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04-14-2010, 02:37 AM

04-14-2010, 06:59 AM
Sounds like a good ole teabagging time. Make sure you bring your hate signs, guns, and don't forget to sign up for the militia. Randy Brogdon will be speaking, right? Oh, good times for sure!!!!!!!!!!

04-14-2010, 07:11 AM
Sounds like a good ole teabagging time. Make sure you bring your hate signs, guns, and don't forget to sign up for the militia. Randy Brogdon will be speaking, right? Oh, good times for sure!!!!!!!!!!

Sounds like some sleazy infiltrators have all that covered.

The movement is about smaller government and more accountability - why the rage, Boston? Can't you disagree without demonizing grandma?

04-14-2010, 07:17 AM
Have fun this evening Penny. Make sure to post some pics of the teabagging event so we can all have some laughs. Oh, and again, make sure you don't forget to sign up for the militia. Randy is counting on you!!!

04-14-2010, 07:17 AM
I guess he's for higher taxes, more government control, out-of-control debt, corruption and of course government controlled health care.

04-14-2010, 07:34 AM
I guess he's for higher taxes, more government control, out-of-control debt, corruption and of course government controlled health care.

What does he care? I'm betting he is of the group that isn't paying taxes and is probably being supported by family that does.

04-14-2010, 11:32 AM
There sure are a bunch of gun carrying, homophobe, racist, redneck, militia joining, haters out there...and the movement is growing.

34% Say They Or Someone Close To Them Part of Tea Party Movement - Rasmussen Reports ( arty_movement)

04-14-2010, 02:58 PM
Here is my thought on the Tea Party stuff. Why don't they take this momentum and finally form a viable Third Party? Screw the Dems...Screw the GOP...none of them care what these people really want anyway. Organize, get registered, and start trying to break down this damn two party system. That is the biggest thing. Imagine the US Senate being something like 40 Dem, 35 GOP, and 25 TP. Yes I had GOP lower because I figure most people would break away from them initially.

Just a thought. If you want to make change, get organized, throw the current parties to the side, and start taking their seats.

04-14-2010, 03:12 PM
Here is my thought on the Tea Party stuff. Why don't they take this momentum and finally form a viable Third Party? Screw the Dems...Screw the GOP...none of them care what these people really want anyway. Organize, get registered, and start trying to break down this damn two party system. That is the biggest thing. Imagine the US Senate being something like 40 Dem, 35 GOP, and 25 TP. Yes I had GOP lower because I figure most people would break away from them initially.

Just a thought. If you want to make change, get organized, throw the current parties to the side, and start taking their seats.

I hope to god they don't - it would split the vote and the damned liberals would continue their insanity.

04-14-2010, 03:20 PM
I hope to god they don't - it would split the vote and the damned liberals would continue their insanity.

at least until someone gets fed up enough to slam a private plane full of fuel into the Capitol Building while in session...

04-14-2010, 03:20 PM
I hope to god they don't - it would split the vote and the damned liberals would continue their insanity.

Not necessarily. The liberals are in control because the moderates felt they got boned by Bush for 8 years. So they swung things to the other side. Now they are finding out the other side isn't great either. What better than a new 3rd party option that would take things to be purely basic in forms of government. I have a feeling there would be a notable shift from both parties to the new one.

04-14-2010, 03:24 PM

The tea party has been hijack by the tea baggers aka,the same bunch who holds up the murderers McVeigh and Nichols as heroes and martyrs, who murder and terrorize the Nation.
Trying to lure more bi polar imbeciles to their seditious group.

04-14-2010, 03:31 PM
Not necessarily. The liberals are in control because the moderates felt they got boned by Bush for 8 years. So they swung things to the other side. Now they are finding out the other side isn't great either. What better than a new 3rd party option that would take things to be purely basic in forms of government. I have a feeling there would be a notable shift from both parties to the new one.

I hear what you are saying and as a registered independant, believe me, I am putting my money on that third party. And normally I would agree with you but at this point, I think the democrats in office are so god awful that I wouldn't do anything to remotely raise the risk that those people remain in power.

04-14-2010, 03:39 PM
I hear what you are saying and as a registered independant, believe me, I am putting my money on that third party. And normally I would agree with you but at this point, I think the democrats in office are so god awful that I wouldn't do anything to remotely raise the risk that those people remain in power.

Eh. The same could be said of the far right radicals that went wacko after 9/11 with the Patriot Act. Yes it was all done to "protect us"...but really it just felt like right after right being taken away as fast as possible. I think we both are in agreement that both parties are severe flawed, need to be reeled in, it is just a matter of time and organization for someone to give them a run for their money. If history has taught us anything, the parties in our country are not mean to last forever and go through significant changes over time. Perhaps we are finally at one of those times with the nation so polarized and fed up.

Did I think Bush was evil and bad? No. He was too easily influenced by the people pulling the strings in the back. Do I think Obama is evil and bad? Not at all. Same deal. The people behind office and in congress are the ones that worry me the most as they actually have the most impact on my life. The president? More or less a figure head that tries to do things as long as congress likes him for that day.

04-14-2010, 03:58 PM
The biggest problem is that there isn't a check between the executive and legislative branch, at this point, and they are both wacky during bad times that don't have wiggle room for foolishness.

04-14-2010, 04:20 PM
The biggest problem is that there isn't a check between the executive and legislative branch, at this point, and they are both wacky during bad times that don't have wiggle room for foolishness.

Could always get rid of Presidential elections and let the minority party in congress pick the Prez. That should handle the checks and balances. lol

04-14-2010, 04:21 PM
I guess he's for higher taxes, more government control, out-of-control debt, corruption and of course government controlled health care.

Im for all-out anarchy. Lets overthrow our government altogether and start up a new more liberal government, much like the kind our constitutional forefathers had envisioned for us, but is sadly being stripped from us one lawful right at a time.

04-14-2010, 04:30 PM
Can we just go back to British rule and be done? :-P

04-14-2010, 04:30 PM
I hope to god they don't - it would split the vote and the damned liberals would continue their insanity.

Nah, it'd more than likely simply force the GOP and the new party to form a coalition government where the GOP beltway establishment would have to compromise with this third party in order to stay in power.

04-14-2010, 04:46 PM
Could always get rid of Presidential elections and let the minority party in congress pick the Prez. That should handle the checks and balances. lol

Well, never heard THAT suggestion before! I think I would rather just stick with the electoral college so long as it reflects what the goofy voters want...

04-14-2010, 04:47 PM
Im for all-out anarchy. Lets overthrow our government altogether and start up a new more liberal government, much like the kind our constitutional forefathers had envisioned for us, but is sadly being stripped from us one lawful right at a time.

People who didn't know how to care for themselves would be dying in the street.

04-14-2010, 06:20 PM
Sounds like a damn Klan rally to me.

Expect me at never O'clock

04-14-2010, 06:22 PM
Sounds like a damn Klan rally to me.

Expect me at never O'clock

I'm sure there will be uh, no one, who cares.

04-14-2010, 06:28 PM
I'm sure there will be uh, no one, who cares.

No one cares about the teabaggers anyway, so yeah, you got that right. Just a bunch of human refuse waving signs because Glenn Beck told them to. Perhaps the teabaggers will bomb another federal building just for kicks.

Surely you're smart enough to avoid that gathering like the plague, right muggs?

04-14-2010, 08:45 PM
Academy better stock up on the ultra classy flag lawn chairs

04-14-2010, 10:24 PM
Man these teabaggers sure do have you slavers scared. The irrational hate and venom is a dead giveaway. How dare someone choose liberty and personal responsibility over bondage to the State? Better disparage them while there is still time.

04-15-2010, 12:39 AM
Well, never heard THAT suggestion before! I think I would rather just stick with the electoral college so long as it reflects what the goofy voters want...

Hey...its all about thinking outside the box. LOL It would make Washington interesting though. : )

04-15-2010, 01:31 AM
parliamentary form would make it tough.
and fun..

04-15-2010, 06:48 AM
Man these teabaggers sure do have you slavers scared. The irrational hate and venom is a dead giveaway. How dare someone choose liberty and personal responsibility over bondage to the State? Better disparage them while there is still time.

So how was the teabag party? Get a lot accomplished?

04-15-2010, 07:37 AM
So how was the teabag party? Get a lot accomplished?

Oh man that was so hilarious!

04-15-2010, 09:03 AM
Everyone had a ball!

04-15-2010, 10:19 AM
Everyone had a ball!

Oh boy here we go... lol

04-15-2010, 10:29 AM
Lotta nutbags there, though.

04-15-2010, 11:00 AM
I would rather have a medical marijuana parade to the State Capitol and see how the conservatives ridicule that.

04-15-2010, 11:31 AM
Oh man that was so hilarious!

Don't tell me you didn't go. The most important teabag night in history and you skipped out on it? Say it isn't so. Penny?? Soonerqueen???

04-15-2010, 12:25 PM
I don't give the Tea Partiers much of a chance of getting anywhere since Ross Perot and his million$ and millions of followers and admirers didn't accomplish much from the 1990's and now Perot and his party are long forgotten. For instance, remember how NAFTA passed anyway even though Perot debated against it with Vice President Gore on CNN's Larry King?

04-15-2010, 12:33 PM
Don't tell me you didn't go. The most important teabag night in history and you skipped out on it? Say it isn't so. Penny?? Soonerqueen???

I didnt go. I have no affiliation with them. Why are you so scared of the teabaggers?

04-15-2010, 12:45 PM
What's the difference between the rally they had yesterday and the one being held today? Are they two different groups of tea partiers or what?

04-15-2010, 12:59 PM
one is steamed,
the other boiled?

04-15-2010, 03:50 PM
I didnt go. I have no affiliation with them. Why are you so scared of the teabaggers?

Wow, how unamerican of you not to attend. Looks like you aren't alone. 2 teabag parties on back to back days resulted in only 3,200 people. You would think the crazies would be able to gather more troops than this. :LolLolLol

NewsOK (

04-15-2010, 03:53 PM
Wow, how unamerican of you not to attend. Looks like you aren't alone. 2 teabag parties on back to back days resulted in only 3,200 people. You would think the crazies would be able to gather more troops than this. :LolLolLol

NewsOK (


04-15-2010, 04:24 PM
This is from their website: "April 14th will be Our Day; where 20,000 concerned Oklahomans will gather at the North Steps of the Oklahoma Capitol Building"

20,000????? Sounds like a number Fox News would come up with.

OKC Tea Party (

04-15-2010, 04:30 PM
This is from their website: "April 14th will be Our Day; where 20,000 concerned Oklahomans will gather at the North Steps of the Oklahoma Capitol Building"

20,000????? Sounds like a number Fox News would come up with.

OKC Tea Party (

So, were you there? How many showed up according to your own figures? I guess you must have been at that last million man march in DC, too?

04-15-2010, 04:50 PM
at least until someone gets fed up enough to slam a private plane full of fuel into the Capitol Building while in session...

Totally out of line and uncalled for. I lost friends in the Murrah building and a co-worker in Austin.

Am I pissed? Yeah - nutbag moron idiots idolize people like Joe Stack, Timothy McVeigh and the other hate-filled, scum-sucking, resource grabbing, white-sheet wearing miserable cowards.

And you don't like government intervention or paying taxes? OK - quit eating food bought in a grocery store, drinking water or anything in a bottle or can, flushing toilets,driving on roads, using OTC or prescription drugs, mailing letters, sending kids to school, feeling safe because of military protection, getting medical treatment, listening to radio, tv, using the internet, taking any form of public or private transportation, or any other activity except crawling into your stinking cave and pull your rock up tight behind you.

I feel better now, thanks. I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

04-15-2010, 05:05 PM
Totally out of line and uncalled for. I lost friends in the Murrah building and a co-worker in Austin.

Am I pissed? Yeah - nutbag moron idiots idolize people like Joe Stack, Timothy McVeigh and the other hate-filled, scum-sucking, resource grabbing, white-sheet wearing miserable cowards.

And you don't like government intervention or paying taxes? OK - quit eating food bought in a grocery store, drinking water or anything in a bottle or can, flushing toilets,driving on roads, using OTC or prescription drugs, mailing letters, sending kids to school, feeling safe because of military protection, getting medical treatment, listening to radio, tv, using the internet, taking any form of public or private transportation, or any other activity except crawling into your stinking cave and pull your rock up tight behind you.

I feel better now, thanks. I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.

umm, I hope you're not implying that I'm endorsing such an action?

I just think that something else is going to happen as more and more people hit their limit of what they will put up with, as happened just recently in Austin..

04-15-2010, 06:38 PM
everyone had a ball!


04-15-2010, 06:42 PM
Totally out of line and uncalled for. I lost friends in the Murrah building and a co-worker in Austin.

Am I pissed? Yeah - nutbag moron idiots idolize people like Joe Stack, Timothy McVeigh and the other hate-filled, scum-sucking, resource grabbing, white-sheet wearing miserable cowards.

And you don't like government intervention or paying taxes? OK - quit eating food bought in a grocery store, drinking water or anything in a bottle or can, flushing toilets,driving on roads, using OTC or prescription drugs, mailing letters, sending kids to school, feeling safe because of military protection, getting medical treatment, listening to radio, tv, using the internet, taking any form of public or private transportation, or any other activity except crawling into your stinking cave and pull your rock up tight behind you.

I feel better now, thanks. I knew I should have stayed out of this thread.


04-15-2010, 07:01 PM
And you don't like government intervention or paying taxes? OK - quit eating food bought in a grocery store, drinking water or anything in a bottle or can, flushing toilets,driving on roads, using OTC or prescription drugs, mailing letters, sending kids to school, feeling safe because of military protection, getting medical treatment, listening to radio, tv, using the internet, taking any form of public or private transportation, or any other activity except crawling into your stinking cave and pull your rock up tight behind you.

To be fair, I don't know anyone who doesn't think taxes are necessary. The problem is excessive taxation, unfair taxation and lack of accountability on how tax money is spent.

04-16-2010, 07:13 AM
So there was no one from OKCTALK that went to the teabag parties?? With all these so called conservatives around here, one would have thought many from here would have attended.

04-16-2010, 07:29 AM
To be fair, I don't know anyone who doesn't think taxes are necessary. The problem is excessive taxation, unfair taxation and lack of accountability on how tax money is spent.

Who decides "excessive" or "unfair"? To whom is the accountability owed? Who has the responsibility to be accountable?

We could do an "American Welfare Recipient" contest reality show and let people try out for benefits. The public could vote and each week a certain number of contestants could be eliminated.

How about "Survivor Army" - where military units compete in challenges to determine which unit gets funded next?

And we don't even have to change the name of "Big Brother" - just make it where the head of every federal agency is locked together in a giant mansion to make their case of why their program or responsibility is more important.

Remember GWB's faith-based charities? How's that faithy-basey thing workin' out for ya?

Absurd? Of course. But so are the people waving signs and shaking their fists demanding accountability who go home and watch themselves on tv without taking positive action towards change.

04-16-2010, 08:40 AM
So there was no one from OKCTALK that went to the teabag parties?? With all these so called conservatives around here, one would have thought many from here would have attended.

I think they fall under the following:
They have been procrastinating in doing their taxes.So they stayed home.
And needing to get family and friends together to use those toes/fingers. lol
They heard there was gonna be a massacre by the evil government, and just waiting to be in the "reinforcement strikes" against the government.So they stayed home.
Its so much more like them to stay on the INTERNET and bitch about it all and wave their "flags and guns", then to have the desire to actually stand up not only in a rally, but at the ballot box.So they stayed home.
They love to spend time with their families.So they stayed home.

Finally, the reason they all ruffled up is, they stayed home instead of voting and thats ONE of many reasons McCain lost!

04-16-2010, 08:46 AM
Gosh, some of you are so threatened by folks who have different ideas than yourselves. Funny that you make fun of these folks for "stay[ing] on the INTERNET and bitch[ing] about all that and wav[ing] their "flags and guns, then . . . [not] have[ing] the desire to actually stand up and not only in a rally [sic], but at the ballot box."

Isn't that exactly, precisely what we are all doing here? Everyone but the OP, that is?

04-16-2010, 09:56 AM
So there was no one from OKCTALK that went to the teabag parties?? With all these so called conservatives around here, one would have thought many from here would have attended.

Part of the problem of the far left is that they think they understand the right and make bold assumptions and statements about what they believe the right believes. And they are rarely ever correct because anyone who tries to pigeon hole other people based on limited information is rarely going to hit the mark except by luck.

To clarify, I absolutely support the goals of the tea parties but am just not someone who goes in for that sort of activity. I keep track of it, to a certain extent, but my involvement will likely begin and end at the ballot box. And that should give the left pause because for all the talk of the teaparty movement and the numbers, there are even more people who aren't tea partiers but are fully supportive and will vote.

04-16-2010, 11:29 AM
Gosh, some of you are so threatened by folks who have different ideas than yourselves. Funny that you make fun of these folks for "stay[ing] on the INTERNET and bitch[ing] about all that and wav[ing] their "flags and guns, then . . . [not] have[ing] the desire to actually stand up and not only in a rally [sic], but at the ballot box."

Isn't that exactly, precisely what we are all doing here? Everyone but the OP, that is?

I was responding to what a poster asked and was giving my opinion as to why there WASNT a large turn out.
I gave as many possibilities as I can see and I have heard, not generalizations.

Here's a sample of a generalization:
The tea baggers cant spell. This is based on several signs I seen being flashed about.
Though its SOME, but not all.

Did you read my post in its entirety?
You know full well, its not good to skim a contract, or any legal document.
Granted my post doesnt take on that high standard.
But read posts carefully, and in context.

04-16-2010, 11:33 AM
Part of the problem of the far left is that they think they understand the right and make bold assumptions and statements about what they believe the right believes. And they are rarely ever correct because anyone who tries to pigeon hole other people based on limited information is rarely going to hit the mark except by luck.

To clarify, I absolutely support the goals of the tea parties but am just not someone who goes in for that sort of activity. I keep track of it, to a certain extent, but my involvement will likely begin and end at the ballot box. And that should give the left pause because for all the talk of the teaparty movement and the numbers, there are even more people who aren't tea partiers but are fully supportive and will vote.

So in other words you think the teabag events are meaningless and a waste of time. Well, guess I'd have to agree.

04-16-2010, 11:47 AM
So why even have a rally for a cause?

04-16-2010, 01:21 PM
I was responding to what a poster asked and was giving my opinion as to why there WASNT a large turn out.
I gave as many possibilities as I can see and I have heard, not generalizations.

Here's a sample of a generalization:
The tea baggers cant spell. This is based on several signs I seen being flashed about.
Though its SOME, but not all.

Did you read my post in its entirety?
You know full well, its not good to skim a contract, or any legal document.
Granted my post doesnt take on that high standard.
But read posts carefully, and in context.

Your generalization is false, actually. Self-professed Tea Party members are more educated and have much higher personal incomes than the average citizen, and that's according to a survey conducted by the New York Times.

To characterize them as being unintelligent or otherwise incompetent is simply inaccurate.

They are people who believe differently than you. And while you're at it, it's difficult to generalize about the Tea Party since it is not a centralized movement. For example, the Boston, MA Tea Party recently passed a resolution favoring same-sex marriage -- a concept most true libertarians have no problems with.

Are there some idjits who show up to the rallies? No doubt. Are those folks who are there to look like gremlins for the photographers so the Tea Party can look bad? No question. Are some of those legitimate gremlins? You betcha.

Look for these rallies to get bigger. I truly do sympathize with a lot of what the Tea Party stands for. I think it can be a good thing so long as it's not coopted too much by the right-wing celebrities.

04-16-2010, 02:22 PM
So in other words you think the teabag events are meaningless and a waste of time. Well, guess I'd have to agree.

Typical putting words in my mouth. I never said that, never thought that. Please get off fantasy island. To understand what I said, go back and read it. To make it clear for you - YES - I think it is worthwhile. I am glad they are doing it. I think it serves a purpose on a number of levels, not the least of which is allowing people to blow off steam and feel like they are being heard - a time honored reason to respect protests. That it is not my thing doesn't mean that I don't respect, understand and appreciate that other people do it.

04-16-2010, 04:15 PM
Your generalization is false, actually. Self-professed Tea Party members are more educated and have much higher personal incomes than the average citizen, and that's according to a survey conducted by the New York Times.

I know the survey that you mention.
Which despite education, they still have self serving interests.

To characterize them as being unintelligent or otherwise incompetent is simply inaccurate.
Excuse me..I said some.

They are people who believe differently than you. And while you're at it, it's difficult to generalize about the Tea Party since it is not a centralized movement. For example, the Boston, MA Tea Party recently passed a resolution favoring same-sex marriage -- a concept most true libertarians have no problems with.
Thats great,but I dont vote on just one issue.

Are there some idjits who show up to the rallies? No doubt. Are those folks who are there to look like gremlins for the photographers so the Tea Party can look bad? No question. Are some of those legitimate gremlins? You betcha.

Look for these rallies to get bigger. I truly do sympathize with a lot of what the Tea Party stands for. I think it can be a good thing so long as it's not coopted too much by the right-wing celebrities.

I read and heard that the rallies will PROVE how much of wide range support they have.
And judging from the lackluster support in person from other posters.
I can tell how VERY important it is to them.

04-16-2010, 04:34 PM
I read and heard that the rallies will PROVE how much of wide range support they have.
And judging from the lackluster support in person from other posters.
I can tell how VERY important it is to them.

Or it may be there were hundreds of thousands who might have attended had it been on a weekend and they didn't have to be at work.