01-22-2010, 01:19 PM
Anyone noticed in Qual Springs and Penn Square Malls they have places in the food court called Famous Cajun Grill that do not serve cajun food but asian food? They have a dish they call Bourbon Chicken that is not a Cajun dish at all. I guess implying some Bourbon Street connection to a chicken dish makes it Cajun.
Bigray in Ok
01-22-2010, 01:21 PM
yes. i consider it one of life's mysteries.
01-22-2010, 05:24 PM
I think almost every mall in this country has one of those places. Nasty. Very Nasty.
actually, as mall food goes, it is one of the few places i will eat.
01-23-2010, 06:50 AM
Never tried the place, but I don't really grasp the whole mall food concept.
It's been so very long since I ever even thought about staying at a mall long enough to get hungry while I was there. Don't like the places all that much.
01-23-2010, 08:26 AM
That reminds me of my only food court story.
I knew an all but confirmed bachelor - a brilliant, shy, professional man - who decided in his mid forties that he needed a wife and children. So he needed a younger woman. For some reason that is a mystery to me, he asked if I knew anyone. I didn't. He managed to find some lady on his own and confided that they were going on their first date and he was taking her to the food court so she would have a choice of types of food. I was speechless. Good friend that I am, I didn't try to talk him out of it.
The woman he asked out is a sensible, kind soul and they've been married nearly 15 happy years. No kids but they are happy. And she wasn't THAT much younger.
She is also a great cook.