09-01-2010, 08:12 PM
Someone please remind me; was the Anna Maude in the Cravens
Yes it was.
Yes it was.
View Full Version : Restaurant memories . Prunepicker 09-01-2010, 08:12 PM Someone please remind me; was the Anna Maude in the Cravens Building? Yes it was. cindycat 09-01-2010, 11:56 PM your friends probably remember Oklahoma City more for taking the Seattle Basketball franchise than anything.....That Cafeteria you were referring to was probably Anna Maude's (downtown)....Ask your Washington friends if they ever had an "Onion Fried" burger?....they'll probably laugh at you but if you lived in Oklahoma you had to have eaten one sometime in your life..... Yes, Anna Maude's. Thanks. I had an onion burger at Bunny's once but I don't much like onions (unless you batter and deep fry 'em.) When we first moved out here, all that Sonics business was starting. When we made our first trip to a local dentist, he found out where we were from and said "You stole our basketball team". Truly, we don't give a flip about basketball but it's been fun listening to the Seattle folks complain. Our favorite sports are college football and NASCAR, neither of which is big out here. I wore my OSU sweatshirt around town yesterday and got not one remark about the game this weekend. Oddly enough, the director of the local Navy museum where I volunteer is an OU grad. I decided to stay and work for him anyway. OK, enough of the off-topic stuff. But hey Gen, you started it with that basketball comment. :) Brickabrack 09-15-2010, 12:43 PM Been there.........lots of foggy times in times past.....Childhood Memories of OKC, page 5, thanks Google. My brother Bob Crane and his wife Janie built the Brick in a detached garage located on NW Mckinly about the 2400 block. No mailbox, no phone. Their sign was a brick painted black hung from a small pole in the ground. Bob was stationed in France during the Korean war and got the idea from the bohemian lifestyle. He was quite a fellow. btw his drinks were made of pancake syrup and club soda with a orange slice and cherry garnish. All for just $.35. He made me my first Espresso. He use to love conversing with the OCU students in French or German. With in-laded chess boards and local artist paintings on the wall, it was a great place to bring a date and listen to some cool Jazz. His wife went on to become a local artist and teacher. She designed the Buffalo for the OKC Memorial. Thank you all for bringing back some great memories. Generals64 09-15-2010, 01:46 PM Hey, your brother is an icon with this group.....Don't have any of the old bricks left do you??? Tell him thanks for the memories.....but, that drink was nasty .... liked the "Near Beer" they served....thought it was and my neru jacket.... Generals64 09-15-2010, 03:07 PM Carltonskeeper is probably the only one that could or would remember this one. Where The Bass Pro Shop is located downtown across the street there (convenience store there now) was a Truck Stop....Tires and diesel repair. But, there was a true "Greasy Spoon" restaurant there. Does anyone remember the name????? I know as a YOUNG boy I heard the F word used rather profoundly there and then on the way home I used it in a conversation with my dad. When I got up off the floor Board I asked him what it meant. Instead of an answer....I got an apology....He (my dad) was an OTR truck driver and he couldn't quite make himself explain a few things to a 6 year old boy......Boy, I miss him....... CarltonsKeeper 09-15-2010, 05:27 PM Carltonskeeper is probably the only one that could or would remember this one. Where The Bass Pro Shop is located downtown across the street there (convenience store there now) was a Truck Stop....Tires and diesel repair. But, there was a true "Greasy Spoon" restaurant there. Does anyone remember the name????? I know as a YOUNG boy I heard the F word used rather profoundly there and then on the way home I used it in a conversation with my dad. When I got up off the floor Board I asked him what it meant. Instead of an answer....I got an apology....He (my dad) was an OTR truck driver and he couldn't quite make himself explain a few things to a 6 year old boy......Boy, I miss him....... Ate many a meal there. The greasy spoon was to the south of the extremely tall shop!! Diesel and truck tire repair. Owned by a guy named Gene something! Also a grubby little bar on across Reno just South of this joint! Forgot the name of it too!! Do remember "Dave's Texaco" on West of this place next to the Katy Railroad Depot (freight), use to fuel my trucks there. I was around the corner on Main where the Police Station is now; this was the Rock Island railroad Freight Depot and I had the contract to unload the semi's being railed in and also rented the Depot except for a small area!! Whoa, were going way back Mr 64!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FRISKY 09-15-2010, 05:33 PM My brother Bob Crane and his wife Janie built the Brick in a detached garage located on NW Mckinly about the 2400 block. No mailbox, no phone. Their sign was a brick painted black hung from a small pole in the ground.What is on that location now? Are any menus still around? When did it close? CarltonsKeeper 09-15-2010, 06:54 PM Gen/64, was that called "Crosstown Truck Stop" think it was Reno & Byars????????????? papaOU 09-15-2010, 11:34 PM Carltonskeeper is probably the only one that could or would remember this one. Where The Bass Pro Shop is located downtown across the street there (convenience store there now) was a Truck Stop....Tires and diesel repair. But, there was a true "Greasy Spoon" restaurant there. Does anyone remember the name????? I know as a YOUNG boy I heard the F word used rather profoundly there and then on the way home I used it in a conversation with my dad. When I got up off the floor Board I asked him what it meant. Instead of an answer....I got an apology....He (my dad) was an OTR truck driver and he couldn't quite make himself explain a few things to a 6 year old boy......Boy, I miss him....... Are you making this up or did he have a great deal of respect for the feminine of the species? Generals64 09-16-2010, 08:30 AM Are you making this up or did he have a great deal of respect for the feminine of the species? Not making it up....I can remember the truck stop and the Tired and mechanic shop very well....I can't however remember the name of the place.....That part of OKC back in the 50's was a Very "Seedy" part of town......It (the area) was pretty well taken care of by Urban Renewal. CarltonsKeeper 09-16-2010, 09:28 AM Not making it up....I can remember the truck stop and the Tired and mechanic shop very well....I can't however remember the name of the place.....That part of OKC back in the 50's was a Very "Seedy" part of town......It (the area) was pretty well taken care of by Urban Renewal. I don't think the restaurant had any particular name, just remember it as the Crosstown Truck Stop!! jmpokc1957 09-16-2010, 01:08 PM In New Jersey and Oregon it is illegal to pump your own gas. An Attendent at the station must do it for you. In New Jersey it is influenced by union pressure while in Oregon I am not sure, but it may be for some environmental issue. I used to like Roy Rodger's roast beef much better than Arby's. Roy Rodgers Roast beef was juicey while Arby's tastes dry to me. I am not sure what company owns Roy Rodgers now, but Marriot owned it at one time. I remember when they closed all of the Roy Rodger's in Oklahoma and Texas. For some reason it is still popular on the East Coast. Bigray in Ok I grew up in OKC before moving to Oregon and still can't understand why people don't want self service gas. They have had it on the ballot at least twice and every time self service loses. Nothing to do with the environment although everything else in Oregon eventually comes to that and saving salmon. Have to go north to Washington to fill it yourself and their gas costs more! Go figure! Mike Brickabrack 09-16-2010, 06:11 PM Doubtful. Brother Bob was really into recycling. He always found a second and third use for everything. I don't think he had more than $500 invested in The Brick. Used carpet remnants before carpet companies figured out they were worth something. Lumber from construction sites, and scored the black paint, no doubt, from the Ford plant. Not sure when it closed or what's on site now. Looked on Google map last year and think that there is a office building now. I do know that in the early 80's he came up with the idea of "The Crane Deer". He had a small farm and just used the branches of birch trees for antlers. There's an article somewhere that shows him driving his flatbed with a herd of Crane Deer in the back. By then, he was sporting a long white beard and looked like Santa. He passed away in 1995. Gone to the big coffee house in the sky. He was quite an enterprising fellow. Knew how to turn a buck, or turn a buck into a dollar:-). We need more like him. Generals64 09-19-2010, 03:06 PM Hey Guys/Gals:... If you Really like TRUE Mexican Food go to S.W. 29th Street about 1/2 mile west of Walker on the North Side of the Street and there is an Hispanic restaurant named Bertas. It is Buffet style and is the TRUE Mexican food..Like Menudo Pasoli, etc. Not El Chico, Chelino's etc. taste of Mexican...That is called Tex-Mex. I guess I have spent too much time in Mexico but the food is Great.....No Juaristas or Federales' any where around...Priced Right also...Try the "Chopped"'s Great..... papaOU 09-19-2010, 05:20 PM Before Berta's it was a great Chinese Buffet. Had dishes I had never heard of before. Ginger rabbit. have not found anything as good, much-less better. For along time, The Spot was a Mexican place where served were regular meals or buffet. Good, but very spicy! Can't do spicy/hot anymore. A med causes my mouth to dry out as well as good looking . CarltonsKeeper 09-19-2010, 06:10 PM Closest thing I've ever found to El Charitto's is a Mexican restaurant on 2nd St. in Chickasha underneath the Vidock (sp) called "Temazcal" after the city in Old Mexico!! Guaranteed to be GREAT or Gen/64 will refund your money!!!! Tex-Mex style Prunepicker 09-20-2010, 12:10 AM Closest thing I've ever found to El Charitto's is a Mexican r estaurant on 2nd St. in Chickasha underneath the Vidock (sp) called "Temazcal" after the city in Old Mexico! Guaranteed to be GREAT or Gen/64 will refund your money! Tex-Mex style I think Los Amigos on N.W. 42nd and N. McArthur is very close. We ate there on Friday and were very happy. Right now it's our favorite, unless Nino's is really on top of things. They aren't very consistent. CarltonsKeeper 09-20-2010, 08:59 AM I think Los Amigos on N.W. 42nd and N. McArthur is very close. We ate there on Friday and were very happy. Right now it's our favorite, unless Nino's is really on top of things. They aren't very consistent. Long before Nino sold out I thought his place was about as good as it gets. But, as you said, no consistency!! I may just try it again and see what it's like!! Temazcal is good though, well worth trying if your in the area. papaOU 09-20-2010, 09:04 AM Long before Nino sold out I thought his place was about as good as it gets. But, as you said, no consistency!! I may just try it again and see what it's like!! Temazcal is good though, well worth trying if your in the area. Nino's is closed isn't it? Prunepicker 09-20-2010, 03:01 PM Long before Nino sold out I thought his place was about as good as it gets. But, as you said, no consistency!! I may just try it again and see what it's like!! Temazcal is good though, well worth trying if your in the area. Maybe during the Swap Meet. In the mean time we'll go to Los Amigos. It's the real deal. Prunepicker 09-20-2010, 03:02 PM Nino's is closed isn't it? No. It's still open on NW Expressway between N. Rockwell and N. McArthur. On the north side of the street. Generals64 09-20-2010, 10:33 PM S.w. 68th/Western is being remodeled.... Prunepicker 09-20-2010, 10:54 PM S.w. 68th/Western is being remodeled... I forgot about that one. papaOU 09-21-2010, 02:11 PM We be southsiders! South of Reno! skyrick 09-21-2010, 05:20 PM I forgot about that one. Wasn't the Edmond location of Nino's the original? I stopped there for lunch often when I drove a beer truck 1980-87 CarltonsKeeper 09-21-2010, 07:56 PM Wasn't the Edmond location of Nino's the original? I stopped there for lunch often when I drove a beer truck 1980-87 I believe the original was the 72nd and S. Western location. He only lived about 2 miles from there and I was eating there in 1978 0r 79. Generals64 09-22-2010, 07:41 AM I believe the original was the 72nd and S. Western location. He only lived about 2 miles from there and I was eating there in 1978 0r 79. Boy, it's hard to admit that Carltonskeeper is right but I guess I better.. It's not at 68th and Western but at 72nd....He used to work for El Charrito from what I had heard...and didn't like the El Chico situation so he went in business for himself. He had a guy that worked for him forever (Carlos) who quit and opened his own place called Las Fajita in Moore....There's a menu for you el Charrito fans.....the food is good and he has been then for quite some time... Prunepicker 09-22-2010, 12:54 PM Wasn't the Edmond location of Nino's the original? I stopped there for lunch often when I drove a beer truck 1980-87 That was Pepe's. I think he was related to the owner of Nino's. papaOU 09-22-2010, 04:11 PM Boy, it's hard to admit that Carltonskeeper is right but I guess I better.. It's not at 68th and Western but at 72nd....He used to work for El Charrito from what I had heard...and didn't like the El Chico situation so he went in business for himself. He had a guy that worked for him forever (Carlos) who quit and opened his own place called Las Fajita in Moore....There's a menu for you el Charrito fans.....the food is good and he has been then for quite some time... I like Las Fajita's is great. Only place I know of that serves El Charrito foods this side of the frozen dinner section of your supermarket. skyrick 09-22-2010, 05:10 PM That was Pepe's. I think he was related to the owner of Nino's. You may be right. Pepe and Nino were brothers I believe. Prunepicker 09-22-2010, 09:37 PM You may be right. Pepe and Nino were brothers I believe. I used to eat there every Wednesday for lunch. papaOU 09-23-2010, 12:13 AM I used to eat there every Wednesday for lunch. You are just a regular guy. Prunes? :bright_id Prunepicker 09-23-2010, 12:27 AM You are just a regular guy. Prunes? Prune rellenos and cheese enchiladas. papaOU 09-23-2010, 01:44 AM Prune rellenos and cheese enchiladas. A human flamethrower my morning? rondvu 09-25-2010, 04:38 PM I wish Sonic would give away the giraffes, monkeys, elephants and mermaids on their cups again. Prunepicker 09-25-2010, 04:53 PM I wish Sonic would give away the giraffes, monkeys, elephants and mermaids on their cups again. It seems that other drive ins did that, too. I say that because there wasn't a Sonic when I was cruising on the weekends. Since we have lids on the cups that could be a problem. SOUTHSIDE GIRL 09-30-2010, 11:04 AM It seems that other drive ins did that, too. I say that because there wasn't a Sonic when I was cruising on the weekends. Since we have lids on the cups that could be a problem. The A & W used to give them away Generals64 09-30-2010, 12:30 PM The A & W used to give them away Coit's used to give them away also.....Then here we go again...The Western Dip on So. Western gave them away....Someone gave away Donkies and Elephants one time..... papaOU 09-30-2010, 02:37 PM Sooner BBQ still packs em for lunch!! Generals64 11-19-2010, 02:17 PM Here's one not mentioned.....Herman's seafood Restaurant......$3.95 for a Lobster dinner.....That was expensive in '64.....made 1.05 per hour....anyone else remember Herman's????? jmarkross 11-19-2010, 03:01 PM Here's one not mentioned.....Herman's seafood Restaurant......$3.95 for a Lobster dinner.....That was expensive in '64.....made 1.05 per hour....anyone else remember Herman's????? Herman's was the best Seafood restaurant I have ever been to...maybe it was my young taste buds or something--but it sure seems that way to me. I knew restaurant owners who went there for their food when they ate out--says something about a place. papaOU 11-19-2010, 05:44 PM Herman's was the best Seafood restaurant I have ever been to...maybe it was my young taste buds or something--but it sure seems that way to me. I knew restaurant owners who went there for their food when they ate out--says something about a place. Ate there every chance I got. Prunepicker 11-19-2010, 07:26 PM Here's one not mentioned... Herman's seafood Restaurant... $3.95 for a Lobster dinner... That was expensive in '64... made 1.05 per hour... anyone else remember Herman's? If I didn't have the Red Snapper, @ $1.95, I'd have the steak and tails. 3 lobster tails and a strip of steak. $4.95. Betty was always our waitress. She could strip the bones from that Snapper in the wink of an eye. It was almost worth buying it to watch her strip... the bones! The bones! papaOU 11-19-2010, 07:37 PM Deviled Crab....... corpsman 11-22-2010, 06:41 PM Happened to drive SW 72 & Western this evening. Parking lot was packed. Nino's sign all lit up....YES WE ARE OPEN.... SPECIALS ALL WEEK Prunepicker 11-22-2010, 07:19 PM Happened to drive SW 72 & Western this evening. Parking lot was packed. Nino's sign all lit up... YES WE ARE OPEN... SPECIALS ALL WEEK Sometimes Nino's can be the best Tex-Mex in town. SoonerGirl26 11-22-2010, 09:48 PM Happened to drive SW 72 & Western this evening. Parking lot was packed. Nino's sign all lit up....YES WE ARE OPEN.... SPECIALS ALL WEEK Didn't they just finish remodeling that place?? I might have to stop in there.... haven't been there in several years. ~~~ papaOU 11-23-2010, 12:43 AM Didn't they just finish remodeling that place?? I might have to stop in there.... haven't been there in several years. ~~~ You are correct as usual. corpsman 11-23-2010, 05:01 AM Sometimes Nino's can be the best Tex-Mex in town. Done pretty good for a guy who got his start waiting tables at El Charrito CarltonsKeeper 12-03-2010, 05:46 PM You are correct as usual. I stopped in out of curiosity and checked out Nino's and obviously ate lunch! This was on December 1st, and the food was probably the worst I have ever eaten. I was there from 11:45 a.m. til nearly 12:30 p.m. and only about a dozen customers inside!! I was hoping it would really be good but was sadly disappointed. If you want Mexican Food thats as "Good" as the old El Charitto's, go to Temazcal's Mexican Restaurant in Chickasha on N.W. 2nd street under the railroad overpass! It's decor is great, clean, wonderful service and as good as you will find in Oklahoma! Been eating there for years, well worth an occasional drive. Another thing about Nino's, there remodel consisted of some very poor paint slopped on the walls with shiny galvanized sheet metal wainscoat!! I hoped for more, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!! Actually, I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (S.W. 72nd & Western) Prunepicker 12-03-2010, 06:46 PM I stopped in out of curiosity and checked out Nino's and obviously ate lunch! This was on December 1st, and the food was probably the worst I have ever eaten... SAVE YOUR MONEY! Actually, I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps! (S.W. 72nd & Western) Sorry to hear that. I've never been to that one, on N.W. Expressway. skyrick 12-03-2010, 09:08 PM Sorry to hear that. I've never been to that one, on N.W. Expressway. I'd have to echo Carlton'sKeeper on the NW Hwy location too. At least it was 5 yrs ago the last time I ate there. All the Alvarado family spin-offs have really gone downhill. I haven't been to Pepe's in about 20 yrs. Is he still around? Any good? gen70 12-03-2010, 09:36 PM I just learned that Anna Sanchez of the El Rancho Sanchez family has passed away. RIP Anna. Dood 12-03-2010, 11:46 PM I loved the restaurant they had on south Western. A few other restaurants I miss from that part of was Monterrey house on SW 59th where Sherry's diner is now. Also there on 59th just west of western was a restaurant called McHenry's. they had good 'homestyle' food. A little farther west was Roy Rogers....I loved the "Double R" burger. Further west still was Underwoods BBQ. They were pretty good. There on the corner of 59th and Penn was a Jack-in-the-Box. We used to go there before school and I could get a hamburger for breakfast! Further along to the west, where the San Marco's Mexican restaurant now is was a Taco Tico. they had the best hotsauce. *Sigh*......I lament the passing of these places. The chain restaurants have pushed them all aside. skyrick 12-04-2010, 08:21 AM Is Zamudio's still around? I liked their food before we left the state in the 80s. SoonerGirl26 12-04-2010, 10:56 AM I stopped in out of curiosity and checked out Nino's and obviously ate lunch! This was on December 1st, and the food was probably the worst I have ever eaten. I was there from 11:45 a.m. til nearly 12:30 p.m. and only about a dozen customers inside!! I was hoping it would really be good but was sadly disappointed. If you want Mexican Food thats as "Good" as the old El Charitto's, go to Temazcal's Mexican Restaurant in Chickasha on N.W. 2nd street under the railroad overpass! It's decor is great, clean, wonderful service and as good as you will find in Oklahoma! Been eating there for years, well worth an occasional drive. Another thing about Nino's, there remodel consisted of some very poor paint slopped on the walls with shiny galvanized sheet metal wainscoat!! I hoped for more, SAVE YOUR MONEY!!! Actually, I woke up in the middle of the night with stomach cramps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (S.W. 72nd & Western) I have not eaten there in years and was hoping that the new "remodel" would be a reason to go..... but now I think NOT!!! Thanks for saving me my time and money (and stomach!!).... and thanks for the tip on Temazcal's in Chickasha.... just might have to try that place!!! ~~~ CarltonsKeeper 12-04-2010, 12:08 PM .. CarltonsKeeper 12-04-2010, 12:11 PM [QUOTE=SoonerGirl26;381163]I have not eaten there in years and was hoping that the new "remodel" would be a reason to go..... but now I think NOT!!! Thanks for saving me my time and money (and stomach!!).... and thanks for the tip on Temazcal's in Chickasha.... just might have to try that place!!! ~~~[/QUOT ! I'm like you, I was sure hoping Nino's would be good! Use to be a fine little Mexican restaurant. With regards to Temazcal's; I've steered a lot of people there and they have all kept going back for more! If you try it, hope you like the place, which I'm sure you will if you liked El Charritto's and Nino's SoonerGirl26 12-04-2010, 12:27 PM [QUOTE=CarltonsKeeper;381170] I'm like you, I was sure hoping Nino's would be good! Use to be a fine little Mexican restaurant. With regards to Temazcal's; I've steered a lot of people there and they have all kept going back for more! If you try it, hope you like the place, which I'm sure you will if you liked El Charritto's and Nino's I live far SW OKC, so going to Chickasha is pretty close.... just might try it next week!!! ~~ CarltonsKeeper 12-04-2010, 01:48 PM [QUOTE=CarltonsKeeper;381170] I'm like you, I was sure hoping Nino's would be good! Use to be a fine little Mexican restaurant. With regards to Temazcal's; I've steered a lot of people there and they have all kept going back for more! If you try it, hope you like the place, which I'm sure you will if you liked El Charritto's and Nino's Take 62 West, over the Overpass and 1st stop light is 3rd, turn left, go 1 block turn left again, go one more block and turn left (at the end of the block, you will see it from the top of the overpass!! Hope you like it! If you don't we can blame Mr. Prunepicker or Gen/64!! LOL |