View Full Version : Should OKC court Bible museum?
venture 03-31-2010, 10:26 AM OK, so we have established that it is OK to bash Christians and gays on this board. Further, it is OK to make wild and unfounded speculations about Hobby Lobby and the Green family (despite that few here know much about either).
This board is gaining some serious momentum.
I hereby declare this thread full of morons.
Welcome to the "new" OKCTalk that has essentially turned into the wild wild west where you can get away with just about anything.
As far as the topic. This would likely be a decent draw for tourists, so why not? I'm a bit shocked that an OKC based business would not shoot to have it based here first, but they probably need to larger demographics to make it work. Museums are businesses too and OKC may have been too small for them to make it work here.
proud2Bsooner 03-31-2010, 10:34 AM Just for you that don't know, the Greens are well-established here and are continually expanding their facility here. They also apparently have the ability to build most anywhere they want, and run a private company that allows them to make their own decisions - this despite many of the urban elitists (wannabees) here that love to speculate and rule from their keyboards.
I would suggest that some of you all-knowing folks go open am atheistic or agnostically-based art supply firm. Then you could really show us how it's done.
And while you're at it, go purchase SandRidge and keep those darn buildings close to the street!
metro 03-31-2010, 11:01 AM doG some of you are so shrill lol. Calm down! All I said was that personally I don't think a "bible museum" is what Okc needs. It's not like we don't have enough of that type stuff already.
Okc needs to be more cosmopolitan, as in multi cultural, multi religious (there are other religions besides xtianity, btw), gay friendly (*gasp*) and woman friendly (think opposite 1950's.) But if yall guys want to push for even MORE bible stuff, hey, it's a free county. Just don't act all offended when outsiders look down their noses at the backward Okies.
Okay, I'm done. You may resume.
actually you flamebaited by stating "damn book of fairytales" in your own words. What exactly do we have that is "like this type of stuff"? Didn't know we had any bible museums or any Christian based museums here.
FYI, we are aware there are mosques, temples, jehovah's witness buildings with no windows, Buddhist compound in far east OKC and much more, but you don't hear of us bashing them, yet you play the "intolerant" and "un-cosmopolitan" card. The purpose for the start of this thread, was more from a business perspective, should OKC court this for tourism.
proud2besooner, not sure if your comments were directly solely at me or not, but FYI, and as I stated earlier, I used to work personally for the Green family and attended several of their regular prayer breakfasts at their house, I know they are committed to OKC unlike progressiveboy who thinks they are moving to Dallas. And on Sandridge, heck, at least I'm doing stuff in the community standing behind my beliefs besides complaining on a keyboard like yourself.
proud2Bsooner 03-31-2010, 11:07 AM proud2besooner, not sure if your comments were directly solely at me or not, but FYI, and as I stated earlier, I used to work personally for the Green family and attended several of their regular prayer breakfasts at their house, I know they are committed to OKC unlike progressiveboy who thinks they are moving to Dallas. And on Sandridge, heck, at least I'm doing stuff in the community standing behind my beliefs besides complaining on a keyboard like yourself.
I didn't mean you at all. We have so many "experts" here that always have a better way and a criticism. I am a critic of most of the critics. I thought that was clear in my post.
I would suggest that some of you all-knowing folks go open am atheistic or agnostically-based art supply firm. Then you could really show us how it's done.
What we really need is an arts-and-crafts store that caters to Theistic Satanics. Now there's an untapped market. Michaels doesn't carry any decorative pentagrams, at all. :icon_evil
proud2Bsooner 03-31-2010, 01:16 PM Satanist art supply, atheist art supply, agnostic art supply yields few Google results.
I see an untapped market. Perfect opportunity. One could even put their HQ in the Arts District and really show 'em how it's done. Just make sure you build close to the street, and hire some young OKCTalk consultants for the architecture and planning. Those guys know everything.
You know, most people don't seem to realize this, but just because someone's a Satanist doesn't mean they can't love to scrapbook just as much as anybody else does. They need a place where they can get their very own satanic scrapbooking supplies.
I think we're on to something here.
venture 03-31-2010, 04:41 PM What we really need is an arts-and-crafts store that caters to Theistic Satanics. Now there's an untapped market. Michaels doesn't carry any decorative pentagrams, at all. :icon_evil
Because a pentagram automatically = Satanist. I'm guessing you missed the part where Christianity has used pentagrams as a symbol (of the senses/wounds of Jesus) for centuries.
Because a pentagram automatically = Satanist. I'm guessing you missed the part where Christianity has used pentagrams as a symbol (of the senses/wounds of Jesus) for centuries.
It's all about which direction the points are pointing, sir. I mean, sure, you can find regular pentagrams at Michaels, but you have to alter them to get the two points pointing up and by then it's just not the same. :Smiley099
kevinpate 03-31-2010, 07:04 PM Whole lot of back and forth that seems to discount why the focus being on the DFW area.
Led by Cornerstone Professor of History Scott Carroll, the nonprofit National Bible Museum has been under development for about seven years. In 2008 Carroll discussed opening a $300 million complex in a 900,000-square-foot downtown Dallas facility, but that project did not advance under the emerging national recession.
Hobby Lobby President Steve Green said Dallas remains a prime candidate, with Carroll continuing to spearhead the effort. He projects the size at 300,000 square feet or more.
“What we’re looking for would be a major metropolitan area,” Steve Green said in a telephone interview Monday. “We feel the museum would draw worldwide for people who have interest in the Bible. It just seems to make sense for it to be one of the major metropolitan areas in the U.S. That’s why Dallas would be preferred.
“But at this point, without having the location required, we would be open to opportunities that might present themselves,” he said. “At this point what we’re looking for is not new construction, but an existing facility that would work to house the collection.”
I may not particularly like OKC not being a serious contender, but given the stated priorities, the DFW area has a logic to it which is simply lacking locally.
mburlison 03-31-2010, 08:38 PM Amazing how the Word that has influenced people for centuries can all of a sudden be labeled as "backwards". As for the museum, I would be against it, but for reasons that are more towards the "Bible" being treated as a relic like the "Rosetta Stone" instead of the vibrant living Word that it is... IMHO.
rcjunkie 03-31-2010, 08:43 PM Don't we have Bible Museums already? Churches.
I guess you've never been inside a Church!!
rcjunkie 03-31-2010, 08:46 PM They've never really liked OKC anyway, not sure what they've got against it. Hard to like a town when you stay out at SW 44th and Council Aside from Texas, Green also sends all of his money to Tulsa..ORU in particular, which he previously had no connection to other than wanting to prop up a holy roller school.
Nobody in Oklahoma is buying their nauseating religious propaganda either. You should check out some lawsuits against Hobby Lobby..
You speak out of ignorance, you know absolutely nothing about the Green family.
rcjunkie 03-31-2010, 08:49 PM Mostly speculating at this point, however I have a hunch on this one and I most certainly will "stand corrected" if this not only turns out "not" to be the case but based on gut feeling. Even "sometimes" going by ones on gut instinct is not correct. Again, I may be totally off base with this one.
Substitute mostly with totally!!
jbrown84 03-31-2010, 08:52 PM Just for you that don't know, the Greens are well-established here and are continually expanding their facility here.
Don't worry. The only person here who really thinks there's any chance of Hobby Lobby moving is progressiveboy who lives in Dallas and doesn't think OKC does anything right.
Rover 03-31-2010, 11:03 PM For people who profess tolerance and openmindedness, there sure seems to be a huge amount of ignorance and closed mindedness when it comes to Christianity.
First, whether you are Christian or not, one must acknowledge that the Bible is the most published, and the most documented book in the history of the world. The Christian faith has had the most profound effect of any religion on the planet and this is the Word of the faith, and documented more fully than any account of history we have. Even if you do not personally believe in Christ as the Son of God, you must be totally ignorant or delusional to not recognize the social and historical impact of Christ and his legacy.
To house this collection would be hugely significant. Christians from all over the world would travel here just to visit this collection. Scholars would establish bases her just to have access to the collection.
To underestimate the impact is just Christ hating or God denying. To say that this would contribute to a "backward image" just shows the ignorance of hatred. When morality and belief in God become embarrassing to you it is time to reassess the value of your own existence.
Larry OKC 04-01-2010, 07:11 AM This was in Thursday's Oklahoman (not sure if it has any new info or not)
NewsOK (
metro 04-01-2010, 08:37 AM For people who profess tolerance and openmindedness, there sure seems to be a huge amount of ignorance and closed mindedness when it comes to Christianity.
First, whether you are Christian or not, one must acknowledge that the Bible is the most published, and the most documented book in the history of the world. The Christian faith has had the most profound effect of any religion on the planet and this is the Word of the faith, and documented more fully than any account of history we have. Even if you do not personally believe in Christ as the Son of God, you must be totally ignorant or delusional to not recognize the social and historical impact of Christ and his legacy.
To house this collection would be hugely significant. Christians from all over the world would travel here just to visit this collection. Scholars would establish bases her just to have access to the collection.
To underestimate the impact is just Christ hating or God denying. To say that this would contribute to a "backward image" just shows the ignorance of hatred. When morality and belief in God become embarrassing to you it is time to reassess the value of your own existence.
CS_Mike 04-01-2010, 12:16 PM This was in Thursday's Oklahoman (not sure if it has any new info or not)
NewsOK (
Actually, this new article indicates that the museum collection is not necessarily intended to be Christianity-centric. There will be significant Jewish material housed in the museum as well. Seems to me that the museum's primary concern is documenting the historical significance of the bible rather than attempting to appeal to people of a certain faith. In fact, the very last section of this article pretty much confirms that.
Kerry 04-01-2010, 12:29 PM Actually, this new article indicates that the museum collection is not necessarily intended to be Christianity-centric. There will be significant Jewish material housed in the museum as well. Seems to me that the museum's primary concern is documenting the historical significance of the bible rather than attempting to appeal to people of a certain faith. In fact, the very last section of this article pretty much confirms that.
This is why this would be a great addition to OKC. It would become a center of research for people around the world. This is also why I question the comments about wanting to locate in a major city. Cities don't make museums great, museums make cities great.
ljbab728 04-01-2010, 01:22 PM I want to correct some imformation that I previously posted. I had said that the location was going to be west of Fort Worth. I now understand that they have made an offer for a former department store on the LBJ Freeway in north Dallas. Nothing has been finalized as yet though.
Popsy 04-01-2010, 01:26 PM Isn't Crossroads Mall for sale at a very cheap price? It is not in Dallas, but think about the room to expand.
gmwise 04-01-2010, 03:06 PM No doubt the Bible is the most published, most acknowledged, and serves as both inspiration and a basis for faith.
But even for those who read it,or hold it up as the Divine Word, those "believers" seem to have a hard time effecting the words into their lives.
Same can be said of Aesop's Fables.
Maybe a Museum of the most influential works of literature would be more accepted.
Rover 04-01-2010, 08:22 PM Don't confuse human falability with God's infalability. To discredit God's Word because man is weak is both uninformed and illogical at the same time.
To equate the Bible to Aesops Fables is just ignorance...regardless of one's belief in Christianity or disbelief.
ronronnie1 04-01-2010, 08:36 PM Don't confuse human falability with God's infalability. To discredit God's Word because man is weak is both uninformed and illogical at the same time.
To equate the Bible to Aesops Fables is just ignorance...regardless of one's belief in Christianity or disbelief.
There is no logic to "faith," that's why they call it faith. And if your faith was so strong, why get offended when someone else doesn't share your faith? Are you having doubts?
Oh yeah, the bible carries no more weight (logic/reason) then Aesops Fables or Cat In the Hat for that matter.
Not trying to start a flame war. I was just shocked that someone mentioned (il)logical in the same sentence as the bible.
Rover 04-01-2010, 10:24 PM Of course, people with no faith in God ever see the logic to it. To try to explain this to athiests or pagans is like trying to teach a blind person what yellow is. Because someone is unable to fathom something doesn't make it illogical or untrue.
Yes, it would be easy to go on believing there is no God, no afterlife and therefore no accountability. That isn't enlightenment, it is just the easy way out. If it is easier for some to believe that the only meaning of life is to die and rot, then so be it.
So go on believing in Grimms fairy tales as your source of truth. Bet your life on it. It is surely everyone's right to believe that. More power to them. Just let us know how that works out.
JerzeeGrlinOKC 04-01-2010, 10:33 PM Of course, people with no faith in God ever see the logic to it. To try to explain this to athiests or pagans is like trying to teach a blind person what yellow is. Because someone is unable to fathom something doesn't make it illogical or untrue.
Yes, it would be easy to go on believing there is no God, no afterlife and therefore no accountability. That isn't enlightenment, it is just the easy way out. If it is easier for some to believe that the only meaning of life is to die and rot, then so be it.
So go on believing in Grimms fairy tales as your source of truth. Bet your life on it. It is surely everyone's right to believe that. More power to them. Just let us know how that works out.
This whole thread is starting to look like it belongs in the Faith and Values section...mods? :poke:
Martin 04-02-2010, 07:23 AM this whole thread is starting to look like it belongs in the faith and values section...mods?
you're right. had hopes that people could discuss the issue rationally and with maturity. no such luck... moving to fnv. -M
kmf563 04-02-2010, 10:35 AM I don't know why I insist on checking this board every once in a while. I find things like this on here now when I do.
I can not sit by and let the Greens or Hobby Lobby be bashed.
First of all, the museum is not a Hobby Lobby museum. It is a privately funded project by the Greens. And it was a currently existing project they just wanted to donate items to as well as fund it to get it moving along. I have seen the items going into the museum and they are all pretty cool. The old scrolls and trunks are probably the neatest items.
The Hemisphere warehouse moved to Texas because there are 7 Hemisphere stores in Texas and only one in Oklahoma. The sales are fantastic down there and they aren't so well here. So it only makes sense to move the warehouse there as it is easier to ship to the stores instate rather than provide for shipping back and forth from here.
There are zero plans and never will be plans to move the headquarters anywhere other than it's current location. Where 2 new buildings are about to open.
As far as local sponsorships and community involvement...they have never felt the need to have their name plastered all over anything. Ever noticed we don't have any commercials? We have someone who his only job is to work on ministries which includes donations. Ever thought about where all that stuff in parades and events comes from? Decorations don't just appear. And where do all the teachers get their supplies for their classrooms? They go above and beyond with their donations and time with our city. They just do it humbly without needing the attention. Which is how it should be done anyway. You don't help people for glory and recognition, you do it because it's the right thing to do. Oh and the next time you look at our state capitol think about who paid for that and placed that little Indian on top.
You people rush in to judge based on nothing at all and don't even bother researching the facts. You just assume. It's attitudes like this that hinder the rest of the world's opinion on our state. Because they just can't fathom the thought process here or why our citizens behave so poorly.
By the way the Greens donate to charities all over the world, not just Oklahoma. There are 450 stores across this nation as of now that support each one of their own communities as well. None of them are obligated to do a thing.
I have worked at Hobby Lobby for 6 years now and spend time with many, almost all, of the Greens on a daily basis. And they are some of my favorite people I have ever met. They are very generous and incredibly talented. And a funny funny family! I am happy and proud to not only work for them, but to call them friends.
The privately held company has a long history of operating under Christian principles, in everything from its inventory selection to operating hours.
what i don't understand is why the stores say they're closed sunday for family and worship time, but i see their trucks on the roads. i assume if the trucks are on the roads, there's people at stores/warehouses to load/unload them as well.
kmf563 04-06-2010, 12:12 PM what i don't understand is why the stores say they're closed sunday for family and worship time, but i see their trucks on the roads. i assume if the trucks are on the roads, there's people at stores/warehouses to load/unload them as well.
They do not deliver on Sundays. The trucks on the road are either on their way back here or to stores for Monday morning delivery. It is up to the truck driver's discretion whether he wishes to drive on a Sunday or not.
rondvu 04-12-2010, 02:45 PM Goodness my head is swimming over the comments in this thread. I agree if a Bible or any type of museum would move to OKC it would mean tourism and jobs. You don't have to go. Is there any space left at the old Western Electric plant? With the possibly of the Outlet mall coming in across the street would help the area grow.
Bunty 04-14-2010, 11:34 PM So go on believing in Grimms fairy tales as your source of truth. Bet your life on it. It is surely everyone's right to believe that. More power to them. Just let us know how that works out.
Don't be silly. Ronronnie1 doesn't believe in Grimm's fairy tales any more than in the Bible. Meanwhile, I hope you believe in the right for someone not to believe in something.
urbanity 04-28-2010, 08:37 AM Oklahoma is not on the short list to house the National Bible Museum, but ?nothing is out? | OKG ( zAHAAeAAslashAHAAPQAxADIANwAyADkA)
adrian30 07-01-2010, 12:59 PM i wish they would go to dallas we need to get all theses backward bible thumpers out of okc and start geting new blood people who will put okc before there religon. all theses guys wanna do is make money and push jesuse in everones face. we dont need a bible musem so everone in the country can think were a bunch of holy roller bible fanatics come on. i say go hobby lobby and take sally kurn with you to texas .:LolLolLol
USG '60 07-01-2010, 03:19 PM i wish they would go to dallas we need to get all theses backward bible thumpers out of okc and start geting new blood people who will put okc before there religon. all theses guys wanna do is make money and push jesuse in everones face. we dont need a bible musem so everone in the country can think were a bunch of holy roller bible fanatics come on. i say go hobby lobby and take sally kurn with you to texas .:LolLolLol
You can't spell for sh!t. Are you from Dallas, or something?
rcjunkie 07-05-2010, 04:10 PM You can't spell for sh!t. Are you from Dallas, or something?
Don't bad mouth him, just add him to your prayer list.
adrian30 07-07-2010, 12:27 PM i have a broken arm im using my left hand so my spelling off.
adrian30 07-07-2010, 12:28 PM im wiccan i dont need prayer but thanks anyway
rcjunkie 07-09-2010, 07:31 PM im wiccan i dont need prayer but thanks anyway
Even more reason to pray. IMO