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12-27-2015, 07:31 AM
The Farmer's Market has been in the process of getting a refresh:

Mississippi Blues
12-27-2015, 10:27 AM
Wow, that's incredible.

12-27-2015, 10:45 AM
They are also re-doing the restrooms.

This facility really should get more music events. It's very cool and lots of surrounding parking.

12-27-2015, 11:07 AM
Looking good Billy Ray

12-27-2015, 11:09 AM
I've always thought that it could/should be the OKC version of Cain's Ballroom. The history and original purpose of the upstairs is/was quite similar to Cain's, to the point where Bob Wills and his Texas Playboys actually called Farmers Market home when first relocating from Fort Worth.

They hosted weekly dances and a syndicated radio show, but eventually had to move once again - this time to Cain's - thanks to threats made to WKY (IIRC) of pulled commercials, made my the sponsor of their original radio show in Texas. The rest is history, and Bob Wills put Cain's on the live music map while Farmers market foundered for decades.

12-27-2015, 09:41 PM
How are the acoustics? That is something that is obviously very important to being a good music venue.

12-27-2015, 09:57 PM
Excellent, based on events I've been to. Again, the construction is very similar to Cain's.

12-27-2015, 11:17 PM
Looks really nice

12-28-2015, 09:37 PM
Is that the same building they hold the Momentum art show in every year? If so, wow, I have never seen it that clean looking.

If that is the building, the acoustics are pretty good. The art show I mentioned usually has a live band or an EDM DJ and as far as I remember things sounded pretty ok with just the small amps they were using.

01-01-2016, 12:09 PM
Few more from today:

01-01-2016, 12:13 PM
Did they paint the Windows turquoise? Or are they still original

01-01-2016, 08:37 PM
That looks fantastic! It needed a refresh for sure.

01-04-2016, 01:27 PM
Next the streetscape please. I would stay it needs a refurb but really it just doesn't even have one at all... but that's kind of good in a way. Blank slate...

John Knight
01-05-2016, 07:55 AM
In case you haven't heard...


04-17-2016, 10:46 AM
OKCTalk - 3 new restaurants and bars plus retail slated for Farmers Market area (

04-18-2016, 08:17 AM
I'm very happy about this. I love that area.

04-18-2016, 08:25 AM
Yes, that area is super cool and there is so much potential which is just starting to be realized.

Good group of people involved in all of this as well.

Roger S
04-18-2016, 08:29 AM
I've tried to steer two different BBQ cooks, looking to open brick and mortar locations, down there and they've ran into issues with some of the property owners in the area. Maybe that will change now... I think it would be an awesome location for a Q-raunt and still hope someone can get something located in that area.

04-18-2016, 08:36 AM
There are still several property owners that won't sell, lease or do anything with some key properties.

The two bookend properties on SW 2nd are cases in point, as is the old service station directly east of the market.

Many people have tried to work something out but they continue to sit on their hands with the properties in generally poor condition.

Roger S
04-18-2016, 08:43 AM
Yep.... That is where they were looking. I was told by one of them that the property owner wanted them to renovate the property and then pay rent on top of it..... Renovation was going to require some extensive roof repairs is what I was told.

I think that old service station just screams BBQ, or maybe burgers, and if I had the capital to pull it off, I would be trying to put a Q-raunt in there myself.

04-18-2016, 08:57 AM

What if I could help you raise the capital??

It's absolutely criminal this city does not have one decent, old-school BBQ place.

04-18-2016, 09:01 AM
I agree with Pete. I am always sad that I don't really have a GO TO for great BBQ in okc.. there are several that will do but none that I am just absolutely excited about. I think that is sad for OKC and we need a great Q place to rave about.

04-18-2016, 09:02 AM
I was about to say "Somebody get that man's some capital!!!"

04-18-2016, 09:08 AM
I visited this area for the first time a couple of months ago to pick up some "designer" pasta at Urban Agrarian. I was simply amazed at the look and feel of the it. It just screams potential and I wish all of those involved in its resurgence and redevelopment all the best.

Roger S
04-18-2016, 09:17 AM

What if I could help you raise the capital??

It's absolutely criminal this city does not have one decent, old-school BBQ place.

I really do appreciate the offer but I'm afraid of losing too much control if I have investors.

I've been self-employed more of my life than I've been employed by others and the only bad experiences I have during those self-employed times came when partners were involved. So if I can't afford to do it on my own. I'd just rather not risk a venture of that type.

Now not to get completely off topic here....well, yeah this is totally off topic.. Who am I kidding.

I have been kicking around a couple of ideas...

One would be a charity event benefiting Operation BBQ Relief where myself, and a few of my pitmaster friends, would basically throw a big party somewhere and serve up some of our Q..... The main thing that's been holding me back on this idea has been a lack of time in getting it organized. My work schedule has just been insane recently.

My second idea is more of a pop-up type event and I wouldn't even care if I made any money doing it. But basically if I could find a location where I could get setup, meet all the HD requirements if necessary, and just cook and serve Q until I run out and basically turn it into a monthly, or bi-monthly depending on my schedule, back yard type party. I think it would be a blast.... But once again this comes down to the amount of hours I have available to me in a day, and those seem to come at a premium for me right now, to get the logistics of trying to do something like that researched and organized.

04-18-2016, 09:23 AM
I really do appreciate the offer but I'm afraid of losing too much control if I have investors.

I've been self-employed more of my life than I've been employed by others and the only bad experiences I have during those self-employed times came when partners were involved. So if I can't afford to do it on my own. I'd just rather not risk a venture of that type.

Now not to get completely off topic here....well, yeah this is totally off topic.. Who am I kidding.

I have been kicking around a couple of ideas...

One would be a charity event benefiting Operation BBQ Relief where myself, and a few of my pitmaster friends, would basically throw a big party somewhere and serve up some of our Q..... The main thing that's been holding me back on this idea has been a lack of time in getting it organized. My work schedule has just been insane recently.

My second idea is more of a pop-up type event and I wouldn't even care if I made any money doing it. But basically if I could find a location where I could get setup, meet all the HD requirements if necessary, and just cook and serve Q until I run out and basically turn it into a monthly, or bi-monthly depending on my schedule, back yard type party. I think it would be a blast.... But once again this comes down to the amount of hours I have available to me in a day, and those seem to come at a premium for me right now, to get the logistics of trying to do something like that researched and organized.

What about working with the food truck parks to have a monthly Q operation, or some of the bars that don't serve food?

Roger S
04-18-2016, 09:46 AM
What about working with the food truck parks to have a monthly Q operation, or some of the bars that don't serve food?

I have kicked around that idea too but it would all come down to how many HD hoops I would need to jump through to pull it off..... Time really is my biggest issue for the once a month/part time type thing.

04-18-2016, 09:51 AM

What if I could help you raise the capital??

It's absolutely criminal this city does not have one decent, old-school BBQ place.

What about George's Happy Hog BBQ? A lot of people don't know its there, but its probably the most old-school, hole-in-the-wall BBQ place I know of in OKC.

04-18-2016, 10:45 AM
I like this district a lot, but the roads are horrendous. Is there any plan for at least a repave? Nice streetscaping with sidewalks and parallel parking on the already wide streets would be perfect, but I doubt the city would pay for it.

04-18-2016, 10:55 AM
^Yep, that's the big thing that is lacking. It is TERRIBLE down there.

Roger S
04-18-2016, 11:06 AM
^Yep, that's the big thing that is lacking. It is TERRIBLE down there.

I suppose it's all a matter of perspective but I love the rustic look of the area and would hate to see it changed with a lot of streetscaping and such..... I could concede to some paving repairs but right now it has that small town feel in the middle of a big city to me.

04-18-2016, 11:17 AM

I kind of agree.

I've been down there a lot and the street conditions haven't bothered me.

04-18-2016, 11:49 AM
The streets are terrible! At the least, they need a repave. And maybe some additional trees or flowers.

04-18-2016, 12:44 PM
Cacti and sand stone!!!

04-18-2016, 04:19 PM
I like this district a lot, but the roads are horrendous. Is there any plan for at least a repave? Nice streetscaping with sidewalks and parallel parking on the already wide streets would be perfect, but I doubt the city would pay for it.

I am sure something will be worked out. Back in 2012, the infrastructure in Midtown and SoSA was absolutely horrendous, but today it is improving a lot.

06-07-2016, 11:47 AM
I was at the Dallas Farmers Market this last weekend and I highly recommend it for anyone in Dallas, particularly on a weekend. It's a really big area with lots of more permanent and temporary vendors. There's a lot of new residential construction in the area so if you don't go soon the area will look really developed even though its recent. Anyway, I was just thinking that there are a lot of potential concepts that could be applied to the Farmer's Market District in OKC. The areas have a similar feel...

06-08-2016, 04:53 PM
My sister lives in Dallas and I have visited often. I agree that it is great. I was in Cincinnati last weekend and visited the Findlay Market. That market also got me to thinking of the untapped potential of the Farmer's Market in OKC. They have a large building in the middle with permanent stalls that are open almost every day selling all kinds of food. There are also "stalls" similar to ours that house little shops and restaurants. I was there on Saturday and they were also holding a true "farmers market" of local farmers selling fresh produce and other locally produced items. It was listed on most websites as a 'must see" in Cincinnati. We even got to see a parade and dancing for "German Day". I just kept thinking this can be done in OKC with our Farmers Market area.

Roger S
06-08-2016, 05:16 PM

That sounds similar to the Southard Market I went to in St Louis last year.... I loved that place and lamented that we have nothing like it in OKC.

06-08-2016, 05:21 PM
Our Farmer's Market is tailor-made for that sort of thing.

I bet we'll eventually get there. Up until very recently, there was very little happening down there and that is only now just starting to change.

07-26-2016, 12:03 PM
Another infuriating case of demolition by neglect...

Oklahoma City decision will force demolition of building in the Farmers Market area
by Steve Lackmeyer Published: July 20, 2016

After multiple fires and years of neglect at the former home of Buddy's Produce, the Oklahoma City Council on Tuesday declared the site dilapidated, hoping they might force the owner to either fix it or sell it to someone who will.

But the owner said he was waiting for the city council to take such action so he can proceed with demolition without getting approval from the Riverfront Design Review Committee.

The brick warehouse at 1307 SW 2, built in 1950, was abandoned by Buddy's Produce about a decade ago when the company moved to a former beer distribution warehouse in Midwest City. The building was declared a total loss after it caught fire in 2013. One of 50 firefighters who battled the blaze was injured as the south wall fell on him.

No repairs were made after the blaze, and more damage was inflicted during another fire last month.

“It's been a real problem,” Councilwoman Meg Salyer said. “The concern for the neighborhood is it is so close to other historic structures, it's worrisome. And there has been difficulty in encouraging the owners to do something.”

The dilapidation declaration allows the city to raze the property, though Salyer said a “grace period” will be granted first. Salyer said she hoped city council action would prompt the owner of Buddy's Produce, Donald Stover, to either repair the building or sell it to buyers who might see the potential for redevelopment.

Salyer admitted she was surprised Stover did not appear at the city council meeting to stop the building from being listed for possible demolition by the city.

“It's an important building,” Salyer said. “We need to do what we can to get it repaired or into new hands. We hope the property owners will reach out. And if they need to talk to somebody, they can call me or reach out to city staff.”

Stover, however, had no intention of fighting the city's order or seeking help to save the building. The Farmers Market area, including the old Buddy's Produce warehouse, is subject to review by the Riverfront Design Committee. Such committees can block demolition of buildings deemed historic.
Photo - The fire-damaged loading docks at the former home of Buddy's Produce, 1307 SW 2, are set to be torn down. The owner, Donald Stover, said he left the buildings in a dilapidated condition, hoping to get a demolition order by the city to avoid review by the Riverfront Design Committee.

“We were waiting on the hearing to avoid going through the Riverfront Design Committee so we can demolish the building,” Stover said. “We've been working on it for a year to try to get it down. The demolition company has the paperwork done and we're hoping to get the permit tomorrow.”

When asked if he ever considered selling the building to a developer, Stover said he didn't “have time” for it and was not interested in seeking a buyer.

“I don't think anyone wants to buy it as it,” Stover said. “It's been pretty vandalized.”

07-26-2016, 06:43 PM
It's one building I'm not going to miss. Those buildings are beyond dilapidated and gross.

07-28-2016, 07:53 AM
Not exactly a gem:

07-28-2016, 07:56 AM
Oh. I wasn't fully aware of that building.... The article described it as a brick warehouse so I was picturing something quite different...

07-28-2016, 08:00 AM
I think the article has the address wrong (1307 SW 2nd). That is the building pictured above.

I believe this is actually the brick building that will be coming down at 1310 W. Reno, which is pretty cool and had a lot of potential:

07-28-2016, 01:45 PM
That would definitely seem to fit the description... and that's an absolute shame. Is there anything that can be done? Especially considering that the owner specifically neglected the building to force the city's hand. I mean, aside from knocking the building down, does he have future plans for the property? Because I could understand a higher and better use, but if it's just going to be an empty lot...

08-05-2016, 11:20 AM
Coincidence or irony?

08-28-2016, 11:46 AM
Loaded Bowl (2nd photo) and other businesses making good progress.

08-28-2016, 07:19 PM
I think the article has the address wrong (1307 SW 2nd). That is the building pictured above.

I believe this is actually the brick building that will be coming down at 1310 W. Reno, which is pretty cool and had a lot of potential:

They're still making bricks last I checked!

And no one will have to repurpose a loading dock...which pretty much has one 4 foot tall purpose no matter how hard you try.

08-29-2016, 06:09 AM
They're still making bricks last I checked!

And no one will have to repurpose a loading dock...which pretty much has one 4 foot tall purpose no matter how hard you try.
Is this the one purpose you're referring to?

09-28-2016, 12:01 AM
OKCtoberfest coming up this Saturday.

John Knight
09-29-2016, 08:05 AM
I will be set up at OKCtoberfest this Saturday selling all the merch. Stop by and say hello!

13105 13106

11-21-2016, 07:02 AM
Loaded Bowl very close to opening:

Ross MacLochness
12-02-2016, 01:15 PM
Loaded Bowl is open. Went there for lunch and it is deeeeeeelish.

12-14-2016, 02:47 PM
Trio of businesses sowing seeds in Farmers Market District

By: Molly M. Fleming The Journal Record December 12, 2016

OKLAHOMA CITY – Live music events, a food truck park, and a wedding venue are a few of the attractions in the Farmers Market District. And three business owners have banded together in an effort to take advantage of that, sharing retail space they’re calling the Silo.

The Okay See, JL Woodworx, and Brandon Snider Photography are taking 3,000 square feet at the Silo, 1205 SW Second St. in the Tomato House building. It will open before the year’s end.

Brandon Snider and The Okay See are leaving another developing district, Film Row. The Okay See co-owner Blake Behrens said the new space is twice the size of their existing spot, and it comes with storefront windows.

The Okay See sells screen-printed T-shirts, inspired by Oklahoma, and also does commercial screen-printing.

“There’s a freshness to the Farmers Market District that we are drawn to,” he said.

Behrens and his business partner, Kyle Simmons, are regulars at pop-up events around the city, such as Industry Flea in Midtown. Behrens said the shirts sell best when people are able to see them. Their space is in The Paramount Building’s north side, off Sheridan Avenue. It only has a side door and no storefront windows.

“We’re trying to get to where there’s a thriving area of easily walkable space,” he said. “Everything is in half a block of each other.”

Snider said not only will the district’s foot traffic help his business, but being in the same space as The Okay See and JL Woodworx will benefit him as well. He’s been in The Paramount building for seven years.

“Everything’s always better when you have multiple things,” he said. “People come to the store and they will have more choices. The Farmers Market is an up-and-coming place.”

Snider sells prints of downtown Oklahoma City and other Oklahoma sites. He also does commercial work such as architecture photos.

JL Woodworx will have its first retail space. Jay and Christina Long are working in their garage now and take their items to local stores. The company does custom cabinet work as well.

Christina Long said having their own retail shop has been a dream since they opened. And Jay Long will get to work alongside his high school friends, Behrens and Simmons.

Christina Long said the business’s growth has been by word-of-mouth, and with the new place, people can easily find them.

“The work will be inside the space, but at the back,” she said. “People will see us working and we’ll be in a climate-controlled area, which will be a nice change.”

01-09-2017, 05:05 PM
Urban Agrarian announced on FB they will soon be closing their doors.

Big loss for the district but hopes something interesting takes their space, as it has lots of potential.

01-09-2017, 05:34 PM
whaaat. that totally stinks... really liked that place.

01-09-2017, 05:56 PM
Urban Agrarian announced on FB they will soon be closing their doors.

Big loss for the district but hopes something interesting takes their space, as it has lots of potential.

hmmm... are you sure about this? I wasn't able to locate that post on facebook or twitter... looks like they're trying to get into web ordering but didn't see anything about closing the brick & mortar.

01-09-2017, 05:58 PM
hmmm... are you sure about this? I wasn't able to locate that post on facebook or twitter... looks like they're trying to get into web ordering but didn't see anything about closing the brick & mortar.

There's an article by Dave Cathey on about this closing. Sad stuff.

01-09-2017, 06:07 PM
interesting... just read the article but can't find the letter it references. however, there's a post on the 6th discussing a kickstarter campaign. i wonder if they're now trying to figure out a way to avoid closing?

Roger S
01-10-2017, 08:03 AM
interesting... just read the article but can't find the letter it references. however, there's a post on the 6th discussing a kickstarter campaign. i wonder if they're now trying to figure out a way to avoid closing?