View Full Version : Oklahoma Dodgeball Association

02-15-2005, 04:03 PM
Just wanting to spread the word to everyone in Oklahoma City that the Oklahoma Dodgeball Association is having it's 3rd Dodgeball Tournament on March 5th at Crossings Community Church. The first 2 tournaments were a blast and even had some OU football players in the previous tournaments. For more info and entry forms go to Oklahoma City, get out of the house and play some dodgeball, bring back the memories of elementary school!!

02-18-2005, 06:50 PM
Just wanting to spread the word to everyone in Oklahoma City that the Oklahoma Dodgeball Association is having it's 3rd Dodgeball Tournament on March 5th at Crossings Community Church. The first 2 tournaments were a blast and even had some OU football players in the previous tournaments. For more info and entry forms go to ( Oklahoma City, get out of the house and play some dodgeball, bring back the memories of elementary school!!

Just remember, this is dodgeball, not volleyball. I called it volleyball earlier. THINK DODGEBALL.

02-19-2005, 12:55 AM
Hey DaDeuces wild, thanks for your post, and thanks for your participation on OKC Talk. I find it interesting that there's an association in town for dodgeball. I guess I learn something new every day! lol! Anyways, I bet the tournament will be a lot of fun!