View Full Version : Chase Tower
Kerry 03-04-2010, 12:05 PM Not to knit pick, but "executive" isn't an adje... oh hell. I hate grammar nazis, so forgive me.
I love grammar. I have problems sometimes, but I still love it. Are you sure the when used to describe an existing proper noun (Kerry) the word executive doesn't become a 'proper adjective'?
architect5311 03-04-2010, 12:10 PM Hey Kerry, no offense by the above, it's just the way Metro comes off sometimes.
I am in no way trying to compare OKC to Atlanta. As you know the OKC CBD is small, the only thing I was trying to depict in these images were some possibilities for future development. The fantasy highrises weren't randomly thrown in there. I was looking at the blocks, (which aren't really available nearer the main core), which seemed to make sense for future highrise development.[/QUOTE]
Kerry 03-04-2010, 12:13 PM Hey Kerry, no offense by the above, it's just the way Metro comes off sometimes.
No problem. Besides, you explained it by saying you expected mid-rise in-fill to take place. That works for me.
Platemaker 03-05-2010, 05:00 PM Isn't Oklahoma Tower a bit too tall in that sketch up?
Architect2010 03-05-2010, 05:50 PM Yes it is. There are also 6 fantasy towers. Put two and two together. He was just adding floors to it for a "what-if?" purpose.
mmonroe 03-06-2010, 11:34 AM Well, if you were to put together the mid-rises from NW OKC to the CBD to the Health Center area to the east of the CBD, and maybe (as a stretch for low-rises) Arvest Bank Building in Del City and some physicians buildings in Midwest City, we could be close to Atlanta... haha, it's a stretch.
shane453 03-06-2010, 02:41 PM Well, if you were to put together the mid-rises from NW OKC to the CBD to the Health Center area to the east of the CBD, and maybe (as a stretch for low-rises) Arvest Bank Building in Del City and some physicians buildings in Midwest City, we could be close to Atlanta... haha, it's a stretch.
I thought this might be cool and I have some sketchup models lying around my hard drive, so I did an experiment, putting some of those buildings on empty lots around the Arts District. You might recognize three buildings from the Integris NW campus, Founders Tower, the Classen, Landmark Towers (the triplets on NW Expy and Hefner Pkwy), Oil Center (twins from NW Expy), Lakeview Tower, American Fidelity, and 50 Penn Place. I didn't have a model of Valliance Bank and my awful model of Devon that I threw together a while back is nowhere near as good as architect5311's!
Kind of amazing how small these buildings look compared to downtown's tallest buildings. Being out in the open really adds to the impression of height that they give.
buylow 03-07-2010, 12:18 PM its actually called Cotter Ranch Tower...
its actually called Cotter Ranch Tower...
We all know that...
They're also called Science Museum Oklahoma & the Cox Business Services Convention Center, but still known as the Omniplex & Myriad.
buylow 03-07-2010, 05:02 PM We all know that...
They're also called Science Museum Oklahoma & the Cox Business Services Convention Center, but still known as the Omniplex & Myriad.
recognizing james cotter as the owner is also recognition that nothing will be done to the facade of the building, whether it is at Cotter's expense or the city's...
Larry OKC 03-07-2010, 10:26 PM Once a name gets attached it can be difficult to change. My late grandmother still called the grocery on I-240 and May "Skaggs". Even though it had changed names numerous times over the years (in no particular order: Skaggs, Skaggs/AlphaBeta, Alberstons, Jewel/Osco among others). Interesting that most of the various names were at one point or another all part of the same parent corporation.
Kerry 03-08-2010, 07:28 AM Kind of amazing how small these buildings look compared to downtown's tallest buildings. Being out in the open really adds to the impression of height that they give.
I thought that adding all of the buildings along NW Expressway would make downtown look a lot bigger. While they would be nice in-fill, you are right - they would be lost in the clutter at the lower end of the spectrum if they were all downtown. However, if give he choice between the two, I would prefer they all be 'lost' downtown.
Great work BTW.
Urbanized 03-08-2010, 10:34 AM We all know that...
They're also called Science Museum Oklahoma & the Cox Business Services Convention Center, but still known as the Omniplex & Myriad.
Heck, I'm so old-school that I still call Cotter/Chase Tower by its PROPER name: Liberty Tower.
Platemaker 03-08-2010, 11:24 AM Yes it is. There are also 6 fantasy towers. Put two and two together. He was just adding floors to it for a "what-if?" purpose.
Kerry 03-08-2010, 12:11 PM Heck, I'm so old-school that I still call Cotter/Chase Tower by its PROPER name: Liberty Tower.
My wife worked for Liberty many moons ago (a little native American lingo there). She still calls it Liberty also. She also worked for awaile in Devon's current building while she was with Liberty. She just calls that building The Annex.
cdbthunder 03-08-2010, 03:22 PM I worked at Liberty tower from 1984 to 1993 and to me it will always be LIBERTY TOWER.
modernism 11-16-2013, 01:26 PM I wish someone would upgrade this tower, its a black box. Putting a new glass curtain wall facade would work wonders for the downtown skyline...
catch22 11-16-2013, 01:35 PM It's fine. It's okay to have architectural diversity.
Praedura 11-16-2013, 01:42 PM I wish someone would upgrade this tower, its a black box. Putting a new glass curtain wall facade would work wonders for the downtown skyline...
I think that it would be great if more (and better) lighting were added. It's quite a dark box at night (pretty much only the top of the building is lit). It could look much more vibrant looking in the evening.
Otherwise, it's fine. I like it.
Plutonic Panda 11-16-2013, 07:10 PM How is the interior?
Mr. Cotter 11-17-2013, 10:16 AM The interior finishes are fine. The lobby looks good, and the my tenant space is really nice. The building is currently remodeling the common space on my floor (hallway, bathrooms, etc.). They had some issues with the plumbing recently, but it seems to be taken care of now. Old Man Cotter is an interesting guy, but it's a fine building to be in.
If they would do a better job of keeping the neon on the roof working, I think the exterior would look fine. They have stopped using the down spot lights that were on the corners of the building. When the building was new, there was no neon, and the spotlights were all around the perimeter, which was a cool look.
Putting up a new facade would be a mistake. It's okay that the building looks like it was built in 1971.
HOT ROD 11-21-2013, 03:52 AM I agree that the building façade is fine as is, just need to be consistent with the lighting or at least intensify the red aviation beacons on the top so that one can see there is a major building there at night. In fact, I wish Sandridge would get the red beacons on top as well.
Mr. Cotter 11-21-2013, 08:14 AM Beacons would be nice. I do really wish they would just have all the neon working again. Right now, about 60% of it is on. Cotter's management is never in a hurry to do anything, though.
HangryHippo 11-21-2013, 09:33 AM I'd like to see the white neon extended down the edges of the building, kind of like the green light building in Dallas. That'd make this tower really pop.
soondoc 11-21-2013, 10:33 AM Can the city or anyone contact the owners of Chase to see if they could do something like this. I'd love to see some white neon lights framing the building. It would make the lifeless building pop and would be good PR and exposure for Chase! Somebody with connections, please get on this!
Praedura 11-21-2013, 12:38 PM I'd like to see the white neon extended down the edges of the building, kind of like the green light building in Dallas. That'd make this tower really pop.
Oh, that building?
Yes, that would certainly stand out. Maybe too much.
But check out the building in the middle of the photo, with the white vertical stripes.
It even looks a bit like the Chase Tower. I'd be happy with something simple like that.
Mr. Cotter 11-21-2013, 03:33 PM Can the city or anyone contact the owners of Chase to see if they could do something like this. I'd love to see some white neon lights framing the building. It would make the lifeless building pop and would be good PR and exposure for Chase! Somebody with connections, please get on this!
I'm not trying to rain on anyone's parade, but the building would have to be sold before anything like that would happen. Anyone who has met Cotter knows he's "frugal." Chase has very little to do with the building.
bchris02 11-21-2013, 05:20 PM I agree that Chase Tower could use a facelift. I would not want it re-clad in the opaque blue glass that has become ubiquitous in current skyscraper design. So much of those buildings have been put up in cities like New York and Chicago that they're beginning to look like a hall of mirrors, where all the glass buildings reflect all the other glass buildings around them.
I like the dark glass of the Chase Tower, but the vertical striping and the arched windows at the top are very dated. Strip those away and you could have an elegant, simple, refined building that would still keep the essence of the building's 1970s Internationalist style.
A recent building that captures this esthetic is the Trump World Tower at the United Nations in New York.
Chase Tower doesn't need refurbished or redone entirely. The only thing I would like to see is it's frame outlined in neon. That would look real cool at night especially since the building is otherwise one the poorest lit buildings in downtown.
bchris02 09-29-2014, 07:30 AM So I have heard that the Chase logo may come down off the tower. Is that true?
In addition, if they are going to have the corner lights lit, they should make sure they are working properly on all sides of the building or just not light them at all. The past week or so it's looked kind of silly.
bombermwc 09-29-2014, 09:00 AM I would imaging it's quite an effort to change one, and that they probably don't keep spares on hand given their size. So when one goes out (and someone notices), I wouldn't be surprised if it's out for a week or two while things get coordinated.
bchris02 04-28-2015, 11:11 PM Has anybody noticed that part of the LED lighting on the crown facing north is no longer working?
HOT ROD 04-29-2015, 02:40 AM -surprise-
Mr. Cotter 04-29-2015, 08:25 AM No, but I have noticed my office has been a brisk 62 degrees all week.
ksearls 04-29-2015, 10:03 AM There are also two new windows out on the east side of the building. Not sure what happened. Glass was all over the sidewalk and it was blocked off with caution tape. I few weeks ago this happened on the south side on one of our floors. Secretary came in early and there was wind blowing through the office. The ceiling tiles, ac vents and a picture of the attorney's wife were sucked out of the window and never found.10707
Stickman 04-29-2015, 10:34 AM attorney's wife were sucked out of the window and never found.
:biggrin: love it
There are also two new windows out on the east side of the building. Not sure what happened. Glass was all over the sidewalk and it was blocked off with caution tape. I few weeks ago this happened on the south side on one of our floors. Secretary came in early and there was wind blowing through the office. The ceiling tiles, ac vents and a picture of the attorney's wife were sucked out of the window and never found.
Holy cow!
What the heck is happening there? Very, very dangerous to both occupants and people on the street.
ksearls 04-29-2015, 11:29 AM Holy cow!
What the heck is happening there? Very, very dangerous to both occupants and people on the street.
The window in our office happened in the middle of the night when there was hail. Not sure what time of day the two on the east happened.
Just the facts 04-29-2015, 02:48 PM Earthquake damage?
Mr. Cotter 04-30-2015, 08:28 AM Update from the building on the glass:
"Dear Cotter Tower Tenants,
I imagine many of you have noticed part of the east sidewalk has been blocked off. Tuesday night, two windows between the 6th & 7th floors were broken. We had two different companies take a look at them yesterday, but access to those windows from the interior or exterior of the building is difficult. For this reason, we may not have the windows secured until Friday. Please inform your employees and guests to avoid the area that has been coned off. We are working diligently to address the situation immediately."
bchris02 05-02-2015, 08:54 AM I wish they would just turn off the LEDs at the crown until they can replace the portion that is burned out. It looks awful how it is now.
bchris02 06-05-2015, 12:37 AM It seems like each week more of the LEDs at the top of the Chase Tower are no longer working. It's looking pretty bad these days and I think it would look better if they would just keep the LEDs off. It's been around two months since it has been lit normally. Does anybody know if they are planning to make changes to it? I heard somewhere the Chase sign will be coming down eventually.
HOT ROD 06-08-2015, 04:46 AM just turn it off already. it has aviation beacons on top, just turn those up and THERE.
bchris02 08-16-2015, 11:41 PM nm