View Full Version : Another development canned?

01-11-2010, 11:45 AM
Sometimes the only hint that a project is being scrapped is the removal of the signs (as was witnessed with Quail Crossing at Western and Memorial in northwest OKC).
For two or more years passersby have seen a sign with the following image:
Central Park was to be a mixed-use retail development at Kelly and 2nd. The signs are now gone.

01-11-2010, 02:58 PM
How unceremonious an end to these proposed developments given they're usually unveiled with such fanfare. However, totally unsurprising given the current economic climate.

01-11-2010, 03:24 PM
Every time I drive by that intersection and see that empty corner, I find myself wishing OnCue would build a place there.

01-18-2010, 01:40 PM
Ehh... Edmond needs another strip mall as much as it needs more churches

01-18-2010, 02:11 PM
Ehh... Edmond needs another strip mall as much as it needs more churches

or traffic lights

01-18-2010, 02:38 PM
whats the deal, with all these northside developments falling and the south side of the metro, especially moore is still retail growing?

01-19-2010, 11:59 AM
whats the deal, with all these northside developments falling and the south side of the metro, especially moore is still retail growing?

Yeah, I thought we were recession proof :fighting2

01-19-2010, 12:04 PM
Yeah, I thought we were recession proof :fighting2

OKC, on average, has had the lowest unemployment in the country for the past year. We're doing fine.

01-20-2010, 11:58 AM
OKC, on average, has had the lowest unemployment in the country for the past year. We're doing fine.

MM hmm - Also know that a lot of that stuff hits us later - also, have you not been hearing all the budget shortfalls? I think we are not "fine" - for now we are doing better than many other places, and I hope it remains so, but I'm afraid with the shortfall in revenues, we may be in the same position as many other places soon.