View Full Version : Interesting new air service announcement for TUL

03-06-2010, 07:00 PM
Perhaps this is not news to some of you, but TUL will see Saturday/Sunday service to MIA! Strange pair other than the fact that AA has the big maintenance base at TUL. Wonder how it will do, or if how it does will really even matter since they have to get that metal to TUL for work anyway.

Miami-Tulsa (eff. 12 June 2010):

AA 506 TUL 0920-1310 MIA 738 SaSu
AA 537 MIA 2010-2205 TUL 738 SaSu

03-07-2010, 12:35 AM
Perhaps this is not news to some of you, but TUL will see Saturday/Sunday service to MIA! Strange pair other than the fact that AA has the big maintenance base at TUL. Wonder how it will do, or if how it does will really even matter since they have to get that metal to TUL for work anyway.

Miami-Tulsa (eff. 12 June 2010):

AA 506 TUL 0920-1310 MIA 738 SaSu
AA 537 MIA 2010-2205 TUL 738 SaSu

There obviously is not enough air traffic from Tulsa to Miami or connecting cities to justify this. Oklahoma City couldn't support this either. The fact that American has a large hub in Miami and that the maintenance center is in Tulsa is the only explanation. The schedule does work well for people going on cruises from Miami, however.

03-07-2010, 01:53 AM
don't know if i'd want to fly from mia to tul on a plane that needs work, lol.

03-08-2010, 12:14 AM
don't know if i'd want to fly from mia to tul on a plane that needs work, lol.

I understand the joke but there isn't a plane flying that doesn't need work at some point. It's kind of like taking your car in to have the oil and filter changed.

03-08-2010, 12:20 AM
MIA FL or MIA OK? If I'm reading the first post correctly, it's MIA FL.

Richard at Remax
03-08-2010, 04:02 PM

03-08-2010, 07:32 PM
This is about scheduled maintenance, nothing more. Would be equivalent to us getting scheduled Alaska Airlines flights on the weekends here. This service has been rumored for months and is not really a big surprise or a big deal.

03-26-2010, 09:47 PM
Yes there is a big difference;

OKC could support daily non-stop from Seattle, be it Alaska or United . Tulsa can't support/justify service from Miami.

03-26-2010, 10:12 PM
They can not support it, but they definitely can JUSTIFY it. The justification is the MX base.

Just as, a non stop to OKC from Seattle would be JUSTIFIED by MX. Whether or not the city supports it is irrelevant, both flights would be/are justified. Supporting them is another thing entirely. The flights are flying anyway, might as well put butts in the seats.