View Full Version : Public Transit Meetings are Coming!

03-22-2010, 06:56 PM
Saw this today in OKC Review. okc news (

03-22-2010, 10:07 PM
This wasn't really supposed to be leaked, but here they are. Public transit will finally get the attention it deserves in the downtown talking circles..

03-22-2010, 11:24 PM
Saw this today in OKC Review. okc news (

This is certainly important enough to be mentioned twice but the same imformation was in the Modern Streetcar thread earlier.

03-22-2010, 11:36 PM
I REALLY appreciate you posting this info, because I have been asking for 2 years why we can't get extended routes out here in NW OKC.

A little bit over a week ago I contacted the Mayor, Councilman Ryan, and Metro Transit. Metro Transit told me:

"Thanks for your email concerning the need for transit in your area. We at Metro Transit are aware of the need for extended service to not only the northwest area but other areas in Oklahoma City. However at the present time we do not have the resources to expand service. As resources become available we certainly will consider the northwest area for expansion."

I think I am going to have to ask the Mayor to put another MAPS up for a vote just to get better bus service.

03-26-2010, 09:24 PM
I REALLY appreciate you posting this info, because I have been asking for 2 years why we can't get extended routes out here in NW OKC.

A little bit over a week ago I contacted the Mayor, Councilman Ryan, and Metro Transit. Metro Transit told me:

"Thanks for your email concerning the need for transit in your area. We at Metro Transit are aware of the need for extended service to not only the northwest area but other areas in Oklahoma City. However at the present time we do not have the resources to expand service. As resources become available we certainly will consider the northwest area for expansion."

I think I am going to have to ask the Mayor to put another MAPS up for a vote just to get better bus service.

This issue needs to be pressed to the max. Every time I see a METRO Transit bus, it seems to have 2,1 or zero passengers on board because the routes are so utterly inefficient and the system is unusable. The bus lines need to be trashed and started from scratch along mile sections beginning with the highest traffic routes. Door-to-door neighborhood service needs to be cut completely so the benefit of the masses can stop being held hostage by the benefit to the few.

03-27-2010, 07:21 PM
I don't know if you can base low ridership on the fact that you never see very many people on the buses. I live and work south of 50th street and follow many a bus every day. In my experience, I see a lot of people waiting at bus stops and riders getting on and off buses. The other day going to work I drove down Portland to 16th street and there was at least 1 person waiting at every bus stop. I have noticed the same thing driving down Penn, 23rd, 10th, 16th and Reno many times. But rarely do I see more than 10 people actually on the bus at any given time.

03-28-2010, 01:24 PM
The biggest problem facing transit in OKC is COTPA. A drunk chimpanzee could plan a better bus route then COTPA.

If I did not own a vehicle, I would ride a bicycle before taking the bus. There is no guarantee that I will get to work on time. Not to mention the bus stops running in the evenings so I would have to lean on other people for a ride or walk home every night.

03-28-2010, 01:33 PM
I agree, but I think COTPA is showing incredible progress with this series of meetings. Supposedly they're actually going to give the citizens ultimate input over the route and type of streetcar system, and it is supposed to be "all decided on" by the end of this series of meetings. Obviously COTPA isn't handling the meetings, but they have a PR firm doing it for them and I think everything they've done on it looks really good. The website looks amazingly good.

Here are the guest bloggers that they have lined up to talk about the meetings:

They include myself, Doug Loudenback, Dean Schirf (OKC Chamber), Charifa Smith (Sage proprietor), and two other people I do not know.

03-28-2010, 01:37 PM
This issue needs to be pressed to the max. Door-to-door neighborhood service needs to be cut completely so the benefit of the masses can stop being held hostage by the benefit to the few.

You got that right! There are some twist and turns on Rt. 8 that make no sense whatsover, and if they were to elimate "those," then they could extend the route and reach a couple more thousand apt dwellers, some of which would "definitely" take the bus.

Already got the meetings for Mar 29 and May 27 on my calendar.

04-08-2010, 04:03 PM
Well since my car has been in the shop I've had the pleasure to be apart of the worst public transportation system okc metro transit. I've been late for work twice and one day me and three others sat and waited and waited and the bus just skipped over our stop! It made a detour and we saw it down the street. So I called a cab