View Full Version : Page 3: Why Your City Sucks: Edmond

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06-15-2014, 02:57 PM
I'm well aware that Edmond had sundown laws, what irks me is when it's brought up routinely as almost some sorta wierd badge of honor about how 'elite' the area was.

That's why I mentioned now days the city is huge and very diverse compared to decades ago.

Im not saying that anyone in this thread has done it but it's like a person bringing up the highschool they went to had 1 minority student, or that their grand parents were really racist or that their family owned slaves.Or that 40 years ago their town was a result of white flight and minorities werent allowed there after dark.

What does it really help or accomplish by bringing it into a conversation.

That's my two cents atleast.

Probably got brought back up because of these numbers from State and County QuickFacts ( Edmond might be "huge and very diverse compared to decades ago", but as of 4 years ago, it's still very white.

OKC - White alone, percent, 2010 (a) 62.7%
Edmond - White alone, percent, 2010 (a) 82.6%

OK as a whole is 72.2% White alone, percent, 2010

06-15-2014, 03:00 PM
I'm not going to lie..for 1 in 5 residents being non white that's pretty high in Oklahoma stardards.

Might as well be Atlanta or tijuana at this point.

Glad I moved before my property value took a hit

Richard at Remax
06-15-2014, 10:59 PM
Haters Gonna Hate. Love my hometown.

06-16-2014, 12:45 AM
Haters Gonna Hate. Love my hometown.


No . . . There weren't any beaches in Boulder either.
(bitches and sons-o-bitches fer sure)
But, Heck . . . We didn't even have Lake Arcadia.
(yet, somehow, the cops were way nicer and more professional than the Edmond cops. =)
(at least those of yesteryear . . .)

06-16-2014, 01:08 AM
I'm not going to lie..for 1 in 5 residents being non white that's pretty high in Oklahoma stardards.

Might as well be Atlanta or tijuana at this point.

Glad I moved before my property value took a hit

Me too.
Isn't that what is generally referred to as a: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?
('r sumpin' like that there?)

06-16-2014, 01:35 PM
Its a well known fact both Edmond and Norman were sundown towns.

Kinda surprised this thread has been revived. That TLO article had been out for some time.

So were lots of towns in Oklahoma, and thousands of towns in the US. It was ignorant then, but way more ignorant is trying to discredit Edmond today because of it. Edmond is a very diverse community and a place many CHOOSE to live in.

06-16-2014, 01:42 PM
So were lots of towns in Oklahoma, and thousands of towns in the US. It was ignorant then, but way more ignorant is trying to discredit Edmond today because of it. Edmond is a very diverse community and a place many CHOOSE to live in.

Who said I was discrediting it? Someone asked and I answered. And if anything, I expressed bewilderment that someone drugged this thread up from so long ago.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth but I can speak for myself. In the mean time, please give the holier-than-thou act a rest.

06-16-2014, 01:50 PM
Probably got brought back up because of these numbers from State and County QuickFacts ( Edmond might be "huge and very diverse compared to decades ago", but as of 4 years ago, it's still very white.

OKC - White alone, percent, 2010 (a) 62.7%
Edmond - White alone, percent, 2010 (a) 82.6%

OK as a whole is 72.2% White alone, percent, 2010

In their defense, that number looks like it has not been adjust for people who consider themselves Hispanic or Latino/a. When you adjust for "White Only not Hispanic" the number for OKC is around 56% while for Edmond its around 79%.

06-16-2014, 01:50 PM
Who said I was discrediting it? Someone asked and I answered. And if anything, I expressed bewilderment that someone drugged this thread up from so long ago.

Thanks for putting words in my mouth but I can speak for myself. In the mean time, please give the holier-than-thou act a rest.

Did you really mean "dragged" instead of "drugged"? =)
sorry, left brain acting up or out . . . or is that right brain?

(I do know one thing: I'm not anti-Semantic. Thank you Dr. Hayakawa and your henchman, Kurt Vonnegut. And you, too, Mr. Seinfeld)

Here's why "Edmond" Sucks: The Developers Always Win. The Fox Lake/Walmart "Debate" a few years ago proved it.
Please be Advised: I never lived in Fox Lake, yet the Uncontrolled SubUrbanSprawl Traffic thing goes without saying and remains unabated.

(no disrespect implied nor intended to the fine folks in Edmond
only to the government of that special place.
simply be more kind, in the general sense of the word,
when you step into the voting booth
next time)

Edmond reminds me of a NuevoRiche Enclave on the other side of the tracks.
(and I'm a PoBoy simply looking through the window of a store that has nothing for me. =)

06-16-2014, 01:54 PM
Did you really mean "dragged" instead of "drugged"? =)
sorry, left brain acting up or out . . . or is that right brain?

I actually meant to say "drudged" but i was too irritated to spell it right. Some people just have that affect on me :)

Plutonic Panda
06-16-2014, 01:56 PM
So were lots of towns in Oklahoma, and thousands of towns in the US. It was ignorant then, but way more ignorant is trying to discredit Edmond today because of it. Edmond is a very diverse community and a place many CHOOSE to live in.Edmond is getting diverse and arguably-at least from what I've seen-has one of the biggest middle easterner populations in the state, but to call it very diverse is a bit of a stretch.

If you consider a community that has 82% of one race making up the population diverse, then I don't know what to say. That being said, it is becoming more diverse every day and I experience it first hand.

Also, I don't where anyone is discrediting it. That seems to just be overreaction on your part.

Plutonic Panda
06-16-2014, 01:58 PM
And if anything, I expressed bewilderment that someone drugged this thread up from so long ago.That was my fault. I wasn't a poster when this thread was created and was digging through the Edmond thread to make I didn't post a thread that had the same subject already posted; I saw this thread and thought 'hey that is pretty funny', so I commented. Fault on my part.

06-16-2014, 02:28 PM
That was my fault. I wasn't a poster when this thread was created and was digging through the Edmond thread to make I didn't post a thread that had the same subject already posted; I saw this thread and thought 'hey that is pretty funny', so I commented. Fault on my part.

No worries PluPlan. I was sincerly curious...not trying to be a jerk here so sorry if it came off that way.

In any event, I agree that Edmond is not diverse compared to other "new money" suburbs in this part of the country. At the same time, not diverse=/=racist.

06-16-2014, 04:28 PM
Edmond is getting diverse and arguably-at least from what I've seen-has one of the biggest middle easterner populations in the state, but to call it very diverse is a bit of a stretch.

If you consider a community that has 82% of one race making up the population diverse, then I don't know what to say. That being said, it is becoming more diverse every day and I experience it first hand.

Also, I don't where anyone is discrediting it. That seems to just be overreaction on your part.

I guess some only see race as the diversity issue. And, after multiple posts implying things and referencing the sundown law, it isn't overreacting to point out the fact that it is not applicable to Edmond today. But, some don't like alternate opinion and I guess think that disagreeing is overreaction. But to me, knocking Edmond today for something that happened 50 years ago or longer seems sort of like an overreaction as well. Oh well.

Plutonic Panda
06-16-2014, 09:47 PM
I wasn't knocking Edmond