View Full Version : Construction on Garth Brooks Blvd

04-14-2010, 02:16 PM
Now that the construction on Czech Hall is complete, I see the beginnings of construction on Garth Brooks .. Anyone know what the deal is? And the reason why they had a portion of Reno (inbetween Czech hall and Garth Brooks) blocked off for a week or so?

04-14-2010, 06:10 PM
The construction on Czech Hall was in Oklahoma City and the Construction on Garth Brooks is City of Yukon. From what I understand they are not related (One wasnt waiting for the other) and the Construction on GB is for turn lanes/street widening. I have no idea about reno being blocked off but I remember reading somewhere in the OKC stuff that reno was going to be 4 lanes all the way to Cemetary rd. Maybe they are getting ready for that.

04-15-2010, 08:34 AM
Now that the construction on Czech Hall is complete, I see the beginnings of construction on Garth Brooks .. Anyone know what the deal is? And the reason why they had a portion of Reno (inbetween Czech hall and Garth Brooks) blocked off for a week or so?

all these civic improvements in Yukon. Im also wondering whats being erected on Garth Brooks.

"If tomorrow...never cu...."

04-15-2010, 01:55 PM
I am wondering where all this money is coming from??? They cant seem to find enough to pay thier Firefighters and Police Officers but dont worry we get 2 very expensive fireworks displays every year. Absolutly ridiculous how corrupt and stupid our leaders are. Maybe they should do a study like they did for the police Department and hire the guy doing the study to run the city. Absolute Horse Sh**.

Anyway. My 2 Cents. Hopefully it will clear up traffic on GB blvd.

04-15-2010, 04:27 PM
Does the City of Yukon pay for the road improvement or the county? I do not know the answer.

Bigray in Ok

04-15-2010, 06:10 PM
Does the City of Yukon pay for the road improvement or the county? I do not know the answer.

Bigray in Ok

Joint venture between the County and City. As for the Firefighters and Police Officers crying about wanting more money, suck it up, join the crowd, and be thankful you have a job!!

04-15-2010, 07:19 PM
Well RCJunkie, You arent that familiar with it or you would know its not about more money. How about the fact that they have all been furloughed for 5 days with more expected to become the norm. Thats not more money. Thats the money you are owed. There is a huge difference. And if the Firefighters and Police were crying about it, you would hear it on the news. I am a citizen complaining about it.

04-15-2010, 08:11 PM
Well RCJunkie, You arent that familiar with it or you would know its not about more money. How about the fact that they have all been furloughed for 5 days with more expected to become the norm. Thats not more money. Thats the money you are owed. There is a huge difference. And if the Firefighters and Police were crying about it, you would hear it on the news. I am a citizen complaining about it.

I've said this many times, if all of the traffic cops in Yukon would stake out between 10th and Vandement on Cornwell, the speeding ticket revenue would fund them. That street is terrible. It's only 35 for a reason.