View Full Version : Family History

01-10-2010, 07:23 AM
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this kind of post but I'm not sure where else on the board would be.
I've been researching some family history for my daughter. She is 9 yrs old and really into history and has been asking alot of questions about my family. The problems is I was raised by my grandparents who are both gone now and since then there was a major falling out with what lil family i had left so all i have to go on are stories I was told growing up and lets be honest, most of us were only half listening when those ol days stories were told. (If i could do it all over I'd been there with pad and pencil writing down every detail.)
Soo, point being I know my grandfather was born in Spaulding, Oklahoma in 1930. I believe they grew up around Eufaula area.
Stories I remember are that I was related to Belle Star, my great grandmother was born durning the landrun and they claim the land on or around the first national building downtown, there was some relation to the tropsers as in trosper park and someone ran but lost the governor seat.
Does anyone have any ideas of where I could continue my search? Like I said i have my grandfather's name and birth place as well as his parents names and his sisters (half i think) maiden names being Shirley.

01-10-2010, 07:36 AM
Sorry I can't offer any specific help but I would start here OKGenWeb - THE place for Oklahoma genealogy (
BTW, I think it's great that your daughter is showing an interest in her family history! Good luck in your search.

01-10-2010, 09:58 AM
Well since you have names and places you are in luck!! There are many sources available online for doing research and some are free! The first thing I would do is get a family tree software program. Organization is key in genealogical research. I use Family Tree Builder available through and the best part it's free. The first stop for info would be the Library. The Metropolitan Library has a database called Heritage Quest available online. It has the US Census indexed, so all you need to do is search for names and dates, Next, turn to the LDS site, (also free) you can also search for census records and if someone has downloaded a family tree, you can get help there as well. The last site is a pay site, but you can select monthly or yearly rates. has census records, family trees, military records etc. Well worth the price paid. I also agree with Stick concerning the GenWeb sites. You can get a lot of local flavor there, especially with local societies, cemetary locations etc. Good Luck and good Hunting !

01-10-2010, 10:05 AM
Go to the Oklahoma History Center ( they've got a great research area & the staff is very helpful. Knowing the names & birthplaces you do, you should be able to find them on the census (which you can see there at the history center) records. You'll also be able to find out alot about Belle Star there as well. I'm pretty sure they have books about her in their giftshop. Good luck!

01-10-2010, 12:17 PM
If your relative was in Oklahoma County, you can search the grantee/grantor indexes on the County Assessor's site. It'll tell you about what property they owned or sold. You probably won't get an image, but you can probably get a book and page. They still keep a lot of the original land transaction records down at the county office building either in their original book/page form or on microfiche.

01-10-2010, 01:26 PM
Thank you guys! I cant wait to get some time dig thorugh some of these resources:)

01-10-2010, 04:18 PM
Thank you guys! I cant wait to get some time dig thorugh some of these resources:)

It becomes very addictive....

01-10-2010, 06:46 PM
I'm not sure if this is the right place for this kind of post but I'm not sure
where else on the board would be.
Try the census information at the Oklahoma Hysterical Society. I managed to
find some relatives by using it. Side note: I never realized that so many of
my relatives were born in Oklahoma Indian Territory! When you do find them,
check the local newspaper archives and court house records from the area.