View Full Version : New I-40 - I fear the loss of skyline views
xrayman 02-22-2005, 11:21 PM I was driving eastbound I-40 tonight and was really impressed with my fair city. The skyline truly looks magnificent for a city our size. The elevated highway helps, of course, with an elevated view, but my, it's a nice view. I fear the loss of that skyline view with the flat interstate some distance away. It seems I read somewhere that we will only be able to see the top half of all the buildings. For some reason (city pride ego, I suppose) that bothers me. Anybody else?
Midtowner 02-23-2005, 01:00 AM On the other hand, we won't frighten visitors with our decrepit raised interstate.
El Gato Pollo Loco!!! 02-23-2005, 01:26 AM There's always Sheilds/Gaylord coming in from's a better view if you ask me
xrayman 02-23-2005, 05:05 PM On the other hand, we won't frighten visitors with our decrepit raised interstate.
Very true, Midtowner. It is absolutely embarrassing. I was just talking about the nice view that impressed me last night. It will be dramatically different, but you're right, a smoooother ride.
Sooner&RiceGrad 02-23-2005, 06:46 PM You'll still see the BEST view from the Fort Smith Junction, it doesn't turn until you get to Byers, by then your passing through Bricktown and too entranced by it to bother with that big black thing. Yes, we have avery large skyline for a city our size, but it is heavily occupied, in need of change, and OLD.
metro 02-24-2005, 12:23 AM I dont know if any of you attend the public meetings in regards to the I-40 relocation but I strongly suggest it. It would offer a better insight and address concerns I often see expressed on here. I personally as well as many others still have mixed feelings on the affect of the relocation. The reduction of pollution and road noise will of course be a benefit. On the other side, we will lose some great views of downtown. There are many other pros and cons to this issue that can only be explained by an urban planner and the actual long-term effects of what this will cause. I urge you to go to the next meeting and stay tuned to the progress regarding this issue.
mranderson 02-24-2005, 08:09 AM My feelings are simple. Anything to get rid of those eyesore slums. Now we need to work on Kerr Village. The only thing I hate about my new office's location is the fact it is across the street from gang banger south.
russellc 02-24-2005, 05:45 PM If you can't see downtown from the new I-40, then we will have to make downtown taller.
My favorite view of downtown is also the Ft. Smith junction. Downtown, midtown, OU Med Center, and the capitol are all lined upfrom the high overpass there. My second favorite view is from I-40 going east around Agnew & Western. All the buildings are in full view from that angle. From most other angles, one building is covering 2 or 3 others, but from the W/SW all can be seen giving a more full appearance. The view coming down the Broadway Extention/235 is the worst angle. The ugly Southwestern Bell buildings block most of the other buildings. The view from the south is better, but not great. The view from the NW & SE are also good, with the view from the SE being better IMO.
soonerguru 02-27-2005, 04:47 PM Great point.
We finally build out downtown all the way to I-40, and build a more vibrant downtown, so, hey, let's cover it up. Bad idea.
I'm not thrilled at all with the prospect of the 1-40 relocation. For every pro, I can think of two cons. I guess we have Istook to thank for all of this.
mranderson 02-27-2005, 05:06 PM Great point.
We finally build out downtown all the way to I-40, and build a more vibrant downtown, so, hey, let's cover it up. Bad idea.
I'm not thrilled at all with the prospect of the 1-40 relocation. For every pro, I can think of two cons. I guess we have Istook to thank for all of this.
Two reasons for the relocation. One. It would literally cripple traffic east and west through the country since I-40 runs from Wilmington, North Carolina to Bartow, California. That would also create a major downturn in the cities economy. Even though it would be temporary, it would be for as much as five years.
Two. By not elevating the stretch, we do not have to worry about bridge maintanance. Many cities have freeways through their downtown area that are not evelated and they look fine.
What you can blame I took for is the fact funding has not been fully located for the new freeway yet. He takes from his own state and gives it to Utah.
xrayman 02-27-2005, 05:28 PM "He takes from his own state and gives it to Utah."
Thank you, Mr. Anderson. You are so very right. Unfortunately, the people of the district vote the name they know. Ernest Istook is the single worst figure in government for our city than anybody else. Period. I wish Kirk would have challenged Istook in the primary rather than gone after the senate seat. I still have hope that someone will challenge him in '06. It will have to be a primary challenge (no Democrat has a chance) to send him packing for Salt Lake City. And no, that's not a religious statement, that's a plain as day observation of this man who cares more for Utah than Oklahoma.
Istook is also incredibly arrogant and condescending to the voters. How many of us have heard him on a radio talk show or seen him at a forum? It's shocking how rude and high & mighty he comes across. I guess some would call that kind of person a.....well....a....jerk. I like his stand on many issues on national and international importance, but somebody else can fill that role just as well. We need someone to stand up for this district.
Anybody heard any rumblings concerning '06 and an Istook challenge?
Sooner&RiceGrad 02-27-2005, 10:45 PM It would be funny if Istook was a member here as well...
mranderson 02-27-2005, 10:46 PM It would be funny if Istook was a member here as well...
I only wish.
HOT ROD 02-28-2005, 01:47 AM Could somebody contact Kirk or somebody to replace Istook?
I can see all the way from Seattle that he does not have Oklahoma's best interest at heart.
Patrick 02-28-2005, 12:04 PM I doubt another Republican would run against him in a runoff. That typically doesn't happen. Usually the only chance is for the other party to run someone.
Maybe Orza could run as an independent against Istook.
mranderson 02-28-2005, 12:12 PM I doubt another Republican would run against him in a runoff. That typically doesn't happen. Usually the only chance is for the other party to run someone.
Maybe Orza could run as an independent against Istook.
Maybe then the 250,000 voters that caused our problems might see the light. I hope that happens
Patrick 02-28-2005, 12:17 PM Gary Richardson might be another option. He sure had his facts together for the governor race. Problem is he was an unknown in the field of politics.
mranderson 02-28-2005, 12:47 PM Gary Richardson might be another option. He sure had his facts together for the governor race. Problem is he was an unknown in the field of politics.
Problem is Gary Richardson is from Tulsa. He would have to move to Oklahoma City a year ahead of the election to well establish himself. Otherwise, I agree.