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ddavidson8 09-26-2012, 10:58 AM 360
Not because of power but because of user friendliness. It's like an iPhone vs Android. You can do more with Android, but iPhone is so easy.
BradR 09-26-2012, 11:09 AM I've been hearing the same type of review about GW2. It is alright but lacks something for most people. Picking up the MOP expansion for WOW and have to say Blizzard did pick up the quality of story telling with this one. Still need to finish Skyrim as well, but winter will be here soon enough. Also BioWare announced Dragon Age 3 official, so that is something to look forward to next year.
All of my gaming friends are deep into the new wow expansion right now. I keep telling myself I'll give it another shot when I hit 100% on GW2 which should be another month or two. I don't have nearly the time to devote to gaming as I used to.
Richard at Remax 09-26-2012, 11:24 AM OK I have a console question... Which do you guys prefer.... The XBOX or the PS3?
Ill take 360. Although PS3 has some really good playstation exclusive titles (god of war, uncharted, infmaous, ect). Very user friendly and all my friends are on there as well. Plus i think xbox controller is more comfortable.
That being said Ill take PC over both.
OK I have a console question... Which do you guys prefer.... The XBOX or the PS3?
I prefer 360. I have both and I actually play PS3 more but 360 is a better console to have IMO. More user friendly, "online experience" is better, controller is bigger so it's more comfortable in your hands and a lot of DLC comes to XBOX first. PS3 does have the better exclusive titles though for the most part.
silvergrove 09-26-2012, 03:08 PM Been addicted to collecting dyes in GW2. Got myself a scarlet and banana dye to look like Ironman lol: 2654
HewenttoJared 09-26-2012, 03:21 PM Anyone playing Mists of Pandaria? Is it any good? I haven't played wow in a couple years now.
venture 09-26-2012, 04:52 PM Anyone playing Mists of Pandaria? Is it any good? I haven't played wow in a couple years now.
The story telling is probably the best Blizzard has done so far. Very entertaining and a good balanced used of in quest cut scenes and such. I'm liking it so far.
BradR 09-26-2012, 05:49 PM You guys will have to PM me your WoW email and we can do the realID thing if/when I re-sub. It's always nice to have more buddies on the list.
BBatesokc 09-26-2012, 07:14 PM We have both 360 and PS3. I play my PS3 a lot more than my 360 (though I don't play either that often in reality). We've really gotten into the motion sensing games and I think 360's Kinect is far superior to PS3's Move.
We setup the HD projector and a 20' movie screen outside and the first person shooters are awesome after dark!
Roadhawg 09-27-2012, 08:58 AM Sounds like the 360 is the one.... thanks !!
BBatesokc 09-27-2012, 09:24 AM I haven't looked into it in awhile - is it still true that the 360 does not have a Blu-Ray player? I know originally that was the reason we went with PS3.
I haven't looked into it in awhile - is it still true that the 360 does not have a Blu-Ray player? I know originally that was the reason we went with PS3.
No Blu-Ray on the 360, unless I missed something.
Richard at Remax 11-02-2012, 11:17 AM Just finished my second playthough of Borderlands 2. Awesome game. Put about 70+ hours into it.
ALso, before that I played the bethesda game Dishonored. It is a mix between bioshock, half life 2, and splinter cell. And is one of the best games I have played in a long time. So if you like FPS I would suggest checking it out.
BigBadBen 11-02-2012, 12:26 PM I'm 40, and I still love gaming! PS3
I tend to typically play Sports games the vast majority of the time. Not big on the first person shooters.
I primarily play:
NCAA Football (Ive had every release since it debuted on Sega, Bill Walsh College football) and
Tiger Woods Golf
I will play some MLB & NBA on occasion.
I have a Wii also. The wife and I occasionally dust it off & get some Mario Kart action going!
BradR 11-02-2012, 01:12 PM Anyone here tried out Rift? I've recently gotten back into it a little bit but not as much as I used to.
Dustin 02-17-2013, 09:05 PM Bungie's new video game Destiny:
Plutonic Panda 02-17-2013, 10:32 PM This seems interesting. Just hope they don't sell out again. Doubt it will happen though. Seems like an interesting game though!
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 05:27 PM Play Station 4 Live Streaming Press Conference Live
Refresh the page about 10 times and it will eventually load. There is about 700,000 people on it and something like 10,000 every 30s
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 05:35 PM PS4 already wow!......Keeping up with the consoles is almost as expensive as keeping the hardware upgrades up to date for the pc.
Ive heard the new round of consoles will not play used games.....
Only games that you purchase brand new.
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 05:38 PM PS4 already wow!......Keeping up with the consoles is almost as expensive as keeping the hardware upgrades up to date for the pc.
Ive heard the new round of consoles will not play used games.....
Only games that you purchase brand new.Yeah, do you really think that will happen though? I mean, people are already getting mad about having to pay for mutliplayer on used EA games as it is. Completely doing away with used games?????? I wonder what will happen to GameStop who is already having trouble as it is.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 05:44 PM Yeah, do you really think that will happen though? I mean, people are already getting mad about having to pay for mutliplayer on used EA games as it is. Completely doing away with used games?????? I wonder what will happen to GameStop who is already having trouble as it is.
Never say never............
They did the same thing to the used pc game market back around 2005-06.
Gamestop used to have hundreds of used pc titles now your lucky if they have 20 or so new titles.
PS4 already wow!......Keeping up with the consoles is almost as expensive as keeping the hardware upgrades up to date for the pc.
"Already?" Uhh. . . the PS3 will be seven-years-old by the time the PS4 comes out. That's super-old for a console. The 360 will be eight this fall. That's even older than seven.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 05:58 PM So your telling me eight is older then seven?
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 05:59 PM I agree we are becoming overdue for new consoles. I just hope they really do a good job and not half ass them and overcharge us.
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 06:02 PM Never say never............
They did the same thing to the used pc game market back around 2005-06.
Gamestop used to have hundreds of used pc titles now your lucky if they have 20 or so new titles.Yeah, but I've used the same code on 05-08 games many many times. I don't it will work with newer games though. I haven't tried.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 06:13 PM I agree we are becoming overdue for new consoles. I just hope they really do a good job and not half ass them and overcharge us.
My problem is a lot of the current titles are 60 bucks with gameplay that can be completed in under 10-15 hours. Or the current trend of Call of Duty,MOH and Battlefield.
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 06:23 PM My problem is a lot of the current titles are 60 bucks with gameplay that can be completed in under 10-15 hours. Or the current trend of Call of Duty,MOH and Battlefield.
Belch....That's one thing that really gets me. I completed MW3 in 6 hours. I am a campaign guy though. I just hate the way these games are today. It seems they aren't trying and just trying to throw them out as quick as possible. Also, I wonder if the price of new games will be raised at all with next gen.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 06:30 PM That's one thing that really gets me. I completed MW3 in 6 hours. I am a campaign guy though. I just hate the way these games are today. It seems they aren't trying and just trying to throw them out as quick as possible. Also, I wonder if the price of new games will be raised at all with next gen.
Its a cash grab plain and simple....
The first couple COD and MOH titles had excellent campaigns and you got tremendous bang for your buck.
Are you a pc gamer as well?
If so you might try the ARMA series for excellent realistic gameplay with campaigns that are at times unforgiving.
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 06:43 PM Yeah. I've played ARMA 2 and I have a Nvidia Gt580 and I still can't even run ultra graphics settings. I haven't played it much, but from what I have, it is badass. I am switching over to PC gaming though. I still play MW2 a lot. lol.... I've never been much into MOH. I prefer SOCOM which has fallen off quite a bit. I'll had more fun with SOCOM 3 then I did MOH Warfighter. Haven't played SOCOM 4 though.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 06:57 PM Yeah. I've played ARMA 2 and I have a Nvidia Gt580 and I still can't even run ultra graphics settings. I haven't played it much, but from what I have, it is badass. I am switching over to PC gaming though. I still play MW2 a lot. lol.... I've never been much into MOH. I prefer SOCOM which has fallen off quite a bit. I'll had more fun with SOCOM 3 then I did MOH Warfighter. Haven't played SOCOM 4 though.
The first 2 Socoms were classic.....but sadly after that at least in my book they went downhill.
Are you familiar with GOG?
They sell PC games both old and new without DRM and its where ive picked up alot of my titles including Operation Flashpoint{aka Arma Cold War Crisis} and Arma Gold {aka Arma 1}. I paid 15 bucks for the both of them and being as they are older titles they arent as demanding as far as pc specs.
ArmA Gold Edition for download $9.99 - (
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 07:14 PM The first 2 Socoms were classic.....but sadly after that at least in my book they went downhill.
Are you familiar with GOG?
They sell PC games both old and new without DRM and its where ive picked up alot of my titles including Operation Flashpoint{aka Arma Cold War Crisis} and Arma Gold {aka Arma 1}. I paid 15 bucks for the both of them and being as they are older titles they arent as demanding as far as pc specs.
ArmA Gold Edition for download $9.99 - ('ve never heard of GOG. I'll check it out when I get home. I'm at school now, but it seems cool. $10 for ARMA Gold seems really good. BTW How is Operation FP.. I have yet to play it.
Hawk405359 02-20-2013, 07:22 PM Never say never............
They did the same thing to the used pc game market back around 2005-06.
Gamestop used to have hundreds of used pc titles now your lucky if they have 20 or so new titles.
The better way to really do away with used games is to go all digital, which is the trend now. Trying to restrict used games in any other way would be corporate suicide given the prevalence of it in the market and how big the market is.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 07:25 PM I've never heard of GOG. I'll check it out when I get home. I'm at school now, but it seems cool. $10 for ARMA Gold seems really good. BTW How is Operation FP.. I have yet to play it.
Its excellent but being that its over 10 yrs old dont expect top notch graphics. The gameplay as i mentioned earlier is at times very very difficult and i can understand how it got high ratings.
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 07:26 PM I'm slowly switching to digital, but I'm not the biggest fan of "the cloud". Which is a rumor that the majority of games are going to. I haven't kept up with the PS4 news conference. If anyone has, is there anything really cool. I'm an Xbox guy, but I have a PS3(I don't play it much though).
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 07:27 PM Its excellent but being that its over 10 yrs old dont expect top notch graphics. The gameplay as i mentioned earlier is at times very very difficult and i can understand how it got high ratings.Have you played the new one? I think it is called Red River.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 07:56 PM Have you played the new one? I think it is called Red River.
Actually i tried the demo on steam and wasnt very impressed.
Keep in mind that that new Operation flashpoint titles are not made by the same guys that made Operation FP 1 or any of the Arma titles.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 08:02 PM The better way to really do away with used games is to go all digital, which is the trend now. Trying to restrict used games in any other way would be corporate suicide given the prevalence of it in the market and how big the market is.
Here is my problem with steam/digital......
When you buy a copy at a physical retailer there are costs that go into the for example 50 price. You have the costs of producing the disks, boxes, manuals as well as shipping them from point A to point B{retailer}.
For the same title on Steam you pay the same price with none of the costs involved above but you do get only a CD key.
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 08:55 PM Actually i tried the demo on steam and wasnt very impressed.
Keep in mind that that new Operation flashpoint titles are not made by the same guys that made Operation FP 1 or any of the Arma titles.Oh, I didn't know they weren't made by the same people.
Here is my problem with steam/digital......
When you buy a copy at a physical retailer there are costs that go into the for example 50 price. You have the costs of producing the disks, boxes, manuals as well as shipping them from point A to point B{retailer}.
For the same title on Steam you pay the same price with none of the costs involved above but you do get only a CD key.THIS!!!!!
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 09:07 PM Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising and Red River were developed by Codemasters and Operation Flashpoint{Cold war crisis} as well as Arma 1 and 2 were devloped by Bohemia Interactive.
And yes i hate steam lol.
Plutonic Panda 02-20-2013, 09:26 PM Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising and Red River were developed by Codemasters and Operation Flashpoint{Cold war crisis} as well as Arma 1 and 2 were devloped by Bohemia Interactive.
And yes i hate steam lol.Yeah, I hated steam after the first 30 mins of using it lol..
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 10:10 PM More and more titles coming out use Steam as a DRM or as i like to call it since the game is not actually yours a very expensive rental.
Mississippi Blues 02-20-2013, 11:24 PM All the games that were shown off were impressive and I plan to keep an eye on, but Down Deep like seriously caught my eye. It seems like a Skyrim with waaaaaayyyyyyy better graphics -- obviously since it'll be on PS4.
Dustin 02-20-2013, 11:30 PM Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising and Red River were developed by Codemasters and Operation Flashpoint{Cold war crisis} as well as Arma 1 and 2 were devloped by Bohemia Interactive.
And yes i hate steam lol.
Even though your avatar isn't Morgan Freeman, I can't help but read your posts in his voice. It's very weird.
Achilleslastand 02-20-2013, 11:44 PM Even though your avatar isn't Morgan Freeman, I can't help but read your posts in his voice. It's very weird.
If i remembered any of his lines from shawshank redemption id post em hehe.
Plutonic Panda 02-21-2013, 01:47 AM All the games that were shown off were impressive and I plan to keep an eye on, but Down Deep like seriously caught my eye. It seems like a Skyrim with waaaaaayyyyyyy better graphics -- obviously since it'll be on PS4.I was upset with Final Fantasy 15 >_< ... But yes, I think Sony did good on this.
Plutonic Panda 02-23-2013, 11:43 PM I got a chance to look at GOG and I have to say, it is really nice!!!!! :D
Achilleslastand 02-24-2013, 12:20 AM I got a chance to look at GOG and I have to say, it is really nice!!!!! :D
There quite a few great games on there all at a great price....
If you like RPGs there are quite a few good ones....
Baldurs Gate 1&2
Divine Divinity.....the greatest single player RPG youve never heard of.
System Shock 2...altho it combines shooter elements as well as survival horror.
Richard at Remax 08-26-2013, 11:26 AM I would suggest that if anyone owns a PS3, play the Last of Us. Incredible game
John1744 09-08-2013, 09:22 PM Grand Theft Auto V coming on 9/17/13. Looks amazing. One of the largest development budgets of any entertainment property of all time. Can't wait to play it. Anyone else doing any midnight purchases of it?
Dustin 09-08-2013, 09:41 PM Grand Theft Auto V coming on 9/17/13. Looks amazing. One of the largest development budgets of any entertainment property of all time. Can't wait to play it. Anyone else doing any midnight purchases of it?
I'll just buy it on Steam. I can't wait. I think it's the most expensive game ever made and they already made all their money back in pre-orders.
Plutonic Panda 09-09-2013, 04:05 AM Grand Theft Auto V coming on 9/17/13. Looks amazing. One of the largest development budgets of any entertainment property of all time. Can't wait to play it. Anyone else doing any midnight purchases of it?Yeah, I'll be at the premier in Penn Square or if they decide not to do it, I'll be at the one in Edmond by Target on 2nd st. I bought the Collectors which I really shouldn't of. This game will easily be better than any game coming out in the 4 year. To this, GTA4 has more in depth detail than any other console game I've played, and I am(was due to school) a huge ass gamer. Rockstar is an amazing gaming company who really tries hard and doesn't put out garbage like Saints Row 4, which I pray no one here bought lol
Plutonic Panda 09-09-2013, 04:09 AM BTW, just out of curiosity, I'll likely be switching mainly to PC gaming this time around as when the 360/PS3 came out, I switched to consoles. However, I'll likely get an Xbox One and a PS4, but I'm just curious as to what people on here are planning to get, if you get anything. PS4 or an Xbox One, and it'd be cool if you would say as to why.
Just the facts 09-09-2013, 07:44 AM Not a gamer myself (although I have been known to turn a few laps in GT5), but my kids already told me they don't want to go up to the PS4. They are switching to PC games. For non-gaming the PS3 has everything we need - Netflix, internet, and Blu-ray 3D player. They decided to switch because the games are better on a PC and they like the chat options they get with their friends. Both of them are on Steam whose games are a fraction of the price of a PS3 game and will probably be orders of magnitude cheaper than a PS4 game.
venture 09-09-2013, 09:44 AM It seems consoles just keep migrating closer and closer to PCs. With the price points coming up, PS4 at $399 and XBoxOne at $499, it just seems stupid to not switch to PC gaming unless you just have money burning a hole in your pocket. You can do a pretty good gaming rig for $500-600 if you know what you are doing or around $1000 if you want a system capable of handling the ultra settings on most games.
Achilleslastand 09-09-2013, 11:55 AM It seems consoles just keep migrating closer and closer to PCs. With the price points coming up, PS4 at $399 and XBoxOne at $499, it just seems stupid to not switch to PC gaming unless you just have money burning a hole in your pocket. You can do a pretty good gaming rig for $500-600 if you know what you are doing or around $1000 if you want a system capable of handling the ultra settings on most games.
And meanwhile a lot of pc games have been dumbed down to appeal to the console crowd{which sadly is where the money is at}. A recent pc release{Rome Total War 2} suffers from a bit of being dumbed down as well as having subpar performance of players with the latest intel cpus and titan video cards{thankfully not mine tho}.
Achilleslastand 09-09-2013, 12:04 PM I'll just buy it on Steam. I can't wait. I think it's the most expensive game ever made and they already made all their money back in pre-orders.
News: Report: Grand Theft Auto V has 'blockbuster film budget' of £170 million - Strategy Informer (
They spent around 170 million on game development and marketing with 3 million copies already reserved by UK retailers.
NikonNurse 09-09-2013, 12:47 PM I've not had good luck with PS consoles in the past. Plus with the types of games played around here...our PS3 was just utilized as a blue ray player. Most of the kiddos play Xbox one, and Xbox core games like Halo. I utilize all the video apps on Xbox, so it made sense for our house to go with Xbox over ps4. No other reason, but when I mention that, the fan-boys of PlayStation tend to get irate for whatever reason...If I had money burning a hole in my pocket I would buy each console....
John1744 09-09-2013, 06:46 PM For those saying they'll just get it on PC, it hasn't yet been announced for PC, and though it likely will eventually come to it, it may be many months or even a year or so down the road. Also while I love my PC I also own all the current consoles because there are just so many times you get a console exclusive game like Journey, Last of Us, the Uncharted series, Metal Gear Solid etc that never see the light of day on PC. And they're some of the most critically acclaimed games this generation.
Now that both new consoles are essentially high end PC's this line maybe less of an issue. But Sony and Microsoft are still going to throw major dollars at developers to keep great games exclusive to their consoles.
Plutonic Panda 09-10-2013, 08:53 AM For those saying they'll just get it on PC, it hasn't yet been announced for PC, and though it likely will eventually come to it, it may be many months or even a year or so down the road. Also while I love my PC I also own all the current consoles because there are just so many times you get a console exclusive game like Journey, Last of Us, the Uncharted series, Metal Gear Solid etc that never see the light of day on PC. And they're some of the most critically acclaimed games this generation.
Now that both new consoles are essentially high end PC's this line maybe less of an issue. But Sony and Microsoft are still going to throw major dollars at developers to keep great games exclusive to their consoles.There are certain games I prefer playing on consoles and GTA is one of them. I think Rockstar is a more console oriented company anyways(does that make sense???).
The being said, I would advocate that anyone who plans on getting Watchdogs really should think about getting it for a computer, if you have one that can handle it.
Plutonic Panda 09-16-2013, 03:24 PM Is anyone going to be at the Gamestop on 2nd and Bryant tonight for the midnight release of GTA5? I will! Game is going to be frickin sick