09-16-2013, 04:39 PM
I'll probably just wait for the superior version to come out on PC then I will get it.
View Full Version : Video Games elitespy 09-16-2013, 04:39 PM I'll probably just wait for the superior version to come out on PC then I will get it. Plutonic Panda 09-16-2013, 08:11 PM I'll probably just wait for the superior version to come out on PC then I will get it.That's funny. Richard at Remax 11-14-2013, 11:38 AM so news coming out that while both Xbox One and PS4 will have bluray support, neither will have 3D support. which I find odd, since the PS3 had it. kelroy55 11-14-2013, 11:58 AM so news coming out that while both Xbox One and PS4 will have bluray support, neither will have 3D support. which I find odd, since the PS3 had it. That's not going to affect me any since I have two 3D Blueray players. Plutonic Panda 11-15-2013, 02:23 PM Landscape has changed for video game consoles | News OK (http://newsok.com/landscape-has-changed-for-video-game-consoles/article/3904789) kelroy55 11-15-2013, 02:34 PM "Sony expects to sell 5 million units of the PlayStation 4 by the end of its fiscal year in March." At $300 a pop plus games, additional controllers, etc.... nice chunk of change. elitespy 11-15-2013, 04:46 PM Might as well use the money you would spend on a PS4 plus extra controllers and games on a gaming PC... hell of alot better value that's for sure. Martin 11-15-2013, 06:42 PM oh no you didn't... -M http://www.pcmasterrace.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/PC_Gaming_Master_Race_by_Claidheam_Righ.jpg Luke 11-15-2013, 09:25 PM I'm one of the few dozen folks with a Wii U. lol My wife loves Zelda and the kids love Nintendo's games. Easy choice. It's a lot of fun, too! :) elitespy 11-16-2013, 12:39 AM oh no you didn't... -M http://www.pcmasterrace.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/PC_Gaming_Master_Race_by_Claidheam_Righ.jpg Amen brother. elitespy 12-17-2013, 10:36 AM Path of Exile named Gamespots top PC game of the year, which is well deserved in my opinion. It is really an excellent game. PC Game of the Year 2013 Winner - Game of the Year 2013 - GameSpot (http://www.gamespot.com/articles/pc-game-of-the-year-2013-winner/1100-6416467/) elitespy 12-17-2013, 04:25 PM A new Nintendo Direct tomorrow morning, I'm hoping for some good info on Super Smash Bros, and that Monolith Soft game. Nintendo Direct - 12.18.2013 (http://www.nintendo.com/nintendo-direct/archive/12-18-2013/) venture 12-17-2013, 04:33 PM PoE looks interesting. Very Diablo looking. elitespy 12-17-2013, 04:35 PM PoE looks interesting. Very Diablo looking. It's everything Diablo 3 was supposed to be. A lot of big Diablo fans are calling it the spiritual successor to Diablo 2. It's also completely free to play so that is nice. John1744 12-17-2013, 09:50 PM Looking back for me this was the year of the Indie games. I think if I had to put together a top 10 list more than half of it would be indie/small budget games. elitespy 12-17-2013, 10:16 PM Looking back for me this was the year of the Indie games. I think if I had to put together a top 10 list more than half of it would be indie/small budget games. Yeah I can totally see that, there have been some really great indie games. Gone Home, Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, Outlast, and Path of Exile to name a few. Achilleslastand 12-17-2013, 11:02 PM It's everything Diablo 3 was supposed to be. A lot of big Diablo fans are calling it the spiritual successor to Diablo 2. It's also completely free to play so that is nice. I was just going to post this. POE was everything Diablo3 should have been and then some. The Indie/smaller game developers are making some of the better product although ive been playing a bit of Final Fantasy 14 lately and its pretty good. elitespy 12-17-2013, 11:17 PM I was just going to post this. POE was everything Diablo3 should have been and then some. The Indie/smaller game developers are making some of the better product although ive been playing a bit of Final Fantasy 14 lately and its pretty good. Yeah, if I didn't have to pay the 15 bucks a month I would probably try out FF14. It looks pretty good but my MMO of choice lately has been Guild Wars 2. My buddy bought me some WoW time to try and get me back into it but so far no dice... Though I do miss some good organized group dungeons. venture 12-17-2013, 11:27 PM Yeah, if I didn't have to pay the 15 bucks a month I would probably try out FF14. It looks pretty good but my MMO of choice lately has been Guild Wars 2. My buddy bought me some WoW time to try and get me back into it but so far no dice... Though I do miss some good organized group dungeons. I tried FF14 and really couldn't stay interested. I haven't tried GW2 yet...mainly because I don't have a lot of time right now trying to finish this programming degree before I'm 40. LOL WOW is off an on with me. I started playing just before BC, took a break half way through Cata and then went back for the first part of MOP and just couldn't find the time. I did get 7 days to try out the Siege of Org raid and it was actually pretty good. I probably will resub once the world event starts for Warlords and for the first good chunk of it. To be honest though...I'm a complete lore geek for Warcraft since I've been playing the series since Orcs and Humans WAAAAAY back when. I will say one thing though. I was never a DND guy at all, but I'm really enjoying Hearthstone. Doesn't hurt that it is free. :) elitespy 12-18-2013, 12:19 AM I tried FF14 and really couldn't stay interested. I haven't tried GW2 yet...mainly because I don't have a lot of time right now trying to finish this programming degree before I'm 40. LOL WOW is off an on with me. I started playing just before BC, took a break half way through Cata and then went back for the first part of MOP and just couldn't find the time. I did get 7 days to try out the Siege of Org raid and it was actually pretty good. I probably will resub once the world event starts for Warlords and for the first good chunk of it. To be honest though...I'm a complete lore geek for Warcraft since I've been playing the series since Orcs and Humans WAAAAAY back when. I will say one thing though. I was never a DND guy at all, but I'm really enjoying Hearthstone. Doesn't hurt that it is free. :) Yeah I started WoW really late in Cata, went from lvl 1 to raid ready in about 3 weeks and just burnt myself out within a few months. Went back to try the MoP expansion 10 day trial and had a good time with the monk so my buddy bought me 60 days. I've been trying to get back into it but there are just some other games (BF4) that are really taking most of my game time. I wasn't huge into card games till I downloaded the free Pokemon card game as a joke with some buddies, it is actually a really fun game. Now I'm tryin to learn Magic: The Gathering and actively trying to get into the Hearthstone beta. My buddy just got into it and says it's awesome, but I just have to stick with "Might and Magic: Dual of Champions" for now. venture 12-18-2013, 12:46 AM I so meant Magic not DND as well. LOL Anyway... Yeah since you started in WOW so late you don't have that real connection to the older content. I honestly spent a lot of my time going back through the old BC raids because they just brought back so many good memories. I also have more of a connection with those characters since they were the primary cast in WC3. elitespy 12-18-2013, 09:37 AM Yep, that is pretty much true. My first "official" mmo was Lord of the Rings:Online and I have that affection for that game that you have with WoW. I was there since the closed beta tests all the way through 2 expansions, but just couldn't play it anymore. Not that it was a bad game, I just was done with it. I still wish I could see some of the new expansions they are putting out, but that is just the Tolkien fan in me. It was awesome to be able to see all the places from the books and see some of those minor characters. kwhey 12-18-2013, 10:42 AM oh no you didn't... -M http://www.pcmasterrace.com.ar/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/PC_Gaming_Master_Race_by_Claidheam_Righ.jpg So sick of PC vs console wars. You like PC, others like consoles. Just STFU. elitespy 12-18-2013, 05:57 PM So sick of PC vs console wars. You like PC, others like consoles. Just STFU. Must be a peasant. G.Walker 12-18-2013, 06:32 PM Halo! Halo! Halo! Martin 12-18-2013, 09:56 PM So sick of PC vs console wars. You like PC, others like consoles. Just STFU. http://www.elevenwarriors.com/sites/default/files/images/users/Knarcisi/lighten-up-frances_t268.jpg elitespy 12-19-2013, 08:50 AM I didn't know I wanted Dynasty Warriors in my Zelda games, but now I think it might be pretty cool Nintendo Announces Hyrule Warriors - IGN (http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/18/nintendo-announces-hyrule-warriors?abthid=52b1aab2d354f6867c00000b) elitespy 12-20-2013, 09:25 AM Well this is some good news for the master race, tired of all these crappy ports from lazy developers. The Division on PC "Won't be a Port" - IGN (http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/12/20/the-division-on-pc-wont-be-a-port) elitespy 12-22-2013, 01:02 PM Some great deals this year for the Steam Winter sale, if you haven't checked them out you should. Welcome to Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/) kelroy55 12-22-2013, 01:58 PM Not about games but has anybody got a PS4 or new XBOX yet? How do you like it? venture 12-22-2013, 07:40 PM Steam makes me poor. Lol Don't forget about humble bundle. They have had some amazing deals lately. elitespy 12-23-2013, 12:41 PM With the end of 2013 just around the corner anybody have top games of 2013?? My top games of the year would have to be (in to particular order) Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate - WiiU I sunk so many hours in this game with my buddies I would be embarrassed to tell you guys how much. It's a great game for people who like a challenge and love the carrot on a stick loot format. You can always upgrade something in that game. Here is a quick trailer for those who have never seen it. Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Trailer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z648qIBejT0) Age of Empires 2: HD Edition Now I know this is a re-release of an older game but man this brought back so many memories while playing it this year I had to add it to my list. With steam workshop integration and better online matchmaking it's had definitely been one of my favorite games of this year. Age of Empires II HD Edition Trailer - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mLTEheG87W0) Outlast One of the scariest games I have played. It is up there with Amnesia that is for sure. I have a certain phobia of insane asylums so I guess I was asking for it. Not going to give anything away here if you like horror games you have to try this one out. How Scary is Outlast? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Vcgdl4xQ18) Battlefield 4 I have been a Battlefield fan since Battlefield 1942 and I love this series. I was disappointed in BF3 but this new installment reminds me of BF2 and that is a very welcome change. Now I am a multiplayer only kind of guy so I couldn't tell you how the main storyline is but multiplayer is amazing. A lot of people have been having problems with the game, I haven't encountered any problems at all so it's been a very positive experience so far. Battlefield 4 Paracel Storm - Multiplayer Trailer - BF4 Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer - GAMESCOM 2013 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k8fqxY6q4uM) And finally Zelda: The Wind Waker HD I know this is another remake but I was never fortunate enough to play this on the Gamecube. I have only just started this one and wow is it a great game, the look in HD is just great and everything runs silky smooth. The dungeons are fun, I really enjoy the sailing too. If you are a Zelda fan and haven't played this yet I would highly recommend it. Zelda Wind Waker HD Trailer - E3 2013 - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wkqxLVy6P8Q) Well that is the end of my list, if anybody else has some top games of the year feel free to share them. Achilleslastand 12-23-2013, 01:07 PM I had high hopes for Rome 2 Total War which even after 8 patches still isn't worthy of some of the unfounded praise it has gotten. Other then that ive been playing Final Fantasy 14 as well as Neverwinter nights 2. Im looking forward to several titles in 2014 including Elder Scrolls Online and the Witcher 3. elitespy 12-23-2013, 01:34 PM The Witcher 3 looks crazy, I am going to have to upgrade my PC for that one definitely. Neverwinter Nights 1 is probably one of my all time favorite RPG's. I loved that game so much, I might just go back and play through it again. venture 12-23-2013, 02:00 PM ESO will never get out of beta at the rate they are going. LOL I've liked what I have seen so far though in the few beta sessions I've been able to get in. For me...most of my gaming is MMO focused but I have to say my more anticipated games for next year... - Dragon Age III...hopefully BioWare gets their groove back with it. - WOW: Warlords of Draenor... lore nerd so excited to peer back in time at some of the story that was kept to books. - ESO... enjoy the Elder Scrolls series and Skyrim was one of my all time favorites. I expect it to be released the same time as Warlords. LOL The Witcher games I tried to get into but for me, the player controls are just jacked up and aren't smooth at all. If I can't have a decently smooth control interface, I put the game away. bchris02 12-23-2013, 02:35 PM I never thought I would admit this but PC gaming is on its death knell. Best Buy, the store that used to have 3-4 entire isles of PC games now just has an endcap. I have little reason to upgrade my gaming PC as few games that are coming out these days. elitespy 12-23-2013, 02:40 PM I never thought I would admit this but PC gaming is on its death knell. Best Buy, the store that used to have 3-4 entire isles of PC games now just has an endcap. I have little reason to upgrade my gaming PC as few games that are coming out these days. Not sure if serious or trolling.. Midtowner 12-23-2013, 03:10 PM I never thought I would admit this but PC gaming is on its death knell. Best Buy, the store that used to have 3-4 entire isles of PC games now just has an endcap. I have little reason to upgrade my gaming PC as few games that are coming out these days. Very few gamers rely on brick and mortar stores for the delivery of their products. Services such as Steam and Origin giving a direct to drive instant delivery without having to worry about holding on to stupid manuals and boxes and media make life quite a bit easier. Achilleslastand 12-23-2013, 05:11 PM Very few gamers rely on brick and mortar stores for the delivery of their products. Services such as Steam and Origin giving a direct to drive instant delivery without having to worry about holding on to stupid manuals and boxes and media make life quite a bit easier. Go into a BestBuy or a Gamestop[especially}and your likely to find a few scant boxed pc titles while some will even be just a purchase for a serial key for a download. One gripe I do have with Gabe Newell/Steam is that for a 50/60 dollar purchase all you receive is basically a serial key while none of the costs involved with a boxed copy{production, printing of Disks, Boxes and any guides/manuals as well as shipping said product from point A to the brick and mortar store} are involved for the same price. I think some of those savings should be passed on to the consumer. Also for some consumers downloading a 15-20 Gig game could take a while especially on slower connections. Not trying to turn this into a bash steam thread as I do love their sales. Midtowner 12-23-2013, 09:25 PM Go into a BestBuy or a Gamestop[especially}and your likely to find a few scant boxed pc titles while some will even be just a purchase for a serial key for a download. One gripe I do have with Gabe Newell/Steam is that for a 50/60 dollar purchase all you receive is basically a serial key while none of the costs involved with a boxed copy{production, printing of Disks, Boxes and any guides/manuals as well as shipping said product from point A to the brick and mortar store} are involved for the same price. I think some of those savings should be passed on to the consumer. Also for some consumers downloading a 15-20 Gig game could take a while especially on slower connections. Not trying to turn this into a bash steam thread as I do love their sales. I'll take the positives over the negatives. No need to store years and years worth of games you'll probably never play. When was the last time you pulled out your copy of NCAA 2010? If you have a serious equipment failure or just want to migrate to another PC, your games are stored for free in the cloud and you can just download and install (and uninstall) games as you wish to. One thing I am running into with regard to the switch to the next console is backwards compatibility. Absent some ancient games I'd like to see running on an emulator (maybe this exists) like Ultima X, backwards compatibility on the PC >>>>> consoles. I can also build a PC which from a specs standpoint right now will demolish any console on the market, but will admit the consoles offer a better performance per $ ratio than PC can. Richard at Remax 12-23-2013, 10:22 PM Before steam, origin, ect became popular I used to preorder games at GameStop. Used to love employee reactions when preordering PC games. They thought I was kidding then more confused when I was serious. Only downside to PC games is you can't resell them like console. So if I don't see any longevity with the game I'll usually get it on console. venture 12-23-2013, 11:45 PM Mentioned this earlier: https://www.humblebundle.com/ I've got some extremely good deals on it in the past and also introduced myself to some great games. I had to buy the recent one with Cities in Motion 2 just to be a dork for a bit and play with transportation with in a city. LOL bchris02 12-24-2013, 07:20 AM Go into a BestBuy or a Gamestop[especially}and your likely to find a few scant boxed pc titles while some will even be just a purchase for a serial key for a download. One gripe I do have with Gabe Newell/Steam is that for a 50/60 dollar purchase all you receive is basically a serial key while none of the costs involved with a boxed copy{production, printing of Disks, Boxes and any guides/manuals as well as shipping said product from point A to the brick and mortar store} are involved for the same price. I think some of those savings should be passed on to the consumer. Also for some consumers downloading a 15-20 Gig game could take a while especially on slower connections. Not trying to turn this into a bash steam thread as I do love their sales. Well PC games used to be cheaper than their console counterparts, but now they are the same price. One thing that has had an effect on the decline of PC gaming that a lot of people don't mention is the fact all the independent game developers got bought up by EA in the mid 2000s. Ten years ago, you had quite a few exclusive games coming to the PC that you couldn't get on console. They were also designed specifically for PC so they could take advantage of the platform's advantages. EA is all about the bottom dollar. Pretty much everything coming out for PC today is a console port and many times its half-done. In the past two years, Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite were the only PC games I have played that I thought were good, but they both were primarily designed for console. Lately I have been playing some older PC games and they are far superior to what is coming out on the platform today. Midtowner 12-24-2013, 07:26 AM I couldn't imagine playing Skyrim without the console codes to fix all the bugs. elitespy 12-24-2013, 08:05 AM Well PC games used to be cheaper than their console counterparts, but now they are the same price. One thing that has had an effect on the decline of PC gaming that a lot of people don't mention is the fact all the independent game developers got bought up by EA in the mid 2000s. Ten years ago, you had quite a few exclusive games coming to the PC that you couldn't get on console. They were also designed specifically for PC so they could take advantage of the platform's advantages. EA is all about the bottom dollar. Pretty much everything coming out for PC today is a console port and many times its half-done. In the past two years, Skyrim and Bioshock Infinite were the only PC games I have played that I thought were good, but they both were primarily designed for console. Lately I have been playing some older PC games and they are far superior to what is coming out on the platform today. I still don't know if you are being serious or trolling. Most PC games are still a lot cheaper than console games if you look on steam they are probably 10 to 20 bucks cheaper the only ones that don't go cheaper are the Call of Duty's and games like that and that has to do more with the publisher then anything else. Also this year has been the year of indie games, I could get a list but it's to early and I need to head to work but if you go and look at some of the top games this year it's been Indie games that came out first on the PC then the came out on consoles months later. Also, EA isn't the only company out there making video games there are tons more. There is no decline in PC games that you speak of, if anything PC gaming is getting stronger by the year. Steam now has more users than Xbox live at 65 million compared to Xbox lives 45 million, now it may just be your own opinion that PC gaming is dying and it may well be dying for you, but in reality it is still very much alive and getting better and better. Richard at Remax 12-24-2013, 09:59 AM I still think one of the best pc games/series that a lot of people have never played was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl Also the true versions of Half Life 2 and Crysis (before they were eventually ported and chopped up) still hold up to the best games of today. td25er 12-24-2013, 10:17 AM PC games also have mods that can make games even better. MANY people prefer keyboard and mouse (I usually prefer controller, but I don't play multiplayer online). Graphically, even budget gaming PCs will always have more capability (outside of 1st year or so of a next gen console). I like consoles too. I have xbox360, ps3, and Wii and will eventually get a ps4 and maybe wiiu. I got a decent laptop 3 years ago to work from home. It has an nvidia gtx 460m (which was a decent laptop GPU at the time) which is still going strong. Thinking of building a desktop for true PC gaming. venture 12-24-2013, 11:58 AM ESO has a release date for those interested. April 4th for the PC. Consoles will have to wait until June. Achilleslastand 12-24-2013, 12:23 PM ESO has a release date for those interested. April 4th for the PC. Consoles will have to wait until June. I may have/or may not have played the beta and I may have/or may not have liked it. On 4-4-14 I may/maybe not purchase ESO. Achilleslastand 12-24-2013, 12:27 PM I couldn't imagine playing Skyrim without the console codes to fix all the bugs. IDK if you have ever heard of Nexus Skyrim Nexus - mods and community (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/?) but they have tons and tons of mods for Skyrim that makes the game much much better including bug fixes. They also have a mod manager which is easy to use for dl/installing said mods. Achilleslastand 12-24-2013, 12:31 PM GOG is having their winter sale right with a ton of games on sale for 50% off and more. RPG fans especially should take note. Both Witcher titles as well as Baldurs Gate 1&2 ,Neverwinter Nights 1&2 also titles in the Ultima and Wizardry franchise are on sale. GOG.com (http://www.gog.com/) GOG.com (http://www.gog.com/games/rpg) venture 12-24-2013, 12:31 PM I may have/or may not have played the beta and I may have/or may not have liked it. On 4-4-14 I may/maybe not purchase ESO. Oh yeah there was/is a NDA isn't there on people who have or have not played beta that may or may not exist? ;) bchris02 12-24-2013, 12:32 PM I still think one of the best pc games/series that a lot of people have never played was S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shadow of Chernobyl Also the true versions of Half Life 2 and Crysis (before they were eventually ported and chopped up) still hold up to the best games of today. I agree with you on Half Life 2. Amazing game. Portal 2 was awesome as well. I liked Far Cry better than Crysis personally. Never played S.T.A.L.K.E.R. but I had heard a lot about it prior to its release. It was one of those games that was delayed and delayed and when it finally did come out everybody who was anticipating it had forgotten about it. I would advise anybody to also check out Amnesia: The Dark Descent. It's a one of a kind game and probably one of the better PC exclusive games of the past few years. Richard at Remax 12-24-2013, 03:53 PM The dark decent was great. A machine for Pigs as well as outlast were both OK. They did great on creepiness but thought left a lot to be desired on story and length. Although older, Dark messiah of might and magic is also one of my fav PC games too Achilleslastand 12-26-2013, 11:43 AM Just a quick FYI that steams holiday sale is got some very good deals right now... Skyrim......7.49 Max Payne 3........7.99 As well as numerous others! Welcome to Steam (http://store.steampowered.com/) Richard at Remax 12-26-2013, 02:55 PM Deus Ex Human Revolution for $5 is a steal elitespy 12-26-2013, 03:08 PM I picked up "The Walking Dead" and "Tomb Raider" the other day, both of them together was less than 15 bucks, can't beat that. Also got DayZ and it's beel a lot of fun, can't wait for that game to be a finished product cause it will be amazing. Martin 12-26-2013, 03:12 PM dayz is online multiplayer only, right? -M elitespy 12-26-2013, 03:18 PM dayz is online multiplayer only, right? -M Yes sir it is. I haven't followed development to close but I do believe the mean to keep it online only. Achilleslastand 12-26-2013, 03:56 PM dayz is online multiplayer only, right? -M Yes.....You can also download the free version of the DayZ mod.......But you need Arma 2 as well as the Op Arrowhead expansion{both on sale right now for 12.49}to play the free version of Day Z. You can also purchase the still in development version of Day Z right now on steam for 29.99 but I would advise against it. |