View Full Version : why so many recent earthquakes???????

04-14-2010, 08:03 AM
why have there been so many recent earthquakes? ...haiti, chile, san diego, and now china (and a few others that have slipped my mind)

now, you could argue and say that earthquakes happen everywhere everyday, ....but not of this magnitude. these are some powerful tremblors the earth is experiencing.

the earth's crust probably resembles swiss cheese considering all the various holes that have been dug into it. everything that is on the top layer of the earth's crust now was once buried below...everything from your automobile, your house, everything in your house, all the skyscrapers erected around the globe, every large naval ship, and everything else you can fathom thats man-made more than likely came from materials that had to be dug up from the earth's crust. ...and i havent even scratched the surface..think of all the burial graves around the world,..literally in the trillions. i only its only 6 feet deep, but thats still a lot of surface area considering corpses are buried into the ground everyday.

could all these sporatic holes around the globe finally be releasing so much pressure in the earth's crust cause erratic tetonic plate movement to occur at such violent force?

i dont know if i was making a valid point or being sublimely facetious in my rough explanation, as im surely no seismologist..but its certainly something to consider with all the recent earthquakes that have been happening.

is this the beginning of the end??

04-14-2010, 08:15 AM
Oh sweetie...

The deepest oil well is still only scratching the surface of the earth. And corpses?

04-14-2010, 08:27 AM
They are actually decreasing ...

04-14-2010, 08:57 AM
It may be that they have hit some vulnerable places with heavy casualties that make it seem like they are increasing? The loss of life and distruction tends to make us pay more attention to them and remember them compared to the ones that take place somewhere that no one really cares about because no one is hurt. It is a little like the difference between having a bunch of big tornados that take out barns in western Oklahoma vs. a medium tornado that takes out part of Bethany. We focus on the medium one.

I don't recall ever having earthquakes reported in Oklahoma when I was growing up but maybe they just didn't detect them. Dunno.

04-14-2010, 09:01 AM
Its not that there have been more earthquakes. Its just that over the years, more people have been moving into earthquake zones and are bringing with them crappy building standards (ex: Haiti) and you are now seeing the result of these actions. Also, wall-to-wall media coverage probably makes it seem the world is shaking its way to the apocolypse.

I don't think it has anything to do with stuff that's being removed from the ground. Otherwise, you would see more earthquakes in places like Wyoming, West Virginia, or any other place where theres a lot of large scale mining. Just chalk it up as one of the many mysteries we have to deal with living on our little blue marble in space.

04-14-2010, 09:30 AM
I know what my Pastor would say.

But it does kinda-sorta stand to reason that with over-population, dwindling natural resources, and the fact that our world is millions and millions of years old, it just could quite simply be that Mother Earth might be too abused and too tired and too old to hold it together much longer.

04-14-2010, 09:51 AM
This thread...

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04-14-2010, 09:52 AM
Its not that there have been more earthquakes. Its just that over the years, more people have been moving into earthquake zones and are bringing with them crappy building standards (ex: Haiti) and you are now seeing the result of these actions. Also, wall-to-wall media coverage probably makes it seem the world is shaking its way to the apocolypse.

I don't think it has anything to do with stuff that's being removed from the ground. Otherwise, you would see more earthquakes in places like Wyoming, West Virginia, or any other place where theres a lot of large scale mining. Just chalk it up as one of the many mysteries we have to deal with living on our little blue marble in space.

Nailed it. Though Wyoming does see a lot of earthquakes thanks to that "little" volcano that takes up the entire NW corner of that state. lol

The earth's crust has a ton of faults. They build up pressure over time and become "active" for us to notice. Others tend to die down and not do a lot - Meers fault in the Wichita Mountains for example. We we headed for the end? I doubt it. However, we are just specs on this rock and eventually it'll get rid of us like millions of other species before us.

04-14-2010, 10:09 AM
Not more earthquakes - instead, better detection devices, far more people, therefore more people being killed, urbanization of earthquake prone areas without proper construction, more media and more reporting of events, more vivid video and photos. Earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. all occur with relative frequency - at times more frequently, at times less frequently. Plot a scatter graph of any random event and you will find areas of concentration and areas of relative emptiness. We may be in a concentrated time that we will come out of before long.

Besides, if it is the end time, what can you do about it?

04-14-2010, 11:04 AM
It's not the earthquakes you need to worry about. It's Yellowstone Natural Park that could erupt today - tomorrow ... or thousand years in the future. When that baby blows - goodbye, America!

04-14-2010, 11:14 AM
It's not the earthquakes you need to worry about. It's Yellowstone Natural Park that could erupt today - tomorrow ... or thousand years in the future. When that baby blows - goodbye, America!

It'll be more than America...more than likely most of the living things on the planet due to a nuclear winter that will probably stretch for months.

04-14-2010, 02:25 PM
It'll be more than America...more than likely most of the living things on the planet due to a nuclear winter that will probably stretch for months.

Well, crap.

04-14-2010, 03:35 PM
the fact that our world is millions and millions
Can't resist - in my best Carl Sagan imitation - Billions and billions of years old - almost 5.

it just could quite simply be that Mother Earth might be too abused and too tired and too old to hold it together much longer.
Nah - you know how women are - mid life crisis maybe - getting a face lift - nothing more. She should be good for another 5 billion or so. Wish i was aging as gracefully...

04-14-2010, 03:44 PM
Can't resist - in my best Carl Sagan imitation - Billions and billions of years old - almost 5.

Nah - you know how women are - mid life crisis maybe - getting a face lift - nothing more. She should be good for another 5 billion or so. Wish i was aging as gracefully...

Haha good way to put it. Since she is about 5 billion years old now, and has about 4-5 billion left...that's about right. The longest I've read before the Sun becomes a Red Giant is something like just under 8 billion years.

So we'll have been recycled by the planet a million times by then.

04-14-2010, 10:10 PM
Can't resist - in my best Carl Sagan imitation - Billions and billions of years old - almost 5.

Billions huh? Hmmmmm, I missed those birthday invitations.

04-15-2010, 12:22 AM
It's not the earthquakes you need to worry about. It's Yellowstone Natural Park that could erupt today - tomorrow ... or thousand years in the future. When that baby blows - goodbye, America!

I'd prefer for this to happen after my natural life.

We were discussing this the other day at work. If you don't die in the initial blast and aftermath of this explosion then you'll be playing the real fight or flight game before eventually starving to death if you don't get killed by someone else. Personally I'd cap myself. Sad I know, but less painful, lol.

04-15-2010, 12:37 AM
I'd prefer for this to happen after my natural life.

We were discussing this the other day at work. If you don't die in the initial blast and aftermath of this explosion then you'll be playing the real fight or flight game before eventually starving to death if you don't get killed by someone else. Personally I'd cap myself. Sad I know, but less painful, lol. is tough to say ... "what would I do if this happened?"... because honestly if something that major took place, everything would be insane. Government wouldn't matter. Military wouldn't matter. It would come down to how secure you are yourself and how long of a food supply do you have. I think most estimates have it at 6 months until the ash would clear and the sun able to shine down again. At this point, there won't be much left in the way of vegetation and animal life will have started to kill each other off.

04-15-2010, 12:37 AM
Yellowstone just blew 5 minutes ago. If you're reading this, tune in to the news.

04-15-2010, 02:18 PM
Yellowstone just blew 5 minutes ago. If you're reading this, tune in to the news.

Coming from you--not likely. Besides, if that place blew, we'd easily enough feel it here. Not to mention, if radio waves were still transmittable, they'd interrupt all radio broadcasts.

04-15-2010, 02:26 PM
Coming from you--not likely. Besides, if that place blew, we'd easily enough feel it here. Not to mention, if radio waves were still transmittable, they'd interrupt all radio broadcasts.

Thunder seems to have a traditional post about Yellowstone blowing like once a month. :)

04-15-2010, 02:50 PM
why have there been so many recent earthquakes? ...haiti, chile, san diego, and now china (and a few others that have slipped my mind)

now, you could argue and say that earthquakes happen everywhere everyday, ....but not of this magnitude. these are some powerful tremblors the earth is experiencing.

And the real answer is - the media. Ever wonder why crisis happens in sequence and not everything bad all at once.

The media has three kinds of crisis.

Short term: missing children, mass murders, floods, earthquakes, forest fires, etc. These will keep the people tunning in nightly

Mid-term: Toyota brakes, forest fire season, hurricane season, elections, oil prices. These issues can be milked for months or even a year.

Long Term: Global warming.

What the media is really good at is taking isolated short term events and then moving them up the crisis ladder. For example, one earthquake - no big deal, two earthquakes - no big deal. 10 earthquakes in a year - big deal (or as Biden says (big ****ing deal).

Here is another example. A forest fire in California - no big deal, two fires in Cali - no big deal, three fires - a big deal (the whole West is going up in flames).

If the media is really good at it then Hollywood makes a movie about it.

04-15-2010, 03:51 PM
It's not the earthquakes you need to worry about. It's Yellowstone Natural Park that could erupt today - tomorrow ... or thousand years in the future. When that baby blows - goodbye, America!

I think they called it a Super or mega volcano, or hell even a mega super volcano..
Ever wonder what happened to Clovis man?
They theorized Yellowstone gone off, causing a changed of environment.
colder, and wind swept.Like how Oklahoma hasnt changed recently.

As for the earthquakes, I think detection devices sensitivity is better now.
And Oklahoma is has them.
I really dont know if O & G activities is at fault.

04-20-2010, 08:18 AM
guess we can add that Iceland volcano to this thread as well. say what you will, but something is D-E-F-I-N-I-T-E-L-Y happening to Mother Earth.

Guess in about a month or two from now, Ill add whatever other 6 or 7 geologic events transpire in that interim to this thread.

04-20-2010, 09:01 AM
As for the earthquakes, I think detection devices sensitivity is better now.
And Oklahoma is has them.
I really dont know if O & G activities is at fault.

You know that is bullchit.

If you believe we've always had these quakes before these "better detection devices" then explain the lack of calls from people to report such quakes.

That's right, you can not explain it. The fact is, not because of better detection devices, it is because there are actually more and stronger quakes here than before and it is getting way too frequent, especially with what is happening worldwide.

People on here may try to sugarcoat these things, but fact is fact, something major is happening and the catastrophic disaster is to come.

Of Sound Mind
04-20-2010, 10:00 AM
By the way, Thunder, I never saw anything on the news... did Yellowstone blow?

04-20-2010, 10:05 AM
By the way, Thunder, I never saw anything on the news... did Yellowstone blow?

Yes, it did. Just a normal steam/water release. Obviously hot magma is only a few miles below still building upward.

04-20-2010, 12:11 PM
Oh Thunder...

04-20-2010, 03:27 PM
Yes, it did. Just a normal steam/water release. Obviously hot magma is only a few miles below still building upward.

I think thats called a geyser......

04-20-2010, 04:07 PM
I wonder what the scientist on Mars have to say about all this recent activity on earth?

USG '60
04-20-2010, 06:41 PM
Thunder, nothing catastophic is going to happen for another couple of decades at least. A few months ago I was told by a REAL psychic that I had many prosperous years yet to live and I am only 68. So relax. We're good.

04-20-2010, 09:12 PM
So now we know the REAL reason..... - Women to blame for earthquakes, says Iran cleric (

04-20-2010, 11:28 PM
Oh Thunder...

I think thats called a geyser......

Yes, I know what it is. :LolLolLol

04-21-2010, 12:31 AM
Does anyone here think that the Mayans know more than the Holy Bible? The Bible don't give no dates, as far as I know. (just saying)

04-21-2010, 01:52 AM
Holy Bible vs. Mayans... I guess one fairy tale is as good as another. (just saying)

04-21-2010, 09:43 AM
Holy Bible vs. Mayans... I guess one fairy tale is as good as another. (just saying) My roundabout point.

04-21-2010, 10:35 AM
Holy Bible vs. Mayans... I guess one fairy tale is as good as another. (just saying)

fairytale? so you're stating that some of the events that are documented in the Bible that are backed up by historical artifacts and other regarded documentation are made up?

04-21-2010, 11:12 AM
fairytale? so you're stating that some of the events that are documented in the Bible that are backed up by historical artifacts and other regarded documentation are made up?

That doesn't really mean anything...

Lots of fairy tales are based on or around documented historical facts.

Just about every American "tall tale" is steeped in historical fact, John Henry, Pecos Bill, etc..

Show White was based on Margarete von Waldeck (1513-1534), who was the daughter of Philip IV, the German Count von Waldeck-Wildungen. When she was 16 she and a prince who would become Phillip II of Spain fell in love. Her stepmother allegedly poisoned her.

Does that make the story of Snow White and the 7 dwarves a true story? Absolutely not. No more true than stories about Paul Bunyan, Robin Hood or Moses.