View Full Version : Norman needs more "diverse" Industries

03-08-2010, 11:52 AM
Read an interesting article in the Norman Transcript about how the city of Norman basically needs to be a more developed diverse place of business. It basically stated that Norman relies heavily on governmental and state jobs to much and needs to diversify its econonmic base. It further states in this article that even high paying professionals in Norman are not paid very well. It really is a wake up call for Norman and the State of Oklahoma relying to much on government to pay their salaries and not enough on major private employers. Futhermore, many local officals were scoffing at the idea and disagreeing with this consultants findings. Typical bury your head in the sand mentality that everything is ok in Okie Doakie land. Here is the article. What are your opinions?

Analyst: Norman surviving downturn but could still position itself better Business The Norman Transcript (

03-08-2010, 12:44 PM
When outside industry avoids your town, then it's up to the townspeople to be innovative enough to dream up industry that becomes known around the world. Stillwater did it with Kicker speakers, Eskimos Joe's and the Hideaway. Hopefully, Oklahoma business laws and regulation do not discourage individual entrepreneurism.

Jersey Boss
03-08-2010, 12:49 PM
Here is a link to that is a letter authored by former state Senator Hobson responding to the study.

William Fruth needs to hear the truth Letters The Norman Transcript (

Jersey Boss
03-08-2010, 12:51 PM
Correction- here is a link to letter penned by Cal Hobson(former State Senator) responding to Furth.

03-08-2010, 01:12 PM
Here is a link to that is a letter authored by former state Senator Hobson responding to the study.

William Fruth needs to hear the truth Letters The Norman Transcript ( I put little or no faith in "insular", inempt politicians in Oklahoma because they are to self serving and are only interested in "self "interest. Maybe the consultant Fruth struck a nerve with the OK legislator because denial is the easyway out of "dealing with things in general. With the history of State Government with all it's corruption and greed it and self serving interest, they would feel threatened by large industries moving in on their turf. You heard the saying, "Don't Steal because the government hates competion" lol. Sad but true "anywhere for that matter" but especially with Oklahoma's reputation.

03-08-2010, 01:19 PM
When outside industry avoids your town, then it's up to the townspeople to be innovative enough to dream up industry that becomes known around the world. Stillwater did it with Kicker speakers, Eskimos Joe's and the Hideaway. Hopefully, Oklahoma business laws and regulation do not discourage individual entrepreneurism. The question to be asked then is this, "What is causing this avoidance that you mention"? Maybe it's a deeper underlying issue with the State or it's laws that are written? It's a question to ponder?

03-09-2010, 03:21 PM
Read an interesting article in the Norman Transcript about how the city of Norman basically needs to be a more developed diverse place of business. It basically stated that Norman relies heavily on governmental and state jobs to much and needs to diversify its econonmic base. It further states in this article that even high paying professionals in Norman are not paid very well. It really is a wake up call for Norman and the State of Oklahoma relying to much on government to pay their salaries and not enough on major private employers. Futhermore, many local officals were scoffing at the idea and disagreeing with this consultants findings. Typical bury your head in the sand mentality that everything is ok in Okie Doakie land. Here is the article. What are your opinions?

Analyst: Norman surviving downturn but could still position itself better Business The Norman Transcript (

I think he was absolutely correct. Norman's economy relies WAY too heavily on jobs funded by the government. We have a few home grown industries like Bergey Wind Co., but we need some more. I also agree with the poster who said we need to dream up innovative or new businesses ourselves.

03-10-2010, 12:13 AM
I think he was absolutely correct. Norman's economy relies WAY too heavily on jobs funded by the government. We have a few home grown industries like Bergey Wind Co., but we need some more. I also agree with the poster who said we need to dream up innovative or new businesses ourselves.

I agree about diversifying the economy, however relying on goverment employment is not a bad thing. The cities in the United States that have fared the best during the current economic problems and which have recovered the fastest are the ones with that type of environment.

03-10-2010, 01:01 PM
And hopefully the government will resist shipping jobs to Mexico or overseas.

03-10-2010, 01:03 PM
The question to be asked then is this, "What is causing this avoidance that you mention"? Maybe it's a deeper underlying issue with the State or it's laws that are written? It's a question to ponder?

For the usual reasons, such as lack of a nearby airport with non stop international destinations and lack of qualified workers. And no pretty mountain scenery to ski on as in Colorado.