View Full Version : Oklahoma Trivia Game

02-21-2005, 11:14 AM
Okay, you probably know some of these but how well do you really know Oklahoma?

No Googling ( is that a word?) :-)

See what you really know about this state of ours... you might be surprised at some of the answers -

I'll put the answers in a later post if no one has gotten them yet....

Let us know how many correct answers you knew without having to check -

I knew about three! But I'm not from OK so I'm learning new things everyday...

Flower --
Motto --
Nickname --
Tree --
Bird --
Song --

State animal:
State butterfly:
State furbearer:
State game:
State bird:
State colors:
State fish:
State flower:
State wildflower:
State beverage:
State grass:
State dance:
State musical instrument:
State waltz:
State song:
State reptile:
State rock:
State soil:
State tree:

PS. This might help us with the walk of fame in trying to determine some of the symbols we might consider using.....

02-21-2005, 11:33 AM
Here are some I know or think I know:

Flower: Mistletoe

Motto: Labor Concoquers all (sp)

Dane: Square Dance

Song: "Oklahoma!" By Rogers and Hammerstein

Furbearer: Beaver

Fish: Wall Eyed Bass

02-21-2005, 11:38 AM
Pretty good, you got four correct out of the above -


02-21-2005, 12:12 PM
I will try more.

Bird: Sizzortail Fly Cather

Snake: Rattlesnake (it should be Bill Clinton)

Rock: Rose Rock

Instrument: Banjo

02-21-2005, 01:02 PM
Getting closer... you got the bird and the rock correct ... good job!

02-23-2005, 01:14 PM
I will try more.

Bird: Sizzortail Fly Cather

Snake: Rattlesnake (it should be Bill Clinton)

Rock: Rose Rock

Instrument: Banjo

"Sizzortail Fly Cather" - Are you serious? You gave this guy a correct for his answer? He should at least have to be able to spell it somewhat close.......

02-23-2005, 03:03 PM
"Sizzortail Fly Cather" - Are you serious? You gave this guy a correct for his answer? He should at least have to be able to spell it somewhat close.......

Some of us type quickly and really don't catch typos - it wasn't too far of a stretch to determine that he was right ....

If I remember correctly, not to be picky, but your sentence doesn't sound grammatically correct either.... spell = verb, close = adjective (you should use the adverb = closely).

"He should at least be able to run somewhat quickly" ....not run quick.

English lesson over :-) Have a great day!

02-24-2005, 10:52 PM
I'll take a shot at some of these:

Flower -- Mistletoe
Motto -- Labor omnia vincit- "Labor Conquers all"
Nickname -- The Sooner State
Tree -- Redbud
Bird -- Scissor-Tailed Flycatcher
Song -- "Oklahoma!"
State Soil: Port Silt Loam
State Insect: bumblebee
State animal: Buffalo or Bison
State butterfly: Black Swallowtail
State furbearer: Beaver
State game: White-tail deer
State colors: Green and White
State fish: White or Sand Bass
State wildflower: Indian Blanket/Gallardia
State beverage: Milk
State grass: Indian Grass
State dance: Square dance
State musical instrument: Fiddle
State Waltz: "Oklahoma Wind"
State reptile: Mountain Boomer or Collared Lizard
State rock: Rose Rock
State Poem - "Howdy Folks" by David Randolph Milsten of Tulsa.

02-25-2005, 08:42 AM
You did great! Here is a website to check your answers - scroll down to the right hand corner at the bottom of the page - interesting site on Oklahoma

02-25-2005, 11:24 AM
I actually had to memorize all of these for one of my undergraduate classes. It's sounds strange, but I still remember all of these!