View Full Version : Where were you on 4/19/1995?

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04-20-2010, 04:38 PM
I was at jarman....small world to you monroney folks.

Jarman had the hotter girls, thanks to the influx of parents arrivng for business and staying from Tinker AFB.

I used to walk from Monroney over to Jarman's gym area many a times, afterschool, just to flirt with some of them hanging out before a ballgame, sports events, or band event.

you lucky Rockets just didnt know how good you had it over there. Id trade in my T-Bird pride anyday to be a Rocket, just cause of the hot girls alone.

(scratches chin, wonders where that cutie named Veronica is at these days??)

04-20-2010, 04:43 PM
She made a reference about our podunk city not being able to handle such an event.

Here's several different versions of the comments pulled via google:
" The people of Oklahoma have pulled together like never before. Connie Chung was here broadcasting and really upset the people of Oklahoma. She asked the fire marshall, "Can you people in Oklahoma handle something this big and disastrous?" as if we lived in a different era. Then she crashed the media line and tried to get up closer than the rest of the media. She was immediately escorted back and even threatened to be arrested after she resisted. T-shirts were made up with "Who the hell is Connie Chung?" written on the front and something I can't put in print on the back. The shirts are selling fast and all proceeds are going to the disaster relief fund. We noticed the next day Connie was gone and Dan Rather was in her place. "

Oklahoma City bombing interview
A few months later, in the wake of the April 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, Chung asked an Oklahoma City Fire Department spokesman, “Can the Oklahoma City Fire Department handle this?” Many viewers, particularly those in Oklahoma City, felt the question was insensitive to the situation. Thousands of viewers in Oklahoma and elsewhere called and wrote letters of protest over the tone of the questions. Moreover, co-anchor Dan Rather was irate that Chung was sent from New York to the assignment while he was already in nearby Texas. Consequently, after public outcry, and Rather's complaints, Chung was laid off as co-anchor of the CBS Evening News and was offered a demotion to weekend anchor or morning anchor.

awww, ...she no love Okrrrahoma City long time, huh?

04-20-2010, 04:54 PM
Nor the "lightening crasses"...that song must have been played thousands and thousands of times over the next several months.


you dont mean "Lightning Crashes" By Live, do you?

04-20-2010, 05:56 PM
I was at the fire training center until it blew. Within 10 minutes and until about midnight, I and probably every other okc fire fighter who was not out of town, well you know where we were. It was about that time that the command staff had enough control and accountability in place to get the ones who were due on duty the next morning out of there.

04-20-2010, 08:15 PM
I was stationed at Ft. Eustis, Va when it happened. One of my army buddies on base, who was in our little car club, called me up that morning and asked "what's going on in OKC?" I hadn't heard the news yet so i told him "i dunno". He then told me that he heard that some kind of bomb went off. Soon enough i heard the news on the radio and so i called home and talked with my folks to make sure they were okay.

I inprocessed into the army through the Murrah building, thats the second building i have been in that was later on blown up by terrorists. The other one was in Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.

Larry OKC
04-21-2010, 05:20 AM
I delayed even reading this thread because I new the emotions of that day would resurface. To those who lost friends or family or were at ground zero themselves, words can not convey my thoughts. I was fortunate that I didn't know anyone personally (at the time). I have been to the outdoor portion of the Memorial a couple of times (most recently on the 19th, had jury duty). Still surreal to read the names of current co-workers that are listed on the survivor wall (Journal Record building). Also went downtown the weekend before the final implosion to see the destruction firsthand. Hard to grasp it completely when just watching on the T.V.

This explains some of my outrage of Connie Chung and even when a local reporter at the Oklahoman ran an article essentially saying that the lives lost in Katrina happened so OKC could get a basketball team. I have resisted replying to the thread where a recent ESPN (?) article linked the bombing and the Thunder. I know the writer didn't mean for it to be offensive but I found it to be incredibly offensive. I know I am in the minority on that based on the posts.

Be proud of the Oklahoma Standard and be proud of the Thunder are fine but when some writer tries to connect the two...very bad form.

I was at work that day and heard what sounded like one of the AC units exploding on the roof. Within minutes an announcement came over the PA to come to the front entrance. We had 2 story glass entrance and could see the smoke cloud billowing over the tree line as we looked downtown (office was at NW 63rd and meridian). Someone grabbed the TV from the conference room and we watched the news reports the rest of the day.

Larry OKC
04-21-2010, 05:35 AM
wow! what did that feel like being so close to the blast?

If Steve doesn't reply, I can certainly understand as my co-workers (some are listed on the survivor wall from the Journal Record building) rarely speak about what happened and what they went through. While I can understand the curiosity factor, I will respectfully accept whatever response they decide to give (or not give).

Doug Loudenback
04-21-2010, 07:03 AM
I've not given my recollection, Larry, for the kinds of reasons you described above. I didn't read the Oklahoman newspaper on the anniversary, didn't want to. But I guess that I'm just avoiding thinking about it ... the problem is, when I do think about it, it is like reliving the totally painful experience.

I was downtown in the Oklahoma County Courthouse, Judge Clinton Dennis' courtroom to be exact ... 1st floor, west end ... and I was sitting in the jury box on the north side of the courtroom which faced the alley (Couch Drive) as he was calling the Friday morning docket. Judge Dennis had a bad leg and he didn't move any more than necessary. Anyway, with my back to the alley (Couch Drive) which separates the courthouse and the county office building), while Judge Dennis was calling the morning docket, BOOM. It was the loudest and most penetrating sound that I have ever heard. As the sound resonated through the courtroom and as the curtains moved and some windows popped, I, and most others in my position just hit the floor, not knowing what the heck was going on. A common sense must have been present ... get low ... because that's what everyone was doing. After a bit, we cautiously arose and looked through the windows on the north (toward the alley/Couch Drive). Of course, no one knew what had happened and the natural thoughts were that a natural gas explosion or something along that line had occurred. As people were arising from the floor, Judge Dennis said, "Well, let's get on with the docket," but very quickly a sheriff's deputy came into the courtroom and announced that the building was being cleared, which ticked off Judge Dennis who wanted to finish the morning's business.

Exiting on the east side of the courthouse (on Harvey), it was evident that something major had taken place although no one knew what it was. Glass was everywhere in the streets, most especially looking north on Harvey toward the federal buildings. With a few friends, I walked north along Harvey, avoiding the glass where we could. Reaching the intersection of NW 4th, we could go no further ... all we could see was billowing black smoke which was emanating from the north side of the Murrah Building ... the destruction done on the north side could not be seen from the south side. But, on the south side, we could see people laying down and being attended to.

I'll stop with the Friday description here, at least for now. This is not a story that I like to remember.

Skipping ahead, Saturday night, in my dreams, the shrieking sound was relived in a nighmarish dream which involved my family members ... it was a a dream in which evil existed and lived in the building next door and my family members were at risk to that evil. My eyes opened during that dream and I still remember it now, but I'll not describe that here.

To this day, if I spend anything but a brief passing amount of time thinking about those days and events, I begin to cry. To this day, if I hear any unexpected sound, I am startled and have a physical reaction sort of like a jerk or a jump. The ring of a cell phone in my pocket is sufficient to trigger that reaction.

I am quite sure that these things will continue to occur until the day I die. It is a part of my history.

04-21-2010, 09:49 AM
I have never talked about this before. It was the end of my freshman year at OU and I was walking to Goddard Health Center when it happened. When I walked in a receptionist told me a gas pipe had exploded in a downtown OKC building. There were no TVs in the office and we had no idea the extent of the dammage. When I left the examination room the receptionist that first informed me about the explosion called me over and updated me on the situation. By that point, it had become apparent that it was no accident. Upon hearing this, I was struck with the sickest feeling I have ever felt in my life. I asked if there was anything I could do and they said to start with donating blood. I agreed, I figured it was the very least I could do. The nurse refused to allow me to donate blood due to my fever of 103F. I have never felt so helpless in my entire life. I was left to go back to my dorm, choke down some antibiotics, pray, and watch it all on the television; all the while being choked up with the guilt of not being able to help and just wishing I could go up to OKC and help in any way possible. I grew up in NE Oklahoma and didn't anyone directly affected by the bombing but that didn't matter much because, at that moment, I felt like everyone up there was my family. Through the course of the entire thing I felt a whole range of emotions that still well up in me today. The first emotions were anger and confusion that someone could do something like that. Next was sorrow for the unbelieveable loss of innocent lives. Followed by awe and pride as I watched all the heroic people doing everything within their power to save everyone they could then joy when they were sucessful and sorrow when they were not. Rage took over me as I watched Timothy McVeigh being escorted out of the courthouse, part of me wished for someone to take his head off and the other part of me wanted to see him come to justice. I have never gone to the memorial, I don't know if i can but i suppose i would like to go pay my respect to the victims and their families some day. These are just the feelings of a bystander that still, to this day, does not know anyone who lost their life or a loved one that fateful day. I can't imagine how they feel.

04-21-2010, 11:42 PM
Mrs. Bonner's 1st grade class at Houchin Elementary in Moore. Had no idea until after school

04-22-2010, 06:06 AM
I had just walked into work at NW 50th and May. As I walked into the back of the store there was a loud boom and the back door flew open. The windows started to shake and the first thing we thought was that a plane had crashed nearby.

We went outside to look for it, positive that it had crashed very near us. We couldn't see a thing so someone thought of turning on the television in the breakroom. We sat around the TV and watched the news coverage as it unfolded.

Although that particular memory is horrible, I have more memories from the days and weeks after the bombing, driving around town and seeing all of the headlights and tributes that would bring tears to your eyes, the television stations staying on air all night allowing people to call in and talk about their feelings, people coming from all over the country to help us and marveling at the "Oklahoma Standard", the memorial service at the Fairgrounds, etc.

Definitely a life-altering time in our history.

04-22-2010, 08:00 AM
i still have the vhs tape i recorded off the tv from circa june 2001 ,i believe, regarding timothy mcveigh's execution.

im more than certain that nobody who isnt related to timothy mcveigh, but still shares the same surname, hasnt named any of their newborn sons "timothy" in the last 15 years.

Doug Loudenback
04-22-2010, 08:22 AM
I had just walked into work at NW 50th and May. As I walked into the back of the store there was a loud boom and the back door flew open. The windows started to shake and the first thing we thought was that a plane had crashed nearby.

We went outside to look for it, positive that it had crashed very near us. We couldn't see a thing so someone thought of turning on the television in the breakroom. We sat around the TV and watched the news coverage as it unfolded.

Although that particular memory is horrible, I have more memories from the days and weeks after the bombing, driving around town and seeing all of the headlights and tributes that would bring tears to your eyes, the television stations staying on air all night allowing people to call in and talk about their feelings, people coming from all over the country to help us and marveling at the "Oklahoma Standard", the memorial service at the Fairgrounds, etc.

Definitely a life-altering time in our history.
On the 1st anniversary of the bombing, I had a court hearing in El Reno that morning. On driving back to the city on I-40, I noticed the stream of cars heading the opposite direction, westbound on I-40 ... most all cars had their lights turned on ... on seeing that, I broke down ... like I am right now.

04-22-2010, 08:31 AM
A day or so after the bombing, I toyed with the idea of taking my kids to see the site (from a distance). My initial thought was that it could be sort of disrespectful and I didn't want any part of that. But we decided we would go to pay our respects and braced ourselves in case some yahoos were gawking. When we drove over some distance away but where you could see the building, we were too moved to speak. The area was full of people in the same frame of mind, just quietly and mournfully paying their respects. I am very, very glad I took my kids. It was a lot like the impromptu memorial on the fence.

Doug Loudenback
04-22-2010, 08:34 AM
I have never talked about this before. It was the end of my freshman year at OU and I was walking to Goddard Health Center when it happened. When I walked in a receptionist told me a gas pipe had exploded in a downtown OKC building. There were no TVs in the office and we had no idea the extent of the dammage. When I left the examination room the receptionist that first informed me about the explosion called me over and updated me on the situation. By that point, it had become apparent that it was no accident. Upon hearing this, I was struck with the sickest feeling I have ever felt in my life. I asked if there was anything I could do and they said to start with donating blood. I agreed, I figured it was the very least I could do. The nurse refused to allow me to donate blood due to my fever of 103F. I have never felt so helpless in my entire life. I was left to go back to my dorm, choke down some antibiotics, pray, and watch it all on the television; all the while being choked up with the guilt of not being able to help and just wishing I could go up to OKC and help in any way possible. I grew up in NE Oklahoma and didn't anyone directly affected by the bombing but that didn't matter much because, at that moment, I felt like everyone up there was my family. Through the course of the entire thing I felt a whole range of emotions that still well up in me today. The first emotions were anger and confusion that someone could do something like that. Next was sorrow for the unbelieveable loss of innocent lives. Followed by awe and pride as I watched all the heroic people doing everything within their power to save everyone they could then joy when they were sucessful and sorrow when they were not. Rage took over me as I watched Timothy McVeigh being escorted out of the courthouse, part of me wished for someone to take his head off and the other part of me wanted to see him come to justice. I have never gone to the memorial, I don't know if i can but i suppose i would like to go pay my respect to the victims and their families some day. These are just the feelings of a bystander that still, to this day, does not know anyone who lost their life or a loved one that fateful day. I can't imagine how they feel.
What a poignant recollection, mfaulkn. Even after 15 years, the memories are so powerful as to be just like the events occurred only yesterday.

Thank you for sharing so very personally.

04-22-2010, 11:04 AM
I remember I was headed to biology class at Putnam City Original HS(REMIND YOU THAT PCO IS ON 50th and MERIDIAN). I was a couple of minutes late. Just as I left the hall I heard a loud BOOM. I thought some dumb kid had messed up in the chemistry lab.

Then our principal came on the p.a and said there has just been a large explosion downtown and if u have loves ones your concerned for come to the office. My teacher then wheel a t.v in the clssroom, and put it on channel 9 we caught it as the helicopter was just showing the first shots of the buildings back side smoking.

I remember thinking thats not that bad then as it circled to the front and showed the building everyone in the room gasped and some of the young ladies were crying i remeber 1 of the girls totally lost it and had to be removed from the viewing( here dad worked DT, he was ok) but at that time she didn't know.

like anyone from OKC we all know someone personally affected and in most cases the pain is first hand I have to many stories to tell of pain,lost and also the herorics.

the scar of that day will ever be visible on our city,but tonight 15 yrs later it will at least have a OKC thunder jersey over it.
National attention once agian in OKlahoma City. Only this time a couple of blocks from the bombing the focus at least in my opinion will help add to the closure.

GOD bless you OKLAHOMA CITY !!

04-22-2010, 12:30 PM
A day or so after the bombing, I toyed with the idea of taking my kids to see the site (from a distance). My initial thought was that it could be sort of disrespectful and I didn't want any part of that. But we decided we would go to pay our respects and braced ourselves in case some yahoos were gawking. When we drove over some distance away but where you could see the building, we were too moved to speak. The area was full of people in the same frame of mind, just quietly and mournfully paying their respects. I am very, very glad I took my kids. It was a lot like the impromptu memorial on the fence.

On the second Sunday after the bombing, we drove down from Tulsa with some friends to see the site. We parked 2 or 3 blocks away from the fenced perimeter and were amazed at the amount of damage to the other buildings in the area. There was a steady stream of people walking the entire fenced perimeter. There was very little conversation among the people walking the perimeter. The crowd was very quiet and very respectful.

I would encourage anyone who hasn't been to the museum to go if at all possible. It's done very well. For me, one particular exhibit brought the whole thing home to me. They kept one office on the south side of the JR building just as is was immediatley after the bombing. They've encased it in plexiglass to keep it just as it was at 9:03. It contains all the usual stuff that anyone's office might have - desk, chair, file cabinet, clock - but it looks like someone picked up the room, shoot it a few times and then dropped it back in place.

Everytime I drive by the Memorial, I'm struck by how beautiful and peaceful it is. When they first announced the plans, I was skeptical, but it's become an oaasis in the middle of the city.