View Full Version : North Face

03-07-2010, 03:17 PM
It seems like almost everyone owns a North Face jacket but me. You see them everywhere you turn. Does anybody know where people are buying these jackets?

03-07-2010, 03:31 PM
Backwoods at May and NW122nd used to be a NorthFace dealer....but they were expensive.

I'm not sure I'd call them overrated. I used to have a NF powder jacket and it was awesome. I loved that jacket and got many, many compliments on it over the years.

03-07-2010, 03:35 PM
It seems to be the new trend. I see every other person on OU campus wearing one. I think I'll stop by Backwoods to see if they're still in stock then. Thanks!

03-07-2010, 03:37 PM
Sun & Ski Sports on N. May
Outdoor World/Bass Pro downtown
Metro Shoe Warehouse in Norman
Westies Shoes (they've got a smaller selection of jackets) on Memorial

03-07-2010, 03:57 PM
yea the northface fleece has become the uniform for fraternity and sorority members. they all have one.

03-07-2010, 04:05 PM
lol...seems that everything that is old, is new again.

When I bought my powder jacket, it was when I went to OU and yeah, I pledged a frat. However, this was back in 1985! lol

The jacket was really expensive when I bought it. I think it was like $70 and back then....that was a lot more than it is today.

03-07-2010, 04:56 PM
I dont own one and dont plan on buying one

03-07-2010, 05:46 PM
new fad?

when i went to highschool in the late 1990's they were in style then and still are. anytime you charge 250 dollars for a fleece that was made in india from 3 dollars in material they are going to be popular.

El Gato Pollo Loco!!!
03-07-2010, 07:46 PM
I prefer South Butt stuff myself...

03-07-2010, 09:58 PM
I have never been big fan of expensive lables. Nine times out ten you are paying for the name not the product.

03-08-2010, 12:31 AM
I think I've seen rows of them in Bass Pro in Bricktown.

03-08-2010, 01:02 AM
They are the standard uniform for fratties and yuppies in the winter months. I used to clown people for wearing them, but I got a fleece for Christmas and I must say it is very warm, yet still is able to breathe. Try buying one online as it will be cheaper than anything in OKC.

Interesting enough I'm in Montana right now for a business trip and North Face is very common up here. In a cold climate like this they are seen as a standard wear rather than a fad and many people who aren't the least bit fashionable will swear by their North Face.

03-08-2010, 07:49 AM
North Face seems to have become more of a fashion statement than true performance wear, which it once was. They still make lots of mountaneering, outdoor wear, but they seem to have also crossed over into trendy high school and college clothes. When we first moved here, a few years ago, while my kids were still in high school, they were about the only kids in school that didn't own North Face. I think I've even seen North Face stuff at Sam's Club in the last year or so.

03-08-2010, 05:10 PM
I will punch the next person I see wearing a North Face jacket in the face.... shouldn't be long.

03-08-2010, 06:50 PM
pops some Orville R Kettle Corn while waiting for someone to gift a North Face jacket and a mirror to Caboose.

03-09-2010, 02:37 PM
North Face was so last year.

03-09-2010, 04:25 PM
It seems to be the new trend. I see every other person on OU campus wearing one. I think I'll stop by Backwoods to see if they're still in stock then. Thanks!

monkey see, monkey do, thats the difference between me and you.

03-09-2010, 04:31 PM
I prefer South Butt stuff myself...

the kid in St. Louis that made the south butt clothing is getting sued by NF

03-09-2010, 05:53 PM
the kid in St. Louis that made the south butt clothing is getting sued by NF

why? thats his own company. has nothing to do with north face. the clothing lines are each made in two completely different parts of Cambodia. the font isnt precisely the same,.. even the logo is turned upside down and has one fewer stripe.

leave the kid alone so NF haters can support his cause.

besides, NF is just an expensive version of Jansport (its parent company and sold at fine stores such as Kmart & Walmart), and ive always preferred Eastpak over Jansport.

04-10-2010, 08:52 AM
Hard to find much selection around here, but Arcteryx and Cloudveil make superior products if you're looking for gear to actually put to use.