03-19-2010, 10:02 PM
The complaints about the smell of the Purina plant reminds me of the folks bitching about the train whistles downtown OKC. You buy a house apparently without checking the negatives and the rest of us have to jump through hoops to make it right for you to live where you choose.
Or the noise of the flight pattern at Will Rogers or Wiley Post. I was raised near Will Rogers, and could actually see the planes on the runway from our house about four miles away. We live on the final to Wiley Post now. Neither has ever bothered me.
Just a bunch of sissy cry babies.
03-19-2010, 10:11 PM
Obviously there are people on both sides of the discussion. What's interesting to me are all the people that like to spout this crap of, "If you don't like it, move." Apparently all of these people just walk away from everything they don't like instead of trying to change things for the better. When confronted with a difficult issue that others may not like, they just say, "Meh....I'm the one whose upset so I shouldn't even try. Better to not make waves and just deal or move on to some less difficult topic like shopping."
Sounds like a typical sissy. Have some balls and stand up for what you believe in. Work with people to make this a better place to live. Don't just run when things get difficult or you'll be running your whole life.
03-19-2010, 11:10 PM
Obviously there are people on both sides of the discussion. What's interesting to me are all the people that like to spout this crap of, "If you don't like it, move." Apparently all of these people just walk away from everything they don't like instead of trying to change things for the better. When confronted with a difficult issue that others may not like, they just say, "Meh....I'm the one whose upset so I shouldn't even try. Better to not make waves and just deal or move on to some less difficult topic like shopping."
Sounds like a typical sissy. Have some balls and stand up for what you believe in. Work with people to make this a better place to live. Don't just run when things get difficult or you'll be running your whole life.
Sound advise. If you don't like it, move. I couldn't have said it better myself... Oh. Wait! I did... Many times.
03-19-2010, 11:28 PM
Obviously there are people on both sides of the discussion. What's interesting to me are all the people that like to spout this crap of, "If you don't like it, move." Apparently all of these people just walk away from everything they don't like instead of trying to change things for the better. When confronted with a difficult issue that others may not like, they just say, "Meh....I'm the one whose upset so I shouldn't even try. Better to not make waves and just deal or move on to some less difficult topic like shopping."
Sounds like a typical sissy. Have some balls and stand up for what you believe in. Work with people to make this a better place to live. Don't just run when things get difficult or you'll be running your whole life.
Jethrol, sorry, but its not crap. It might be different if the plant hadn't been there for 40 years and the people who live nearby bought houses built after the plant was built. Its like buying a house near the airport and then complaining about jet noise. I grew up north of the stock yards and the Wilsons plant so I could smell the rendering all summer long on those calm warm nights. Its part of life, it employs a lot of people, it feeds a lot of pets and its been there longer than most of you have been around.
I lived in Denver until a year ago and moved back to OKC. Coincidentally, there is a Purina plant north of downtown so in the winter you got the smell of dog food right before the snow hit. No one there seems to complain about it, they comment about it but they don't call for it to be closed and its just outside downtown!
03-19-2010, 11:38 PM
Jethrol, sorry, but its not crap. It might be different if the plant hadn't been there for 40 years and the people who live nearby bought houses built after the plant was built. Its like buying a house near the airport and then complaining about jet noise. I grew up north of the stock yards and the Wilsons plant so I could smell the rendering all summer long on those calm warm nights. Its part of life, it employs a lot of people, it feeds a lot of pets and its been there longer than most of you have been around.
I lived in Denver until a year ago and moved back to OKC. Coincidentally, there is a Purina plant north of downtown so in the winter you got the smell of dog food right before the snow hit. No one there seems to complain about it, they comment about it but they don't call for it to be closed and its just outside downtown!
I live west of it so I don't usually smell it till I get closer to it. Perhaps that's why I notice it so much....because I'm not smelling it everyday. However none of that lessens my desire to NOT smell it anymore.
03-21-2010, 11:15 AM
Actually Jethrol....there don't seem to be people on both sides. You seem to be the only one that can't stand the smell...and lets see - if it comes to one person who doesn't like the smell vs a ton of people who get jobs there...hmm I vote for them. I've lived near it for years...yes occasionally it smells like dog food..big deal.
I live about 2 miles from the plant in central edmond, and I drive right by it on my way to and from work every day. I only occasionally smell it, and when I do, it's not that big of a deal.
Put me in the "If you don't like it, move" crowd.