View Full Version : Pauls Valley Toy & Action Figure Museum

04-21-2010, 08:02 AM
I see the billboards for it along I-35 heading to Dallas, advertising for Pauls Valley's Toy & Action Figure Museum.

Main Page (

I never been and am wondering if its worth a visit, and if anyone has actually been there?

From the pics it almost looks like it could be someone's private collection, and they decided to make a business out of it,..much like a small businesses that sells vintage video games or movie rentals, etc.

04-21-2010, 10:30 AM
There is another thread on this about trying to lure it to Bricktown. So far, both parties are interested.

04-21-2010, 07:10 PM
I see the billboards for it along I-35 heading to Dallas, advertising for Pauls Valley's Toy & Action Figure Museum.

Main Page (

I never been and am wondering if its worth a visit, and if anyone has actually been there?

From the pics it almost looks like it could be someone's private collection, and they decided to make a business out of it,..much like a small businesses that sells vintage video games or movie rentals, etc.

It's a private collection all right, but what a collection!
This would really be a very cool and different addition to Bricktown.