View Full Version : U-Haul tracking data puts Oklahoma in 4th for migrating families

04-10-2010, 09:42 AM
According to U-Haul, the state with at least 20,000 families moving that saw the most growth was, somewhat surprisingly, Kentucky. The Blue Grass State managed to bring in 5.76 percent more families than it lost in 2009. Florida, Georgia, Oklahoma and Illinois round out the top five.
U-Haul tracking data suggests more families migrating to Kentucky, Vermont than other states — Autoblog (

04-10-2010, 07:45 PM
The one that surprises me the most is Illinois. Florida lost a lot of people with bad weather for a few back to back years - maybe people are getting past their worries.

Oklahoma doesn't surprise me a bit. It has sunny weather, good transportation and compared to many other places, a strong economy - plus the cost of living is amazing in comparison. A wonderful place for a family to start over.

04-10-2010, 08:23 PM
Maybe some of it is auto company retirees and ones who had substantial pensions and such before the crash. I have a co-worker from the Detroit area whose parents moved to Florida after he retired, the rest of the family has moved there since. It seems that many of his fellow auto company retirees have been doing that as well. Half of the population of Detroit had to move somewhere in the past 20 years.