View Full Version : East Side Hollywood Video

03-16-2010, 03:56 PM
For those that haven't noticed yet. Hollywood Video at 12th and Alameda will be closing and are offering a sale on most items. This is not all that similar to the Blockbuster closing sale a few months back. They are not selling any new releases for the most part. Everything else in their collection is around $8 per DVD, a couple around $5.

You would probably be better off on a lot of titles getting them at Wal-Mart from the $5, $7.50 and $10 rack, but if there is a rare one out there that you can't find...may be something to check out.

03-16-2010, 04:35 PM
The one on Santa Fe just south of 15th street in Edmond is also closing. Your right that for many videos, you would be better off looking at other stores. If a liquidation company is handling this, they've "raised, then lowered" the prices like they did with Linens n Things and Circuit City.