong willed that I am jello in comparison. Hard to believe, I know. But when it comes to motorcycles, I pitch a fit. So far it is working. My stepdad died in a motorcycle accident when I was about four so I have a real aversion to them.
bluedogok 04-22-2010, 08:54 PM I know plenty of older people that ride bikes that most of the (not knowledgeable) general public would think are "crotch rockets", mine would probably be considered one by most because it has plastic body pieces on it. Many are more along the lines of sport-tourers and are a hell of a lot more comfortable than a cruiser like a Harley, I can ride a Harley for thirty minutes and am worthless because the seating position pounds the weak spot in my back, I have done 600 mile days on mine. Many Harleys are low mileage because they have a poor seating position for any kind of distance riding (excluding the Road King touring model), some people do fine on them, physiology is usually the determining factor. Many people buy them to bar hop, many my age (47) or older and who should know better than to drink and ride, alcohol is involved in many motorcycle crashes, especially among older riders.
In fact in recent years older riders were dying at a higher rate than younger riders, much of this was due to new riders buying into a "lifestyle" with no prior riding experience (I know more than a few of them in OKC), most of the time they were buying the biggest Harley they could get because a "learning bike" wasn't cool enough for them, so they bought way more bike than their skills could handle. Others were people coming off a long layoff from riding so the skill set was rusty and age affected. About 5 years ago there 8 deaths during the weekend of the ROT Rally, most were my age or older, most of them were at fault and some had alcohol in their system.
Yes, some of the younger riders (and drivers) ride/drive recklessly, I know that I did when I was younger and am very lucky to have never had anything happen. That is how life is when you are "young, stupid and bulletproof". There have been three that died this week here during police chases in addition to the one older rider that I referenced earlier and two out in the Hill Country this weekend, one of those was a someone turning left in front of them. So it has been a rough week around here.
Here is what I currently have, a 2000 Triumph Sprint ST
Urban Pioneer 06-03-2010, 10:23 PM Believe it or not, passing people seems to be safer then hanging back. Going "with the flow" seems to entail quite a few scary moments when idiot car drivers make lane changes without blinkers. Because you are behind them, they can't here your exhaust and often don't see you. Personally, I go for the clearest lane and try to get around cars quickly so that I am in front.
Regarding comfort of rockets, really you have to pick one that fits your body type. They are all slightly different in their seat broadness and gas tank. So, you really just have to experiment. The performance isn't really an issue in today's bikes until you get on a track and race.
And the older rider Harley thing- there are way to many baby boomers who have no riding experience who are "buying into a lifestyle." You criticize the younger riders, but the reality is I would rather deal with kids who are quick and attentive than older folks hard of seeing who have no riding experience.
And yeah, it is true, the older you get the more cautious with "real" experience on any bike.
SoonerBent 06-04-2010, 10:03 AM Yes, the crotch rockets are bad. But so are the little, hopped up, four wheel equivalents of crotch rockets. They drive as much like maniacs as the two wheeled do.
metro 06-04-2010, 11:30 AM Not to mention, the average car/suv/truck driver are clueless of bikes on the road, clueless! as Urban stated, they often don't see you, signal late if ever, cut bikes off, and have no courtesy and realize the safety hazard they are creating. Cars are lucky they don't get boot prints in them more than they do.
RealJimbo 06-04-2010, 01:06 PM All of the above being true, the best advice to motorcycle riders is still to drive as though you were invisible. Because you are invisible to a large segment of the population, either due to their diminished capacity or the fact that you represent something other than the "norm" in their mirrors or otherwise.
bluedogok 06-04-2010, 09:19 PM I ride (and drive) expecting everyone around me to pull a bonehead move. It seems most live up to the low standard that I set for them.
Bazooka Joe 06-05-2010, 09:39 AM Not to mention, the average car/suv/truck driver are clueless of bikes on the road, clueless! as Urban stated, they often don't see you, signal late if ever, cut bikes off, and have no courtesy and realize the safety hazard they are creating. Cars are lucky they don't get boot prints in them more than they do.
its easy to be "clueless" of them when they come up behind up doing over 100mph and pass you within the blink of an eye, not to mention passing other motorists at this same rate of speed as they are weaving wrecklessly through traffic.
kevinpate 06-05-2010, 10:58 AM ... expecting everyone around me to pull a bonehead move. It seems most live up to the low standard that I set for them.
:LolLolLol That they do, that they do.
its easy to be "clueless" of them when they come up behind up doing over 100mph and pass you within the blink of an eye, not to mention passing other motorists at this same rate of speed as they are weaving wrecklessly through traffic.
Well, if they keep driving that way, they won't be wreckless much longer.
sam greenroyd 06-08-2010, 05:19 PM Not to mention, the average car/suv/truck driver are clueless of bikes on the road, clueless! as Urban stated, they often don't see you, signal late if ever, cut bikes off, and have no courtesy and realize the safety hazard they are creating. Cars are lucky they don't get boot prints in them more than they do.
I get pretty frustrated with drivers at times, but a 16 year old girl with a honda can take you out of the game if you make her mad enough. Kick her car after your off the bike. lol
bradzilla 06-08-2010, 06:32 PM although i dont support lane weavers....
from owning a cruiser motorcycle in the past i can say first hand that its insane how inconsiderate some drivers are to ANY thing around them. not to single out female drivers(esp young female), but in my experience it was always them who were so preoccupied texting or talking on the phone instead of driving
i went off one day because a young lady came within a foot of my front tire at 40 mph and when we got to the stop light she was talking on the phone. when i took off my helmet and started yelling she gave me this afraid / omg why could anyone be mad at me / this guy is a jerk look. i was so irate because she was so inconvenienced by me yelling about her literally almost ending my life. i like the direction that some states are heading in restricting use of phones while in the car, this should be a serious crime.
if we live in a country where you can get life behind bars for killing someone who breaks into your house, we should have some sorta punishment for people who DELIBERATELY take their attention away from the road driving a two ton killing machine down the road.
after several near misses because of female drivers i no longer own my motorcycle, sucks that i had to sell it but it wasnt worth almost dying over.
Urban Pioneer 06-16-2010, 06:29 PM I was traveling 70 mpg in a 65 on Hefner parkway in the left hand lane and buzzed a woman going 50 in the middle (she was on the phone). Apparently "buzzing" her pissed her off so she exited after me on the ramp to 122nd and tried to bump my back wheel.
She literally tried to kill me for just existing. It made no sense.
bluedogok 06-16-2010, 07:24 PM I can say that usually when I see people going significantly slower than the rest of traffic they are on the phone, like 95% of those drivers. They tend to act like everyone else is in the wrong in that you invaded "their world" since they happen to be the center of the universe.
z28james 06-16-2010, 09:09 PM I am fine with the motobikes passing me at 100+ miles an hour, its when the cut you off within inches and don't even have the decency to signal, I have never see a crotch rocket do that, that's why I cant stand them.